Peter Quicker
RWTH Aachen University
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Featured researches published by Peter Quicker.
Environmental Science & Technology | 2011
Sebastian Meyer; Bruno Glaser; Peter Quicker
For the development of commercial biochar projects, reliable data on biochar production technologies is needed. For this purpose, peer-reviewed scientific articles on carbonization technologies (pyrolysis, gasification, hydrothermal carbonization, and flash carbonization) have been analyzed. Valuable information is provided by papers on pyrolysis processes, less information is available on gasification processes, and few papers about hydrothermal and flash carbonization technologies were identified. A wide range of data on the costs of char production (between 51 US
Waste Management | 2018
Florian Part; Nicole D. Berge; Paweł Baran; A. Stringfellow; Wenjie Sun; Shannon L. Bartelt-Hunt; Denise Mitrano; Liang Li; Pierre Hennebert; Peter Quicker; Stephanie C. Bolyard; Marion Huber-Humer
per tonne pyrolysis biochar from yard waste and 386 US
Waste Management | 2017
Martin Rotheut; Peter Quicker
per tonne retort charcoal) and on the GHG balance of biochar systems (between -1054 kg CO(2)e and +123 kg CO(2)e per t dry biomass feedstock) have been published. More data from pilot projects are needed to improve the evaluation of biochar production technologies. Additional research on the influence of biochar application on surface albedo, atmospheric soot concentration, and yield responses is necessary to assess the entire climate impact of biochar systems. Above all, further field trials on the ability of different technologies to produce chars for agricultural soils and carbon sequestration are essential for future technology evaluation.
Archive | 2017
Peter Quicker
Significant knowledge and data gaps associated with the fate of product-embedded engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) in waste management processes exist that limit our current ability to develop appropriate end-of-life management strategies. This review paper was developed as part of the activities of the IWWG ENMs in Waste Task Group. The specific objectives of this review paper are to assess the current knowledge associated with the fate of ENMs in commonly used waste management processes, including key processes and mechanisms associated with ENM fate and transport in each waste management process, and to use that information to identify the data gaps and research needs in this area. Literature associated with the fate of ENMs in wastes was reviewed and summarized. Overall, results from this literature review indicate a need for continued research in this area. No work has been conducted to quantify ENMs present in discarded materials and an understanding of ENM release from consumer products under conditions representative of those found in relevant waste management process is needed. Results also indicate that significant knowledge gaps associated with ENM behaviour exist for each waste management process investigated. There is a need for additional research investigating the fate of different types of ENMs at larger concentration ranges with different surface chemistries. Understanding how changes in treatment process operation may influence ENM fate is also needed. A series of specific research questions associated with the fate of ENMs during the management of ENM-containing wastes have been identified and used to direct future research in this area.
Archive | 2017
Christian Pacher; Martin Faulstich; Peter Quicker
The residence of municipal solid waste within a landfill body results in a significant change of material properties. Experiences with the energetic utilisation of the burnable fractions from formerly landfilled waste are hardly documented, the influence of refuse derived fuels (RDF) from such materials on the performance of modern waste-to-energy plants is not sufficiently described in scientific literature. Therefore this study focuses on the energetic utilisation of refuse derived fuel from landfilled waste, processed in a mechanical waste treatment facility, and the impact of the material on the operation of the incineration plant. Additionally, the possibility of direct combustion of non-pre-treated excavated landfill material has been evaluated in the same facility. First, sampling and analysis of the fuel has been carried out. Based on this, a large-scale combustion experiment was planned and conducted in an industrial waste-to-energy plant. Steam mass flow rate, concentration of harmful substances in the raw gas, as well as total emissions of the facility have been monitored in detail. Furthermore, the influence of the landfilled material on the additive consumption has been determined. The combustion residues (bottom ash) were also sampled and analysed. Based on the evaluation of operating data and analysis of both fuel and residue, suitable thermal treatment approaches for the refuse-derived fuel and the non-pre-treated excavated material have been assessed.
Archive | 2016
Kathrin Weber; Peter Quicker
The recovery of materials in the course of thermal waste treatment may sound contradictory at first glance because thermal treatment is supposed to destroy materials. However, this is only the case for organic materials. But waste consists of more: Metals and minerals are part of the trash, and there are options to get them back afterward or better by thermal treatment.
Archive | 2016
Simone Heger; Andrea Kruse; Peter Quicker; Dennis Blöhse; Klaus Serfass; Marc-André Schulten; Saulo Seabra
This study focuses on the evaluation of impacts of the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) on the emissions position of waste incineration plants and the evaluation of useful flexible mechanisms according to the Kyoto Protocol with the aim of pushing the cost efficient reduction of greenhouse gases in those installations. The knowledge of climate affecting greenhouse gases, of energy efficiency potentials and of the relevance of different energy efficiency measures is essential for an in-depth evaluation. Therefore, a methodology for the determination of the relevance of different energy efficiency measures has been developed in connection with an evaluation of the current state of art. The methodology is based on a matrix determination. The results of Wünsch (2011), regarding specific energy efficiency measures, and their related implementation costs have been considered in order to deduce the cost efficiency of different measures, which is essential for the determination of EU ETS impacts on waste incineration plants and the realisation of project based mechanisms. According to this evaluation, climate affecting CO2 emissions in the range of 6.9 million Mg to 10.4 million Mg are caused by the incineration processes in German waste incineration plants. This means a share of 1% of total CO2 emissions in Germany. Most of the German waste incineration plants are operated by strongly reduced amounts of fossil fuels as most technical configurations are based on the use of steam that is generated by the incineration process. The use of steam inside the installation boundaries results in lower energy deliveries to public district heating systems and a reduced substitution of fossil fuels outside the installation boundaries. However, it leads to higher utilization ratios for those installations that are not connected to public district heating systems. CO2 emissions caused by waste incineration plants mainly result from the transformation of the carbon content of wastes to carbon dioxide during the incineration process. Climate affecting CO2 emissions from the incineration process could only be reduced by waste containing less carbon. Hence, the reduction potential of direct CO2 emissions in waste incineration plants is limited. However, there are more essential potentials regarding the energy delivery to public district heating systems or other steam/heat consuming plants and installations and, related to this, the substitution of fossil fuels. Beside the increasing connection to public district heating systems, heat recovery for drying sludge or wood could be a sensible technical concept in order to ensure efficient energy generation with those fuels with higher water content. Although a lot of technical energy efficiency measures have been conducted in waste incineration plants in the past, GHG emissions could be reduced by 2.1 to 4.1 million Mg CO2e/yr according to the results of this study. Wünsch (2011) has shown a further GHG reduction potential by energy efficiency measures which were explored in his study. The energy efficiency measures considered have been categorised by their reduction potential and their need for realisation. Based on available data, the following measures show the highest potential: heat recovery from waste gases emitted to the atmosphere, increase of the energetic utilization and boiler efficiency. Kurzfassung/Abstract Continuous emissions metering systems are available on the market and can provide reliable data for CO2 emissions. But only the total amount of CO2 emissions can be measured. The share of climate affecting and climate neutral CO2 emissions cannot be determined by those measurements. Hence, the evaluation of climate affecting CO2 emissions which are relevant for an emissions trading scheme can not be conducted with reasonable costs and effort. The results of this study show significant gaps between measured, flat-rate values (50% of total CO2 emissions) and CO2 emissions that are calculated by standard emission factors derived by sampling analyses. Hence, an installation specific evaluation of the biogen share of waste by regular samplings and analyses of the heating value would be necessary. Since waste is a very inhomogenous fuel, ensuring representative data through monitoring and sampling would be a very ambitious procedure. Because of the waste disposal law in Germany and the dependancy on treated waste amounts and waste compositions, positive and negative financial effects of a free allocation of certificates can occur which cannot be influenced by the operator. If free allocation shall be continued in further trading periods, a specific solution for waste incineration plants must be implemented that considers the waste disposal law. This could be managed by, for example, the allocation of certificates based on one tonne of treated waste with due regard to the waste’s composition. This would lead to specific allocation procedures for waste incineration plants implemented in the European Monitoring and Reporting Regulation. The reduction potentials of direct CO2 emissions in waste incineration plants are limited. CO2 emission reductions can only be realised by substituting the fossil energy used for the technical processes. Those reduction potentials are nearly exhausted in German waste incineration plants. Hence, in case of including waste incineration plants in the European Emissions Trading Scheme, operators may not be able to fulfil emission reductions as defined by the European Monitoring and Reporting Regulation. Even if the legislator created exceptions of the yearly reduction obligations for waste incineration plants deficits of certificates could occur because of the development of waste amounts. Since no credits, that is additional certificates free of charge, can be received for the substituted energy, the current European Emissions Trading Scheme does not deal with the relevant processes in waste incineration plants effectively and does not stimulate emissions reduction measures. However, credits could be generated by the project based mechanisms Joint Implementation (JI), Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) or similar mechanisms which are directly linked to the European Emissions Trading Scheme. If the energy efficiency of waste incineration plants increases, less energy is needed for the installation itself. Hence, additional steam or electricity can be delivered to public district heating systems or the electricity grid and substitutes regular fossil generated energy. The project based mechanisms consider emission reductions caused by the substitution of fossil fuels. But new methodologies would be necessary to regulate the calculation of CO2 emission reductions and the proof of additionality in the case of waste incineration. That means, some efforts and costs before the implementation of the project itself but does not lead to a negative assessment of those mechanisms. But even if you do not consider regular operation and maintenance costs the waste incineration process is too expensive compared to landfill gas projects. That is why those projects are widely established in the market of Kyoto mechanism while waste incineration does not play any role. Kurzfassung/Abstract Over the last three years another problem has arisen: the certificate prices. The implementation of project based mechansims and the realisation of CO2 emission reductions measures is closely linked to the actual certificate prices. Reduction measures are going to be realised if additional credits emerge by the generated certificates considering the current fuel prices on the market and an increased energy revenue. Because of the declining certificate prices in the last three years, project based mechanisms have not stimulated efficiency measures in any kind of installation. Additionally, the continuation of those kinds of project based mechanisms is very uncertain. Hence, there are no alternative mechanisms to stimulate efficiency measures at the moment. The evaluation of climate affecting greenhouse gases caused by waste incineration plants is still difficult since the biogenic ratio of waste can only be determined with higher effort. A reliable data base is necessary for an evaluation of the actual contribution to climate protection and efficiency potentials of waste incineration plants. There is further need for research. If waste incineration plants should be included in the Emissions Trading Scheme, different determination procedures could be combined. For example, the balancing method of the Technical University Vienna could be used as the main determination procedure for the biogenic carbon content of waste. Additionally, the results of the balancing method could be crosschecked by regular chemical determination procedures. With this approach the ongoing monitoring process could be reduced without impacting accuracy requirements, which should be specifically geared to each plant. The currently established thermal waste treating procedures, in particular waste incineration plants, will also rate highly in German waste management in the future. Due to the high requirements on the substitute fuels used for co-incineration in coal-fired power plants or cement works, considerable amounts of waste flow to the classic waste incineration plants. Hence, the classic waste incineration plants will also be a necessary way of disposal in the future, and energy generated by the incineration process, should be used as efficiently as possible. Efficiency measures must be promoted by appropriate assistance measures because of their usually long payback period. In addition to the primarily targeting aim of waste reduction, thermal waste treatment can ensure the necessary waste disposal guarantee for amounts of waste which can not be avoided or recycled. In order to ensure a treatment of waste with the best available technique, the promotion of energy efficiency measures in the thermal was
Archive | 2016
Peter Quicker; Andrea Kruse; Kathrin Weber; Dennis Blöhse
In diesem Kapitel werden Eigenschaften von Biomassekarbonisaten, wie Elementarzusammensetzung, Heizwert, oder erreichbare Ausbeuten und spezifische Oberflachen, dargestellt, die fur die Nutzung dieser Stoffe wichtig sind. Dabei ist die Vokabel „darstellen“ wortlich zu nehmen. Nachdem in Kap. 2 bereits ausfuhrlich die thermochemischen und reaktionstechnischen Hintergrunde der Karbonisierungsprozesse erlautert und Abhangigkeiten von Erzeugungsparametern diskutiert wurden, finden sich hier ausschlieslich praktische Versuchsergebnisse aus verschiedenen Quellen, die in unterschiedlichen Grosenordnungen ermittelt wurden, von der Thermogravimetrie, uber Retorten- bzw. Autoklavenversuche bis hin zu Technikums-Drehrohren, Pilotreaktoren und Anlagen im industriellen Masstab. Im Zentrum der Betrachtungen stehen dabei Karbonisate aus der Pyrolyse, da diese Technik im Gegensatz zur HTC schon sehr lange praktiziert wird und die Produkte in einer Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Anwendungen etabliert sind.
Archive | 2014
Thomas Pretz; Peter Quicker; Hermann Wotruba
Dieses Kapitel gibt einen Uberblick uber die Herstellungsmoglichkeiten von Biomassekarbonisaten. Neben den verfahrenstechnischen Prinzipien werden aktuell in Deutschland konkret in Betrieb oder Entwicklung befindliche Prozesse beschrieben. Eingeleitet wird das Kapitel durch die Darstellung des rechtlichen Rahmens bei der Genehmigung einer Karbonisierungsanlage und abgeschlossen mit einigen Ausfuhrung zur Agglomeration der produzierten Karbonisate fur den optimierten Betrieb und Einsatz.
Fuel | 2018
Kathrin Weber; Peter Quicker
Die Karbonisierung von Biomassen kann durch unterschiedliche thermochemische Prozesse realisiert werden.