
Biophysical Journal | 2008

Mechano-coupling and regulation of contractility by the vinculin tail domain.

Claudia T. Mierke; Philip Kollmannsberger; Daniel P. Zitterbart; James Smith; Ben Fabry; Wolfgang H. Goldmann

Vinculin binds to multiple focal adhesion and cytoskeletal proteins and has been implicated in transmitting mechanical forces between the actin cytoskeleton and integrins or cadherins. It remains unclear to what extent the mechano-coupling function of vinculin also involves signaling mechanisms. We report the effect of vinculin and its head and tail domains on force transfer across cell adhesions and the generation of contractile forces. The creep modulus and the adhesion forces of F9 mouse embryonic carcinoma cells (wild-type), vinculin knock-out cells (vinculin −/−), and vinculin −/− cells expressing either the vinculin head domain, tail domain, or full-length vinculin (rescue) were measured using magnetic tweezers on fibronectin-coated super-paramagnetic beads. Forces of up to 10 nN were applied to the beads. Vinculin −/− cells and tail cells showed a slightly higher incidence of bead detachment at large forces. Compared to wild-type, cell stiffness was reduced in vinculin −/− and head cells and was restored in tail and rescue cells. In all cell lines, the cell stiffness increased by a factor of 1.3 for each doubling in force. The power-law exponent of the creep modulus was force-independent and did not differ between cell lines. Importantly, cell tractions due to contractile forces were suppressed markedly in vinculin −/− and head cells, whereas tail cells generated tractions similar to the wild-type and rescue cells. These data demonstrate that vinculin contributes to the mechanical stability under large external forces by regulating contractile stress generation. Furthermore, the regulatory function resides in the tail domain of vinculin containing the paxillin-binding site.

Journal of Bone and Mineral Research | 2013

Architecture of the osteocyte network correlates with bone material quality

Michael Kerschnitzki; Philip Kollmannsberger; Manfred Burghammer; Georg N. Duda; Richard Weinkamer; Wolfgang Wagermaier; Peter Fratzl

In biological tissues such as bone, cell function and activity crucially depend on the physical properties of the extracellular matrix which the cells synthesize and condition. During bone formation and remodeling, osteoblasts get embedded into the matrix they deposit and differentiate to osteocytes. These cells form a dense network throughout the entire bone material. Osteocytes are known to orchestrate bone remodeling. However, the precise role of osteocytes during mineral homeostasis and their potential influence on bone material quality remains unclear. To understand the mutual influence of osteocytes and extracellular matrix, it is crucial to reveal their network organization in relation to the properties of their surrounding material. Here we visualize and topologically quantify the osteocyte network in mineralized bone sections with confocal laser scanning microscopy. At the same region of the sample, synchrotron small‐angle X‐ray scattering is used to determine nanoscopic bone mineral particle size and arrangement relative to the cell network. Major findings are that most of the mineral particles reside within less than a micrometer from the nearest cell network channel and that mineral particle characteristics depend on the distance from the cell network. The architecture of the network reveals optimization with respect to transport costs between cells and to blood vessels. In conclusion, these findings quantitatively show that the osteocyte network provides access to a huge mineral reservoir in bone due to its dense organization. The observed correlation between the architecture of osteocyte networks and bone material properties supports the hypothesis that osteocytes interact with their mineralized vicinity and thus, participate in bone mineral homeostasis.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2010

Vinculin Facilitates Cell Invasion into Three-dimensional Collagen Matrices

Claudia T. Mierke; Philip Kollmannsberger; Daniel P. Zitterbart; Gerold Diez; Thorsten M. Koch; Susanna Marg; Wolfgang H. Ziegler; Wolfgang H. Goldmann; Ben Fabry

The cytoskeletal protein vinculin contributes to the mechanical link of the contractile actomyosin cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix (ECM) through integrin receptors. In addition, vinculin modulates the dynamics of cell adhesions and is associated with decreased cell motility on two-dimensional ECM substrates. The effect of vinculin on cell invasion through dense three-dimensional ECM gels is unknown. Here, we report how vinculin expression affects cell invasion into three-dimensional collagen matrices. Cell motility was investigated in vinculin knockout and vinculin expressing wild-type mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Vinculin knockout cells were 2-fold more motile on two-dimensional collagen-coated substrates compared with wild-type cells, but 3-fold less invasive in 2.4 mg/ml three-dimensional collagen matrices. Vinculin knockout cells were softer and remodeled their cytoskeleton more dynamically, which is consistent with their enhanced two-dimensional motility but does not explain their reduced three-dimensional invasiveness. Importantly, vinculin-expressing cells adhered more strongly to collagen and generated 3-fold higher traction forces compared with vinculin knockout cells. Moreover, vinculin-expressing cells were able to migrate into dense (5.8 mg/ml) three-dimensional collagen matrices that were impenetrable for vinculin knockout cells. These findings suggest that vinculin facilitates three-dimensional matrix invasion through up-regulation or enhanced transmission of traction forces that are needed to overcome the steric hindrance of ECMs.

Review of Scientific Instruments | 2007

BaHigh-force magnetic tweezers with force feedback for biological applications

Philip Kollmannsberger; Ben Fabry

Magnetic micromanipulation using magnetic tweezers is a versatile biophysical technique and has been used for single-molecule unfolding, rheology measurements, and studies of force-regulated processes in living cells. This article describes an inexpensive magnetic tweezer setup for the application of precisely controlled forces up to 100 nN onto 5 microm magnetic beads. High precision of the force is achieved by a parametric force calibration method together with a real-time control of the magnetic tweezer position and current. High forces are achieved by bead-magnet distances of only a few micrometers. Applying such high forces can be used to characterize the local viscoelasticity of soft materials in the nonlinear regime, or to study force-regulated processes and mechanochemical signal transduction in living cells. The setup can be easily adapted to any inverted microscope.

Acta Biomaterialia | 2009

Effect of surface pre-treatments on biocompatibility of magnesium.

Carla Lorenz; Johannes G. Brunner; Philip Kollmannsberger; Leila Jaafar; Ben Fabry; Sannakaisa Virtanen

This study reports the influence of Mg surface passivation on the survival rate of human HeLa cells and mouse fibroblasts in cell culture experiments. Polished samples of commercially pure Mg show high reactivity in the cell culture medium, leading to a pH shift in the alkaline direction, and therefore cell adhesion and survival is strongly impaired. Passivation of the Mg surface in 1M NaOH can strongly enhance cell survival. The best initial cell adhesion is observed for Mg samples incubated in simulated body fluid (M-SBF), which leads to the formation of a biomimetic, amorphous Ca/Mg-phosphate layer with high surface roughness. This surface layer, however, passivates and seals the Mg surface only partially. Subsequent Mg dissolution leads to a significantly stronger pH increase compared to NaOH-passivated samples, which prevents long-term cell survival. These results demonstrate that surface passivation with NaOH and M-SBF together with the associated changes of surface reactivity, chemistry and roughness provide a viable strategy to facilitate cell survival on otherwise non-biocompatible Mg surfaces.

Molecular Cancer Research | 2008

Up-regulation of Rho/ROCK signaling in sarcoma cells drives invasion and increased generation of protrusive forces.

Daniel Rösel; Jan Brábek; Ondrej Tolde; Claudia T. Mierke; Daniel P. Zitterbart; C. Raupach; Kristyna Bicanova; Philip Kollmannsberger; Daniela Paňková; Pavel Vesely; Petr Folk; Ben Fabry

Tumor cell invasion is the most critical step of metastasis. Determination of the mode of invasion within the particular tumor is critical for effective cancer treatment. Protease-independent amoeboid mode of invasion has been described in carcinoma cells and more recently in sarcoma cells on treatment with protease inhibitors. To analyze invasive behavior, we compared highly metastatic sarcoma cells with parental nonmetastatic cells. The metastatic cells exhibited a functional up-regulation of Rho/ROCK signaling and, similarly to carcinoma cells, an amoeboid mode of invasion. Using confocal and traction force microscopy, we showed that an up-regulation of Rho/ROCK signaling leads to increased cytoskeletal dynamics, myosin light chain localization, and increased tractions at the leading edge of the cells and that all of these contributed to increased cell invasiveness in a three-dimensional collagen matrix. We conclude that cells of mesenchymal origin can use the amoeboid nonmesenchymal mode of invasion as their primary invading mechanism and show the dependence of ROCK-mediated amoeboid mode of invasion on the increased capacity of cells to generate force. (Mol Cancer Res 2008;6(9):1410–20)

Advanced Healthcare Materials | 2013

Geometry as a Factor for Tissue Growth: Towards Shape Optimization of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds

Cécile M. Bidan; Krishna P. Kommareddy; Monika Rumpler; Philip Kollmannsberger; Peter Fratzl; John W. C. Dunlop

Scaffolds for tissue engineering are usually designed to support cell viability with large adhesion surfaces and high permeability to nutrients and oxygen. Recent experiments support the idea that, in addition to surface roughness, elasticity and chemistry, the macroscopic geometry of the substrate also contributes to control the kinetics of tissue deposition. In this study, a previously proposed model for the behavior of osteoblasts on curved surfaces is used to predict the growth of bone matrix tissue in pores of different shapes. These predictions are compared to in vitro experiments with MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblast cells cultivated in two-millimeter thick hydroxyapatite plates containing prismatic pores with square- or cross-shaped sections. The amount and shape of the tissue formed in the pores measured by phase contrast microscopy confirms the predictions of the model. In cross-shaped pores, the initial overall tissue deposition is twice as fast as in square-shaped pores. These results suggest that the optimization of pore shapes may improve the speed of ingrowth of bone tissue into porous scaffolds.

Biophysical Journal | 2009

Filamin A Is Essential for Active Cell Stiffening but not Passive Stiffening under External Force

Karen E. Kasza; Fumihiko Nakamura; Shaohua Hu; Philip Kollmannsberger; Navid Bonakdar; Ben Fabry; Thomas P. Stossel; Ning Wang; David A. Weitz

The material properties of a cell determine how mechanical forces are transmitted through and sensed by that cell. Some types of cells stiffen passively under large external forces, but they can also alter their own stiffness in response to the local mechanical environment or biochemical cues. Here we show that the actin-binding protein filamin A is essential for the active stiffening of cells plated on collagen-coated substrates. This appears to be due to a diminished capability to build up large internal contractile stresses in the absence of filamin A. To show this, we compare the material properties and contractility of two human melanoma cell lines that differ in filamin A expression. The filamin A-deficient M2 cells are softer than the filamin A-replete A7 cells, and exert much smaller contractile stresses on the substratum, even though the M2 cells have similar levels of phosphorylated myosin II light chain and only somewhat diminished adhesion strength. In contrast to A7 cells, the stiffness and contractility of M2 cells are insensitive to either myosin-inhibiting drugs or the stiffness of the substratum. Surprisingly, however, filamin A is not required for passive stiffening under large external forces.

PLOS ONE | 2012

How linear tension converts to curvature: geometric control of bone tissue growth.

Cécile M. Bidan; Krishna P. Kommareddy; Monika Rumpler; Philip Kollmannsberger; Yves Bréchet; Peter Fratzl; John W. C. Dunlop

This study investigated how substrate geometry influences in-vitro tissue formation at length scales much larger than a single cell. Two-millimetre thick hydroxyapatite plates containing circular pores and semi-circular channels of 0.5 mm radius, mimicking osteons and hemi-osteons respectively, were incubated with MC3T3-E1 cells for 4 weeks. The amount and shape of the tissue formed in the pores, as measured using phase contrast microscopy, depended on the substrate geometry. It was further demonstrated, using a simple geometric model, that the observed curvature-controlled growth can be derived from the assembly of tensile elements on a curved substrate. These tensile elements are cells anchored on distant points of the curved surface, thus creating an actin “chord” by generating tension between the adhesion sites. Such a chord model was used to link the shape of the substrate to cell organisation and tissue patterning. In a pore with a circular cross-section, tissue growth increases the average curvature of the surface, whereas a semi-circular channel tends to be flattened out. Thereby, a single mechanism could describe new tissue growth in both cortical and trabecular bone after resorption due to remodelling. These similarities between in-vitro and in-vivo patterns suggest geometry as an important signal for bone remodelling.

Biophysical Journal | 2008

Breakdown of the Endothelial Barrier Function in Tumor Cell Transmigration

Claudia T. Mierke; Daniel P. Zitterbart; Philip Kollmannsberger; C. Raupach; Ursula Schlötzer-Schrehardt; T. W. Goecke; Jürgen Behrens; Ben Fabry

The ability of tumor cells to metastasize is associated with a poor prognosis for cancer. During the process of metastasis, tumor cells circulating in the blood or lymph vessels can adhere to, and potentially transmigrate through, the endothelium and invade the connective tissue. We studied the effectiveness of the endothelium as a barrier against the invasion of 51 tumor cell lines into a three-dimensional collagen matrix. Only nine tumor cell lines showed attenuated invasion in the presence of an endothelial cell monolayer, whereas 17 cell lines became invasive or showed a significantly increased invasion. Endothelial cells cocultured with invasive tumor cells increased chemokine gene expression of IL-8 and Gro-β. Expression of the IL-8 and Gro-β receptor, CXCR2, was upregulated in invasive tumor cells. Addition of IL-8 or Gro-β increased tumor cell invasiveness by more than twofold. Tumor cell variants selected for high CXCR2 expression were fourfold more invasive in the presence of an endothelial cell layer, whereas CXCR2 siRNA knock-down cells were fivefold less invasive. We demonstrate that Gro-β and IL-8 secreted by endothelial cells, together with CXCR2 receptor expression on invasive tumor cells, contribute to the breakdown of the endothelial barrier by enhancing tumor cell force generation and cytoskeletal remodeling dynamics.

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