Phillip W. Schmidt
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
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Featured researches published by Phillip W. Schmidt.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1995
Phillip W. Schmidt; George E. Williams
Abstract New palaeomagnetic analyses have been carried out for the Neoproterozoic (650-600 Ma) Elatina Formation, an important redbed unit of the Marinoan glaciogenic sequence in the Adelaide Geosyncline, South Australia, and flat-lying equivalent facies on the adjacent cratonic Stuart Shelf and Torrens Hinge Zone. The Marinoan rocks display strong evidence of marine glacial deposition, and coeval periglacial sand wedges in permafrost regolith on the Stuart Shelf indicate in-situ cold climate near sea level and marked seasonality. The palaeomagnetic data define a palaeopole for the formation and indicate that Marinoan glaciation, including permafrost, grounded glaciers and marine glacial deposition, occurred near the palaeoequator. Rocks analysed include 97 oriented outcrop samples from 15 sites at three widely separated sections (∼ 65–115 m thick) of gently folded and unmetamorphosed sandstone, siltstone and tillite spanning the Elatina Formation in the Central Flinders Zone of the Adelaide Geosyncline, soft-sediment folds from tidal rhythmites, and 60 specimens from 54 core samples from six deep drillholes on the Stuart Shelf and Torrens Hinge Zone. The most stable remanence components were only completely demagnetised by 685°C, indicating that haematite is the likely carrier of the remanent magnetisation. This conclusion is supported by the presence of ultrafine haematitic pigment coating clastic grains and filling interstices in the rocks. The observation of mixed polarities within some sandstone samples suggests that such lithologies acquired their remamence as chemical remanent magnetisation (CRM). A positive fold test on syndepositional soft-sediment folds in tidal rhythmites confirms that the rhythmites acquired a detrital remanent magnetisation (DRM) by the settling of haematite grains from suspension in quiet waters. Concordant palaeomagnetic directions determined for the rhythmites and other facies of the Elatina Formation show that the formation acquired its CRM close to the time of deposition. The existence of polarity reversals within a stratigraphic section and within some samples therefore argues strongly for the identification of a dipole field axis and the sufficient averaging of secular variation to define a palaeopole for the formation. The palaeopole derived from the oriented sample results (structurally corrected) is located at 52.4°S, 347.1°E ( d p = 3.7 °, d m = 7.4°); this pole position is consistent with the Neoproterozoic apparent polar wander path for Australia. The overall formation mean direction determined from the sample results (structurally corrected) has a declination of 197.3° and an inclination of −5.3° (α 95 = 7.4°), and indicates a mean palaeolatitude of deposition of 2.7° ± 3.7°N. These results accord with the virtual geomagnetic pole previously determined for tidal rhythmites of the Elatina Formation and provide the strongest evidence yet for the equatorial palaeolatitude of Neoproterozoic glaciation. The palaeomagnetic results, together with geological observations for Marinoan glaciogenic rocks, therefore confirm the Neoproterozoic (pre-Ediacaran, ≥ 590 Ma) climatic paradox in South Australia: frigid strongly seasonal climate, permafrost, and grounded glaciers near sea level in equatorial palaeolatitudes . Resolution of this paradox may illuminate Precambrian planetary dynamics and the change in global state during the Ediacaran.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1997
George E. Williams; Phillip W. Schmidt
Abstract To further our understanding of the paleolatitudes of Precambrian glaciations, a paleomagnetic study has been conducted on the glaciomarine Coleman Member of the Gowganda Formation and the conformably overlying deltaic Firstbrook Member and Lorrain Formation (Huronian Supergroup, ∼ 2.4-2.3 Ga) in Ontario, Canada. Many of the rocks, notably the gray and grayish red argillic facies, display unstable magnetization or overprints carried by magnetite and/or hematite that give negative fold tests. Some red sandstones, however, have stable high-temperature (∼ 690°C) components marked by very shallow northerly or southwesterly directions. Five sites in pale red sandstone from the Coleman Member near Elliot Lake give a dip-corrected A direction of D = 216.3°, I = 5.5° (α95 = 6.7°, n = 30), and 17 sites in Lorrain red sandstone near Desbarats give a dip-corrected A direction of D = 5.4°, I = 5.5° (α95 = 5.9°, n = 75). Unfavorable structural attitudes rendered fold tests inconclusive. These very shallow directions may be ascribed to early chemical remanent magnetization (CRM) because (a) some specimens display polarity reversals, (b) such directions are unknown, either as original or as overprint components, in post-Huronian rocks of the region, and (c) a prior site in Coleman red beds gave a high-temperature, shallow NNW direction that is not significantly different from Lorrain A and which a positive conglomerate test suggested is not an overprint. The very shallow directions are near primary directions for the slightly older (2.45 Ga) Matachewan dyke swarm in the region. Lorrain argillic rocks at five sites give a normal component B (T = 670°C, D = 18.6°, I = 59.6°, α95 = 6.1°, n = 16, dip corrected) and a reverse component E (T = 500°C, D = 190.9°, I = −60.9°, α95 = 7.3°, n = 14, in situ), which are close to a prefolding direction carried by magnetite previously identified in Coleman gray argillites (Morris A). However, a primary origin for Morris A is dubious because of the widespread occurrence of overprints carried by magnetite in Coleman gray argillites and because the fold test employed folds formed during the Penokean Orogeny at 1900-1800 Ma. Our results suggest that Morris A/Lorrain B and Lorrain E may data from immediately before and just after Penokean folding, respectively. Hence Coleman-sandstone A and Lorrain A may be better estimates of original directions. Those components and Matachewan paleomagnetic data constrain Huronian paleolatitudes and suggest that Huronian glaciation occurred within 11° and possibly within 4° of the paleoequator.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1991
Phillip W. Schmidt; George E. Williams; Brian J.J. Embleton
Previous palaeomagnetic study of a ∼ 10 m thick rhythmite member of the Elatina Formation, part of the Late Proterozoic (∼ 650 Ma) Marinoan glacial succession in South Australia, argued strongly for a low palaeolatitude (∼ 5°) of deposition. However, a fold test was thwarted by the approximate alignment of the remanence with the axis of tectonic folding. Here we report results of a fold test on soft-sediment slump folds with a wavelength of 14–22 cm in the Elatina rhythmites, the axes of which are approximately perpendicular to the direction of remanence. Fifty-one standard palaeomagnetic specimens sampled across the slump structure gave α95 = 3.7° prior to unfolding, α95 = 1.8° with 67% unfolding, and α95 = 2.4° with 100% unfolding. The results indicate that the remanence was acquired very soon after deposition; apparently it was acquired prior to soft-sediment slumping and then slightly sheared by the disturbance. The Elatina pole must be considered a virtual geomagnetic pole because the tidal rhythmite member studied represents only 60–70 years of deposition. However, the mean pole position is similar to other Late Proterozoic poles for South Australia, which implies that the very low inclination (< 10°) for the Elatina rhythmites does not record a geomagnetic excursion or reversal but does indeed indicate deposition in low palaeolatitudes. The similarity of many of the Late Proterozoic pole positions is evidence also that inclination error is not significant. The low palaeolatitude of Late Proterozoic glaciation is one of the major enigmas in contemporary Earth science, raising questions concerning the nature of the geomagnetic field, climatic zonation, and the Earths rotational parameters in Late Proterozoic time.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 2000
David J. Dunlop; Özden Özdemir; D.A. Clark; Phillip W. Schmidt
Abstract Paleotemperature controls the maturation of coal and hydrocarbons in sedimentary basins and is also important in determining paleogeothermal gradient and hence tectonic style in exhumed metamorphic terrains. One method of estimating paleotemperature analyses the partial remagnetization of a rock due to heating in thick volcanic or sedimentary sequences, over subcrustal heat sources such as plumes, or at convergent plate margins. The overprinted natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of a rock records both the age and the paleotemperature of remagnetization, but a temperature correction from laboratory to geological time scales is required, using theoretical time–temperature relations. Time–temperature relations are well known for magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ) but are reported here for the first time for pyrrhotite (Fe 7 S 8 ), another common NRM carrier. Data for each mineral separately yield independent estimates of paleotemperature if geologically reasonable estimates of heating time can be made. Paleotemperature can be estimated without geological input if data for both minerals are combined. Together with the age of remagnetization, determined from the paleomagnetic pole of the NRM overprint, these paleotemperature estimates can be used to infer the history of heating and uplift following burial. As a test case, we examine thermally acquired NRM overprints carried by pyrrhotite (Fe 7 S 8 ) and magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ) in the Milton Monzonite of southeastern Australia. These overprints record a heating event about 100 Ma ago, probably thermal doming prior to rifting of the Tasman Sea, that upgraded coal rank in the Sydney Basin. Extrapolating from laboratory to geological times, using the new time–temperature contours for pyrrhotite, we estimate that the presently exposed Sydney Basin in the vicinity of the Milton Monzonite was remagnetized by heating to 165±30°C for ≈100 ka. Assuming a paleogeothermal gradient of 70°C/km appropriate for young or incipient rifts, the depth of burial at the time of remagnetization is estimated to have been 2.3±0.4 km. This figure is in excellent agreement with independent estimates based on reflectance data for the coal accessory mineral vitrinite.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1997
David J. Dunlop; Özden Özdemir; Phillip W. Schmidt
The Milton Monzonite of southeastern Australia was thermoviscously remagnetized as a result of Cretaceous burial and uplift. Thermal demagnetization separates the low unblocking temperature (LT) overprint from the high unblocking temperature (HT) primary remanence, with a relatively sharp junction between LT and HT components in vector projections. For single-domain grains, the junction temperature TL between two such vectors corresponds to the maximum blocking temperature Tr reactivated in nature, apart from a correction for the difference between natural and laboratory timescales. However, measured TL values are distributed over an implausibly wide range (>250°C) for burial remagnetization of an untilted intrusion like the Milton Monzonite. Furthermore, many TL values are anomalously high compared to the predictions of single-domain theory. Multidomain grains are the cause of these anomalies. Samples pretreated before thermal demagnetization by zero-field cycling to liquid nitrogen temperature, so as to erase multidomain remanence and isolate single-domain remanence, do have the theoretically expected TL values. In these samples, realistic remagnetization time and temperature (tr, Tr) conditions in nature are predicted using the t-T contours of Pullaiah et al. [1975]. The anomalously high TL values before low-temperature treatment are due to multidomain grains, which carry ≥50% of the LT overprint. The LT thermal demagnetization curve in samples dominated by multidomain grains is quasi-exponential in shape with a high-temperature tail extending almost to the Curie point, as predicted by multidomain theory. These high LT unblocking temperatures, which are much greater than plausible remagnetization temperatures reached in nature, overlap and mask the lower part of the HT unblocking temperature spectrum, driving up TL values and leading to inflated estimates of Tr. Although multidomain remanence is a sufficient explanation of anomalously high unblocking temperatures of thermoviscous overprints in the Milton Monzonite, chemical overprinting may be a factor in other lithologies and tectonic settings.
Journal of Structural Geology | 1990
Zheng-Xiang Li; C. McA. Powell; G.A. Thrupp; Phillip W. Schmidt
Abstract New palaeomagnetic data from mid- to Late Palaeozoic rocks in Australia have enabled us to revise the Palaeozoic apparent polar wander path (APWP). This modified Australian APWP is supported by data from other parts of Gondwanaland. The palaeomagnetic poles indicate that during the Early and mid-Palaeozoic. Australia underwent rapid rotation: first clockwise during the mid-Ordovician to the Early Silurian, then counterclockwise from the mid-Silurian until the end of the Devonian, while it remained at low to equatorial latitudes. This was succeeded by a rapid southward movement during mid-Carboniferous times. The implications of the palaeomagnetic data for the tectonic relationship between the Lachlan Fold Belt (LFB) and cratonic Australia are consistent with the tectonic evidence that the LFB has been in place since the mid-Devonian.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1996
Phillip W. Schmidt; George E. Williams
Abstract A new palaeomagnetic study has been conducted on haematitic shales and siltstones of the late Neoproterozoic Bunyeroo Formation in the Adelaide fold belt (Geosyncline), South Australia, which host an extensive horizon of shock-deformed rock fragments and microtektite-like material of probable impact origin. Thermal step demagnetisation of 116 samples of red shale and siltstone from six sections (sites) revealed a high-temperature component with a bedding-corrected site-mean direction of remanence of D = 56.6°, I = 29.3° (α95 = 10.7°) that gives a pole at 18.1°S, 16.3°E (dp = 6.5°, dm = 11.8°). The high-temperature component provides a positive tectonic-fold test (99% level of confidence). The Bunyeroo high-temperature remanence direction is near the remanence direction (D = 50°, I = 40°) indicated by modelling the subsurface magnetic source of the central high-amplitude anomaly at Acraman, Australias largest confirmed meteorite impact structure 220–350 km west of the Adelaide fold belt, and also is close to the mean direction (D = 48.3°, I = 54.7°, α95 = 5.2°) determined for surface melt rock from Acraman. Statistical tests show that the virtual geomagnetic poles indicated by the directions for the subsurface central magnetic source and surface melt rock at Acraman may be regarded as subsets of the Bunyeroo palaeomagnetic pole position, indicating that the three pole positions are statistically indistinguishable. The results imply that the subsurface magnetic source and surface melt rock acquired their remanence in the ambient geomagnetic field during cooling, after the impact when structural disturbance had ceased, while the Bunyeroo Formation was accumulating. The agreement among the various remanence directions argues strongly that the ejecta horizon in the Bunyeroo Formation was derived from Acraman. The present findings confirm that the Acraman impact occurred in the late Neoproterozoic, about 590 Ma, which is the age of the Bunyeroo Formation provided by Rb Sr whole-rock shale dating of equivalent and contiguous strata in the Adelaide fold belt region. The Bunyeroo palaeomagnetic data give a palaeolatitude of ∼ 15°, indicating a low palaeolatitude for the Acraman impact and supporting other findings that the Adelaide fold belt occupied low to equatorial palaeolatitudes during the late Neoproterozoic.
Journal of Structural Geology | 1990
C. McA. Powell; Zheng-Xiang Li; G.A. Thrupp; Phillip W. Schmidt
Abstract The Tasman Fold Belt (TFB) of Eastern Australia can be divided into three meridional orogenic realms: the Kanmantoo, Lachlan-Thomson and New England Orogens. The geological histories of the orogens overlap, but each is distinctive. The Kanmantoo Orogen was provenance-linked to the Australian craton in the Early Cambrian, and accreted to Australia by Late Cambrian. There are many possible tectonostratigraphic terranes in the Lachlan Fold Belt (LFB) but these can be simplified to two major amalgamated terranes by the Middle Silurian. All the LFB terranes appear provenance-linked in the Ordovician, and were progressively covered, from the west, during the Late Silurian to Late Devonian, by a quartzose overlap assemblage. The New England Orogen has a fragmentary Early Palaeozoic history, but from the Devonian onwards its geology is related to a series of volcanic island and continental margin magmatic arcs. There is some evidence of provenance-linking between the Lachlan and New England Orogens in the Devono-Carboniferous but docking is not demonstrated until the mid-Carboniferous. The few reliable pre-Late Carboniferous palaeomagnetic poles available from the TFB come from the eastern LFB. The poles post-date accretion of the LFB to the Australian craton. Thus, the possibility that parts of the Lachlan-Thomson and New England Orogens contain exotic elements is yet to be tested palaeomagnetically.
Tectonophysics | 1990
Phillip W. Schmidt; C. McA. Powell; Zheng-Xiang Li; G.A. Thrupp
Abstract A review of reliable palaeomagnetic data from Gondwana Palaeozoic rocks supports the apparent polar wander path (APWP) initially proposed by Morel and Irving. This path, or versions of it, has recently gained favour with a number of groups. The APWP suggests that during the mid-Palaeozoic Gondwanaland was very mobile. No palaeomagnetic pole position(s) has been yet reported that confirms the contentious segment of APWP from the Late Ordovician to the Early Silurian. The APWP implies that the south pole moved rapidly from north Africa in the Ordovician to a position off southern South America by the Silurian, back to central Africa by the Early Carboniferous and across Gondwanaland to Australia by the Late Carboniferous. The distribution of Palaeozoic tillites independently supports such a mobilistic Gondwanaland. The palaeomagnetic and tectonic evidence are compatible with the Lachlan Fold Belt of Australia having been in place since the mid-Devonian.
Precambrian Research | 1994
Phillip W. Schmidt; David A. Clark
Abstract Rock magnetic properties and palaeomagnetism of weakly metamorphosed banded-iron formations (BIFs) of the Palaeoproterozoic Hamersley Group, Western Australia, and Proterozoic BIF-derived iron ores have been investigated. The BIF units sampled here are slightly younger than 2500 Ma. At Paraburdoo, Mount Tom Price and Mount Newman iron ore formation was completed before 1850 Ma. Sampling was mainly from the Mount Tom Price and Paraburdoo mining areas and for the first time a palaeomagnetic fold test on fresh (unweathered and unaltered) BIF samples has allowed the nature of the remanence of the BIFs to be defined. The remanence of the BIFs is carried by late diagenetic/low-grade metamorphic magnetite after primary haematite. This remanence is pre-folding and is unlikely to be greatly affected by the high anisotropy because the palaeofield inclination was demonstrably low. Determination of palaeofield directions from measured remanence directions is complicated by self-demagnetization effects in strongly magnetic, highly anisotropic BIF specimens. We present a method for correcting measured directions for the effects of self-demagnetization and anisotropy. For typical BIFs, the effect of magnetic anisotropy on measured remanence inclinations and inferred palaeolatitudes is minor for low palaeolatitudes, but can lead to large errors in calculated palaeopoles for intermediate to moderately steep palaeolatitudes. Anisotropy also causes cones of confidence to be underestimated, due to compression of the range of inclinations. In principle, deflection of post-folding remanence towards the bedding plane by high magnetic anisotropy can produce an apparent syn-folding signature, with best agreement between directions from different fold limbs after partial unfolding. Thus high anisotropy cannot only bias estimated palaeofield directions and cause underestimation of errors, but can also mislead interpretation of the time of remanence acquisition. The anisotropy of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) probably yields an upper limit to the anisotropy of the chemical remanent magnetization (CRM) carried by the BIFs. Therefore, from the anisotropy of ARM, a maximum inclination deflection of 9° is suggested for the sampled BIFs. This corresponds to less than 5° change of palaeolatitude. The palaeomagnetic pole position calculated for BIFs at Paraburdoo is 40.9°S, 225.0°E (dp=2.9°, dm=5.8°) after tilt correction, but without correction for anisotropy. Other pole positions reported include that from flat-lying BIFs from Wittenoom at 36.4°S, 218.9°E (dp=4.6°, dm=9.1°), from Mount Tom Price iron ore at 37.4°S, 220.3°E (dp=5.7°, dm=11.3°) and from Paraburdoo ore at 36.4°S, 209.9°E (dp=4.7°, dm=8.8°). The poles from the BIFs, the Paraburdoo ore and the part of the Tom Price deposit that was sampled in this study are indistinguishable from each other and from the Mount Jope Volcanics overprint pole. The magnetization of the BIFs was probably acquired during burial metamorphism of the Hamersley Group, soon before the main folding and uplift event in the southern part of the Hamersley Province. This tectonic event exposed magnetite-rich BIFs to near-surface oxidizing conditions, producing extensive martite-goethite orebodies and also appears to have produced the syn-folding overprint magnetization recorded by the Mount Jope Volcanics of the underlying Fortescue Group. Ages of magnetization are tentatively interpreted as ∼ 2200±100 Ma for the BIFs, ∼ 2000±100 Ma for the supergene enrichment of BIF to martite-goethite ore, recorded by the Parabudoo and Mount Tom Price orebodies, and ∼ 1950±100 Ma for the metamorphic martite-microplaty haematite ore, recorded as an overprint by the Tom Price orebody and as the only surviving magnetization of the Mount Newman orebody.
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