Peter L. Gonthier
Hope College
The Astrophysical Journal | 1997
Alice K. Harding; Matthew G. Baring; Peter L. Gonthier
Magnetic photon splitting ? ? ??, a quantum electrodynamics process that becomes important only in magnetic fields approaching the quantum critical value, Bcr = 4.41 ? 1013 G, is investigated as a mechanism for attenuation of ?-rays emitted near the surface of strongly magnetized pulsars. Since splitting has no threshold, it can attenuate photons and degrade their energies below the threshold for one-photon pair production, and in high enough fields it may dominate photon attenuation above pair threshold. We model photon-splitting attenuation and subsequent splitting cascades in ?-ray pulsars, including the dipole field and curved spacetime geometry of the neutron star magnetosphere. We focus specifically on PSR 1509-58, which has the highest surface magnetic field of all the ?-ray pulsars (B0 = 3 ? 1013 G). We find that splitting will not be important for most ?-ray pulsars, i.e., those with B0 0.2Bcr, either in competition with pair production attenuation in pair cascades, or in photon escape cutoffs in the spectrum. Photon splitting will be important for ?-ray pulsars having B0 0.3Bcr, where the splitting attenuation lengths and escape energies become comparable to or less than those for pair production. We compute Monte Carlo spectral models for PSR 1509-58, assuming that either a full photon-splitting cascade or a combination of splitting and pair production (depending on which splitting modes operate) attenuate a power-law input spectrum. We find that photon splitting, or combined splitting and pair production, can explain the unusually low cutoff energy (between 2 and 30 MeV) of PSR 1509-58, and that the model cascade spectra, which display strong polarization, are consistent with the observed spectral points and upper limits for polar cap emission at a range of magnetic colatitudes up to ~25?.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2007
Sarah A. Story; Peter L. Gonthier; Alice K. Harding
We present results of a population synthesis of millisecond pulsars from the Galactic disk. Excluding globular clusters, we model the spatial distribution of millisecond pulsars by assuming their birth in the Galactic disk with a random kick velocity and evolve them to the present within the Galactic potential. We assume that normal and millisecond pulsars are standard candles described with a common radio luminosity model that invokes a new relationship between radio core and cone emission suggested by recent studies. In modeling the radio emission beams, we explore the relativistic effects of time delay, aberration, and sweep-back of the open field lines. While these effects are essential to understanding pulse profiles, the phase-averaged flux is adequately described without a relativistic model. We use a polar cap acceleration model for the ?-ray emission. We present the preliminary results of our recent study and the implications for observing millisecond pulsars with GLAST and AGILE.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2002
Peter L. Gonthier; M. Ouellette; Joel C. Berrier; Shawn O’Brien; Alice K. Harding
We simulate the characteristics of the Galactic population of radio and γ-ray pulsars using Monte Carlo techniques. At birth, neutron stars are spatially distributed in the Galactic disk, with supernova-kick velocities, and randomly dispersed in age back to 109 yr. They are evolved in the Galactic gravitational potential to the present time. From a radio luminosity model, the radio flux is filtered through a selected set of radio-survey parameters. γ-ray luminosities are assigned using the features of recent polar cap acceleration models invoking space-charge-limited flow, and a pulsar death valley further attenuates the population of radio-loud pulsars. Assuming a simple emission geometry with aligned radio and γ-ray beams of 1 sr solid angle, our model predicts that EGRET should have seen seven radio-loud and one radio-quiet γ-ray pulsars. With much improved sensitivity, GLAST, on the other hand, is expected to observe 76 radio-loud and 74 radio-quiet γ-ray pulsars, of which seven would be identified as pulsed sources. We also explore the effect of magnetic field decay on the characteristics of the radio and γ-ray pulsar populations. Including magnetic field decay on a timescale of 5 Myr improves agreement with the radio pulsar population and increases the predicted number of GLAST-detected pulsars to 90 radio-loud and 101 radio-quiet (nine pulsed) γ-ray pulsars. The lower flux threshold allows GLAST to detect γ-ray pulsars at larger distances than those observed by the radio surveys used in this study.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2004
Peter L. Gonthier; Robert Van Guilder; Alice K. Harding
We present results of a pulsar population synthesis study that incorporates a number of recent developments and some significant improvements over our previous study. We have included the results of the Parkes multibeam pulsar survey in our select group of nine radio surveys, doubling our sample of radio pulsars. More realistic geometries for the radio and γ-ray beams are included in our Monte Carlo computer code, which simulates the characteristics of the Galactic population of radio and γ-ray pulsars. We adopted with some modifications the radio-beam geometry of Arzoumanian, Chernoff, and Cordes. For the γ-ray beam, we have assumed the slot gap geometry described in the work of Muslimov and Harding. To account for the shape of the distribution of radio pulsars in the -P diagram, we continue to find that decay of the magnetic field on a timescale of 2.8 Myr is needed. With all nine surveys, our model predicts that EGRET should have seen seven radio-quiet (below the sensitivity of these radio surveys) and 19 radio-loud γ-ray pulsars. AGILE (nominal sensitivity map) is expected to detect 13 radio-quiet and 37 radio-loud γ-ray pulsars, while GLAST, with greater sensitivity, is expected to detect 276 radio-quiet and 344 radio-loud γ-ray pulsars. When the Parkes multibeam pulsar survey is excluded, the ratio of radio-loud to radio-quiet γ-ray pulsars decreases, especially for GLAST. The decrease for EGRET is 45%, implying that some fraction of EGRET unidentified sources are radio-loud γ-ray pulsars. In the radio geometry adopted, short-period pulsars are core dominated. Unlike the EGRET γ-ray pulsars, our model predicts that when two γ-ray peaks appear in the pulse profile, a dominant radio core peak appears in between the γ-ray peaks. Our findings suggest that further improvements are required in describing both the radio and γ-ray geometries.
Physics Letters B | 1986
G. Nebbia; K. Hagel; D. Fabris; Z. Majka; J. B. Natowitz; R.P. Schmitt; B. Sterling; G. Mouchaty; G. Berkowitz; K. Strozewski; G. Viesti; Peter L. Gonthier; B. Wilkins; M. N. Namboodiri; H. Ho
Abstract From coincidence measurements between heavy residues, light particles, and γ -rays, the excitation excitation energy dependence of the temperatures, barriers, and nuclear level density parameters for nuclei with A ≈ 160 has been determined. The temperature increases with excitation energy in the range of 100 to 400 MeV consistently with a nuclear level density parameter a increasing from essentially a = A /8 to a = A /13. The emission barrier is lower than predicted by either spin dependent or temperature dependent theoretical calculations.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2000
Peter L. Gonthier; Alice K. Harding; Matthew G. Baring; Rachel M. Costello; Cassandra L. Mercer
This paper explores the effects of strong magnetic fields on the Compton scattering of relativistic electrons. Recent studies of upscattering and energy loss by relativistic electrons that have used the nonrelativistic, magnetic Thomson cross section for resonant scattering or the Klein-Nishina cross section for nonresonant scattering do not account for the relativistic quantum effects of strong fields (>4 × 1012 G). We have derived a simplified expression for the exact QED scattering cross section for the broadly applicable case in which relativistic electrons move along the magnetic field. To facilitate applications to astrophysical models, we have also developed compact approximate expressions for both the differential and total polarization-dependent cross sections, with the latter representing well the exact total QED cross section even at the high fields believed to be present in environments near the stellar surfaces of soft gamma repeaters and anomalous X-ray pulsars. We find that strong magnetic fields significantly lower the Compton scattering cross section below and at the resonance when the incident photon energy exceeds mec2 in the electron rest frame. The cross section is strongly dependent on the polarization of the final scattered photon. Below the cyclotron fundamental, mostly photons of perpendicular polarization are produced in scatterings, a situation that also arises above this resonance for subcritical fields. However, an interesting discovery is that for supercritical fields, a preponderance of photons of parallel polarization results from scatterings above the cyclotron fundamental. This characteristic is both a relativistic and a magnetic effect not present in the Thomson or Klein-Nishina limits.
Nuclear Physics | 1988
K. Hagel; D. Fabris; Peter L. Gonthier; H. Ho; Y. Lou; Z. Majka; G. Mouchaty; M. N. Namboodiri; J. B. Natowitz; G. Nebbia; R.P. Schmitt; Giuseppe Viesti; R. Wada; B. Wilkins
Abstract Hot nuclei produced in the reactions of 261 MeV and 490 MeV 14 N with 154 Sm have been studied. The initial properties of these nuclei; excitation energies, angular momenta and temperatures, have been characterized through measurements of residue velocities, gamma ray multiplicities and α-particle energy spectra. Nuclei with excitation energies as high as 400 MeV and temperatures as high as 6 MeV are produced. Determinations of the variation of temperature with excitation energy for nuclei of A ⋍ 160 indicate that the apparent level density parameter a , defined as E ∗ |T 2 changes from A /8 at low energies to ≈ A /13 at 400 MeV excitation energy. Effective particle emission barriers suggest large shape fluctuations during the de-excitation cascade. At 35 MeV/u the variation of angular momentum transfer with linear momentum transfer in incomplete fusion reactions is in reasonable agreement with values calculated using a geometric overlap model.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2015
A. K. Harding; I. A. Grenier; Tracey Johnson; Patrizia A. Caraveo; M. Kerr; Peter L. Gonthier
In more than four years of observation the Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi satellite has identified pulsed γ-ray emission from more than 80 young or middle-aged pulsars, in most cases providing light curves with high statistics. Fitting the observed profiles with geometrical models can provide estimates of the magnetic obliquity α and of the line of sight angle ζ, yielding estimates of the radiation beaming factor and radiated luminosity. Using different γ-ray emission geometries (Polar Cap, Slot Gap, Outer Gap, One Pole Caustic) and core plus cone geometries for the radio emission, we fit γ-ray light curves for 76 young or middle-aged pulsars and we jointly fit their γ-ray plus radio light curves when possible. We find that a joint radio plus γ-ray fit strategy is important to obtain (α,ζ) estimates that can explain simultaneously detectable radio and γ-ray emission: when the radio emission is available, the inclusion of the radio light curve in the fit leads to important changes in the (α,ζ) solutions. The most pronounced changes are observed for Outer Gap and One Pole Caustic models for which the γ-ray only fit leads to underestimated α or ζ when the solution is found to the left or to the right of the main α-ζ plane diagonal respectively. The intermediate-to-high altitude magnetosphere models, Slot Gap, Outer Gap, and One pole Caustic, are favoured in explaining the observations. We find no apparent evolution of α on a time scale of 106 years. For all emission geometries our derived γ-ray beaming factors are generally less than one and do not significantly evolve with the spin-down power. A more pronounced beaming factor vs. spin-down power correlation is observed for Slot Gap model and radio-quiet pulsars and for the Outer Gap model and radio-loud pulsars. The beaming factor distributions exhibit a large dispersion that is less pronounced for the Slot Gap case and that decreases from radio-quiet to radio-loud solutions. For all models, the correlation between γ-ray luminosity and spin-down power is consistent with a square root dependence. The γ-ray luminosities obtained by using the beaming factors estimated in the framework of each model do not exceed the spin-down power. This suggests that assuming a beaming factor of one for all objects, as done in other studies, likely overestimates the real values. The data show a relation between the pulsar spectral characteristics and the width of the accelerator gap. The relation obtained in the case of the Slot Gap model is consistent with the theoretical prediction.
Nuclear Physics | 1983
Peter L. Gonthier; H. Ho; M.N. Namboodiri; J. B. Natowitz; L. Adler; S. Simon; K. Hagel; S. Kniffen; A. Khodai
Abstract Inclusive energy spectra and angular distributions for heavy ions (Z ≧ 3) produced in the reactions of 227 MeV and 310 MeV 16 O with Ti were measured. Also measured at the projectile energy of 310 MeV were energy and angular correlations between light charged particles ( Z ≦ 2) and heavy ions. From comparisons with statistical model calculations upper limits to the complete fusion cross sections of 647 mb and 265 mb were derived for projectile energies of 227 MeV and 310 MeV, respectively. At 310 MeV the cross section of incomplete fusion processes was estimated to be over 505 mb. Emission of fast, high-energy α-particles and protons was observed to be a characteristic feature of quasi-elastic, deep-inelastic and fusion-like reactions. Average multiplicities of fast light particles in coincidence with heavy ions at +20° and +40° were estimated to be of the order of 1. The prompt emission of light appears to be the principal mechanism which limits complete fusion. A second component of α-particles observed in coincidence with deep-inelastic projectile-like fragments and having an energy comparable to Coulomb energies of particles emitted from target-like and projectile-like fragments appears as an excess yield in the direction of the recoiling target-like fragments. This component cannot be accounted for in terms of sequential emission processes and may result from a mechanism other than the one which leads to fast particle emission.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2005
Matthew G. Baring; Peter L. Gonthier; Alice K. Harding
Cyclotron decay and absorption rates have been well studied in the literature, focusing primarily on spectral, angular, and polarization dependence. Astrophysical applications usually do not require retention of information on the electron spin state, and these are normally averaged in obtaining the requisite rates. In magnetic fields, higher order quantum processes such as Compton scattering become resonant at the cyclotron frequency and its harmonics, with the resonances being formally divergent. Such divergences are usually eliminated by accounting for the finite lifetimes of excited Landau states. This practice requires the use of spin-dependent cyclotron rates in order to obtain accurate determinations of process rates very near cyclotronic resonances, the phase-space domain most relevant for certain applications to pulsar models. This paper develops previous results in the literature to obtain compact analytic expressions for cyclotron decay rates/widths in terms of a series of Legendre functions of the second kind; these expressions can be used expediently in astrophysical models. The rates are derived using two popular eigenstate formalisms, namely, that due to Sokolov & Ternov and that due to Johnson & Lippmann. These constitute two sets of eigenfunctions of the Dirac equation that diagonalize different operators and accordingly yield different spin-dependent cyclotron rates. This paper illustrates the attractive Lorentz transformation characteristics of the Sokolov & Ternov formulation, which is another reason why it is preferable when electron spin information must be explicitly retained.