
Toxicon | 2002

Cytolytic peptide and protein toxins from sea anemones (Anthozoa: Actiniaria).

Gregor Anderluh; Peter Maček

More than 32 species of sea anemones have been reported to produce lethal cytolytic peptides and proteins. Based on their primary structure and functional properties, cytolysins have been classified into four polypeptide groups. Group I consists of 5-8 kDa peptides, represented by those from the sea anemones Tealia felina and Radianthus macrodactylus. These peptides form pores in phosphatidylcholine containing membranes. The most numerous is group II comprising 20 kDa basic proteins, actinoporins, isolated from several genera of the fam. Actiniidae and Stichodactylidae. Equinatoxins, sticholysins, and magnificalysins from Actinia equina, Stichodactyla helianthus, and Heteractis magnifica, respectively, have been studied mostly. They associate typically with sphingomyelin containing membranes and create cation-selective pores. The crystal structure of equinatoxin II has been determined at 1.9A resolution. Lethal 30-40 kDa cytolytic phospholipases A(2) from Aiptasia pallida (fam. Aiptasiidae) and a similar cytolysin, which is devoid of enzymatic activity, from Urticina piscivora, form group III. A thiol-activated cytolysin, metridiolysin, with a mass of 80 kDa from Metridium senile (fam. Metridiidae) is a single representative of the fourth family. Its activity is inhibited by cholesterol or phosphatides. Biological, structure-function, and pharmacological characteristics of these cytolysins are reviewed.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2002

Two-step Membrane Binding by Equinatoxin II, a Pore-forming Toxin from the Sea Anemone, Involves an Exposed Aromatic Cluster and a Flexible Helix

Qi Hong; Ion Gutiérrez-Aguirre; Ariana Barlič; Petra Malovrh; Katarina Kristan; Zdravko Podlesek; Peter Maček; Dušan Turk; Juan Manuel González-Mañas; Jeremy H. Lakey; Gregor Anderluh

Equinatoxin II (EqtII) belongs to a unique family of 20-kDa pore-forming toxins from sea anemones. These toxins preferentially bind to membranes containing sphingomyelin and create cation-selective pores by oligomerization of 3–4 monomers. In this work we have studied the binding of EqtII to lipid membranes by the use of lipid monolayers and surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The binding is a two-step process, separately mediated by two regions of the molecule. An exposed aromatic cluster involving tryptophans 112 and 116 mediates the initial attachment that is prerequisite for the next step. Steric shielding of the aromatic cluster or mutation of Trp-112 and -116 to phenylalanine significantly reduces the toxin-lipid interaction. The second step is promoted by the N-terminal amphiphilic helix, which translocates into the lipid phase. The two steps were distinguished by the use of a double cysteine mutant having the N-terminal helix fixed to the protein core by a disulfide bond. The kinetics of membrane binding derived from the SPR experiments could be fitted to a two-stage binding model. Finally, by using membrane-embedded quenchers, we showed that EqtII does not insert deeply in the membrane. The first step of the EqtII binding is reminiscent of the binding of the evolutionarily distant cholesterol-dependant cytolysins, which share a similar structural motif in the membrane attachment domain.

The Journal of Membrane Biology | 1993

Pore formation by the sea anemone cytolysin equinatoxin II in red blood cells and model lipid membranes

Giovanna Belmonte; Cecilia Pederzolli; Peter Maček; Gianfranco Menestrina

SummaryThe interaction ofActinia equina equinatoxin II (EqT-II) with human red blood cells (HRBC) and with model lipid membranes was studied. It was found that HRBC hemolysis by EqT-II is the result of a colloid-osmotic shock caused by the opening of toxin-induced ionic pores. In fact, hemolysis can be prevented by osmotic protectants of adequate size. The functional radius of the lesion was estimated to be about 1.1 nm. EqT-II increased also the permeability of calcein-loaded lipid vesicles comprised of different phospholipids. The rate of permeabilization rised when sphingomyelin was introduced into the vesicles, but it was also a function of the pH of the medium, optimum activity being between pH 8 and 9; at pH 10 the toxin became markedly less potent. From the dose-dependence of the permeabilization it was inferred that EqT-II increases membrane permeability by forming oligomeric channels comprising several copies of the cytolysin monomer. The existence of such oligomers was directly demonstrated by chemical cross-linking. Addition of EqT-II to one side of a planar lipid membrane (PLM) increases the conductivity of the film in discrete steps of defined amplitude indicating the formation of cation-selective channels. The conductance of the channel is consistent with the estimated size of the lesion formed in HRBC. High pH and sphingomyelin promoted the interaction even in this system. Chemical modification of lysine residues or carboxyl groups of this protein changed the conductance, the ion selectivity and the current-voltage characteristic of the pore, suggesting that both these groups were present in its lumen.

Structure | 2001

Crystal Structure of the Soluble Form of Equinatoxin II, a Pore-Forming Toxin from the Sea Anemone Actinia equina

Alekos Athanasiadis; Gregor Anderluh; Peter Maček; Dušan Turk

BACKGROUND Membrane pore-forming toxins have a remarkable property: they adopt a stable soluble form structure, which, when in contact with a membrane, undergoes a series of transformations, leading to an active, membrane-bound form. In contrast to bacterial toxins, no structure of a pore-forming toxin from an eukaryotic organism has been determined so far, an indication that structural studies of equinatoxin II (EqtII) may unravel a novel mechanism. RESULTS The crystal structure of the soluble form of EqtII from the sea anemone Actinia equina has been determined at 1.9 A resolution. EqtII is shown to be a single-domain protein based on a 12 strand beta sandwich fold with a hydrophobic core and a pair of alpha helices, each of which is associated with the face of a beta sheet. CONCLUSIONS The structure of the 30 N-terminal residues is the largest segment that can adopt a different structure without disrupting the fold of the beta sandwich core. This segment includes a three-turn alpha helix that lies on the surface of a beta sheet and ends in a stretch of three positively charged residues, Lys-30, Arg-31, and Lys-32. On the basis of gathered data, it is suggested that this segment forms the membrane pore, whereas the beta sandwich structure remains unaltered and attaches to a membrane as do other structurally related extrinsic membrane proteins or their domains. The use of a structural data site-directed mutagenesis study should reveal the residues involved in membrane pore formation.

Toxicon | 1988

Isolation and characterization of three lethal and hemolytic toxins from the sea anemone Actinia equina L.

Peter Maček; Drago Lebez

Lethal and hemolytic toxins were purified by acetone precipitation, Sephadex G-50, CM-cellulose and CM-Sephadex column chromatography from the tentacles and bodies of the sea anemone Actinia equina. The isolated toxins, with a mol. wt of 19,000 determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, differed only slightly in amino acid composition and had a high tryptophan content. The isoelectric points were estimated to be 9.8 for equinatoxin I and 10.5 for equinatoxins II and III. The pure toxins exhibited high lethal potency; the acute i.v. LD50 in mice of equinatoxins I, II and III were 23, 35 and 83 micrograms/kg, respectively. The sigmoidal time course of hemolysis is characteristic of toxins.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2008

Molecular Determinants of Sphingomyelin Specificity of a Eukaryotic Pore-forming Toxin

Biserka Bakrač; Ion Gutiérrez-Aguirre; Zdravko Podlesek; Andreas F.-P. Sonnen; Robert J. C. Gilbert; Peter Maček; Jeremy H. Lakey; Gregor Anderluh

Sphingomyelin (SM) is abundant in the outer leaflet of the cell plasma membrane, with the ability to concentrate in so-called lipid rafts. These specialized cholesterol-rich microdomains not only are associated with many physiological processes but also are exploited as cell entry points by pathogens and protein toxins. SM binding is thus a widespread and important biochemical function, and here we reveal the molecular basis of SM recognition by the membrane-binding eukaryotic cytolysin equinatoxin II (EqtII). The presence of SM in membranes drastically improves the binding and permeabilizing activity of EqtII. Direct binding assays showed that EqtII specifically binds SM, but not other lipids and, curiously, not even phosphatidylcholine, which presents the same phosphorylcholine headgroup. Analysis of the EqtII interfacial binding site predicts that electrostatic interactions do not play an important role in the membrane interaction and that the two most important residues for sphingomyelin recognition are Trp112 and Tyr113 exposed on a large loop. Experiments using site-directed mutagenesis, surface plasmon resonance, lipid monolayer, and liposome permeabilization assays clearly showed that the discrimination between sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine occurs in the region directly below the phosphorylcholine headgroup. Because the characteristic features of SM chemistry lie in this subinterfacial region, the recognition mechanism may be generic for all SM-specific proteins.

Toxicon | 2009

Molecular mechanism of pore formation by actinoporins

Katarina Kristan; Gabriella Viero; Mauro Dalla Serra; Peter Maček; Gregor Anderluh

Actinoporins are effective pore-forming toxins produced by sea anemones. These extremely potent, basic 20 kDa proteins readily form pores in membranes that contain sphingomyelin. Much has been learned about the molecular basis of their pore-forming mechanism in recent years. Pore formation is a multi-step process that involves recognition of membrane sphingomyelin, firm binding to the membrane accompanied by the transfer of the N-terminal region to the lipid-water interface and finally pore formation after oligomerisation of three to four monomers. The final conductive pathway is formed by amphipathic alpha-helices, hence actinoporins are an important example of so-called alpha-helical pore-forming toxins. Actinoporins have become useful model proteins to study protein-membrane interactions, specific recognition of lipids in the membrane, and protein oligomerisation in the lipid milieu. Recent sequence and structural data of proteins similar to actinoporins indicate that they are not a unique family restricted to sea anemones as was long believed. An AF domain superfamily (abbreviated from actinoporin-like proteins and fungal fruit-body lectins) was defined and shown to contain members from three animal and two plant phyla. On the basis of functional properties of some members we hypothesise that AF domain proteins are peripheral membrane proteins. Finally, ability of actinoporins to form transmembrane pores has been exploited in some novel biomedical applications.

Toxicology | 1994

Mechanism of action of equinatoxin II, a cytolysin from the sea anemone Actinia equina L. belonging to the family of actinoporins

Peter Maček; Giovanna Belmonte; Cecilia Pederzolli; Gianfranco Menestrina

Actinia equina equinatoxin II (EqT-II) is a representative of a family of pore-forming, basic, polypeptide toxins from sea anemones, now called actinoporins. This family comprises at least 27 members, which are all hemolytic at rather low concentrations. Red blood cell (RBC) hemolysis by EqT-II is the result of a colloid-osmotic shock caused by the opening of toxin-induced pores. Using osmotic protectants of different size the functional radius of the lesion was estimated to be approximately 1.1 nm. These pores are most probably constituted by oligomeric aggregates of cytolysin molecules, whose presence on the membrane of lysed RBC was directly demonstrated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) after covalent cross-linking. EqT-II is active also against a variety of mammalian cells including leukocytes, platelets and cardiomiocytes. An increased permeability of the plasma membrane after Eq-II attack is compatible with the notion that the toxin forms pores also on these cells. Eq-II permeabilises even purely lipidic model membranes, suggesting a protein receptor is not necessary. Using calcein-loaded unilamellar vesicles (UVs) comprised of phosphatydylcholine (PC) mixed with other lipids we observed that the rate and extent of permeabilization greatly increases when sphingomyelin (SM) or the ganglioside GM1 were introduced, particularly in the case of large UVs (which are more sensitive to the toxin than small UVs). PAGE indicated that the increased effect of Eq-II on SM containing vesicles is due to an increased level of toxin binding to such vesicles. The formation of cation-selective channels by EqT-II was directly demonstrated using planar lipid membranes where the toxin induced discrete increases of the film conductivity. The conductance of the channel was consistent with the estimated size of the lesion formed in RBC. Several factors can affect toxin activity: serum, low pH, low ionic strength and multivalent cations are potent inhibitors. pH Dependence is bell shaped, optimum activity being between pH 8 and 9. Similarly the action of Ca2+ is also bivalent: up to a concentration of approximately 2 mM it stimulates hemolysis, but above this concentration it inhibits (with 50% inhibition occurring at approximately 10 mM). When the known amino acid sequences of actinoporins are examined a common trait emerges; the presence of a well conserved, amphiphilic, putative alpha-helix at the N-terminus, which might be involved in the insertion of EqT-II in lipid membranes.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 1994

Primary and secondary structure of a pore-forming toxin from the sea anemone, Actinia equina L., and its association with lipid vesicles

Giovanna Belmonte; Gianfranco Menestrina; Cecilia Pederzolli; Igor Kriẑaj; Franc Gubenšek; Tom Turk; Peter Maček

The complete amino acid sequence of equinatoxin II, a potent pore-forming toxin with hemolytic, cytotoxic and cardiotoxic activity from the venom of the sea anemone, Actinia equina L., is reported. In addition, circular dicroism was used to estimate the secondary structure of this toxin either in the water-soluble or in the membrane-anchored form. Equinatoxin II when in water was found to contain about 29-33% of alpha-helical structure, 53-58% of beta-strand+beta-turn and 10-16% of random structure. Upon association with phospholipids, in particular with sphingomyelin, a rearrangement of the secondary structure occurs resulting in an increase of the alpha-helix content. An amphiphilic alpha-helical segment is predicted at the N-terminus, which shares structural homology with membrane active peptides like melittin and viral fusion peptides. In analogy to the behaviour of these peptides we propose that at least part of the alpha-helix content increase of equinatoxin II is due to the insertion of its N-terminus into the lipid bilayer. As in the case of melittin, association of 3-4 equinatoxin molecules is necessary to induce membrane permeabilisation.

Biochemical Journal | 2000

Structure-function studies of tryptophan mutants of equinatoxin II, a sea anemone pore-forming protein

Petra Malovrh; Ariana Barlič; Zdravko Podlesek; Peter Maček; Gianfranco Menestrina; Gregor Anderluh

Equinatoxin II (EqtII) is a eukaryotic cytolytic toxin that avidly creates pores in natural and model lipid membranes. It contains five tryptophan residues in three different regions of the molecule. In order to study its interaction with the lipid membranes, three tryptophan mutants, EqtII Trp(45), EqtII Trp(116/117) and EqtII Trp(149), were prepared in an Escherichia coli expression system [here, the tryptophan mutants are classified according to the position of the remaining tryptophan residue(s) in each mutated protein]. They all possess a single intrinsic fluorescent centre. All mutants were less haemolytically active than the wild-type, although the mechanism of erythrocyte damage was the same. EqtII Trp(116/117) resembles the wild-type in terms of its secondary structure content, as determined from Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra and its fluorescent properties. Tryptophans at these two positions are buried within the hydrophobic interior of the protein, and are transferred to the lipid phase during the interaction with the lipid membrane. The secondary structure of the other two mutants, EqtII Trp(45) and EqtII Trp(149), was altered to a certain extent. EqtII Trp(149) was the most dissimilar from the wild-type, displaying a higher content of random-coil structure. It also retained the lowest number of nitrogen-bound protons after exchange with (2)H(2)O, which might indicate a reduced compactness of the molecule. Tryptophans in EqtII Trp(45) and EqtII Trp(149) were more exposed to water, and also remained as such in the membrane-bound form.

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