Peter J. Haeussler
United States Geological Survey
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Featured researches published by Peter J. Haeussler.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 2003
Peter J. Haeussler; Dwight C. Bradley; Ray E. Wells; Marti L. Miller
Onshore evidence suggests that a plate is missing from published reconstructions of the northeastern Pacific Ocean in Paleocene– Eocene time. The Resurrection plate, named for the Resurrection Peninsula ophiolite near Seward, Alaska, was located east of the Kula plate and north of the Farallon plate. We interpret coeval near-trench magmatism in southern Alaska and the Cascadia margin as evidence for two slab windows associated with trench-ridge-trench (TRT) triple junctions, which formed the western and southern boundaries of the Resurrection plate. In Alaska, the Sanak-Baranof belt of near-trench intrusions records a west-to-east migration, from 61 to 50 Ma, of the northern TRT triple junction along a 2100-km-long section of coastline. In Oregon, Washington, and southern Vancouver Island, voluminous basaltic volcanism of the Siletz River Volcanics, Crescent Formation, and Metchosin Volcanics occurred between ca. 66 and 48 Ma. Lack of a clear age progression of magmatism along the Cascadia margin suggests that this southern triple junction did not migrate significantly. Synchronous near-trench magmatism from southeastern Alaska to Puget Sound at ca. 50 Ma documents the middle Eocene subduction of a spreading center, the crest of which was subparallel to the margin. We interpret this ca. 50 Ma event as recording the subduction-zone consumption of the last of the Resurrection plate. The existence and subsequent subduction of the Resurrection plate explains (1) northward terrane transport along the southeastern Alaska–British Columbia margin between 70 and 50 Ma, synchronous with an eastward-migrating triple junction in southern Alaska; (2) rapid uplift and voluminous magmatism in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia prior to 50 Ma related to subduction of buoyant, young oceanic crust of the Resurrection plate; (3) cessation of Coast Mountains magmatism at ca. 50 Ma due to cessation of subduction, (4) primitive mafic magmatism in the Coast Mountains and Cascade Range just after 50 Ma, related to slab-window magmatism, (5) birth of the Queen Charlotte transform margin at ca. 50 Ma, (6) extensional exhumation of high-grade metamorphic terranes and development of core complexes in British Columbia, Idaho, and Washington, and extensional collapse of the Cordilleran foreland fold-and-thrust belt in Alberta, Montana, and Idaho after 50 Ma related to initiation of the transform margin, (7) enigmatic 53–45 Ma magmatism associated with extension from Montana to the Yukon Territory as related to slab breakup and the formation of a slab window, (8) right-lateral margin-parallel strike-slip faulting in southern and western Alaska during Late Cretaceous and Paleocene time, which cannot be explained by Farallon convergence vectors, and (9) simultaneous changes in Pacific-Farallon and Pacific-Kula plate motions concurrent with demise of the Kula-Resurrection Ridge.
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | 2004
Peter J. Haeussler; David P. Schwartz; Timothy E. Dawson; Heidi D. Stenner; James J. Lienkaemper; Brian L. Sherrod; F. R. Cinti; Paola Montone; Patricia Craw; Anthony J. Crone; Stephen F. Personius
The 3 November 2002 Denali fault, Alaska, earthquake resulted in 341 km of surface rupture on the Susitna Glacier, Denali, and Totschunda faults. The rupture proceeded from west to east and began with a 48-km-long break on the previously unknown Susitna Glacier thrust fault. Slip on this thrust averaged about 4 m (Crone et al. , 2004). Next came the principal surface break, along 226 km of the Denali fault, with average right-lateral offsets of 4.5–5.1 m and a maximum offset of 8.8 m near its eastern end. The Denali fault trace is commonly left stepping and north side up. About 99 km of the fault ruptured through glacier ice, where the trace orientation was commonly influenced by local ice fabric. Finally, slip transferred southeastward onto the Totschunda fault and continued for another 66 km where dextral offsets average 1.6–1.8 m. The transition from the Denali fault to the Totschunda fault occurs over a complex 25-km-long transfer zone of right-slip and normal fault traces. Three methods of calculating average surface slip all yield a moment magnitude of M w 7.8, in very good agreement with the seismologically determined magnitude of M 7.9. A comparison of strong-motion inversions for moment release with our slip distribution shows they have a similar pattern. The locations of the two largest pulses of moment release correlate with the locations of increasing steps in the average values of observed slip. This suggests that slip-distribution data can be used to infer moment release along other active fault traces. Online Material : Descriptions and photographs of localities with offset measurements.
Geological Society of America Special Papers | 2003
Dwight C. Bradley; Timothy M. Kusky; Peter J. Haeussler; Richard J. Goldfarb; Marti L. Miller; Julie A. Dumoulin; Steven W. Nelson; Susan M. Karl
A mid-Paleocene to early Eocene encounter between an oceanic spreading center and a subduction zone produced a wide range of geologic features in Alaska. The most striking effects are seen in the accretionary prism (Chugach-Prince William terrane), where 61 to 50 Ma near-trench granitic to gabbroic plutons were intruded into accreted trench sediments that had been deposited only a few million years earlier. This short time interval also saw the genesis of ophiolites, some of which contain syngenetic massive sulfide deposits; the rapid burial of these ophiolites beneath trench turbidites, followed immediately by obduction; anomalous high-T, low-P, near-trench metamorphism; intense ductile deformation; motion on transverse strike-slip and normal faults; gold mineralization; and uplift of the accretionary prism above sea level. The magmatic arc experienced a brief flare-up followed by quiescence. In the Alaskan interior, 100 to 600 km landward of the paleotrench, several Paleocene to Eocene sedimentary basins underwent episodes of extensional subsidence, accompanied by bimodal volcanism. Even as far as 1000 km inboard of the paleotrench, the ancestral Brooks Range and its foreland basin experienced a pulse of uplift that followed about 40 million years of quiescence. All of these events-but most especially those in the accretionary prism-can be attributed with varying degrees of confidence to the subduction of an oceanic spreading center. In this model, the ophiolites and allied ore deposits were produced at the soon-to-be subducted ridge. Near-trench magmatism, metamorphism, deformation, and gold mineralization took place in the accretionary prism above a slab window, where hot asthenosphere welled up into the gap between the two subducted, but still diverging, plates. Deformation took place as the critically tapered accretionary prism adjusted its shape to changes in the bathymetry of the incoming plate, changes in the convergence direction before and after ridge subduction, and changes in the strength of the prism as it was heated and then cooled. In this model, events in the Alaskan interior would have taken place above more distal, deeper parts of the slab window. Extensional (or transtensional) basin subsidence was driven by the two subducting plates that each exerted different tractions on the upper plate. The magmatic lull along the arc presumably marks a time when hydrated lithosphere was not being subducted beneath the arc axis. The absence of a subducting slab also may explain uplift of the Brooks Range and North Slope: Geodynamic models predict that long-wavelength uplift of this magnitude will take place far inboard from Andean-type margins when a subducting slab is absent. Precise correlations between events in the accretionary prism and the Alaskan interior are hampered, however, by palinspastic problems. During and since the early Tertiary, margin-parallel strike-slip faulting has offset the near-trench plutonic belt-i.e., the very basis for locating the triple junction and slab window-from its backstop, by an amount that remains controversial. Near-trench magmatism began at 61 Ma at Sanak Island in the west but not until 51 Ma at Baranof Island, 2200 km to the east. A west-to-east age progression suggests migration of a trench-ridge-trench triple junction, which we term the Sanak-Baranof triple junction. Most workers have held that the subducted ridge separated the Kula and Farallon plates. As a possible alternative, we suggest that the ridge may have separated the Kula plate from another oceanic plate to the east, which we have termed the Resurrection plate.
Geology | 1995
Peter J. Haeussler; Dwight C. Bradley; Richard J. Goldfarb; Lawrence W. Snee; Cliff D. Taylor
40 Ar/ 39 Ar geochronology reveals that turbidite-hosted gold deposits in the southern Alaska accretionary prism are the same age as nearby near-trench plutons. These early Tertiary plutons and gold lodes formed above a slab window during subduction of an oceanic spreading center. Ridge subduction is a previously unrecognized tectonic process for the generation of lode gold.
Tectonics | 1997
Timothy M. Kusky; Dwight C. Bradley; Peter J. Haeussler; Susan M. Karl
Controls on accretion of flysch and melange terranes at convergent margins are poorly understood. Southern Alaskas Chugach terrane forms the outboard accretionary margin of the Wrangellia composite terrane, and consists of two major lithotectonic units, including Triassic-Cretaceous melange of the McHugh Complex and Late Cretaceous flysch of the Valdez Group. The contact between the McHugh Complex and the Valdez Group on the Kenai Peninsula is a tectonic boundary between chaotically deformed melange of argillite, chert, greenstone, and graywacke of the McHugh Complex and a less chaotically deformed melange of argillite and graywacke of the Valdez Group. We assign the latter to a new, informal unit of formational rank, the Iceworm melange, and interpret it as a contractional fault zone (Chugach Bay thrust) along which the Valdez Group was emplaced beneath the McHugh Complex. The McHugh Complex had already been deformed and metamorphosed to prehnite-pumpellyite facies prior to formation of the Iceworm melange. The Chugach Bay thrust formed between 75 and 55 Ma, as shown by Campanian-Maastrichtian depositional ages of the Valdez Group, and fault-related fabrics in the Iceworm melange that are cut by Paleocene dikes. Motion along the Chugach Bay thrust thus followed Middle to Late Cretaceous collision (circa 90–100 Ma) of the Wrangellia composite terrane with North America. Collision related uplift and erosion of mountains in British Columbia formed a submarine fan on the Farallon plate, and we suggest that attempted subduction of this fan dramatically changed the subduction/accretion style within the Chugach accretionary wedge. We propose a model in which subduction of thinly sedimented plates concentrates shear strains in a narrow zone, generating melanges like the McHugh in accretionary complexes. Subduction of thickly sedimented plates allows wider distribution of shear strains to accommodate plate convergence, generating a more coherent accretionary style including the fold-thrust structures that dominate the outcrop pattern in the Valdez belt. Rapid underplating and frontal accretion of the Valdez Group caused a critical taper adjustment of the accretionary wedge, including exhumation of the metamorphosed McHugh Complex, and its emplacement over the Valdez Group. The Iceworm melange formed in a zone of focused fluid flow at the boundary between the McHugh Complex and Valdez Group during this critical taper adjustment of the wedge to these changing boundary conditions.
Geology | 2006
Ari Matmon; David P. Schwartz; Peter J. Haeussler; Robert C. Finkel; James J. Lienkaemper; Heidi D. Stenner; Todd E. Dawson
The Denali fault is the principal intracontinental strike-slip fault accommodating deformation of interior Alaska associated with the Yakutat plate convergence. We obtained the first quantitative late Pleistocene–Holocene slip rates on the Denali fault system from dating offset geomorphic features. Analysis of cosmogenic 10Be concentrations in boulders ( n = 27) and sediment ( n = 13) collected at seven sites, offset 25–170 m by the Denali and Totschunda faults, gives average ages that range from 2.4 ± 0.3 ka to 17.0 ± 1.8 ka. These offsets and ages yield late Pleistocene– Holocene average slip rates of 9.4 ± 1.6, 12.1 ± 1.7, and 8.4 ± 2.2 mm/yr−1 along the western, central, and eastern Denali fault, respectively, and 6.0 ± 1.2 mm/yr−1 along the Totschunda fault. Our results suggest a westward decrease in the mean Pleistocene– Holocene slip rate. This westward decrease likely results from partitioning of slip from the Denali fault system to thrust faults to the north and west.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 2000
Peter J. Haeussler; Ronald L. Bruhn; Thomas L. Pratt
The Cook Inlet basin is a northeast-trending forearc basin above the Aleutian subduction zone in southern Alaska. Folds in Cook Inlet are complex, discontinuous structures with variable shape and vergence that probably developed by right-transpressional deformation on oblique-slip faults extending downward into Mesozoic basement beneath the Tertiary basin. The most recent episode of deformation may have began as early as late Miocene time, but most of the deformation occurred after deposition of much of the Pliocene Sterling Formation. Deformation continued into Quaternary time, and many structures are probably still active. One structure, the Castle Mountain fault, has Holocene fault scarps, an adjacent anticline with flower structure, and historical seismicity. If other structures in Cook Inlet are active, blind faults coring fault-propagation folds may generate M w 6–7+ earthquakes. Dextral transpression of Cook Inlet appears to have been driven by coupling between the North American and Pacific plates along the Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone, and by lateral escape of the forearc to the southwest, due to collision and indentation of the Yakutat terrane 300 km to the east of the basin.
Geosphere | 2011
Jeff A. Benowitz; Paul W. Layer; Phil Armstrong; S. E. Perry; Peter J. Haeussler; Paul G. Fitzgerald; Sam VanLaningham
40 Ar/ 39 Ar, apatite fission-track, and apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronological techniques were used to determine the Neogene exhumation history of the topographically asymmetric eastern Alaska Range. Exhumation cooling ages range from ∼33 Ma to ∼18 Ma for 40 Ar/ 39 Ar biotite, ∼18 Ma to ∼6 Ma for K-feldspar minimum closure ages, and ∼15 Ma to ∼1 Ma for apatite fission-track ages, and apatite (U-Th)/He cooling ages range from ∼4 Ma to ∼1 Ma. There has been at least ∼11 km of exhumation adjacent to the north side of Denali fault during the Neogene inferred from biotite 40 Ar/ 39 Ar thermochronology. Variations in exhumation history along and across the strike of the fault are influenced by both far-field effects and local structural irregularities. We infer deformation and rapid exhumation have been occurring in the eastern Alaska Range since at least ∼22 Ma most likely related to the continued collision of the Yakutat microplate with the North American plate. The Nenana Mountain region is the late Pleistocene to Holocene (∼past 1 Ma) primary locus of tectonically driven exhumation in the eastern Alaska Range, possibly related to variations in fault geometry. During the Pliocene, a marked increase in climatic instability and related global cooling is temporally correlated with an increase in exhumation rates in the eastern Alaska Range north of the Denali fault system.
Journal of Structural Geology | 1997
Timothy M. Kusky; Dwight C. Bradley; Peter J. Haeussler
Abstract The Mesozoic accretionary wedge of south-central Alaska is cut by an array of faults including dextral and sinistral strike-slip faults, synthetic and antithetic thrust faults, and synthetic and antithetic normal faults. The three fault sets are characterized by quartz ± calcite ± chlorite ± prehnite slickensides, and are all relatively late, i.e. all truncate ductile fabrics of the host rocks. Cross-cutting relationships suggest that the thrust fault sets predate the late normal and strike-slip fault sets. Together, the normal and strike-slip fault system exhibits orthorhombic symmetry. Thrust faulting shortened the wedge subhorizontally perpendicular to strike, and then normal and strike-slip faulting extended the wedge oblique to orogenic strike. Strongly curved slickenlines on some faults of each set reveal that displacement directions changed over time. On dip-slip faults (thrust and normal), slickenlines tend to become steeper with younger increments of slip, whereas on strike-slip faults, slickenlines become shallower with younger strain increments. These patterns may result from progressive exhumation of the accretionary wedge while the faults were active, with the curvature of the slickenlines tracking the change from a non-Andersonian stress field at depth to a more Andersonian system (σ 1 or σ 2 nearly vertical) at shallower crustal levels. We interpret this complex fault array as a progressive deformation that is one response to Paleocene-Eocene subduction of the Kula-Farallon spreading center beneath the accretionary complex because: (1) on the Kenai Peninsula, ENE-striking dextral faults of this array exhibit mutually cross-cutting relationships with Paleocene-Eocene dikes related to ridge subduction; and (2) mineralized strike-slip and normal faults of the orthorhombic system have yielded 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages identical to near-trench intrusives related to ridge subduction. Both features are diachronous along-strike, having formed at circa 65 Ma in the west and 50 Ma in the east. Exhumation of deeper levels of the southern Alaska accretionary wedge and formation of this late fault array is interpreted as a critical taper adjustment to subduction of progressively younger oceanic lithosphere yielding a shallower basal de´collement dip as the Kula-Farallon ridge approached the accretionary prism. The late structures also record different kinematic regimes associated with subduction of different oceanic plates, before and after ridge subduction. Prior to triple junction passage, subduction of the Farallon plate occurred at nearly right angles to the trench axis, whereas after triple junction migration, subduction of the Kula plate involved a significant component of dextral transpression and northward translation of the Chugach terrane. The changes in kinematics are apparent in the sequence of late structures from: (1) thrusting; (2) near-trench plutonism associated with normal + strike-slip faulting; (3) very late gouge-filled dextral faults.
Geological Society of America Special Papers | 2003
Timothy M. Kusky; Dwight C. Bradley; D. Thomas Donely; David B. Rowley; Peter J. Haeussler
A belt of Paleogene near-trench plutons known as the Sanak-Baranof belt intruded the southern Alaska convergent margin. A compilation of isotopic ages of these plutons shows that they range in age from 61 Ma in the west to ca. 50 Ma in the east. This migrating pulse of magmatism along the continental margin is consistent with North Pacific plate reconstructions that suggests the plutons were generated by migration of a trench-ridge-trench triple junction along the margin. On the Kenai Peninsula the regional lower greenschist metamorphic grade of the turbiditic host rocks, texture of the plutons, contact-metamorphic assemblage, and isotopic and fluid inclusion studies suggest that the plutons were emplaced at pressures of 1.5-3.0 kbars (5.2-10.5 km) into a part of the accretionary wedge with an ambient temperature of 210-300 °C. The presence of kyanite, garnet, and cordierite megacrysts in the plutons indicates that the melts were generated at a depth greater than 20 km and minimum temperature of 650 °C. These megacrysts are probably xenocrystic remnants of a restitic or contact metamorphic phase entrained by the melt during intrusion. However, it is also possible that they are primary magmatic phases crystallized from the peraluminous melt. Plutons of the Sanak-Baranof belt serve as time and strain markers separating kinematic regimes that predate and postdate ridge subduction. Pre-ridge subduction structures are interpreted to be related to the interaction between the leading oceanic plate and the Chugach terrane. These include regional thrust faults, NE-striking map-scale folds with associated axial planar foliation, type-1 melanges, and an array of faults within the contact aureole indicating shortening largely accommodated by layer-parallel extension. Syn-ridge subduction features include the plutons, dikes, and ductile shear zones within contact aureoles with syn-kinematic metamorphic mineral growth and foliation development. Many of the studied plutons have sheeted margins and appear to have intruded along extensional jogs in margin-parallel strike-slip faults, whereas others form significant angles with the main faults and may have been influenced by minor faults of other orientations. Some of the plutons of the Sanak-Baranof belt have their long axes oriented parallel to faults of an orthorhombic fault set, implying that these faults may have provided a conduit for magma emplacement. This orthorhombic set of late faults is interpreted to have initially formed during the ridge subduction event, and continued to be active for a short time after passage of the triple junction. ENE-striking dextral faults of this orthorhombic fault system exhibit mutually crosscutting relationships with Eocene dikes related to ridge subduction, and mineralized strike-slip and normal faults of this system have yielded 4 0 Ar/ 3 9 Ar ages identical to near-trench intrusives related to ridge subduction. Movement on the orthorhombic fault system accommodated exhumation of deeper levels of the southern Alaska accretionary wedge, which is interpreted as a critical taper adjustment to subduction of younger oceanic lithosphere during ridge subduction. These faults therefore accommodate both deformation of the wedge and assisted emplacement of near-trench plutons. Structures that crosscut the plutons and aureoles include the orthorhombic fault set and dextral strike-slip faults, reflecting a new kinematic regime established after ridge subduction, during underthrusting of the trailing oceanic plate with new dextral-oblique convergence vectors with the overriding plate. The observation that the orthorhombic fault set both cuts and is cut by Eocene intrusives demonstrates the importance of these faults for magma emplacement in the forearc. A younger, ca. 35 Ma suite of plutons intrudes the Chugach terrane in the Prince William Sound region, and their intrusion geometry was strongly influenced by pre-existing faults developed during ridge subduction