Peter Zipp
Technische Hochschule
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Featured researches published by Peter Zipp.
European Journal of Applied Physiology | 1982
Peter Zipp
SummaryStandardized lead positions for recording myoelectric signals are given for various muscles. The positions are given in terms of (1) the ‘lead line’ connecting two anatomical landmarks and (2) the ‘central lead point’ about which the electrodes are placed symmetrically on the lead line.
Applied Ergonomics | 1983
Peter Zipp; Ernst Haider; Nachman Halpern; Walter Rohmert
The physiologically tolerable range of positions for the joints of the upper extremities have been investigated for typing tasks by recording the myoelectric activities of the involved muscles. For long-term typing tasks a split keyboard is recommended allocating a key field to each hand. The fields should be rotated against each other in the horizontal plane and inclined laterally.
Ergonomics | 1986
Walter Rohmert; Wangenheim M; Jan Mainzer; Peter Zipp; Werner Lesser
The maximum endurance time (MET) in static force exertions was used as a parameter for the assessment of five working postures. By applying the methodology of Rohmert to the construction of a general model for static muscular work and evaluating the measured MET results, the need for a new static posture model has been shown. The aim of the present pilot study was to test MET in load situations that would indicate when the general model can be used or when a new static postural force model is needed. Subjects exerted static postural forces at different load levels until exhaustion. In the first two postures, the strain was concentrated on the upper limbs, where active forces (muscular) play a key-role and justify the use of the model. In the remaining postures, the strain affected mainly the back/trunk, where the mechanical equilibrium of the body is brought about by active (muscles) and passive (skeleton and ligaments) structures. During the tests electromyographic (EMG) measurements of selected muscles ...
European Journal of Applied Physiology | 1982
Peter Zipp
SummaryThe myoelectric activities of the upper arm muscles were simultaneously recorded from seven recording sites during isometric elbow flexion and extension at 10, 30, 50 and 70% of MVC. The electrode geometry comprised one unipolar and two bipolar configurations (inter-electrode distance of 150, 35 and 15 mm resp.). The results indicate that cross-talk intensity over non-active muscles is diminished to 1/4 (flexion) and to 2/5 (extension) of its initial value as the electrode distance is reduced, and discrimination against signals from remote muscles is typically enhanced from 80% to 96% (flexion) and from 71% to 88% (extension). It is suggested that, instead of using fixed electrode distances, electrode geometry should be adapted to the recording purpose.
Journal of Biomedical Engineering | 1979
Peter Zipp; H. Ahrens
Motion artefact voltages result from mechanical disturbances of bioelectrodes. For dry electrodes the effect of parameters related to the amplifier input stage on the artefact voltage is studied. The results indicate that the artefact voltage consists of two components termed delta R component and delta U component according to the motion-affected element. The delta R component is strongly dependent on the amplifier input resistance Rl and the input bias current lB. For negligible delta R artefacts Rl should be larger than 1 G omega and lB should be less than 50 pA when using bioelectrodes.
European Journal of Applied Physiology | 1977
Peter Zipp
SummaryThe influence of local heating of the skin on the integrated EMG (registered with surface and subcutaneous electrodes), the amplitude of the ECG, the skin blood flow, the electrode impedance, the electrode-to-skin impedance, and the tissue impedance is investigated. Except for the increasing skin blood flow each of the variables exhibits a significant reduction with an increase in skin temperature. From these results the existence of two mechanisms is deduced mediating thermal influence on bioelectric signals picked up by surface electrodes: 1. An alteration of the signal source. 2. An alteration of the electric transfer characteristics of the tissue between signal source and electrode. Especially in quantitative surface electromyography the temperature dependence of the signal can be a source of error.ZusammenfassungDer Einflu\ einer lokalen HauterwÄrmung auf die Elektrische AktivitÄt des OberflÄchen- und Subkutan-EMG, die Amplitude der R-Zacke im EKG, die Hautdurchblutung, die Elektrodenimpedanz, die Elektroden-Haut-übergangsimpedanz und die Gewebeimpedanz wird untersucht. Abgesehen von der Durchblutung, die eine Zunahme zeigt, weisen alle Variablen eine signifikante Reduktion bei Erhöhung der Hauttemperatur auf. Die Ergebnisse sprechen für die Existenz zweier Mechanismen, die eine temperaturbedingte VerÄnderung abgeleiteter bioelektrischer Signale bewirken können: 1. Eine VerÄnderung der Signalquelle und 2. eine VerÄnderung des elektrischen Signalübertragungsverhaltens des zwischen der Quelle und den Ableitelektroden liegenden Gewebes. Diese Einflüsse sind als Fehlermöglichkeit insbesondere bei quantitativen EMG-Untersuchungen zu berücksichtigen.
European Journal of Applied Physiology | 1975
Peter Zipp
Pulse duration modulated signals were used to stimulate the extensor muscles of the hand. From this and from the isometric tension responses the frequency response of the human motor system was obtained. From the transfer characteristics of the components of the motor system which were taken from literature the frequency response of a closed-loop circuit model could be calculated. The theoretical frequency response was compared to the observed data. With increasing loop gain the model would show the characteristics of a filter tuned to the frequency of force-tremors.ZusammenfassungBasierend auf der Struktur und auf dem bekannten Übertragungsverhalten der Einzelelemente des motorischen Systems des Menschen wird ein regelungs-technisches Modell des motorischen Systems für den Sonderfall der isometrischen Muskelkontraktion entwickelt. Das Übertragungsverhalten des Modells wird mit dem durch elektrische Muskelreizung experimentell ermittelten Frequenzgang des motorischen Systems verglichen. Es wird gezeigt, daß unter bestimmten Bedingungen dem Krafttremor ähnliche Schwingungen auftreten.Pulse duration modulated signals were used to stimulate the extensor muscles of the hand. From this and from the isometric tension responses the frequency response of the human motor system was obtained. From the transfer characteristics of the components of the motor system which were taken from literature the frequency response of a closed-loop circuit model could be calculated. The theoretical frequency response was compared to the observed data. With increasing loop gain the model would show the characteristics of a filter tuned to the frequency of force-tremors.
Ergonomics | 1989
Peter Zipp
Abstract The recording properties of three different electrode arrangements (unipolar, bipolar and concentric anular electrodes) were compared by recording simultaneously the myoelectric signal of the biceps muscle. The concentric anular arrangement showed the following effects on the EMG: a decrease in signal amplitude and signal reproducibility and an increase in signal frequency bandwidth and spatial selectivity. There was no difference in the capability of detecting EMG changes related to muscular fatigue. Because of its high spatial selectivity the concentric anular electrode is recommended for applications requiring high rejection of myoelectric cross-talk from adjacent muscles.
European Journal of Applied Physiology | 1980
Peter Zipp; K. Hennemann; R. Grunwald; Walter Rohmert
SummaryThe properties of 18 electrode jellies were investigated: electrical conductivity, ionic content, pH, skin irritation, and skin impedance reduction with different skin preparations, motion artifact, electrochemical noise with different electrode material, susceptibility to drying, ease of handling, and cost. There were significant differences of performance. Skin compatibility after 8 h ranged from “no irritation∝ to “severely irritating∝. A skin irritation most likely occurred with decornifying skin preparation. The specific skin impedance 24 min after the application ranged from 15 kΩ·cm2 to 125 kΩ·cm2. The motion artifacts differed up to 250%. All jellies produced negligible noise with Ag/AgCl and stainless steel electrodes. However, with gold and silver electrodes the noise amounted to 19 and 23 ΜV. The Nacl content was correlated to the skin irritation and the impedance reduction. The impedance reduction correlated inversely to the skin compatibility and the motion artifact. Guidelines for the selection of an appropriate jelly in ergonomic long-term monitoring are given.ZusammenfassungAn 18 Kontaktvermittlern (KV) wurden untersucht: Elektrische LeitfÄhigkeit, Ionengehalt, pH-Wert, HautvertrÄglichkeit sowie hautimpedanzreduierende Wirksamkeit bei unterschiedlicher HautprÄparation, Bewegungsstörspannung, Rauschspannung bei unterschiedlichem Elektrodenmaterial, Austrocknungsneigung, Dosierbarkeit und Kosten. Es ergaben sich signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den KV hinsichtlich der Leistungsmerkmale. Die HautvertrÄglichkeit bei achtstündiger Applikation reichte von „gut vertrÄglich“ bis zu „stark reizend“, wobei die Irritationswahrscheinlichkeit bei dekornifizierender HautprÄparation am grö\ten war. Vierundzwanzig Minuten nach Applikationsbeginn lag die spezifische Hautimpedanz zwischen 15 kΩ·cm2 und 125 kΩ·cm2. Die Bewegungsstörspannungen wiesen Unterschiede bis zu 250% auf. Alle KV hatten bei Ag/AgCl- und Edelstahlelektroden eine vernachlÄssigbare RauschaktivitÄt, bei Gold- und Silberelektroden kamen Werte von 19 bzw. 23 ΜV vor. Der NaCl-Gehalt der KV korrelierte mit der Hautreizung und mit der Impedanzreduktion. Die Impedanzreduktion korrelierte gegenlÄufig mit der HautvertrÄglichkeit und der Bewegungsstörspannung. Die AbhÄngigkeit der KV-Bewertung von den übrigen Systemkomponenten wird dargelegt und es werden Richtlinien zur KV-Auswahl bei Langzeitableitungen gegeben.
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health | 1975
Wolfgang Laurig; Walter Rohmert; Peter Zipp
SummaryThe value of measuring of muscular forces in confirming the diagnosis of an impediment depends on the motivation of the subject. Therefore this is a controversial method. An improvement of the measuring of muscular force is presented, using electrical activity (EMG) and its variations as a control instrument to determine motivation. The functional relationships between the electrical activity, its variations, and the muscular forces form the basis of this method. A representative medical report is presented to demonstrate the application of the methods proposed.ZusammenfassungZu der oft kontrovers diskutierten Möglichkeit der Anwendung von isometrischen Kraftmessungen zur Beurteilung einer Behinderung bei medizinischer Begutachtung wird ein Vorschlag entwickelt, entsprechende Kraftmessungen nach der indirekten Methode nach Rohmert & Sieber (1960) durch die Auswertung des zeitabhÄngigen Verhaltens des OberflÄchenelektromyogramms zu ergÄnzen. Aufgrund zur Verfügung stehender funktionaler Beziehungen zwischen der VerÄnderung der aus dem Elektromyogramm abgeleiteten elektrischen AktivitÄt und der abgegebenen relativen Kraft bei statischen Kontraktionen können MaximalkrÄfte ermittelt werden, die mit den durch direkte oder indirekte Maximalkraftermittlung gewonnenen Werte verglichen werden können.Die Anwendung dieses Vorschlags wird an einem Beispiel einer gutachterlichen Fragestellung demonstriert. An dem Beispiel wird darüber hinaus eine Möglichkeit demonstriert, nÄherungsweise Aussagen zur statistischen Sicherheit im intraindividuellen Vergleich zu machen, wenn ein Mittelwert mit einem Einzelwert verglichen werden mu\.