
Featured researches published by Philip Marsh.

Hydrological Processes | 1997


Wayne R. Rouse; Marianne S. V. Douglas; Robert E. Hecky; Anne E. Hershey; George W. Kling; Lance F. W. Lesack; Philip Marsh; Michael P. McDonald; Barbara J. Nicholson; Nigel T. Roulet; John P. Smol

Region 2 comprises arctic and subarctic North America and is underlain by continuous or discontinuous permafrost. Its freshwater systems are dominated by a low energy environment and cold region processes. Central northern areas are almost totally influenced by arctic air masses while Pacific air becomes more prominent in the west, Atlantic air in the east and southern air masses at the lower latitudes. Air mass changes will play an important role in precipitation changes associated with climate warming. The snow season in the region is prolonged resulting in long-term storage of water so that the spring flood is often the major hydrological event of the year, even though, annual rainfall usually exceeds annual snowfall. The unique character of ponds and lakes is a result of the long frozen period, which affects nutrient status and gas exchange during the cold season and during thaw. GCM models are in close agreement for this region and predict temperature increases as large as 4°C in summer and 9°C in winter for a 2 × CO2 scenario. Palaeoclimate indicators support the probability that substantial temperature increases have occurred previously during the Holocene. The historical record indicates a temperature increase of > 1°C in parts of the region during the last century. GCM predictions of precipitation change indicate an increase, but there is little agreement amongst the various models on regional disposition or magnitude. Precipitation change is as important as temperature change in determining the water balance. The water balance is critical to every aspect of hydrology and limnology in the far north. Permafrost close to the surface plays a major role in freshwater systems because it often maintains lakes and wetlands above an impermeable frost table, which limits the water storage capabilities of the subsurface. Thawing associated with climate change would, particularly in areas of massive ice, stimulate landscape changes, which can affect every aspect of the environment. The normal spring flooding of ice-jammed north-flowing rivers, such as the Mackenzie, is a major event, which renews the water supply of lakes in delta regions and which determines the availability of habitat for aquatic organisms. Climate warming or river damming and diversion would probably lead to the complete drying of many delta lakes. Climate warming would also change the characteristics of ponds that presently freeze to the bottom and result in fundamental changes in their limnological characteristics. At present, the food chain is rather simple usually culminating in lake trout or arctic char. A lengthening of the growing season and warmer water temperature would affect the chemical, mineral and nutrient status of lakes and most likely have deleterious effects on the food chain. Peatlands are extensive in region 2. They would move northwards at their southern boundaries, and, with sustained drying, many would change form or become inactive. Extensive wetlands and peatlands are an important component of the global carbon budget, and warmer and drier conditions would most likely change them from a sink to a source for atmospheric carbon. There is some evidence that this may be occurring already. Region 2 is very vulnerable to global warming. Its freshwater systems are probably the least studied and most poorly understood in North America. There are clear needs to improve our current knowledge of temperature and precipitation patterns; to model the thermal behaviour of wetlands, lakes and rivers; to understand better the interrelationships of cold region rivers with their basins; to begin studies on the very large lakes in the region; to obtain a firm grasp of the role of northern peatlands in the global carbon cycle; and to link the terrestrial water balance to the thermal and hydrological regime of the polar sea. Overall, there is a strong need for basic research and long-term monitoring.

Water Resources Research | 2000

Eddy covariance measurements of evaporation from Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada

Peter D. Blanken; Wayne R. Rouse; Alistair D. Culf; Chris Spence; L. Dale Boudreau; Jesse N. Jasper; Bob Kochtubajda; William M. Schertzer; Philip Marsh; Diana Verseghy

The first direct measurements of evaporation from a large high-latitude lake, Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada, were made using eddy covariance between July 24 and September 10, 1997, and June 22 and September 26, 1998. The main body of the lake was ice-free between June 20 and December 13, 1997, and June 1, 1998, and January 8, 1999, with the extended ice-free season in 1997-1998 coinciding with 48C above normal air temperatures and an abnormally strong El Nino. Measurements extending roughly 5.0 to 8.5 km across the lake were made from a small rock outcrop located near the main body of the lake. The lake was thermally stratified between mid- July and September, with the thermocline extending down to approximately 15 m. High winds were effective in mixing warm surface waters downward and, when accompanied by cold fronts, resulted in large, episodic evaporation events typically lasting 45 hours. The daily total evaporation was best described as a function of the product of the horizontal wind speed and vapor pressure difference between the water surface and atmosphere. Seasonally, the latent heat flux was initially negative (directed toward the surface) followed by a steady increase to positive values (directed away from the surface) shortly after ice breakup. The latent heat flux then remained positive for the remainder of the ice-free period, decreasing midsummer and then steadily increasing until freeze-up. The sensible heat flux was small and often negative most of the spring and summer yet switched to positive and began to increase in the early fall. Extrapolation of evaporation measurements for the entire ice-free periods gave totals of 386 and 485 mm in 1997 and 1998 -1999, respectively.

Atmosphere-ocean | 1983

Comparison of weather station snowfall with winter snow accumulation in high arctic basins

Ming-ko Woo; Richard Heron; Philip Marsh; Peter Steer

Abstract Most water balance studies in the High Arctic indicate that the weather stations underestimate annual precipitation, but the magnitude of such error is unknown. Based on up to seven years of field measurements, this study provides a comparison of snowfall at weather stations with the winter snow accumulation in their nearby drainage basins. Snowfall is the major form of precipitation in the polar region for nine months every year. Without vegetation, snowdrift is controlled by the local terrain. By establishing the snow characteristics for different terrain types, total basin snow storage can be obtained by areally weighting the snow cover for various terrain units in the basin. Such a method was successfully employed to compute total winter snowfall in the drainage basins near Resolute, Eureka and Mould Bay. Results show that the basins had 130 to 300per cent more snow than the weather stations recorded. Using revised snowfall values that are reinforced by Koerners snow core measurements from i...

Journal of Hydrology | 2000

Subsurface drainage from hummock-covered hillslopes in the Arctic tundra.

William L. Quinton; D. M. Gray; Philip Marsh

In the Arctic tundra, subsurface drainage occurs predominantly through the saturated zone within the layer of peat that mantles the hillslopes. In plan view, the peat cover is fragmented into a network of channels due to the presence of mineral earth hummocks. In cross section, the physical and hydraulic properties of the peat vary with depth and the water transmission characteristics (e.g. hydraulic conductivity) of the upper profile differ distinctly from those of the lower. Water flow through the peat is laminar, therefore the friction factor ( f ) and the Reynolds number (NR) are inversely related. Average values for the coefficientC of the relation f a C=NR; vary from ,300 near the surface to ,14,500 at depth. This large difference in C confirms that the larger-diameter soil pores of the living vegetation and lightly decomposed peat near the surface offer much less resistance to water motion than the finer-grained peat deeper in the profile. Also, the variability suggests that subsurface drainage is strongly affected by the position and thickness of the saturated zone within the peat matrix. A first approximation for a model or simulation of the flow regime may consider a peat profile with depth-varying, resistance properties in respect to subsurface flow. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Hydrological Processes | 2000

Snow, frozen soils and permafrost hydrology in Canada, 1995-1998

Ming-ko Woo; Philip Marsh; John W. Pomeroy

This paper provides an overview of Canadian research on snow, frozen soils and permafrost hydrology during the years 1995-98. There were significant advances in the understanding of processes and the development of models of snow accumulation and melt, including the relocation of snow by wind, snow interception in forest canopies, sublimation and energy balance during snowmelt. A major aspect was the development of physically based predictive techniques that account for the effects of heterogeneous topography, vegetation and snow properties, and complex boundary-layer development on snow accumulation, evaporation, melt and runoff. Another advancement is in the linkage of physical snow processes with chemical models to better describe ion accumulation and elution from snow. Snow ecology has shown the interactions in nutrient cycles that involve snow. Frozen ground research has resulted in significantly improved models of frozen soil infiltration, based on both field observations and thermodynamic principles. Research in permafrost regions includes the exfiltration of groundwater in the seasonally thawed zone and the occurrence of perennial springs discharged from below the permafrost. Groundwater discharge is important to features such as icings and the occurrence of wetlands in a polar desert. Processes governing runoff generation on hillslopes have been examined, both in continuous and discontinuous permafrost zones. In terms of future research directions, consideration should be given to continued intensive field studies of cold region hydrological processes and the incorporation of these processes into aquatic chemistry and hydrological models and land surface schemes used in atmospheric models. A better understanding of the role of hydrological boundaries in affecting the rates of processes is needed. The question of scaling processes up from the small scale at which they are relatively well understood, to the larger scales necessary to address global environmental concerns also should be addressed.

Journal of Climate | 2001

Surface Energy Balance of the Western and Central Canadian Subarctic: Variations in the Energy Balance among Five Major Terrain Types

Andrea K. Eaton; Wayne R. Rouse; Peter M. Lafleur; Philip Marsh; Peter D. Blanken

Abstract In this study, the surface energy balance of 10 sites in the western and central Canadian subarctic is examined. Each research site is classified into one of five terrain types (lake, wetland, shrub tundra, upland tundra, and coniferous forest) using dominant vegetation type as an indicator of surface cover. Variations in the mean summertime values (15 June–25 August) of the energy balance partitioning, Bowen ratio (β), Priestley–Taylor alpha (α), and surface saturation deficit (Do) are compared within and among terrain types. A clear correspondence between the energy balance characteristics and terrain type is found. In addition, an evaporative continuum from relatively wet to relatively dry is observed among terrain types. The shallow lake and wetland sites are relatively wet with high QE/Q* (latent heat flux/net radiation), high α, low β, and low Do values. In contrast, the upland tundra and forest sites are relatively dry with low QE/Q*, low α, high β, and high Do values.

Ecosystems | 2013

Recent Shrub Proliferation in the Mackenzie Delta Uplands and Microclimatic Implications

Trevor C. Lantz; Philip Marsh; Steven V. Kokelj

Local observations, repeat photos, and broad-scale remote sensing suggest that tall shrubs are becoming an increasingly dominant component of Low Arctic ecosystems. This shift has the potential to alter the surface energy balance through changes to the surface albedo, snow accumulation and melt, and ground thermal regimes. However, to date there have been few quantitative estimates of the rate of tall shrub expansion. We used soft copy stereo visualization of air photos to map fine-scale changes in tall shrub tundra and green alder density in the upland tundra north of Inuvik, NT between 1972 and 2004. We also used 2004 photos to map tall shrub tundra in areas affected by fires that occurred between 1960 and 1968. To assess the potential impact of vegetation change on microclimate, we used pyranometers to measure albedo and net solar radiation, thermistors attached to data loggers to record ground temperatures, and field surveys to record winter snow conditions in three common vegetation types. Fine-scale mapping shows that green alder stem density has increased by 68% (±24.1) since 1972. Average tall shrub tundra cover has also increased by 15% (±3.6) since 1972. Historical tundra fires had the highest proportion of tall shrub cover of all areas mapped using 2004 photos, ranging from 92 to 99%. Based on these results, we suggest that predicted increases in the size and frequency of tundra fire are likely to drive rapid shrub proliferation in the Low Arctic. Shrub-dominated sites have decreased albedo, increased net solar radiation, deeper snow pack, and elevated near-surface ground temperatures, indicating that continued increases in shrub cover will affect regional climate, hydrology, permafrost temperatures, and terrain stability.

Arctic and alpine research | 1982


Ming-ko Woo; Richard Heron; Philip Marsh

In late May or June, meltwater percolating through cold arctic snowpacks often refreezes as ice layers. In the presence of a cold substrate, such layers form at the base of the snowpack. This basal ice continues to grow so long as meltwater supply is sustained and the substrate remains below 0?C. Upon exposure, the ice is destroyed by sublimation and surface melting or by thermal and mechanical erosion by water which runs on, in or under the ice. Multiyear ice is preserved when the incompletely melted basal ice is buried by subsequent snowfall or by a layer of earth materials. Multiple freezing and melting of water in basal ice layers complicate the snowmelt-runoff relationship in three principal ways. Where basal ice is abundant, the melt is prolonged and contributes to streamflow during the drier summer months. During breakup, the basal ice in stream beds tends to increase flow velocity and, consequently, the capacity for sediment transport. However, a basal ice layer in the channel will reduce opportunities for erosion.

Journal of Applied Meteorology | 1978

Analysis of Error in the Determination of Snow Storage for Small High Arctic Basins

Ming-ko Woo; Philip Marsh

Abstract Water balance studies in tundra regions require accurate snowfall data but weather station records often underestimate basin snow storage. However, snow storage can be determined by snow surveys conducted prior to the melt period because Arctic snowpacks do not melt during winter. Topography strongly controls snow distribution. A basin can be subdivided into various terrain types and the snow survey then establishes the snow characteristics of each terrain type so that basin snow storage is obtained as their areally weighted mean. Such a survey was carried out in small basins near Resolute, Northwest Territories, traversing different types of terrain. The results confirmed that weather station snowfall grossly underestimated basin snow storage. Since it is also desirable to simplify future snow surveys by reducing the number of transects, an error analysis was performed to determine the error resulting from a grouping of terrain types. It was found that both maximum and mean error increased as th...

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2003

Energy and water cycles in a high-latitude, north-flowing river system: Summary of results from the Mackenzie GEWEX Study-phase I

Wayne R. Rouse; E. M. Blyth; R. W. Crawford; J. R. Gyakum; J. R. Janowicz; B. Kochtubajda; Henry G. Leighton; Philip Marsh; Lawrence W. Martz; Alain Pietroniro; H. Ritchie; W. M. Schertzer; E. D. Soulis; Ronald E. Stewart; G. S. Strong; Ming-ko Woo

Abstract The MacKenzie Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Study, Phase 1, seeks to improve understanding of energy and water cycling in the Mackenzie River basin (MRB) and to initiate and test atmospheric, hydrologic, and coupled models that will project the sensitivity of these cycles to climate change and to human activities. Major findings from the study are outlined in this paper. Absorbed solar radiation is a primary driving force of energy and water, and shows dramatic temporal and spatial variability. Cloud amounts feature large diurnal, seasonal, and interannual fluctuations. Seasonality in moisture inputs and outputs is pronounced. Winter in the northern MRB features deep thermal inversions. Snow hydrological processes are very significant in this high-latitude environment and are being successfully modeled for various landscapes. Runoff processes are distinctive in the major terrain units, which is important to overall water cycling. Lakes and wetlands compose much of MRB and are p...

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