
Featured researches published by Petra Mann.

Plant Molecular Biology | 2004

Identification of mycorrhiza-regulated genes with arbuscule development-related expression profile

U. Grunwald; Oyunbileg Nyamsuren; M. Tarnasloukht; L. Lapopin; Anke Becker; Petra Mann; Vivienne Gianinazzi-Pearson; Franziska Krajinski; Philipp Franken

Suppressive subtractive hybridisation was applied to the analysis of late stage arbuscular mycorrhizal development in pea. 96 cDNA clones were amplified and 81, which carried fragments more than 200 nt in size, were sequence analysed. Among 67 unique fragments, 10 showed no homology and 10 were similar to sequences with unknown function. RNA accumulation of the corresponding 67 genes was analysed by hybridisation of macro-arrays. The cDNAs used as probes were derived from roots of wild type and late mutant pea genotypes, inoculated or not with the AM fungus Glomus mosseae. After calibration, a more than 2.5-fold mycorrhiza-induced RNA accumulation was detected in two independent experiments in the wild type for 25 genes, 22 of which seemed to be induced specifically during late stage AM development. Differential expression for 7 genes was confirmed by RT-PCR using RNA from mycorrhiza and from controls of a different pea cultivar. In order to confirm arbuscule-related expression, the Medicago truncatula EST data base was screened for homologous sequences with putative mycorrhiza-related expression and among a number of sequences with significant similarities, a family of trypsin inhibitor genes could be identified. Mycorrhiza-induced RNA accumulation was verified for five members by real-time PCR and arbuscule-related activation of the promoter could be shown in transgenic roots for one of the genes, MtTi1.

Plant and Soil | 2002

Early developmentally regulated genes in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae: identification of GmGIN1, a novel gene with homology to the C-terminus of metazoan hedgehog proteins

Natalia Requena; Petra Mann; Rüdiger Hampp; Philipp Franken

The life cycle of the obligate biotrophic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi comprises several well-defined developmental stages whose genetic determinants are still unknown. With the aim of understanding the molecular processes governing the early developmental phase of the AM fungal life cycle, a subtractive cDNA library was constructed using a suppressive subtractive hybridization technique. The library contains more than 600 clones with an average size of 500 bp. The isolated cDNAs correspond to genes up-regulated during the early development of the AM fungus Glomus mosseae versus genes expressed in extraradical hyphae. The expression of several of the isolated genes was further confirmed by RT-PCR analysis. Among the isolated clones, a novel gene named GmGIN1 only expressed during early development in G. mosseae was found. The full-length GmGIN1 cDNA codes for a protein of 429 amino acids. The most interesting feature of the deduced protein is its two-domain structure with a putative self-splicing activity. The N-terminal domain shares sequence similarity with a novel family of GTP binding proteins while the C-terminus has a striking homology to the C-terminal part of the hedgehog protein family from metazoa. The C-terminal part of hedgehog proteins is known to participate in the covalent modification of the N-terminus by cholesterol, and in the self-splicing activity which renders the active form of the protein with signalling function. We speculate that the N-terminal part of GmGIN1, activated through a similar mechanism to the hedgehog proteins, has GTP-binding activity and participates in the signalling events prior to symbiosis formation.

Mycorrhiza | 2001

EST-library construction using spore RNA of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora rosea

Michaela Stommel; Petra Mann; Philipp Franken

Abstract RNA was extracted from activated spores of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora rosea. Double-stranded cDNA was synthesised, digested and cloned into the vector lambda-ZAP express. Of the 1,500 clones obtained, 1.5% carried inserts of the rRNA gene cluster. After excision, inserts from 50 randomly selected clones were sequenced. Database searches revealed that 62% of the clones had similarities to already known sequences. These mainly code for proteins involved in translation and protein processing, replication and the cell cycle and cell signal transduction. One fragment probably belonged to a metallothionein-encoding gene which may be involved in heavy-metal binding. The method presented is an easy and rapid way to obtain short fragments of coding regions for expressed sequence tag libraries.

Protoplasma | 2000

A homologue of the cell cycle check point TOR2 fromSaccharomyces cerevisiae exists in the arbuscular mycorrrhizal fungusGlomus mosseae

Natalia Requena; Petra Mann; Philipp Franken

SummaryA homologue of the geneTOR2 fromSaccharomyces cere isiae has been found in the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungusGlomus mosseae (BEG 12) during a differential RNA display experiment. Further downstream sequence was obtained by a nested-PCR approach. Eight introns were found in 2.6 kb sequence. The fragment encodes a putative protein with high homology (53% identity) to the C terminus ofS. cere isiae TOR2 and its homologues inSchizosaccharomyces pombe and humans. The gene was namedGmTOR2. The expression of the gene was studied by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and it was found to be expressed at a relatively high level during all the different life cycle stages of the AM fungus. TOR2 is known to be involved in the control of the cell cycle inS. cere isiae and the organization of the actin cytoskeleton in response to nutrients. The anti-inflammatory drug rapamycin, known to interfere with the role of TOR2 controlling the arrest of the cell cycle in G1 but not with its signalling to the actin cytoskeleton, was found to decrease hyphal growth ofG. mosseae sporocarps but not to affect spore germination. This result confirms that DNA replication is not needed for germination but during the presymbiotic growth. The immunostaining of germinated sporocarps ofG. mosseae with antibodies against tubulin showed the presence of mitotic spindles in some secondary spores, confirming previous findings of DNA replication during presymbiosis. The possibility that GmTOR2 controls the cell cycle arrest in AM fungi in the absence of the plant as a response to nutrient starvation is discussed.

Journal of Bacteriology | 2008

EspA, an Orphan Hybrid Histidine Protein Kinase, Regulates the Timing of Expression of Key Developmental Proteins of Myxococcus xanthus

Penelope I. Higgs; Sakthimala Jagadeesan; Petra Mann; David R. Zusman

Myxococcus xanthus undergoes a complex starvation-induced developmental program that results in cells forming multicellular fruiting bodies by aggregating into mounds and then differentiating into spores. This developmental program requires at least 72 h and is mediated by a temporal cascade of gene regulators in response to intra- and extracellular signals. espA mutants, encoding an orphan hybrid histidine kinase, alter the timing of this developmental program, greatly accelerating developmental progression. Here, we characterized EspA and demonstrated that it autophosphorylates in vitro on the conserved histidine residue and then transfers the phosphoryl group to the conserved aspartate residue in the associated receiver domain. The conserved histidine and aspartate residues were both required for EspA function in vivo. Analysis of developmental gene expression and protein accumulation in espA mutants indicated that the expression of the A-signal-dependent spi gene was not affected but that the MrpC transcriptional regulator accumulated earlier, resulting in earlier expression of its target, the FruA transcriptional regulator. Early expression of FruA correlated with acceleration of both the aggregation and sporulation branches of the developmental program, as monitored by early methylation of the FrzCD chemosensory receptor and early expression of the sporulation-specific dev and Mxan_3227 (Omega7536) genes. These results show that EspA plays a key role in the timing of expression of genes necessary for progression of cells through the developmental program.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2009

A Novel “Four-component” Two-component Signal Transduction Mechanism Regulates Developmental Progression in Myxococcus xanthus

Sakthimala Jagadeesan; Petra Mann; Christian W. Schink; Penelope I. Higgs

Histidine-aspartate phosphorelays are employed by two-component signal transduction family proteins to mediate responses to specific signals or stimuli in microorganisms and plants. The RedCDEF proteins constitute a novel signaling system in which four two-component proteins comprising a histidine kinase, a histidine-kinase like protein, and two response regulators function together to regulate progression through the elaborate developmental program of Myxococcus xanthus. A combination of in vivo phenotypic analyses of in-frame deletions and non-functional point mutations in each gene as well as in vitro autophosphorylation and phosphotransfer analyses of recombinant proteins indicate that the RedC histidine kinase protein autophosphorylates and donates a phosphoryl group to the single domain response regulator, RedF, to repress progression through the developmental program. To relieve this developmental repression, RedC instead phosphorylates RedD, a dual receiver response regulator protein. Surprisingly, RedD transfers the phosphoryl group to the histidine kinase-like protein RedE, which itself appears to be incapable of autophosphorylation. Phosphorylation of RedE may render RedE accessible to RedF, where it removes the phosphoryl group from RedF-P, which is otherwise an unusually stable phosphoprotein. These analyses reveal a novel “four-component” signaling mechanism that has probably arisen to temporally coordinate signals controlling the developmental program in M. xanthus. The RedCDEF signaling system provides an important example of how the inherent plasticity and modularity of the basic two-component signaling domains comprise a highly adaptable framework well suited to expansion into complex signaling mechanisms.

Mycorrhiza | 2003

Differential RNA accumulation of two β-tubulin genes in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

D. Rhody; M. Stommel; C. Roeder; Petra Mann; Philipp Franken

Abstract. RNA was isolated from spores of different arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and used for RT-PCR with degenerate primers for β-tubulin genes. PCR products were cloned and the sequence of several clones was analysed for each fragment. Comparison of sequences identified two loci for β-tubulin genes with different GC content and codon usage. Btub1 sequences were most similar to β-tubulin genes from the Oomycota, while Btub2 sequences showed highest similarity to sequences from the Zygomycota. RT-PCR experiments were carried out to monitor RNA accumulation patterns of Btub1 and Btub2 in asymbiotic germinating spores and in symbiotic extraradical hyphae of three different AM fungi. This indicated that Btub1 is constitutively expressed in Gigaspora rosea, but down-regulated during symbiosis in Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices. In contrast, Btub2 showed constitutive expression in the two Glomus species, but down-regulation in G. rosea. Further analysis of different fungi indicated that Btub2 primers could be used to specifically monitor RNA accumulation of AM fungi in environmental samples.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2016

Chemotaxis cluster 1 proteins form cytoplasmic arrays in Vibrio cholerae and are stabilized by a double signaling domain receptor DosM

Ariane Briegel; Davi R. Ortega; Petra Mann; Andreas Kjær; Simon Ringgaard; Grant J. Jensen

Significance The structure and function of membrane-bound chemoreceptor arrays in Bacteria and Archaea are well understood. The chemoreceptors form trimers-of-dimers that are organized into large, hexagonally packed arrays by rings of the histidine kinase CheA and the adaptor protein CheW. Even though many chemotactic prokaryotes are predicted to have additional, purely cytoplasmic chemoreceptor arrays, their structure and function remain poorly understood. We investigated the structure of the cytoplasmic array in the human pathogen Vibrio cholerae and discovered a receptor, DosM, with an unusual architecture. This chemoreceptor contains two signaling domains and is essential for the formation of cytoplasmic arrays. Furthermore, we show that DosM structurally stabilizes the cytoplasmic arrays. Nearly all motile bacterial cells use a highly sensitive and adaptable sensory system to detect changes in nutrient concentrations in the environment and guide their movements toward attractants and away from repellents. The best-studied bacterial chemoreceptor arrays are membrane-bound. Many motile bacteria contain one or more additional, sometimes purely cytoplasmic, chemoreceptor systems. Vibrio cholerae contains three chemotaxis clusters (I, II, and III). Here, using electron cryotomography, we explore V. cholerae’s cytoplasmic chemoreceptor array and establish that it is formed by proteins from cluster I. We further identify a chemoreceptor with an unusual domain architecture, DosM, which is essential for formation of the cytoplasmic arrays. DosM contains two signaling domains and spans the two-layered cytoplasmic arrays. Finally, we present evidence suggesting that this type of receptor is important for the structural stability of the cytoplasmic array.

PLOS ONE | 2011

The Myxococcus xanthus Spore Cuticula Protein C Is a Fragment of FibA, an Extracellular Metalloprotease Produced Exclusively in Aggregated Cells

Bongsoo Lee; Petra Mann; Vidhi Grover; Anke Treuner-Lange; Jörg Kahnt; Penelope I. Higgs

Myxococcus xanthus is a soil bacterium with a complex life cycle involving distinct cell fates, including production of environmentally resistant spores to withstand periods of nutrient limitation. Spores are surrounded by an apparently self-assembling cuticula containing at least Proteins S and C; the gene encoding Protein C is unknown. During analyses of cell heterogeneity in M. xanthus, we observed that Protein C accumulated exclusively in cells found in aggregates. Using mass spectrometry analysis of Protein C either isolated from spore cuticula or immunoprecipitated from aggregated cells, we demonstrate that Protein C is actually a proteolytic fragment of the previously identified but functionally elusive zinc metalloprotease, FibA. Subpopulation specific FibA accumulation is not due to transcriptional regulation suggesting post-transcriptional regulation mechanisms mediate its heterogeneous accumulation patterns.

eLife | 2017

Coupling chemosensory array formation and localization

Alejandra Alvarado; Andreas Kjær; Wen Yang; Petra Mann; Ariane Briegel; Matthew K. Waldor; Simon Ringgaard

Chemotaxis proteins organize into large, highly ordered, chemotactic signaling arrays, which in Vibrio species are found at the cell pole. Proper localization of signaling arrays is mediated by ParP, which tethers arrays to a cell pole anchor, ParC. Here we show that ParP’s C-terminus integrates into the core-unit of signaling arrays through interactions with MCP-proteins and CheA. Its intercalation within core-units stimulates array formation, whereas its N-terminal interaction domain enables polar recruitment of arrays and facilitates its own polar localization. Linkage of these domains within ParP couples array formation and localization and results in controlled array positioning at the cell pole. Notably, ParP’s integration into arrays modifies its own and ParC’s subcellular localization dynamics, promoting their polar retention. ParP serves as a critical nexus that regulates the localization dynamics of its network constituents and drives the localized assembly and stability of the chemotactic machinery, resulting in proper cell pole development.

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