
Featured researches published by Peter Strapák.

Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-toxic\/hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering | 2004

Concentration of Copper, Iron, Zinc, Cadmium, Lead, and Nickel in Bull and Ram Semen and Relation to the Occurrence of Pathological Spermatozoa

Peter Massanyi; Jozef Trandzik; P. Nad; B. Korenekova; Magdaléna Skalická; Robert Toman; Norbert Lukáč; Marko Halo; Peter Strapák

Abstract In this study the concentration of copper, iron, zinc, cadmium, lead, and nickel in bull and ram semen and relation of these metals to spermatozoa morphology was investigated. Analysis by atomic absorption spectrophotometry showed that copper concentration was significantly higher (p < 0.0001) in ram semen in comparison with bull semen. The zinc concentration was higher in bull semen in comparison with ram semen. The iron and cadmium concentrations in the semen were similar. Higher concentration of lead was found in ram semen. Higher levels of nickel were found in ram semen in comparison with bulls. In bull semen 11.79 ± 4.88% of pathological spermatozoa was found. Higher occurrence of pathological spermatozoa was in ram semen (17.17 ± 3.76) in comparison with the semen of bulls. Separated tail, tail torso, and knob twisted tail were the most frequent forms of pathological spermatozoa in both species. Correlation analysis in bulls showed high positive relation between iron and zinc (r = 0.72), nickel and separated tail (r = 0.76), separated tail and tail torso (r = 0.71), tail torso and total number of pathological spermatozoa (r = 0.72), and between tail ball and total number of pathological spermatozoa (r = 0.78). In rams high positive correlation between cadmium and lead (r = 0.98), nickel and separated tail (r = 0.77), separated tail and total number of pathological spermatozoa (r = 0.69), knob twisted tail and retention of cytoplasmic drop (r = 0.78), and between knob twisted tail and other pathological spermatozoa (r = 0.71) was found. High negative correlation in ram semen was observed between copper and nickel (r = 0.71), copper and separated tail (r = 0.70), and between iron and tail torso (r = 0.67). The results suggest that the studied metals have a direct effect on spermatozoa quality.

Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-toxic\/hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering | 2003

Concentration of Copper, Iron, Zinc, Cadmium, Lead, and Nickel in Boar Semen and Relation to the Spermatozoa Quality

Peter Massanyi; Jozef Trandzik; P. Nad; B. Korenekova; Magdaléna Skalická; Robert Toman; Norbert Lukáč; Peter Strapák; Marko Halo; Jan Turcan

Abstract The concentration of copper, iron, zinc, cadmium, lead, and nickel as well as its relation to spermatozoa quality was investigated. The semen samples were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). The concentration of copper in boar semen was 1.64 ± 0.28 mg kg−1 and of iron 16.14 ± 10.35 mg kg−1. The concentration of zinc in boar semen reached an average value of 171.74 ± 64.72 mg kg−1 and the level of cadmium reached 0.01–0.16 mg kg−1 with the average value of 0.05 mg kg−1. The analysis of lead showed that the concentration of this element in boar semen was 0.02 ± 0.03 mg kg−1 and the average level of nickel was 0.06 ± 0.08 mg kg−1. The total percentage of pathological spermatozoa was 9.82 ± 1.47%. Detail analysis determined 3.18% of separated flagellum, 2.26% knob twisted flagellum, 0.88% flagellum torso, 0.85% flagellum ball, 0.42% broken flagellum, 0.23% retention of the cytoplasmic drop, 0.14% small heads, 0.03% large heads, and 1.83% forms other of pathological changes. Correlation analysis showed significant (p<0.05) positive correlation between copper and lead (r = 0.52). High correlation between small head and knob twisted tail (r = 0.67), small head and broken flagellum (r = 0.88) as well as between small head and total number of pathological spermatozoa (r = 0.73) was determined.

Annals of Animal Science | 2013

Relationship of Udder and Teat Morphology to Milking Characteristics and Udder Health Determined by Ultrasonographic Examinations in Dairy Cows / Związek Między Morfologią Wymienia I Strzyków A Cechami Doju I Zdrowotnością Wymienia W Badaniach Usg Krów Mlecznych

Iveta Szencziová; Peter Strapák; Ludĕk Stádník; Jan Beran

Abstract The aim of this study is to call attention to the possibility of using ultrasonography as a useful tool for the evaluation of morphological characteristics of the udder and teats in dairy cows in relation to milking characteristics and udder health. A total of 26 dairy cows of the Holstein breed in the first (n = 13) and second lactation (n = 13) were investigated with a linear array ultrasound probe. Recovery of the teat internal parameters after milking was determined by ultrasonographic scanning. Teat canal length, teat canal diameter and teat wall thickness of 103 teats were evaluated from 622 measurements before and directly after milking and every 15 minutes until 1 hour after milking (6 measurements). The most significant differences in internal proportions were determined within those values measured before and immediately after milking. The dynamics of changes in the length of the teat canal demonstrated the extension by 27%. A sudden restoration of the initial length by 11% was detected one hour after milking. Differences in teat canal diameter were significant at P<0.01 between the 1st and 4th measurement. The initial extension was 17% immediately after milking and the restoration about 9% one hour after milking. The wall thickness was strengthened during the 2nd measurement immediately after milking in comparison with the 1st measurement before milking (P<0.01). Significant differences in the wall thickness were detected between the 1st and 2nd measurement (+26%; P<0.01) and between the 2nd and 3rd measurement. The ultrasonographic scanning of the teat parameters was a useful tool to study teat changes caused by milking. Streszczenie Celem badań było zwrócenie uwagi na możliwość użycia ultrasonografii jako przydatnego narzędzia w ocenie cech morfologicznych wymienia i strzyków u krów mlecznych, w odniesieniu do cech doju i zdrowotności wymienia. Dwadzieścia sześć krów mlecznych rasy holsztyńskiej, w pierwszej i drugiej laktacji (n = 13), badano za pomocą USG, przy użyciu głowicy liniowej. Powrót parametrów strzyków do poziomu sprzed udoju określano za pomocą skanowania wiązką ultrasonograficzną. Długość i średnicę kanału strzykowego oraz grubość ścian strzyka oceniano na 103 strzykach, podczas 633 pomiarów przeprowadzonych przed udojem, bezpośrednio po udoju oraz do 60 minut po udoju, w odstępach 15-minutowych (6 pomiarów). Najbardziej istotne różnice w wewnętrznych proporcjach określono w obrębie wartości mierzonych przed i bezpośrednio po udoju. W dynamice zmian długości kanału strzykowego stwierdzono wydłużenie o 27%. Nagły powrót do 11% początkowej długości zaobserwowano godzinę po udoju. Różnice w średnicy kanału strzykowego były istotne na poziomie P<0,01, pomiędzy 1. a 4. pomiarem. Powiększenie wyniosło 17% bezpośrednio po udoju i około 9% w godzinę po udoju. Grubość ściany kanału strzykowego uległa zwiększeniu podczas 2. pomiaru zaraz po udoju, w porównaniu do 1. pomiaru przed dojem (P<0,01). Istotne różnice w grubości ściany wykryto między 1. a 2. pomiarem (+26%; P<0,01) oraz między 2. a 3. pomiarem. Badanie USG parametrów strzyków okazało się przydatne w określaniu zmian zachodzących w strzykach na skutek doju.

Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-toxic\/hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering | 2000

Contamination of bovine insemination doses with cadmium, copper, lead and zinc and its relation to semen activity

Peter Massanyi; Jozef Trandžík; Peter Strapák; Jaroslav Kovacik; K. Šimo; Norbert Lukáč; Robert Toman

Abstract Contamination of bovine insemination doses, used for artificial insemination, with cadmium, copper, lead and zinc as well as its relation to semen activity was investigated. Analysis by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) of cadmium showed that the average concentration was 0.0058 mg/kg. The concentration of copper was in the range of 0.2 ‐ 1.0 mg/kg with the average value of 0.515 mg/kg. Contamination of bovine insemination doses reached the average value of 0.320 mg/kg and the concentration of zinc reached 6.5 ‐ 14.2 mg/kg with the average level of 8.645 mg/kg. The analysis of semen activity showed that the semen was of good quality before freezing ‐ Activity 1 (39.75 ± 8.11%) as well as after freezing ‐ Activity 2 (34.25 ± 5.68%). Correlation analysis determined a high correlation relationship of the semen activity before and after freezing (P<0.0005). The correlation of semen activity to cadmium, copper, lead and zinc was very low. On the other hand the high correlation relationship between cadmium and lead (P<0.0001), cadmium and copper (P<0.0002) and copper and lead (P<0.0005) was found.

Journal of Central European Agriculture | 2011


Peter Strapák; Peter Juhás; Eva Strapáková

The aim of this study was to analyze the length of productive life in 118 646 dairy cows of the Slovak Simmental breed. The average length of productive life reached 1451 days (3.98 years). The recorded factors with most important impact to the length of productive life were: milk production at first lactation (F = 7736.88+++), year of culling (F = 4890.54) and the age at first calving (F = 2759.81). The length of productive life was significantly affected by reason of culling (F = 272.43) and the Sire (F = 53.43). The analysis of effects of exterior traits to the length of productive life was done in group of 6585 culled cows. From the main exterior traits the most important impact was recorded for body frame (F = 17.39+++), udder (F = 9.43+++) and feet and legs (F = 6.41+++). For more detail advisement was tested the influence of partial exterior traits. From the partial exterior traits the most significant effect to length of productive live had udder depth (F = 26.04+++), teats length (F = 18.49+++), teats thickness (F = 3.23+++) and teats placement (F = 3.31++). From partial traits of feet and legs the most significant effect to length of productive live had heel joint expression (F = 9.10+++) and foot (F = 5.47+++). Results from the present study confirmed the important influence of main and partial exterior type traits of Slovak Simmental breed on the productive life of cows.

Journal of Agrobiology | 2011

Milkability evaluation of Holstein dairy cows by Lactocorder

Peter Strapák; Peter Antalík; Iveta Szencziová

Milkability evaluation of Holstein dairy cows by Lactocorder The aim of this work was to evaluate chosen milk flow characteristics of Holstein dairy cows, using mobile electronic milk flow meters - Lactocorders. A total of 181 Holstein dairy cows were evaluated and divided according to parity, lactation stage and bimodality in order to carry out a detailed comparison of measured milkability traits. The average total milk yield was 11.98±3.41 kg per milking with an average milk flow rate of 2.52±0.75 kg min-1 and a maximum milk flow rate of 3.94±1.30 kg min-1. The total milk yield showed positive correlations with the average milk flow rate (r = 0.48; P<0.001) and also with the maximum milk flow rate (r = 0.32; P<0.001). More than 47% of milk flow curves were classified as bimodal. Bimodality was positively correlated with the duration of the incline phase (r = 0.73; P<0.001) and negatively correlated with the quantity of milk obtained during the first minute of milking (r = -0.34; P<0.001). In relation to the lactation stage - the highest average milk flow rate was reached by Holstein dairy cows at the beginning of the lactation (up to 100 days in milk), and in relation to parity - the highest milk flow rates were measured in second-lactation dairy cows.

Journal of Central European Agriculture | 2013


Peter Strapák; Peter Juhás; Jozef Bujko

The aim of this study was to analyze the association between enteritis and pneumonia during first months of life and subsequent growth and milk production traits of these animals. A total of 1327 calves were followed in this study. Calves were divided into three groups: Group A) healthy calves; Group B) calves that suffered from the enteritis one or more times from the birth to 6 th month of age; and Group C) calves that suffered from birth to 6 th month of age from the pneumonia. Subsequently all animals were observed at the following age stages: calves, heifers and cows. For all groups (age stages) the body weight and daily weight gain in calves (in the breeding period from birth to 6 th month of age), the weight and daily weight gain weight in heifers (in the breeding period from 7 th to 25 th month of age) and production parameters of cows in the first lactation (milk in kg, fat in kg and protein in kg) was recorded. Calves in Groups B and C exhibited lower average daily gain (690.40 g, SD = 186.18, N.S. and 636.80 g, SD = 221.19, P < 0.05 respectively) than healthy calves (Group A, 703.91 g, SD = 223.48). Heifers in Group B exhibited increased the daily weight gain (830.01, SD = 73.57, N.S.) compared to healthy animals (Group A, 828.31, SD = 89.16). The general hypothesis regarding the negative effect of the enteritis (in breeding age animals that suffer from disease) on growth in the Simmental breed has not been confirmed. Heifers that had suffered with the pneumonia (Group C) showed significantly lower average daily gain (784.64, SD = 102.96, P < 0.05) than heifers in group A and B. In the evaluation of milk production in the first lactation, average production of 5800 kg per lactation (SD = 3.96) was recorded in Group A cows. Cows in Group B in the first lactation produced the 5977 kg of milk per lactation on average (SD = 4.31). Cows from Group C in first lactation produced lowest amount of milk during the first lactation period (5674 kg, SD = 3.87), but difference among A, B and C group was not significant.

Archives Animal Breeding | 2008

Genetic efficiency parameters of Slovak warm-blood horses

Marko Halo; Juraj Mlynek; Peter Strapák; Peter Massanyi

Lucrări Ştiinţifice - Zootehnie şi Biotehnologii, Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară a Banatului Timişoara | 2011

Factors Effecting of Milk Productions in Select Herds of Slovak Spotted Breed

Jozef Bujko; Juraj Candrák; Peter Strapák; A. Hlinku

Archives Animal Breeding | 2010

Relation of the length of productive life and the body conformation traits in Slovak Simmental breed

Peter Strapák; Peter Juhás; Eva Strapáková; Marko Halo

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