
Parasitology | 2004

Evaluation of anthelmintic properties of some plants used as livestock dewormers against Haemonchus contortus infections in sheep.

J. B. Githiori; Johan Höglund; Peter J. Waller; R.L. Baker

Gastrointestinal helminth infections remain a major constraint to livestock production globally. This study evaluated anthelmintic efficacy of 7 plants used as dewormers by farmers and pastoralists in Kenya. Thus 3 commercial anthelmintics and 7 plant preparations were tested in lambs infected with 5000 or 3000 L3 Haemonchus contortus in 4 experiments. In the first experiment, ivermectin, levamisole and albendazole were tested in 46 lambs. Seven plant preparations of Hagenia abyssinica, Olea europaea var. africana, Annona squamosa, Ananas comosus, Dodonea angustifolia, Hildebrandtia sepalosa and Azadirachta indica were tested in 151 lambs in 3 experiments. All 3 anthelminitics were highly effective in reducing faecal egg counts (FEC) and total worm counts (TWC) in lambs. Plant preparations had varying levels of crude proteins from 2.6% for O. europaea to 18.4% for A. indica. Compared with controls, no significant reductions in FEC were observed for any of the treated groups either 2 or 3 weeks post-treatment. Lambs treated with A. squamosa and A. comosus were slaughtered 4 weeks post-treatment. No significant differences were observed in mean TWC or number of eggs per female worm between treated animals and the controls. No significant improvements in weight gain were observed in treated lambs.

International Journal for Parasitology | 1997

Nematode parasite control of livestock in the tropics/subtropics: the need for novel approaches

Peter J. Waller

Because parasites are more abundant, small ruminants in the tropical/subtropical regions of the world experience much greater ravages from internal parasitic disease than those in the temperate regions. In the tropics/subtropics, the limiting ecological factor influencing the severity of parasitism is rainfall, as temperatures almost always favour hatching and development of the free-living stages. Attempts to expand sheep and goat production by replacing traditional village production systems, which rarely involve anthelmintic treatment, with large-scale intensive commercial enterprises invariably induce complete reliance on anthelmintics to control nematode parasites. This has led to the widespread development of high level, multiple anthelmintic resistance throughout the tropics/subtropics, and in certain regions this has reached the ultimate disastrous scenario of total chemotherapeutic failure. Immediate concerted efforts are needed to resolve this crisis. Significant benefits are likely to emerge from research into non-chemotherapeutic approaches to nematode parasite control, such as grazing management, worm vaccines, breed selection and biological control. However, it is likely that none, in isolation or collectively, will completely replace the need for effective anthelmintics. What is needed is the integration of all methods of parasite control as they come to hand, with the underlying aim of reducing the use and thus preserving the effectiveness of anthelmintics. Although cheap and simple procedures, based on sound epidemiological principles, can achieve dramatic benefits in worm control, they have been poorly adopted by livestock owners. Clearly then, the greatest need is for technology transfer and education programmes, but these activities are generally found to be chronically under-resourced.

Veterinary Research Communications | 2007

A Field Study on the Effect of Some Anthelmintics on Cyathostomins of Horses in Sweden

E. Osterman Lind; Tetiana A. Kuzmina; Arvid Uggla; Peter J. Waller; Johan Höglund

The objective of the study was to investigate different aspects on the efficacy of three anthelmintics on cyathostomin nematodes of Swedish horses. A faecal egg count reduction (FECR) test was performed on 26 farms. Horses were treated orally with recommended doses of ivermectin, pyrantel pamoate or fenbendazole. Faecal samples were collected on the day of deworming and 7, 14 and 21 days later. No resistance was shown against ivermectin; the FECR was constantly >99%. The effect of pyrantel was assessed as equivocal in 6 farms 14 days after treatment; the mean FECR was 99%. As many as 72% of the fenbendazole-treated groups met the criteria for resistance; the mean FECR was 86%, ranging from 56% to 100%. A re-investigation of two farms where pyrantel resistance had been suspected clearly revealed unsatisfactory efficacy of pyrantel on one of these farms; the FECR varied from 72% to 89%. Twenty-six of the horses previously dosed with pyrantel or fenbendazole, and which still excreted ≥150 eggs per gram of faeces 14 days after treatment, were dewormed with ivermectin and fenbendazole or pyrantel in order to eliminate the remaining cyathostomins. A total of 13 cyathostomin species were identified from horses that initially received fenbendazole and seven species were identified from pyrantel-treated individuals. The egg reappearance period (ERP) following treatment with ivermectin and pyrantel was investigated on two farms. The shortest ERP after ivermectin treatment was 8 weeks and after pyrantel was 5 weeks. We conclude that no substantial reversion to benzimidazole susceptibility had taken place, although these drugs have scarcely been used (<5%) in horses for the last 10 years. Pyrantel-resistant populations of cyathostomins are present on Swedish horse farms, but the overall efficacy of pyrantel is still acceptable.

Veterinary Parasitology | 2003

The anthelmintic efficacy of the plant, Albizia anthelmintica, against the nematode parasites Haemonchus contortus of sheep and Heligmosomoides polygyrus of mice

J. B. Githiori; Johan Höglund; Peter J. Waller; R.Leyden Baker

Albizia anthelmintica Brong., belongs to the plant family Mimosaceae. The plant is widely used in East Africa by poor smallholder farmers and pastoralists to treat their livestock against internal parasites. The anthelmintic effects of water extracts from the bark of A. anthelmintica, obtained from three different geographic areas in Kenya and using different methods of preparation, were tested at different doses in sheep and mice infected with the nematode parasites Haemonchus contortus and Heligmosomoides polygyrus, respectively. Lambs were infected with 3000 infective larvae of H. contortus and treated with the plant preparations 28 days later, while mice were infected with 200 infective larvae of H. polygyrus and treated 18 days later. Proximate analysis established high levels of crude proteins in A. anthelmintica bark. Two sheep out of the 45 treated with the plant preparations suffered from transient bloat, which was relieved by dosing with a surfactant. Significant reductions in faecal egg counts were observed in lambs treated with A. anthelmintica in two of the three experiments undertaken, but the efficacy levels achieved were well below the 70% reduction required. Similar values of packed red cell volume and live weight gain were observed for treated and control lambs. There was no overall significant effect of treatment with A. anthelmintica on faecal egg and total worm counts in mice. A dose rate of 1000 mg/kg bodyweight of A. anthelmintica preparation resulted in death of all mice. The results show that A. anthelmintica at the doses and preparations used is not efficacious against H. contortus in sheep or against H. polygyrus in mice.

Journal of Ethnopharmacology | 2002

Anthelmintic activity of preparations derived from Myrsine africana and Rapanea melanophloeos against the nematode parasite, Haemonchus contortus, of sheep

J. B. Githiori; Johan Höglund; Peter J. Waller; R.Leyden Baker

Myrsine africana L. and Rapanea melanophloeos L. belong to the plant family Myrsinaceae. Various rural communities in Kenya, such as smallholder farmers and pastoralists, use them to treat their livestock. The anthelmintic effects/activities of leaves and fruits of M. africana and fruits of R. melanophloeos were tested in sheep experimentally infected with the nematode parasite Haemonchus contortus. Male lambs were infected with 3000-5000 third stage larvae of H. contortus and treated 28 days after inoculation with concoctions made from leaves or fruits of the plants. No significant reduction in faecal nematode egg counts was observed with any of the concoctions at any of the doses tested. Packed red cell volume decreased and live weight increased at similar rates in treated and control groups, thus there was no significant effect of treatment. The results showed that the tested extracts of the M. africana and R. melanophloeos were not efficacious against H. contortus in sheep.

Veterinary Research Communications | 2004

Total anthelmintic failure to control nematode parasites of small ruminants on government breeding farms in Sabah, East Malaysia.

P. Chandrawathani; N. Yusoff; L.C. Wan; A. Ham; Peter J. Waller

Government-owned small-ruminant breeding farms in Malaysia provide the source of sheep and goats to smallholder farmers in the country. In the eastern Malaysian state of Sabah, high-level stock losses have been recorded on these farms for several years, frequently accompanied by clinical signs indicating pathogenic levels of infections with the nematode parasiteHaemonchus contortus. This suggests that their dependence on chemotherapy to control parasite infections had failed. Accordingly, tests for anthelmintic efficacy using the faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) on the range of drugs used to control nematode parasites were carried out on the five government small-ruminant breeding farms in Sabah. These tests showed a total failure of the benzimidazole, imidothiazole, macrocyclic lactone and salicylanilide groups of anthelmintics to controlH. contortus infections of sheep and goats on all farms. Drastic changes in animal management need to be made in an attempt to deal with this situation, for which suggestions are made.

Animal Health Research Reviews | 2005

Ethnoveterinary plant preparations as livestock dewormers: practices, popular beliefs, pitfalls and prospects for the future

J. B. Githiori; Johan Höglund; Peter J. Waller

Abstract Ethnomedicine is an integral part of traditional medical practices in many countries of the developing world. A large proportion of the population uses this form of treatment for primary health care and for the treatment of ailments in their livestock. Livestock is a major asset for resource-poor smallholder farmers and pastoralists throughout the world and internal parasites are recognized by these communities as having an impact on livestock health. Parasitic infections are among those infections that traditional healers confidently treat and against which an enormous variety of remedies exist. Many of these are based on the use of plant preparations. Although various methods have been used for the validation of traditional phytomedical preparations, there is a lack of standardization of these procedures. The present study is aimed at providing an overview of ethnoveterinary deworming preparations, the various methods that have been used in their validation and the future prospects for their use against helminth parasites of ruminant livestock in developing countries, with an emphasis on nematode parasites. Recommendations are made on the procedures that should be followed to conduct in vivo and in vitro assays. Fostering better interaction between traditional healers and scientists is advocated to prevent harmful overexploitation, both of local knowledge and of plant species that may have effects against nematode parasites.

Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica | 2007

Parasite control practices on Swedish horse farms

Eva Osterman Lind; Erik Rautalinko; Arvid Uggla; Peter J. Waller; David A. Morrison; Johan Höglund

BackgroundVirtually all horses are infected with helminth parasites. For some decades, the control of parasites of Swedish horses has been based on routine treatments with anthelmintics, often several times per year. Since anthelmintic resistance is becoming an increasing problem it is essential to develop more sustainable control strategies, which are adapted to different types of horse management. The aim of this study was to obtain information on practices used by Swedish horse owners for the control of endoparasites.MethodsA questionnaire with 26 questions about management practices and parasite control routines was posted to 627 randomly selected horse establishments covering most types of horse management in Sweden.ResultsThe response rate was good in all categories of respondents (66–78%). A total of 444 questionnaires were used in the analyses. It was found that virtually all horses had access to grazing areas, usually permanent. Generally, pasture hygiene was infrequently practiced. Thirty-six percent of the respondents clipped or chain harrowed their pastures, whereas weekly removal of faeces from the grazing areas was performed by 6% of the respondents, and mixed or rotational grazing with other livestock by 10%. The number of anthelmintic treatments per year varied from 1–8 with an average of 3.2. Thirty-eight percent considered late autumn (Oct-Dec) to be the most important time for deworming. This finding, and an increased use of macrocyclic lactones in the autumn, suggests a concern about bot flies, Gasterophilus intestinalis. Only 1% of the respondents stated that faecal egg counts (FEC) were performed on a regular basis. The relatively high cost of FEC analyses compared to purchase of anthelmintics was thought to contribute to the preference of deworming without a previous FEC. From the study it was evident that all categories of horse owners took advice mainly from veterinarians.ConclusionThe results show that routines for endoparasite control can be improved in many horse establishments. To increase the knowledge of equine endoparasite control and follow the recommendations for how to reduce the spread of anthelmintic resistance, a closer collaboration between parasitologists and veterinary practitioners is desirable.

Parasitology | 2000

Identification of Dictyocaulus spp. in ruminants by morphological and molecular analyses

B. P. Divina; Elisabeth Wilhelmsson; Jens G. Mattsson; Peter J. Waller; Johan Höglund

Lungworms of the genus Dictyocaulus from cattle, roe deer, and moose in Sweden were subjected to morphological and molecular analyses. The objectives of the study were to investigate whether mixed or monospecific Dictyocaulus infections occur in Swedish cattle and whether wild cervids may act as reservoirs. The morphological characters examined were thickness and shape of the buccal capsule wall (BCW) and total spicular length (TSL). Morphometry was also done on the total body length, and BCW thickness and length. In the molecular identification, we used a PCR-linked hybridization assay to probe worm DNA with species-specific oligonucleotide probes to the second internal transcribed spacer (1TS2). The results showed that the BCW shape was the most reliable morphological character for identification. Significant differences were observed in this character, but an overlap occurred between lungworms from each of the host species. With the hybridization assay, all lungworms from cattle were identified as D. viviparus, whereas those from roe deer represented a novel Dictyocaulus species demonstrating that each host had a monospecific lungworm infection. In moose, 61 (78.2%) worms belonged to the new species and 17 (21.8%) were D. eckerti. This study shows the usefulness of hybridization assay as an epidemiological tool for the specific identification of lungworms of cattle and wild cervids.

International Journal for Parasitology | 1999

ITS2 sequences of Dictyocaulus species from cattle, roe deer and moose in Sweden : Molecular evidence for a new species

Johan Höglund; Elisabeth Wilhelmsson; Dan Christensson; Torsten Mörner; Peter J. Waller; Jens G. Mattsson

Total DNA was isolated from adult lungworms of the genus Dictyocaulus, collected from cattle, moose (Alces alces) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Sweden. The second ribosomal internal transcribed spacer was amplified with PCR, and DNA sequences were determined from nine individual worms that all came from different hosts in order to avoid analysis of siblings. The sequence data obtained were aligned and compared with similar data derived from German lungworm isolates from cattle and fallow deer (Cervus dama). These analyses clearly showed that specimens of the cattle lungworm, Dictyocaulus viviparus, were almost identical irrespective of their geographical origin. However, when the second internal transcribed spacer sequence of D. viviparus was compared with that of lungworms from moose and roe deer, major differences were noticed. Although lungworms collected from these cervids had identical second internal transcribed spacer sequences, they proved to be genetically different from Dictyocaulus eckerti of German fallow deer, displaying a 66.5% similarity. In an evolutionary tree, inferred by maximum likelihood analysis, the Dictyocaulus species from cattle and wild cervids clustered as compared with Dictyocaulus filaria from sheep. The study has thus demonstrated that A. alces and C. capreolus in Sweden are parasitised with a Dictyocaulus species that is different from D. viviparus and D. eckerti, indicating that we are dealing with a new species in moose and roe deer.

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