
Nature Genetics | 2014

Reappraisal of known malaria resistance loci in a large multicenter study

Kirk A. Rockett; Geraldine M. Clarke; Kathryn Fitzpatrick; Christina Hubbart; Anna Jeffreys; Kate Rowlands; Rachel Craik; Muminatou Jallow; David J. Conway; Kalifa Bojang; Margaret Pinder; Stanley Usen; Fatoumatta Sisay-Joof; Giorgio Sirugo; Ousmane Toure; Mahamadou A. Thera; Salimata Konate; Sibiry Sissoko; Amadou Niangaly; Belco Poudiougou; V. Mangano; Edith C. Bougouma; Sodiomon B. Sirima; David Modiano; Lucas Amenga-Etego; Anita Ghansah; Kwadwo A. Koram; Michael D. Wilson; Anthony Enimil; Jennifer L. Evans

Many human genetic associations with resistance to malaria have been reported, but few have been reliably replicated. We collected data on 11,890 cases of severe malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum and 17,441 controls from 12 locations in Africa, Asia and Oceania. We tested 55 SNPs in 27 loci previously reported to associate with severe malaria. There was evidence of association at P < 1 × 10−4 with the HBB, ABO, ATP2B4, G6PD and CD40LG loci, but previously reported associations at 22 other loci did not replicate in the multicenter analysis. The large sample size made it possible to identify authentic genetic effects that are heterogeneous across populations or phenotypes, with a striking example being the main African form of G6PD deficiency, which reduced the risk of cerebral malaria but increased the risk of severe malarial anemia. The finding that G6PD deficiency has opposing effects on different fatal complications of P. falciparum infection indicates that the evolutionary origins of this common human genetic disorder are more complex than previously supposed.

Nature | 2012

Analysis of Plasmodium falciparum diversity in natural infections by deep sequencing

Magnus Manske; Olivo Miotto; Susana Campino; Sarah Auburn; Jacob Almagro-Garcia; Gareth Maslen; Jack O’Brien; Abdoulaye Djimde; Ogobara K. Doumbo; Issaka Zongo; Jean-Bosco Ouédraogo; Pascal Michon; Ivo Mueller; Peter Siba; Alexis Nzila; Steffen Borrmann; Steven M. Kiara; Kevin Marsh; Hongying Jiang; Xin-Zhuan Su; Chanaki Amaratunga; Rick M. Fairhurst; Duong Socheat; François Nosten; Mallika Imwong; Nicholas J. White; Mandy Sanders; Elisa Anastasi; Dan Alcock; Eleanor Drury

Malaria elimination strategies require surveillance of the parasite population for genetic changes that demand a public health response, such as new forms of drug resistance. Here we describe methods for the large-scale analysis of genetic variation in Plasmodium falciparum by deep sequencing of parasite DNA obtained from the blood of patients with malaria, either directly or after short-term culture. Analysis of 86,158 exonic single nucleotide polymorphisms that passed genotyping quality control in 227 samples from Africa, Asia and Oceania provides genome-wide estimates of allele frequency distribution, population structure and linkage disequilibrium. By comparing the genetic diversity of individual infections with that of the local parasite population, we derive a metric of within-host diversity that is related to the level of inbreeding in the population. An open-access web application has been established for the exploration of regional differences in allele frequency and of highly differentiated loci in the P. falciparum genome.

Science | 2009

The Peopling of the Pacific from a Bacterial Perspective

Yoshan Moodley; Bodo Linz; Yoshio Yamaoka; Helen M. Windsor; Sebastien Breurec; Jeng-Yih Wu; Ayas Maady; Steffie Bernhöft; Jean-Michel Thiberge; Suparat Phuanukoonnon; Gangolf Jobb; Peter Siba; David Y. Graham; Barry J. Marshall; Mark Achtman

Two prehistoric migrations peopled the Pacific. One reached New Guinea and Australia, and a second, more recent, migration extended through Melanesia and from there to the Polynesian islands. These migrations were accompanied by two distinct populations of the specific human pathogen Helicobacter pylori, called hpSahul and hspMaori, respectively. hpSahul split from Asian populations of H. pylori 31,000 to 37,000 years ago, in concordance with archaeological history. The hpSahul populations in New Guinea and Australia have diverged sufficiently to indicate that they have remained isolated for the past 23,000 to 32,000 years. The second human expansion from Taiwan 5000 years ago dispersed one of several subgroups of the Austronesian language family along with one of several hspMaori clades into Melanesia and Polynesia, where both language and parasite have continued to diverge.

Cell Reports | 2015

The Gut Microbiota of Rural Papua New Guineans: Composition, Diversity Patterns, and Ecological Processes

Inés Martínez; James C. Stegen; María X. Maldonado-Gómez; A. Murat Eren; Peter Siba; Andrew R. Greenhill; Jens Walter

Although recent research revealed an impact of westernization on diversity and composition of the human gut microbiota, the exact consequences on metacommunity characteristics are insufficiently understood, and the underlying ecological mechanisms have not been elucidated. Here, we have compared the fecal microbiota of adults from two non-industrialized regions in Papua New Guinea (PNG) with that of United States (US) residents. Papua New Guineans harbor communities with greater bacterial diversity, lower inter-individual variation, vastly different abundance profiles, and bacterial lineages undetectable in US residents. A quantification of the ecological processes that govern community assembly identified bacterial dispersal as the dominant process that shapes the microbiome in PNG but not in the US. These findings suggest that the microbiome alterations detected in industrialized societies might arise from modern lifestyle factors limiting bacterial dispersal, which has implications for human health and the development of strategies aimed to redress the impact of westernization.

Molecular & Cellular Proteomics | 2011

The Stability and Complexity of Antibody Responses to the Major Surface Antigen of Plasmodium falciparum Are Associated with Age in a Malaria Endemic Area

Alyssa E. Barry; Angela Trieu; Freya J. I. Fowkes; Jozelyn Pablo; Matthew Kalantari-Dehaghi; Algis Jasinskas; Xiaolin Tan; Matthew A. Kayala; Livingstone Tavul; Peter Siba; Karen P. Day; Pierre Baldi; Philip L. Felgner; Denise L. Doolan

Individuals that are exposed to malaria eventually develop immunity to the disease with one possible mechanism being the gradual acquisition of antibodies to the range of parasite variant surface antigens in their local area. Major antibody targets include the large and highly polymorphic Plasmodium falciparum Erythrocyte Membrane Protein 1 (PfEMP1) family of proteins. Here, we use a protein microarray containing 123 recombinant PfEMP1-DBLα domains (VAR) from Papua New Guinea to seroprofile 38 nonimmune children (<4 years) and 29 hyperimmune adults (≥15 years) from the same local area. The overall magnitude, prevalence and breadth of antibody response to VAR was limited at <2 years and 2–2.9 years, peaked at 3–4 years and decreased for adults compared with the oldest children. An increasing proportion of individuals recognized large numbers of VAR proteins (>20) with age, consistent with the breadth of response stabilizing with age. In addition, the antibody response was limited in uninfected children compared with infected children but was similar in adults irrespective of infection status. Analysis of the variant-specific response confirmed that the antibody signature expands with age and infection. This also revealed that the antibody signatures of the youngest children overlapped substantially, suggesting that they are exposed to the same subset of PfEMP1 variants. VAR proteins were either seroprevalent from early in life, (<3 years), from later in childhood (≥3 years) or rarely recognized. Group 2 VAR proteins (Cys2/MFK-REY+) were serodominant in infants (<1-year-old) and all other sequence subgroups became more seroprevalent with age. The results confirm that the anti-PfEMP1-DBLα antibody responses increase in magnitude and prevalence with age and further demonstrate that they increase in stability and complexity. The protein microarray approach provides a unique platform to rapidly profile variant-specific antibodies to malaria and suggests novel insights into the acquisition of immunity to malaria.

Journal of Immunology | 2013

Identification and Prioritization of Merozoite Antigens as Targets of Protective Human Immunity to Plasmodium falciparum Malaria for Vaccine and Biomarker Development

Jack S. Richards; Thangavelu U. Arumugam; Linda Reiling; Julie Healer; Anthony N. Hodder; Freya J. I. Fowkes; Nadia Cross; Christine Langer; Satoru Takeo; Alessandro D. Uboldi; Jennifer K. Thompson; Paul R. Gilson; Ross L. Coppel; Peter Siba; Christopher L. King; Motomi Torii; Chetan E. Chitnis; David L. Narum; Ivo Mueller; Brendan S. Crabb; Alan F. Cowman; Takafumi Tsuboi; James G. Beeson

The development of effective malaria vaccines and immune biomarkers of malaria is a high priority for malaria control and elimination. Ags expressed by merozoites of Plasmodium falciparum are likely to be important targets of human immunity and are promising vaccine candidates, but very few Ags have been studied. We developed an approach to assess Ab responses to a comprehensive repertoire of merozoite proteins and investigate whether they are targets of protective Abs. We expressed 91 recombinant proteins, located on the merozoite surface or within invasion organelles, and screened them for quality and reactivity to human Abs. Subsequently, Abs to 46 proteins were studied in a longitudinal cohort of 206 Papua New Guinean children to define Ab acquisition and associations with protective immunity. Ab responses were higher among older children and those with active parasitemia. High-level Ab responses to rhoptry and microneme proteins that function in erythrocyte invasion were identified as being most strongly associated with protective immunity compared with other Ags. Additionally, Abs to new or understudied Ags were more strongly associated with protection than were Abs to current vaccine candidates that have progressed to phase 1 or 2 vaccine trials. Combinations of Ab responses were identified that were more strongly associated with protective immunity than responses to their single-Ag components. This study identifies Ags that are likely to be key targets of protective human immunity and facilitates the prioritization of Ags for further evaluation as vaccine candidates and/or for use as biomarkers of immunity in malaria surveillance and control.

Clinical Infectious Diseases | 2010

Association between naturally acquired antibodies to erythrocyte-binding antigens of Plasmodium falciparum and protection from malaria and high-density parasitemia.

Jack S. Richards; Danielle I. Stanisic; Freya J. I. Fowkes; Livingstone Tavul; Elijah Dabod; Jennifer K. Thompson; Sanjeev Kumar; Chetan E. Chitnis; David L. Narum; Pascal Michon; Peter Siba; Alan F. Cowman; Ivo Mueller; James G. Beeson

BACKGROUND Antibodies targeting blood stage antigens are important in protection against malaria, but the principle targets remain unclear. Erythrocyte-binding antigens (EBAs) are important erythrocyte invasion ligands used by merozoites and may be targets of protective immunity, but there are limited data examining their potential importance. METHODS We examined antibodies among 206 Papua New Guinean children who were treated with antimalarials at enrollment and observed prospectively for 6 months for reinfection and malaria. Immunoglobulin (Ig) G, IgG subclasses, and IgM to different regions of EBA175, EBA140, and EBA181 expressed as recombinant proteins were assessed in comparison with several other merozoite antigens. RESULTS High levels of IgG to each of the EBAs were strongly associated with protection from symptomatic malaria and high density parasitemia, but not with risk of reinfection per se. The predominant IgG subclasses were either IgG1 or IgG3, depending on the antigen. The predominance of IgG1 versus IgG3 reflected structural features of specific regions of the proteins. IgG3 was most strongly associated with protection, even for those antigens that had an IgG1 predominant response. CONCLUSIONS The EBAs appear important targets of acquired protective immunity. These findings support their further development as vaccine candidates.

PLOS ONE | 2011

Population Genetic Analysis of Plasmodium falciparum Parasites Using a Customized Illumina GoldenGate Genotyping Assay

Susana Campino; Sarah Auburn; Katja Kivinen; Issaka Zongo; Jean Bosco Ouédraogo; V. Mangano; Abdoulaye Djimde; Ogobara K. Doumbo; Steven M. Kiara; Alexis Nzila; Steffen Borrmann; Kevin Marsh; Pascal Michon; Ivo Mueller; Peter Siba; Hongying Jiang; Xin-Zhuan Su; Chanaki Amaratunga; Duong Socheat; Rick M. Fairhurst; Mallika Imwong; Timothy J. C. Anderson; François Nosten; Nicholas J. White; Rhian Gwilliam; Panos Deloukas; Bronwyn MacInnis; Chris Newbold; Kirk A. Rockett; Taane G. Clark

The diversity in the Plasmodium falciparum genome can be used to explore parasite population dynamics, with practical applications to malaria control. The ability to identify the geographic origin and trace the migratory patterns of parasites with clinically important phenotypes such as drug resistance is particularly relevant. With increasing single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery from ongoing Plasmodium genome sequencing projects, a demand for high SNP and sample throughput genotyping platforms for large-scale population genetic studies is required. Low parasitaemias and multiple clone infections present a number of challenges to genotyping P. falciparum. We addressed some of these issues using a custom 384-SNP Illumina GoldenGate assay on P. falciparum DNA from laboratory clones (long-term cultured adapted parasite clones), short-term cultured parasite isolates and clinical (non-cultured isolates) samples from East and West Africa, Southeast Asia and Oceania. Eighty percent of the SNPs (n = 306) produced reliable genotype calls on samples containing as little as 2 ng of total genomic DNA and on whole genome amplified DNA. Analysis of artificial mixtures of laboratory clones demonstrated high genotype calling specificity and moderate sensitivity to call minor frequency alleles. Clear resolution of geographically distinct populations was demonstrated using Principal Components Analysis (PCA), and global patterns of population genetic diversity were consistent with previous reports. These results validate the utility of the platform in performing population genetic studies of P. falciparum.

PLOS ONE | 2013

Strategies for Detection of Plasmodium species Gametocytes

Rahel Wampfler; Felistas Mwingira; Sarah Javati; Leanne J. Robinson; Inoni Betuela; Peter Siba; Hans-Peter Beck; Ivo Mueller; Ingrid Felger

Carriage and density of gametocytes, the transmission stages of malaria parasites, are determined for predicting the infectiousness of humans to mosquitoes. This measure is used for evaluating interventions that aim at reducing malaria transmission. Gametocytes need to be detected by amplification of stage-specific transcripts, which requires RNA-preserving blood sampling. For simultaneous, highly sensitive quantification of both, blood stages and gametocytes, we have compared and optimized different strategies for field and laboratory procedures in a cross sectional survey in 315 5-9 yr old children from Papua New Guinea. qRT-PCR was performed for gametocyte markers pfs25 and pvs25, Plasmodium species prevalence was determined by targeting both, 18S rRNA genes and transcripts. RNA-based parasite detection resulted in a P. falciparum positivity of 24.1%; of these 40.8% carried gametocytes. P. vivax positivity was 38.4%, with 38.0% of these carrying gametocytes. Sensitivity of DNA-based parasite detection was substantially lower with 14.1% for P. falciparum and 19.6% for P. vivax. Using the lower DNA-based prevalence of asexual stages as a denominator increased the percentage of gametocyte-positive infections to 59.1% for P. falciparum and 52.4% for P. vivax. For studies requiring highly sensitive and simultaneous quantification of sexual and asexual parasite stages, 18S rRNA transcript-based detection saves efforts and costs. RNA-based positivity is considerably higher than other methods. On the other hand, DNA-based parasite quantification is robust and permits comparison with other globally generated molecular prevalence data. Molecular monitoring of low density asexual and sexual parasitaemia will support the evaluation of effects of up-scaled antimalarial intervention programs and can also inform about small scale spatial variability in transmission intensity.

PLOS ONE | 2010

Differential patterns of infection and disease with P. falciparum and P. vivax in young Papua New Guinean children.

Enmoore Lin; Benson Kiniboro; Laurie R. Gray; Stuart Dobbie; Leanne J. Robinson; Annemarie Laumaea; Sonja Schöpflin; Danielle I. Stanisic; Inoni Betuela; Melinda J. Blood-Zikursh; Peter Siba; Ingrid Felger; Louis Schofield; Peter A. Zimmerman; Ivo Mueller

Background Where P. vivax and P. falciparum occur in the same population, the peak burden of P. vivax infection and illness is often concentrated in younger age groups. Experiences from malaria therapy patients indicate that immunity is acquired faster to P. vivax than to P. falciparum challenge. There is however little prospective data on the comparative risk of infection and disease from both species in young children living in co-endemic areas. Methodology/Principal Findings A cohort of 264 Papua New Guinean children aged 1-3 years (at enrolment) were actively followed-up for Plasmodium infection and febrile illness for 16 months. Infection status was determined by light microscopy and PCR every 8 weeks and at each febrile episode. A generalised estimating equation (GEE) approach was used to analyse both prevalence of infection and incidence of clinical episodes. A more pronounced rise in prevalence of P. falciparum compared to P. vivax infection was evident with increasing age. Although the overall incidence of clinical episodes was comparable (P. falciparum: 2.56, P. vivax 2.46 episodes / child / yr), P. falciparum and P. vivax infectious episodes showed strong but opposing age trends: P. falciparum incidence increased until the age of 30 months with little change thereafter, but incidence of P. vivax decreased significantly with age throughout the entire age range. For P. falciparum, both prevalence and incidence of P. falciparum showed marked seasonality, whereas only P. vivax incidence but not prevalence decreased in the dry season. Conclusions/Significance Under high, perennial exposure, children in PNG begin acquiring significant clinical immunity, characterized by an increasing ability to control parasite densities below the pyrogenic threshold to P. vivax, but not to P. falciparum, in the 2nd and 3rd year of life. The ability to relapse from long-lasting liver-stages restricts the seasonal variation in prevalence of P. vivax infections.

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