Pierina Visciano
University of Teramo
Featured researches published by Pierina Visciano.
Frontiers in Microbiology | 2012
Pierina Visciano; Maria Schirone; Rosanna Tofalo; Giovanna Suzzi
The presence of biogenic amines (BAs) in raw and processed seafood, associated with either time/temperature conditions or food technologies is discussed in the present paper from a safety and prevention point of view. In particular, storage temperature, handling practices, presence of microbial populations with decarboxylase activity and availability of free amino acids are considered the most important factors affecting the production of BAs in raw seafood. On the other hand, some food technological treatments such as salting, ripening, fermentation, or marination can increase the levels of BAs in processed seafood. The consumption of high amount of BAs, above all histamine, can result in food borne poisoning which is a worldwide problem. The European Regulation established as maximum limits for histamine, in fishery products from fish species associated with high histidine amounts, values ranging from 100 to 200 mg/kg, while for products which have undergone enzyme maturation treatment in brine, the aforementioned limits rise to 200 and 400 mg/kg. Preventive measures and emerging methods aiming at controlling the production of BAs are also reported for potential application in seafood industries.
Food and Chemical Toxicology | 2008
Pierina Visciano; Monia Perugini; Francesca Conte; Michele Amorena
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method with fluorescence detection in rainbow trout fillets processed by traditional flue gas smoking and by liquid smoke flavourings, at low temperature (25 degrees C for 3h). Raw fillets were also investigated as control group. The following compounds, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benz(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene and benzo(ghi)perylene were detected in all samples and no significant difference (p>0.05) was found neither between fresh and processed samples nor between the two different smoking techniques, except for chrysene and benzo(b)fluoranthene. The results show that PAHs found in rainbow trout fillets could be considered as a consequence of environmental pollution and the mild smoking process described in the present study did not affect their concentrations.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 2014
Monia Perugini; Pierina Visciano; Maurizio Manera; Annalisa Zaccaroni; Vincenzo Olivieri; Michele Amorena
Heavy metal (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg and Se) concentrations in the muscle and bone of four fish species (Mullus barbatus, Merluccius merluccius, Micromesistius poutassou, and Scomber scombrus) from the central Adriatic Sea were measured and the relationships between fish size (length and weight) and metal concentrations in the tissues were investigated. Samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrophotometry with automatic dual viewing. In the muscle, results of linear regression analysis showed that, except for mercury, significant relationships between metal concentrations and fish size were negative. Only mercury levels were positively correlated with Atlantic mackerel size (p < 0.05). No significant variations of heavy metal concentrations were observed in muscles of the examined species, but a significant difference (p < 0.01) was found for As, Cd, Pb, and Se concentrations in bone. All the investigated metals showed higher values in the muscle than in bone, except for lead and zinc. Regarding cadmium, lead, and mercury maximum levels, set for the edible portion by European legislation, several samples exceeded these values, confirming the heavy metal presence in species caught near the Jabuka Pit.
Frontiers in Microbiology | 2014
Pierina Visciano; Maria Schirone; Rosanna Tofalo; Giovanna Suzzi
Histamine poisoning is one of the most common form of intoxication caused by the ingestion of fish and fishery products. Cooking, canning, or freezing cannot reduce the levels of histamine because this compound is heat stable. All humans are susceptible to histamine and its effects can be described as intolerance or intoxication depending on the severity of the symptoms. The amount of histamine in food, the individual sensitivity, and the detoxification activity in human organism represent the main factors affecting the toxicological response in consumers. Histamine is the only biogenic amine with regulatory limits set by European Legislation, up to a maximum of 200 mg/kg in fresh fish and 400 mg/kg in fishery products treated by enzyme maturation in brine.
Frontiers in Microbiology | 2016
Pierina Visciano; Maria Schirone; Miriam Berti; Anna Milandri; Rosanna Tofalo; Giovanna Suzzi
Harmful algal blooms are natural phenomena caused by the massive growth of phytoplankton that may contain highly toxic chemicals, the so-called marine biotoxins causing illness and even death to both aquatic organisms and humans. Their occurrence has been increased in frequency and severity, suggesting a worldwide public health risk. Marine biotoxins can accumulate in bivalve molluscs and regulatory limits have been set for some classes according to European Union legislation. These compounds can be distinguished in water- and fat-soluble molecules. The first group involves those of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning and Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning, whereas the toxins soluble in fat can cause Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning and Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning. Due to the lack of long-term toxicity studies, establishing tolerable daily intakes for any of these marine biotoxins was not possible, but an acute reference dose can be considered more appropriate, because these molecules show an acute toxicity. Dietary exposure assessment is linked both to the levels of marine biotoxins present in bivalve molluscs and the portion that could be eaten by consumers. Symptoms may vary from a severe gastrointestinal intoxication with diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps to neurological disorders such as ataxia, dizziness, partial paralysis, and respiratory distress. The official method for the detection of marine biotoxins is the mouse bioassay (MBA) showing some limits due to ethical restrictions and insufficient specificity. For this reason, the liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry method has replaced MBA as the reference technique. However, the monitoring of algal blooms producing marine biotoxins should be regularly assessed in order to obtain more reliable, accurate estimates of bloom toxicity and their potential impacts.
Frontiers in Microbiology | 2012
Maria Schirone; Rosanna Tofalo; Pierina Visciano; Aldo Corsetti; Giovanna Suzzi
The quality of distinctive artisanal cheeses is closely associated with the territory of production and its traditions. Pedoclimatic characteristics, genetic autochthonous variations, and anthropic components create an environment so specific that it would be extremely difficult to reproduce elsewhere. Pecorino cheese is included in this sector of the market and is widely diffused in Italy (∼62.000t of production in 2010). Pecorino is a common name given to indicate Italian cheeses made exclusively from pure ewes’ milk characterized by a high content of fat matter and it is mainly produced in the middle and south of Italy by traditional procedures from raw or pasteurized milk. The microbiota plays a major role in the development of the organoleptic characteristics of the cheese but it can also be responsible for the accumulation of undesirable substances, such as biogenic amines (BA). Bacterial amino acid decarboxylase activity and BA content have to be investigated within the complex microbial community of raw milk cheese for different cheese technologies. The results emphasize the necessity of controlling the indigenous bacterial population responsible for high production of BA and the use of competitive adjunct cultures could be suggested. Several factors can contribute to the qualitative and quantitative profiles of BA’s in Pecorino cheese such as environmental hygienic conditions, pH, salt concentration, water activity, fat content, pasteurization of milk, decarboxylase microorganisms, starter cultures, temperature and time of ripening, storage, part of the cheese (core, edge), and the presence of cofactor (pyridoxal phosphate, availability of aminases and deaminases). In fact physico-chemical parameters seem to favor biogenic amine-positive microbiota; both of these environmental factors can easily be modulated, in order to control growth of undesirable microorganisms. Generally, the total content of BA’s in Pecorino cheeses can range from about 100–2400 mg/kg, with a prevalence of toxicologically important BA’s, tyramine and histamine. The presence of BA is becoming increasingly important to consumers and cheese-maker alike, due to the potential threats of toxicity to humans and consequent trade implications.
Journal of Food Protection | 2006
Pierina Visciano; Monia Perugini; Michele Amorena; A. Ianieri
The occurrence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in smoked fish as a consequence of cold smoking was studied. Raw fillets of Salmo salar from Norway or the Irish Sea were sampled in a modern smokehouse and examined for PAH content. The same fillets, labeled with an identification number, were sampled immediately after the smoking process and analyzed. Among the investigated compounds, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, benz[a]anthracene, chrysene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene, and benzo[ghi]perylene were detected in both raw and smoked fillets. No significant difference (P < 0.01) was observed between raw and smoked samples in the concentrations of six PAHs, but significant differences were found for fluorene, anthracene, fluoranthene, benz[a]anthracene, and benzo[ghi]perylene. Results confirm that PAHs concentrations in smoked fish are the product of both sea pollution and the smoking process. A modern smoking plant with an external smoke generator and a mild treatment as described here will not add significantly to the concentration of PAHs, except for some compounds.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2013
Monia Perugini; Pierina Visciano; Maurizio Manera; Maria Cesarina Abete; Stefania Gavinelli; Michele Amorena
The aim of this study was to evaluate mercury and selenium distribution in different portions (exoskeleton, white meat and brown meat) of Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus). Some samples were also analysed as whole specimens. The same portions were also examined after boiling, in order to observe if this cooking practice could affect mercury and selenium concentrations. The highest mercury concentrations were detected in white meat, exceeding in all cases the maximum levels established by European legislation. The brown meat reported the highest selenium concentrations. In all boiled samples, mercury levels showed a statistically significant increase compared to raw portions. On the contrary, selenium concentrations detected in boiled samples of white meat, brown meat and whole specimen showed a statistically significant decrease compared to the corresponding raw samples. These results indicate that boiling modifies mercury and selenium concentrations. The high mercury levels detected represent a possible risk for consumers, and the publication and diffusion of specific advisories concerning seafood consumption is recommended.
Frontiers in Microbiology | 2017
Maria Schirone; Pierina Visciano; Rosanna Tofalo; Giovanna Suzzi
Food safety is one of the main objectives related to public health protection. It is expected to prevent, minimize or eliminate risks on different stages of the food chain and in the meantime maintain, provide, and distribute high-quality food to meet consumer demands. However, millions of cases of food-borne diseases occur every year worldwide (Martinović et al., 2016). Their global impact on health and food quality assurance is well-known even if the full health effects, the kinds of unsafe food, and the economic costs are often undervalued or miscalculated, as well as the outbreaks of food-borne diseases are often unrecognized, unreported, or not investigated. The globalization can lead to a widespread distribution of foods with the introduction of new pathogens strictly associated to a specific geographical area. Nowadays foods travel long distances to be consumed worldwide but only in developed countries consumers are aware of potential presence of food-borne pathogens and surveillance and analytical methods for their detection are really effective, while in developing countries the agents and sources of food-borne diseases are mostly unknown (Wang et al., 2016). In addition, the growing number of emerging pathogens, changes of virulence of known pathogens and appearance of antibiotic resistance has potentially exposed consumers to a major risk of illness and on the other hand food industry has been required to improve the strategies to struggle of these threats. Food-borne diseases can be caused consuming food or water contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria and their toxins, fungi, viruses, and parasites. Food can be contaminated both at the source as raw material, and during food processing up to storage and distribution. Also people (infected persons or carriers of pathogens) and the environment (food contact surfaces and facilities) can spread microorganisms on raw or processed food.
Veterinary Research Communications | 2003
Maurizio Manera; Pierina Visciano; P. Losito; A. Ianieri
The increase in fish demand has caused a proportional increase in the fishing effort but, because of over-fishing and the consequent decrease in fish stocks, annual world catches are actually diminishing. Aquaculture has therefore registered an exponential increase, in order to at least partially satisfy the supply deficit. Farmed fish can be harvested at will, enabling at least in theory, peak condition and the production of uniform and superior product (Roberts, 2001). Moreover, this implies the solving of many husbandry problems, one of which is fish pathology and its impact on fish quality. The aim of our survey was to evaluate the consequences on fish quality of several pathologies observed in farmed fish in the market.