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Featured researches published by Péter László Sasvári.

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications | 2013

Comparison of the Information Technology Development in Slovakia and Hungary

Péter László Sasvári; Zsuzsa Majoros

Nowadays the role of information is increasingly important, so every company has to provide the efficient procurement, processing, storage and visualization of this special resource in hope to stay competitive. More and more enterprises introduce Enterprise Resource Planning System to be able to perform the listed functions. The article illustrates the usage of these systems in Hungary and Slovakia, as well as tests the following presumption: the level of Information Technology (IT) development is lower in Hungary than our northern neighbor.

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications | 2017

The Use of Gamification in Higher Education: An Empirical Study

István Varannai; Péter László Sasvári; Anna Urbanovics

The use of gamification in higher education has increased considerably over the past decades. An empirical study was conducted in Hungary with two groups of students to investigate their behaviour while interacting with Kahoot! The results were analyzed based on the technology acceptance model. They indicate that the positive attitude, good experience and ease of availability contributed to improve student performance which strengthened the intention to use the application. Besides these, the perceived utility was positively influenced by the ease of use as consequence.

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications | 2015

The Examination of Using Business Intelligence Systems by Enterprises in Hungary

Péter László Sasvári

Data are one of the key elements in corporate decision-making, without them, the decision-making process cannot be imagined. As a consequence, different analytical tools are needed that allow the efficient use of data, information and knowledge. These analytical tools are commonly called Business Intelligence systems that are introduced into the opeartion of enterprises to make access to business data easier, faster and broader in line with the needs of a given enterprise. Based on the findings of an empirical survey, this paper aims to give a deeper insight of the causes and purposes of using BI systems by Hungarian enterprises. It is revealed that such systems are mostly used for risk analysis, financial analysis, market analysis and controlling while their potential to make predictions is usually overlooked. One important conclusion of the paper is that the faster spread of BI systems would be facilitated by reducing costs, simpler parameter settings and a higher level of data protection.

Advanced Materials Research | 2013

Differences in the Usage of Information Systems Applied by the German and Hungarian Micro-Enterprises

Péter László Sasvári; Zsuzsa Majoros

Nowadays the knowledge of information systems and their effective application during business operations is an essential requirement for the survival of enterprises. This factor belongs to the most significant economic challenges of the XXI. century. The role of information systems is very complex, having separate modules for performing numerous business functions. [4,15] The economic development level of a country can be seen as a reliable reference to the degree of its IT development in general or to the number of information systems applied by the enterprises operating there. Starting from this assumption, the present paper deals with the differences observed in the application of information systems among German and Hungarian enterprises.

EconStor Open Access Articles | 2012

A Conceptual Framework for Definition of the Correlation Between Company Size Categories and the Proliferation of Business Information Systems in Hungary

Péter László Sasvári

EconStor Open Access Articles | 2012

Adaptable Techniques for Making IT-Related Investment Decisions

Péter László Sasvári

EconStor Open Access Articles | 2013

Usage habits of business information system in Hungary

Péter László Sasvári

EconStor Open Access Articles | 2011

The Effects of Information And Communication Technology In Hungarian Economic Sectors

Péter László Sasvári

EconStor Open Access Articles | 2014

Information Systems and Economic Value Added: A Comparative Illustration of Austria and Hungary

Péter László Sasvári; Wolf Rauch

EconStor Open Access Articles | 2013

Business Information Systems in Hungary

Péter László Sasvári


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