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Featured researches published by Peter L. Pedersen.
European Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngology | 1979
Hilko Weerda; Peter L. Pedersen; H. Wehmer; H. Braune
SummaryA new laryngoscope was constructed in order to improve visualization of the larynx and to adjust the instrument to individual situation. The Kleinsasser laryngoscope was divided into two parts. The width between these two halfs can be changed by screws.Because the laryngoscope is open laterally there is more space for the operator and shorter instruments can be used.ZusammenfassungFür die Mikrolaryngoskopie wurde das Keinsasser-Laryngoskop seitlich aufgetrennt, über Spindeltriebe ist der Durchmesser zwischen 15 und 26 mm verstellbar. Die untere Spatelhälfte ist abklappbar gestaltet. Es wird kurz der Arbeitsplatz beschrieben. Die bei uns an über 1000 Patienten erprobte Injektionsbeatmung zeigt auch beim offenen Rohr normale Blutgaswerte.Die Kombination der Vorteile des Kleinsasser-Rohres mit der Killianschen Schwebelaryngoskopie bietet durch die laterale Schlitzung des Rohres wesentlich mehr Platz für die mikrochirurgischen Instrumente.A new laryngoscope was constructed in order to improve visualization of the larynx and to adjust the instrument to individual situation. The Kleinsasser laryngoscope was divided into two parts. The width between these two halfs can be changed by screws. Because the laryngoscope is open laterally there is more space for the operator and shorter instruments can be used.
European Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngology | 1977
Ch. Zöllner; Th. Karnahl; Peter L. Pedersen
SummarySince about the last 2 years the late potentials component N1 (90–110 ms) as well as the early acoustically evoked potentials, appearing in a latency range of 1–8 ms and consisting of the nerve action potential (Pot. I) and the brain-stem potentials (Pot. II–V), were registered at some hearing impaired patients. This procedure enabled us to diagnose a “cortical hearing defect” at five patients: a) three children at an age of 2–3 years; they all have a slight cerebral damage, a hearing impairment and no speech-development; b) a 15 year old girl with a hearing impairment which is on the right side more severe than on the left side, as consequence of an encephalitis; and c) a 50 year old man suffering on both sides from a loss of temporal brains substance and from a total deafness after an insult of both arteriae meningeae mediae.At all these patients the ERA-findings result in an almost normal behaviour of the bioelectrical transfer of the acoustic stimuli in the region of the brain-stem, whereas the late potentials component N1 showed a pathologic distortion. The ERA-results together with the anamnesis make a “cortical hearing disorder” probable at these five patients. The audiograms and the ERA-characteristic lines are shown and discussed.
European Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngology | 1973
Gr. Stange; E. Gebert; Peter L. Pedersen
SummaryFor direct Laryngoscopy, anaesthesia without endotracheal intubation provides easily surveyable, unobstructed working conditions in the larynx. Also, diagnosis of laryngeal disorders is much easier without laryngeal tube. Therefore, a new technique of direct Laryngoscopy without endotracheal intubation has been developped:1.Modification of the injection anaesthesia account to Sanders for the Kleinsasserlaryhgoscope (wide lumen);2.Development of an injection cannula by experiments with artificial thorax account to Draeger. The cannula measures 10 cm with a diameter of 3 mm and is fixed in the Kleinsasser apparatus. Air-flow under 1.8 atü at 5.5 em before the end of the laryngoscope. Pressure values in the artificial thorax 20 cm H2O.3.Application of this newly developped injection anaesthesia on 20 patients. No complications during direct Laryngoscopy under artificial respiration by injection, anaesthesia by administration of Methohexital and relaxation induced by succinyleholin. Pressure values in the glottic region: 7–12 mm Hg. In 13 patients arterial blood gas analysis (pH, pO2, pCO2, base excess, standard bicarbonat) showed normal values before, during and after direct Laryngoscopy.ZusammenfassungEine intubationslose Anaesthesie ermöglicht bei der direkten Laryngoskopie ein übersichtliches und unbehindertes Arbeiten im Kehlkopf. Auch eine diagnostische Beurteilung eines kranken Kehlkopfes ist bei Fehlen des Tubus wesentlich erleichtert. Deshalb ist eine neue Methode zur intubationslosen direkten Laryngoskopie entwickelt worden:1.Modifikation der Injektionsanaesthesie nach Sanders für das großlumige Laryngoskop nach Kleinsasser.2.Entwicklung einer Injektionskanüle in Versuchen am künstlichen Thorax nach Draeger. Die Kanüle ist 10 cm lang mit einem Durchmesser von 3 mm, die in das Kleinsasser-Rohr eingehängt wird. Abstrahlung mit 1,8 atü bei 5,5 cm vor dem Eude des Laryngoskops. Druckwerte am künstlichen Thorax 20 cm H2O.3.Anwendung dieser so entwickelten Injektionsanaesthesie bei 20 Patienten. Komplikationsloser Verlauf der direkten Laryngoskopie mit Injektionsbeatmung, Narkose mit Methohexital und Relaxation mit Succinylcholin. Druckwerte im glottischen Bereich 7–12 mm Hg. Bei 13 Patienten zeigten arterielle Blutgas-analysen (pH, pO2, pCO2, Base Excess, Standard Bicarbonat) vor, während und nach der direkten Laryngoskopie normale Werte.
European Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngology | 1975
Ch. L. Schmidt; H. Hellweger; U. Schiel; Peter L. Pedersen
SummaryIn healthy human subjects activity from single fibers of the splenius-capitis muscle was recorded by means of a microelectrode. Two types of muscle fibers could be distinguished according to their reaction on vestibular stimulation. The first type reacted only to stimuli (angular acceleration) exceeding 10° per sec2. These units showed no resting activity. The second type had a resting activity between 20 to 40 impulses per second. Their reactions under vestibular stimulation resembled that of primary afferent neurones of the vestibular nerve of other vertebrates. The functional meaning of these findings is discussed.
European Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngology | 1981
E. Mller-Hermann; Chl. Beck; Peter L. Pedersen
SummaryHigh speed flash unit for endoscopes with autodynamic controlled flash energy provides accurate exposures without regard to endoscope, localisation and film material.This system was developed and tested in clinical practise in ENT University clinic of Freiburg i. Br. The autodynamic system for controlled flash energy garantees correct exposure even in use of an unskilled physician.ZusammenfassungHochleistungs-Endoskopie-Blitzgeräte mit autodynamisch geregelter Blitzenergie garantieren ohne Rücksicht auf Endoskop, Einsatzgebiet und Filmmaterial gut ausgeleuchtete und einwandfrei belichtete Fotos. An der Freiburger Universitäts-HNO-Klinik wurde ein derartiges System entwickelt, gebaut und im klinischen Test überprüft. Es liefert auch in der Hand des Ungeübten einwandfrei ausgeleuchtete und korrekt belichtete Endophotos.
European Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngology | 1977
Peter L. Pedersen; Th. Karnahl; Ch. Zöllner
SummarySome brief theoretical considerations about an artefact rejection basing upon the valuation of amplitudes are followed by a report on a new development of an “on-line artefactrejection” which uses an active analog delay line as buffer combined with a recognition of disturbing signals and can easily operate together with simple averagers. The advantages are shown and discussed by means of examples, but also the mistakes which can arise by too great limitations of the signals level. Technical details are described briefly.ZusammenfassungNach einigen kurzen theoretischen Überlegungen zur Artefaktrejection durch Amplitudenbewertung wird über den Einsatz einer neuentwickelten „on-line-artefact-rejection“ berichtet, die in Verbindung mit einer Störspannungserkennung eine aktive, analoge Verzögerungsleitung als Zwischenspeicher verwendet und leicht in Verbindung mit einfachen Mittelungsrechnern betrieben werden kann. Anhand von Beispielen werden die Vorteile dargestellt und diskutiert, aber auch die Fehler, die durch eine zu große Amplitudenbegrenzung des zur Mittelung anstehenden Signals entstehen können. Technische Einzelheiten werden kurz beschrieben.
European Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngology | 1982
Hilko Weerda; G. Meuret; Peter L. Pedersen
SummaryFor better working conditions to the endoscopist we developed a closed jet-ventilation system, combining open jet-ventilation and conventional ventilation. With a pressure-analizer and transducer we could prevent negative and high pressure in the trachea, removing air by suction during expiration time.The first clinical experiences, the bloodgas analizes and the circulatory parameters are discussed.This ventilation was used in tonsillectomy, chordectomy and tracheal reconstruction especially sleeve resection too.For longtime ventilation we use this system with a 20 Charrière flexible tube.In this way we are able to diminish damage of the larynx and we can wait with tracheostomy a longer time.
European Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngology | 1980
Ch. Zöllner; Peter L. Pedersen
SummaryThis study aimes at investigating if the damped wavetrain stimulus (Victoreen) may be used in the evaluation of frequency specific thresholds using brainstem potentials. Stimulus frequencies were 1, 4, and 8 kHz. Starting with a control group (10 persons) latency curves for the brainstem potentials were established. The test group included patients with various forms of sensorineural hearing loss in the audiogram. Threshold measurements at the three stimulus frequencies were done with these patients using the potential IV (Jewett V). The latency curves of the normal hearing control group reveal a frequency-specific information being present in the brainstem potentials. This can be derived from latency shifts at different stimulus frequencies. However, investigating patients with a steep slope or a notch in the pure-tone audiogram introduces some difficulties in the ERA-threshold evaluation.ZusammenfassungBei dieser Versuchsreihe wurde untersucht, ob bei Beschallung mit dem otometrischen Signal (damped wavetrain; DWT) eine frequenzspezifische Schwellenmessung mit den Hirnstammpotentialen möglich ist. Zu diesem Zwecke wurden erstens die Latenzkennlinien der Hirnstammpotentiale von zehn normalhörenden Versuchspersonen bei 1, 4 und 8 kHz erstellt, zweitens bei Patienten mit unterschiedlichem Innenohrschaden im Tonaudiogramm auch eine Schwellenmessung mit dem Hirnstammpotential IV (Jewett V) bei diesen drei Frequenzen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß die Potentiale eine frequenzspezifische Information bei intaktem akustischem System enthalten. Dies kann anhand der Latenzverlängerung der Hirnstammpotentiale bei Änderung der Beschallungsfrequenz von 8 auf 4 und auf 1 kHz geschlossen werden. Bei dem Versuch einer frequenzspezifischen Schwellenmessung mit dem Hirnstammpotential IV bei Patienten mit steileren Abfällen und Senken im Tonaudiogramm ergaben sich aber Schwierigkeiten.
European Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngology | 1979
Ch. Zöllner; Peter L. Pedersen
SummaryAt some normally hearing persons the brainstem potentials were recorded using the otometric sound pressure signal at the frequencies 1,4 and 8 kHz as acoustic stimulus. The amplitude- and latency-curves of the potentials were obtained. Moreover it was investigated how close to the subjective threshold of this acoustic signal the brainstem potential IV could be registered at these frequencies.To examine the use of the otometric signal for a frequency specific threshold determination with the brainstem potentials, the threshold of the potential IV was measured at patients with different cochlear hearing loss, when stimulating with the otometric signal at these frequencies.
European Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngology | 1979
Hilko Weerda; Peter L. Pedersen; H. Wehmer; H. Braune
SummaryA new laryngoscope was constructed in order to improve visualization of the larynx and to adjust the instrument to individual situation. The Kleinsasser laryngoscope was divided into two parts. The width between these two halfs can be changed by screws.Because the laryngoscope is open laterally there is more space for the operator and shorter instruments can be used.