Peter J. McCann
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology | 1997
Gruia-Catalin Roman; Peter J. McCann; Jerome Y. Plun
Mobile computing represents a major point of departure from the traditional distributed-computing paradigm. The potentially very large number of independent computing units, a decoupled computing style, frequent disconnections, continuous position changes, and the location-dependent nature of the behavior and communication patterns present designers with unprecedented challenges in the areas of modularity and dependability. So far, the literature on mobile computing is dominated by concerns having to de with the development of protocols and services. This article complements this perspective by considering the nature of the underlying formal models that will enable us to specify and reason about such computations. The basic research goal is to characterize fundamental issues facing mobile computing. We want to achieve this in a manner analogous to the way concepts such as shared variables and message passing help us understand distributed computing. The pragmatic objective is to develop techniques that facilitate the verification and design of dependable mobile systems. Toward this goal we employ the methods of UNITY. To focus on what is essential, we center our study on ad hoc networks, whose singular nature is bound to reveal the ultimate impact of movement on the way one computes and communicates in a mobile environment. To understand interactions we start with the UNITY concepts of union and superposition and consider direct generalizations to transient interactions. The motivation behind the transient nature of the interactions comes from the fact that components can communicate with each other only when they are within a a certain range. The notation we employ is a highly modular extension of the UNITY programming notation. Reasoning about mobile computations relies on extensions to the UNITY proof logic.
acm special interest group on data communication | 2000
Peter J. McCann; Satish Chandra
In writing networking code, one is often faced with the task of interpreting a raw buffer according to a standardized packet format. This is needed, for example, when monitoring network traffic for specific kinds of packets, or when unmarshaling an incoming packet for protocol processing. In such cases, a programmer typically writes C code that understands the grammar of a packet and that also performs any necessary byte-order and alignment adjustments. Because of the complexity of certain protocol formats, and because of the low-level of programming involved, writing such code is usually a cumbersome and error-prone process. Furthermore, code written in this style loses the domain-specific information, viz. the packet format, in its details, making it difficult to maintain.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering | 1998
Peter J. McCann; Gruia-Catalin Roman
Recent advances in wireless networking technology and the increasing demand for ubiquitous, mobile connectivity demonstrate the importance of providing reliable systems for managing the reconfiguration and disconnection of components. The design of such systems requires tools and techniques appropriate to the task. Many formal models of computation, including UNITY, are not adequate for expressing reconfiguration and disconnection and are, therefore, inappropriate vehicles for investigating the impact of mobility on the construction of modular and composable systems. Algebraic formalisms such as the /spl pi/-calculus have been proposed for modeling mobility. This paper addresses the question of whether UNITY, a state-based formalism with a foundation in temporal logic, can be extended to address concurrent, mobile systems. In the process, we examine some new abstractions for communication among mobile components that express reconfiguration and disconnection and which can be composed in a modular fashion.
IEEE Personal Communications | 2000
Peter J. McCann; Tom Hiller
The CDMA community, under the umbrella of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project 2, has embarked on a standardization effort for wireless data based on mobile IP. Important issues addressed include the link layer interface to a mobile IP foreign agent; how link-layer mobility interacts with IP-layer mobility; how virtual private network services will be supported; and how to provide authentication, authorization, and accounting in a cellular mobile IP environment. Members of 3GPP2 are also active in the Internet Engineering Task Forces mobile IP, ROAMOPS, and AAA working groups. Based on our experiences in this effort, this article gives an overview of the issues we have encountered in standardizing a mobile IP-based network architecture in a cellular telephony environment, including current points of contention, and gives a summary of the current state of the standards.
foundations of software engineering | 1997
Gian Pietro Picco; Gruia-Catalin Roman; Peter J. McCann
Advancements in network technology have led to the emergence of new computing paradigms that challenge established programming practices by employing weak forms of consistency and dynamic forms of binding. Code mobility, for instance, allows for invocation-time binding between a code fragment and the location where it executes. Similarly, mobile computing allows hosts (and the software they execute) to alter their physical location. Despite apparent similarities, the two paradigms are distinct in their treatment of location and movement. This paper seeks to uncover a common foundation for the two paradigms by exploring the manner in which stereotypical forms of code mobility can be expressed in a programming notation developed for mobile computing. Several solutions to a distributed simulation problem are used to illustrate the modeling strategy for programs that employ code mobility.
symposium on principles of programming languages | 2001
Karthikeyan Bhargavan; Satish Chandra; Peter J. McCann; Carl A. Gunter
We consider the problem of monitoring an interactive device, such as an implementation of a network protocol, in order to check whether its execution is consistent with its specification. At rst glance, it appears that a monitor could simply follow the input-output trace of the device and check it against the specification. However, if the monitor is able to observe inputs and outputs only from a vantage point external to the device---as is typically the case---the problem becomes surprisingly difficult. This is because events may be bu ered, and even lost, between the monitor and the device, in which case, even for a correctly running device, the trace observed at the monitor could be inconsistent with the specification.In this paper, we formulate the problem of external monitoring as a language recognition problem. Given a specification that accepts a certain language of input-output sequences, we de ne another language that corresponds to input-output sequences observable externally. We also give an algorithm to check membership of a string in the derived language. It turns out that without any assumptions on the specification, this algorithm may take unbounded time and space. To address this problem, we de ne a series of properties of device specifications or protocols that can be exploited to construct e cient language recognizers at the monitor. We characterize these properties and provide complexity bounds for monitoring in each case.To illustrate our methodology, we describe properties of the Internet Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), and identify features of the protocol that make it challenging to monitor e ciently.
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology | 1999
Peter J. McCann; Gruia-Catalin Roman
With recent advances in wireless communication technology, mobile computing is an increasingly important area of research. A mobile system is one where independently executing components may migrate through some space during the course of the computation, and where the pattern of connectivity among the components changes as they move in and out of proximity. Mobile UNITY is a notation and proof logic for specifying and reasoning about mobile systems. In this article it is argued that Mobile UNITY contributes to the modular development of system specifications because of the declarative fashion in which coordination among components is specified. The packet-fowarding mechanism at the core of the Mobile IP protocol for routing to mobile hosts is taken as an example. A Mobile UNITY model of packet forwarding and the mobile system in which it must operate is developed. Proofs of correctness properties, including important real-time properties, are outlined, and the role of formal verification in the development of protocols such as Mobile IP is discussed.
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology | 2001
Gian Pietro Picco; Gruia-Catalin Roman; Peter J. McCann
Advancements in network technology have led to the emergence of new computing paradigms that challenge established programming practices by employing weak forms of consistency and dynamic forms of binding. Code mobility, for instance, allows for invocation-time binding between a code fragment and the location where it executes. Similarly, mobile computing allows hosts (and the software they execute) to alter their physical location. Despite apparent similarities, the two paradigms are distinct in their treatment of location and movement. This paper seeks to uncover a common foundation for the two paradigms by exploring the manner in which stereotypical forms of code mobility can be expressed in a programming notation developed for mobile computing. Several solutions to a distributed simulation problem are used to illustrate the modeling strategy and the ability to construct assertional-style proofs for programs that employ code mobility.
formal methods | 2002
Gruia-Catalin Roman; Peter J. McCann
We define a concurrent mobile system as one where independently executing components may migrate through some space during the course of the computation, and where the pattern of connectivity among the components changes as they move in and out of proximity. The definition is general enough to encompass a system of mobile hosts moving in physical space as well as a system of migrating software agents implemented on a set of possibly non-mobile hosts. In this paper, we present Mobile UNITY, a notation for expressing mobile computations and a logic for reasoning about their temporal properties. Our goal is to find a minimalist model of mobile computation that will allow us to express mobile components in a modular fashion and to reason formally about the possible behaviors of a system composed from mobile components. A simplified serial communication protocol among components which can move in space serves as an illustration for the notation.
international conference on coordination models and languages | 1997
Peter J. McCann; Gruia-Catalin Roman
With recent advances in wireless communication technology, mobile computing is an increasingly important area of research. A mobile system is one where independently executing components may migrate through some space during the course of the computation, and where the pattern of connectivity among the components changes as they move in and out of proximity. Mobile UNITY is a language and logic for specifying and reasoning about mobile systems, the components of which must operate in a highly decoupled way. In this paper it is argued that Mobile UNITY contributes to the modular development of system specifications precisely because of the decoupled and declarative fashion in which coordination among components is specified. The packet forwarding mechanism which is at the core of the Mobile IP protocol for routing to mobile hosts is taken as an example. A Mobile UNITY specification of packet forwarding and the mobile system in which it must operate is developed. Mobile hosts are the components that can disconnect from one location in the network and reconnect to another at any point during system execution. Finally, the role of formal program verification in the development of protocols like Mobile IP is discussed.