
Featured researches published by Peter J. Magill.

Nature | 2003

Brain-state- and cell-type-specific firing of hippocampal interneurons in vivo

Thomas Klausberger; Peter J. Magill; László F. Márton; J. David B. Roberts; Philip M. Cobden; György Buzsáki; Peter Somogyi

Neural-network oscillations at distinct frequencies have been implicated in the encoding, consolidation and retrieval of information in the hippocampus. Some GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid)-containing interneurons fire phase-locked to theta oscillations (4–8u2009Hz) or to sharp-wave-associated ripple oscillations (120–200u2009Hz), which represent different behavioural states. Interneurons also entrain pyramidal cells in vitro. The large diversity of interneurons poses the question of whether they have specific roles in shaping distinct network activities in vivo. Here we report that three distinct interneuron types—basket, axo-axonic and oriens–lacunosum-moleculare cells—visualized and defined by synaptic connectivity as well as by neurochemical markers, contribute differentially to theta and ripple oscillations in anaesthetized rats. The firing patterns of individual cells of the same class are remarkably stereotyped and provide unique signatures for each class. We conclude that the diversity of interneurons, innervating distinct domains of pyramidal cells, emerged to coordinate the activity of pyramidal cells in a temporally distinct and brain-state-dependent manner.

Trends in Neurosciences | 2002

Move to the rhythm: oscillations in the subthalamic nucleus-external globus pallidus network.

Mark D. Bevan; Peter J. Magill; David Terman; J. Paul Bolam; Charles J. Wilson

Recent anatomical, physiological and computer modeling studies have revealed that oscillatory processes at the levels of single neurons and neuronal networks in the subthalamic nucleus (STN) and external globus pallidus (GPe) are associated with the operation of the basal ganglia in health and in Parkinsons disease (PD). Autonomous oscillation of STN and GPe neurons underlies tonic activity and is important for synaptic integration, whereas abnormal low-frequency rhythmic bursting in the STN and GPe is characteristic of PD. These recent findings provide further support for the view that the basal ganglia use both the pattern and the rate of neuronal activity to encode information.

Neuroscience | 2001

Dopamine regulates the impact of the cerebral cortex on the subthalamic nucleus-globus pallidus network.

Peter J. Magill; J P Bolam; Mark D. Bevan

The subthalamic nucleus-globus pallidus network plays a central role in basal ganglia function and dysfunction. To determine whether the relationship between activity in this network and the principal afferent of the basal ganglia, the cortex, is altered in a model of Parkinsons disease, we recorded unit activity in the subthalamic nucleus-globus pallidus network together with cortical electroencephalogram in control and 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats under urethane anaesthesia. Subthalamic nucleus neurones in control and 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned animals exhibited low-frequency oscillatory activity, which was tightly correlated with cortical slow-wave activity (approximately 1 Hz). The principal effect of dopamine depletion was that subthalamic nucleus neurones discharged more intensely (233% of control) and globus pallidus neurones developed low-frequency oscillatory firing patterns, without changes in mean firing rate. Ipsilateral cortical ablation largely abolished low-frequency oscillatory activity in the subthalamic nucleus and globus pallidus. These data suggest that abnormal low-frequency oscillatory activity in the subthalamic nucleus-globus pallidus network in the dopamine-depleted state is generated by the inappropriate processing of rhythmic cortical input. A component (15-20%) of the network still oscillated following cortical ablation in 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned animals, implying that intrinsic properties may also pattern activity when dopamine levels are reduced. The response of the network to global activation was altered by 6-hydroxydopamine lesions. Subthalamic nucleus neurones were excited to a greater extent than in control animals and the majority of globus pallidus neurones were inhibited, in contrast to the excitation elicited in control animals. Inhibitory responses of globus pallidus neurones were abolished by cortical ablation, suggesting that the indirect pathway is augmented abnormally during activation of the dopamine-depleted brain. Taken together, these results demonstrate that both the rate and pattern of activity of subthalamic nucleus and globus pallidus neurones are altered profoundly by chronic dopamine depletion. Furthermore, the relative contribution of rate and pattern to aberrant information coding is intimately related to the state of activation of the cerebral cortex.

Trends in Neurosciences | 2004

Pedunculopontine nucleus and basal ganglia: distant relatives or part of the same family?

Juan Mena-Segovia; J. Paul Bolam; Peter J. Magill

The basal ganglia are more highly interconnected with the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPN) than with any other brain region. Regulation and relay of basal ganglia activity are two key functions of the PPN. The PPN provides an interface for the basal ganglia to influence sleep and waking, and the two structures are similarly implicated in learning, reward and other cognitive functions. Perturbations of basal ganglia activity have consequences for the PPN and vice versa, exemplified by their interdependencies in motor function and Parkinsons disease. Thus, close anatomical and physiological links between the PPN and basal ganglia make it increasingly difficult to consider the two as separate functional entities.

Nature Neuroscience | 2004

Spike timing of dendrite-targeting bistratified cells during hippocampal network oscillations in vivo.

Thomas Klausberger; László F. Márton; Agnes Baude; J. David B. Roberts; Peter J. Magill; Peter Somogyi

Behavior-contingent network oscillations bring about transient, functionally coherent neuronal assemblies in the cerebral cortex, including the hippocampus. Inhibitory input on and close to the soma is believed to phase intrinsic oscillations and output of pyramidal cells, but the function of GABA release to pyramidal cell dendrites remains unknown. We recorded the oscillation-locked spike timing of identified bistratified interneurons in rats. These cells mainly innervated small dendritic shafts of pyramidal cells co-aligned with the glutamatergic Schaffer collateral/commissural input. During theta oscillations, bistratified cells fired at a phase when, on average, pyramidal cell dendrites are most hyperpolarized. Interneurons targeting the perisomatic domain discharge at an earlier phase. During sharp wave–associated ripples, bistratified cells fired with high frequency and in-phase with basket cells, on average 1–2 ms after the discharges in pyramidal cell somata and dendrites. Our results indicate that bistratified cells rhythmically modulate glutamatergic input to the dendrites of pyramidal cells to actively promote the precise input/output transformation during network oscillations.

The Journal of Neuroscience | 2008

Disrupted Dopamine Transmission and the Emergence of Exaggerated Beta Oscillations in Subthalamic Nucleus and Cerebral Cortex

Nicolas Mallet; Alek Pogosyan; Andrew Sharott; Jozsef Csicsvari; J P Bolam; Peter Brown; Peter J. Magill

In the subthalamic nucleus (STN) of Parkinsons disease (PD) patients, a pronounced synchronization of oscillatory activity at beta frequencies (15–30 Hz) accompanies movement difficulties. Abnormal beta oscillations and motor symptoms are concomitantly and acutely suppressed by dopaminergic therapies, suggesting that these inappropriate rhythms might also emerge acutely from disrupted dopamine transmission. The neural basis of these abnormal beta oscillations is unclear, and how they might compromise information processing, or how they arise, is unknown. Using a 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rodent model of PD, we demonstrate that beta oscillations are inappropriately exaggerated, compared with controls, in a brain-state-dependent manner after chronic dopamine loss. Exaggerated beta oscillations are expressed at the levels of single neurons and small neuronal ensembles, and are focally present and spatially distributed within STN. They are also expressed in synchronous population activities, as evinced by oscillatory local field potentials, in STN and cortex. Excessively synchronized beta oscillations reduce the information coding capacity of STN neuronal ensembles, which may contribute to parkinsonian motor impairment. Acute disruption of dopamine transmission in control animals with antagonists of D1/D2 receptors did not exaggerate STN or cortical beta oscillations. Moreover, beta oscillations were not exaggerated until several days after 6-hydroxydopamine injections. Thus, contrary to predictions, abnormally amplified beta oscillations in cortico-STN circuits do not result simply from an acute absence of dopamine receptor stimulation, but are instead delayed sequelae of chronic dopamine depletion. Targeting the plastic processes underlying the delayed emergence of pathological beta oscillations after continuing dopaminergic dysfunction may offer considerable therapeutic promise.

European Journal of Neuroscience | 2005

Dopamine depletion increases the power and coherence of β-oscillations in the cerebral cortex and subthalamic nucleus of the awake rat

Andrew Sharott; Peter J. Magill; Daniel Harnack; Wassilios G. Meissner; Peter Brown

Local field potentials (LFPs) recorded from the subthalamic nucleus (STN) of untreated patients implanted with stimulation electrodes for the treatment of Parkinsons disease (PD) demonstrate strong coherence with the cortical electroencephalogram over the β‐frequency range (15–30u2003Hz). However, studies in animal models of PD emphasize increased temporal coupling in cortico‐basal ganglia circuits at substantially lower frequencies, undermining the potential usefulness of these models. Here we show that 6‐hydroxydopamine (6‐OHDA) lesions of midbrain dopamine neurons are associated with significant increases in the power and coherence of β‐frequency oscillatory activity present in LFPs recorded from frontal cortex and STN of awake rats, as compared with the healthy animal. Thus, the pattern of synchronization between population activity in the STN and cortex in the 6‐OHDA‐lesioned rodent model of PD closely parallels that seen in the parkinsonian human. The peak frequency of coherent activity in the β‐frequency range was increased in lesioned animals during periods of spontaneous and sustained movement. Furthermore, administration of the dopamine receptor agonist apomorphine to lesioned animals suppressed β‐frequency oscillations, and increased coherent activity at higher frequencies in the cortex and STN, before producing the rotational behaviour indicative of successful lesion. Taken together, these results support a crucial role for dopamine in the modulation of population activity in cortico‐basal ganglia circuits, whereby dopaminergic mechanisms effectively filter out synchronized, rhythmic activity at β‐frequencies at the systems level, and shift temporal couplings in these circuits to higher frequencies. These changes may be important in regulating movement.

The Journal of Neuroscience | 2008

Parkinsonian Beta Oscillations in the External Globus Pallidus and Their Relationship with Subthalamic Nucleus Activity

Nicolas Mallet; Alek Pogosyan; László F. Márton; J P Bolam; Peter Brown; Peter J. Magill

Inappropriately synchronized beta (β) oscillations (15–30 Hz) in the subthalamic nucleus (STN) accompany movement difficulties in idiopathic Parkinsons disease (PD). The cellular and network substrates underlying these exaggerated β oscillations are unknown but activity in the external globus pallidus (GP), which forms a candidate pacemaker network with STN, might be of particular importance. Using a clinically relevant rat model of PD, we demonstrate that oscillatory activity in GP neuronal networks becomes excessively and selectively synchronized at β frequencies in a spatially widespread and brain state-dependent manner after lesion of dopamine neurons. Although synchronization of GP unit activity increased by almost 100-fold during β oscillations, the mean firing rate of GP neurons decreased compared with controls. Importantly, in parkinsonian animals, two main types of GP neuron were identified according to their distinct and inversely related firing rates and patterns. Moreover, neurons of the same type tended to fire together, with small phase differences, whereas different types of neuron tended not to do so. This functional dichotomy in temporal coupling persisted across extreme brain states, suggesting that maladaptive interactions are dominated by hardwiring. Finally, the precisely timed discharges of GP and STN neurons indicated that rhythmic sequences of recurrent excitation and inhibition in the STN-GP network, and lateral inhibition between GP neurons, could actively support abnormal β oscillations. We propose that GP neurons, by virtue of their spatiotemporal synchronization, widespread axon collaterals and feed-back/feed-forward mechanisms, are well placed to orchestrate and propagate exaggerated β oscillations throughout the entire basal ganglia in PD.

Neuron | 2012

Dichotomous Organization of the External Globus Pallidus

Nicolas Mallet; Benjamin R. Micklem; Pablo Henny; Matthew T. C. Brown; Claire Williams; J. Paul Bolam; Kouichi Nakamura; Peter J. Magill

Summary Different striatal projection neurons are the origin of a dual organization essential for basal ganglia function. We have defined an analogous division of labor in the external globus pallidus (GPe) of Parkinsonian rats, showing that the distinct temporal activities of two populations of GPe neuron in vivo are underpinned by distinct molecular profiles and axonal connectivities. A first population of prototypic GABAergic GPe neurons fire antiphase to subthalamic nucleus (STN) neurons, often express parvalbumin, and target downstream basal ganglia nuclei, including STN. In contrast, a second population (arkypallidal neurons) fire in-phase with STN neurons, express preproenkephalin, and only innervate the striatum. This novel cell type provides the largest extrinsic GABAergic innervation of striatum, targeting both projection neurons and interneurons. We conclude that GPe exhibits several core components of a dichotomous organization as fundamental as that in striatum. Thus, two populations of GPe neuron together orchestrate activities across all basal ganglia nuclei in a cell-type-specific manner.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2007

Inhibition of 5-HT neuron activity and induction of depressive-like behavior by high-frequency stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus.

Yasin Temel; Laura J. Boothman; Arjan Blokland; Peter J. Magill; Harry W.M. Steinbusch; Veerle Visser-Vandewalle; Trevor Sharp

Bilateral, high-frequency stimulation (HFS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is the surgical therapy of choice for movement disability in advanced Parkinsons disease (PD), but this procedure evokes debilitating psychiatric effects, including depressed mood, of unknown neural origin. Here, we report the unexpected finding that HFS of the STN inhibits midbrain 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) neurons to evoke depression-related behavioral changes. We found that bilateral HFS of the STN consistently inhibited (40–50%) the firing rate of 5-HT neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus of the rat, but not neighboring non-5-HT neurons. This effect was apparent at clinically relevant stimulation parameters (≥100 Hz, ≥30 μA), was not elicited by HFS of either neighboring or remote structures to the STN, and was still present in rat models of PD. We also found that bilateral HFS of the STN evoked clear-cut, depressive-like behavior in a widely used experimental paradigm of depression (forced swim test), and this effect was also observed in a PD model. Importantly, the depressive-like behavior elicited by HFS of the STN was reversed by a selective 5-HT-enhancing antidepressant, thereby linking the behavioral change to decreased 5-HT neuronal activity. Overall, these findings link reduced 5-HT function to the psychiatric effects of HFS of the STN observed in PD patients and provide a rational basis for their clinical management. More generally, the powerful interaction between the STN and 5-HT system uncovered here offers insights into the high level of comorbidity of basal ganglia disease and mood disorder.

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