
Cancer Cell | 2009

miR-221&222 regulate TRAIL resistance and enhance tumorigenicity through PTEN and TIMP3 downregulation.

Michela Garofalo; Gianpiero Di Leva; Giulia Romano; Gerard J. Nuovo; Sung-Suk Suh; Apollinaire Ngankeu; Cristian Taccioli; Flavia Pichiorri; Hansjuerg Alder; Paola Secchiero; Pierluigi Gasparini; Arianna Gonelli; Stefan Costinean; Mario Acunzo; Gerolama Condorelli; Carlo M. Croce

Lung and liver cancers are among the most deadly types of cancer. Despite improvements in treatment over the past few decades, patient survival remains poor, underlining the need for development of targeted therapies. MicroRNAs represent a class of small RNAs frequently deregulated in human malignancies. We now report that miR-221&222 are overexpressed in aggressive non-small cell lung cancer and hepatocarcinoma cells, as compared with less invasive and/or normal lung and liver cells. We show that miR-221&222, by targeting PTEN and TIMP3 tumor suppressors, induce TRAIL resistance and enhance cellular migration through the activation of the AKT pathway and metallopeptidases. Finally, we demonstrate that the MET oncogene is involved in miR-221&222 activation through the c-Jun transcription factor.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute | 2010

MicroRNA Cluster 221-222 and Estrogen Receptor α Interactions in Breast Cancer

Gianpiero Di Leva; Pierluigi Gasparini; Claudia Piovan; Apollinaire Ngankeu; Michela Garofalo; Cristian Taccioli; Marilena V. Iorio; Meng Li; Stefano Volinia; Hansjuerg Alder; Tatsuya Nakamura; Gerard J. Nuovo; Yunlong Liu; Kenneth P. Nephew; Carlo M. Croce

BACKGROUND Several lines of evidence have suggested that estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha)-negative breast tumors, which are highly aggressive and nonresponsive to hormonal therapy, arise from ERalpha-positive precursors through different molecular pathways. Because microRNAs (miRNAs) modulate gene expression, we hypothesized that they may have a role in ER-negative tumor formation. METHODS Gene expression profiles were used to highlight the global changes induced by miRNA modulation of ERalpha protein. miRNA transfection and luciferase assays enabled us to identify new targets of miRNA 206 (miR-206) and miRNA cluster 221-222 (miR-221-222). Northern blot, luciferase assays, estradiol treatment, and chromatin immunoprecipitation were performed to identify the miR-221-222 transcription unit and the mechanism implicated in its regulation. RESULTS Different global changes in gene expression were induced by overexpression of miR-221-222 and miR-206 in ER-positive cells. miR-221 and -222 increased proliferation of ERalpha-positive cells, whereas miR-206 had an inhibitory effect (mean absorbance units [AU]: miR-206: 500 AU, 95% confidence interval [CI]) = 480 to 520; miR-221: 850 AU, 95% CI = 810 to 873; miR-222: 879 AU, 95% CI = 850 to 893; P < .05). We identified hepatocyte growth factor receptor and forkhead box O3 as new targets of miR-206 and miR-221-222, respectively. We demonstrated that ERalpha negatively modulates miR-221 and -222 through the recruitment of transcriptional corepressor partners: nuclear receptor corepressor and silencing mediator of retinoic acid and thyroid hormone receptor. CONCLUSIONS These findings suggest that the negative regulatory loop involving miR-221-222 and ERalpha may confer proliferative advantage and migratory activity to breast cancer cells and promote the transition from ER-positive to ER-negative tumors.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2010

Modulation of mismatch repair and genomic stability by miR-155

Nicola Valeri; Pierluigi Gasparini; Muller Fabbri; Chiara Braconi; Angelo Veronese; Francesca Lovat; Brett Adair; Ivan Vannini; Francesca Fanini; Arianna Bottoni; Stefan Costinean; Sukhinder K. Sandhu; Gerard J. Nuovo; Hansjuerg Alder; Roberta Gafà; Federica Calore; Manuela Ferracin; Giovanni Lanza; Stefano Volinia; Massimo Negrini; Michael A. McIlhatton; Dino Amadori; Richard Fishel; Carlo M. Croce

Inactivation of mismatch repair (MMR) is the cause of the common cancer predisposition disorder Lynch syndrome (LS), also known as hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), as well as 10–40% of sporadic colorectal, endometrial, ovarian, gastric, and urothelial cancers. Elevated mutation rates (mutator phenotype), including simple repeat instability [microsatellite instability (MSI)] are a signature of MMR defects. MicroRNAs (miRs) have been implicated in the control of critical cellular pathways involved in development and cancer. Here we show that overexpression of miR-155 significantly down-regulates the core MMR proteins, hMSH2, hMSH6, and hMLH1, inducing a mutator phenotype and MSI. An inverse correlation between the expression of miR-155 and the expression of MLH1 or MSH2 proteins was found in human colorectal cancer. Finally, a number of MSI tumors with unknown cause of MMR inactivation displayed miR-155 overexpression. These data provide support for miR-155 modulation of MMR as a mechanism of cancer pathogenesis.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2010

MicroRNA-21 induces resistance to 5-fluorouracil by down-regulating human DNA MutS homolog 2 (hMSH2)

Nicola Valeri; Pierluigi Gasparini; Chiara Braconi; Alessio Paone; Francesca Lovat; Muller Fabbri; Khlea M. Sumani; Hansjuerg Alder; Dino Amadori; Tushar Patel; Gerard J. Nuovo; Richard Fishel; Carlo M. Croce

The overexpression of microRNA-21 (miR-21) is linked to a number of human tumors including colorectal cancer, where it appears to regulate the expression of tumor suppressor genes including p21, phosphatase and tensin homolog, TGFβ receptor II, and B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 2 -associated X protein. Here we demonstrate that miR-21 targets and down-regulates the core mismatch repair (MMR) recognition protein complex, human mutS homolog 2 (hMSH2) and 6 (hMSH6). Colorectal tumors that express a high level of miR-21 display reduced hMSH2 protein expression. Cells that overproduce miR-21 exhibit significantly reduced 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-induced G2/M damage arrest and apoptosis that is characteristic of defects in the core MMR component. Moreover, xenograft studies demonstrate that miR-21 overexpression dramatically reduces the therapeutic efficacy of 5-FU. These studies suggest that the down-regulation of the MMR mutator gene associated with miR-21 overexpression may be an important clinical indicator of therapeutic efficacy in colorectal cancer.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2011

Expression and functional role of a transcribed noncoding RNA with an ultraconserved element in hepatocellular carcinoma

Chiara Braconi; Nicola Valeri; Takayuki Kogure; Pierluigi Gasparini; Nianyuan Huang; Gerard J. Nuovo; Luigi Terracciano; Carlo M. Croce; Tushar Patel

Although expression of non–protein-coding RNA (ncRNA) can be altered in human cancers, their functional relevance is unknown. Ultraconserved regions are noncoding genomic segments that are 100% conserved across humans, mice, and rats. Conservation of gene sequences across species may indicate an essential functional role, and therefore we evaluated the expression of ultraconserved RNAs (ucRNA) in hepatocellular cancer (HCC). The global expression of ucRNAs was analyzed with a custom microarray. Expression was verified in cell lines by real-time PCR or in tissues by in situ hybridization using tissue microarrays. Cellular ucRNA expression was modulated with siRNAs, and the effects on global gene expression and growth of human and murine HCC cells were evaluated. Fifty-six ucRNAs were aberrantly expressed in HepG2 cells compared with nonmalignant hepatocytes. Among these ucRNAs, the greatest change was noted for ultraconserved element 338 (uc.338), which was dramatically increased in human HCC compared with noncancerous adjacent tissues. Although uc.338 is partially located within the poly(rC) binding protein 2 (PCBP2) gene, the transcribed ncRNA encoding uc.338 is expressed independently of PCBP2 and was cloned as a 590-bp RNA gene, termed TUC338. Functional gene annotation analysis indicated predominant effects on genes involved in cell growth. These effects were experimentally demonstrated in both human and murine cells. siRNA to TUC338 decreased both anchorage-dependent and anchorage-independent growth of HCC cells. These studies identify a critical role for TUC338 in regulation of transformed cell growth and of transcribed ultraconserved ncRNA as a unique class of genes involved in the pathobiology of HCC.

Cancer Cell | 2014

MicroRNA-135b Promotes Cancer Progression by Acting as a Downstream Effector of Oncogenic Pathways in Colon Cancer

Nicola Valeri; Chiara Braconi; Pierluigi Gasparini; Claudio Murgia; Andrea Lampis; Viola Paulus-Hock; Jonathan R. Hart; Lynn Ueno; Sergei I. Grivennikov; Francesca Lovat; Alessio Paone; Luciano Cascione; Khlea M. Sumani; Angelo Veronese; Muller Fabbri; Stefania Carasi; Hansjuerg Alder; Giovanni Lanza; Roberta Gafà; Mary P. Moyer; Rachel A. Ridgway; Julia B. Cordero; Gerard J. Nuovo; Wendy L. Frankel; Massimo Rugge; Matteo Fassan; Joanna Groden; Peter K. Vogt; Michael Karin; Owen J. Sansom

Summary MicroRNA deregulation is frequent in human colorectal cancers (CRCs), but little is known as to whether it represents a bystander event or actually drives tumor progression in vivo. We show that miR-135b overexpression is triggered in mice and humans by APC loss, PTEN/PI3K pathway deregulation, and SRC overexpression and promotes tumor transformation and progression. We show that miR-135b upregulation is common in sporadic and inflammatory bowel disease-associated human CRCs and correlates with tumor stage and poor clinical outcome. Inhibition of miR-135b in CRC mouse models reduces tumor growth by controlling genes involved in proliferation, invasion, and apoptosis. We identify miR-135b as a key downsteam effector of oncogenic pathways and a potential target for CRC treatment.

Oncogene | 2012

miR-130a targets MET and induces TRAIL-sensitivity in NSCLC by downregulating miR-221 and 222

Mario Acunzo; Rosa Visone; Giulia Romano; Angelo Veronese; Francesca Lovat; Dario Palmieri; Arianna Bottoni; Michela Garofalo; Pierluigi Gasparini; Gerolama Condorelli; Mario Chiariello; Carlo M. Croce

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for ∼80% of all lung cancers. Although some advances in lung cancer therapy have been made, patient survival is still quite poor. Two microRNAs, miR-221 and miR-222, upregulated by the MET proto-oncogene, have been already described to enhance cell survival and to induce TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) resistance in NSCLC cell lines, through the downregulation of p27kip1, PTEN and TIMP3. Here, we further investigated this pathway and showed that miR-130a, expressed at low level in lung cancer cell lines, by targeting MET was able to reduce TRAIL resistance in NSCLC cells through the c-Jun-mediated downregulation of miR-221 and miR-222. Moreover, we found that miR-130a reduced migratory capacity of NSCLC. A better understanding of MET-miR-221 and 222 axis regulation in drug resistance is the key in developing new strategies in NSCLC therapy.

PLOS Genetics | 2013

Estrogen Mediated-Activation of miR-191/425 Cluster Modulates Tumorigenicity of Breast Cancer Cells Depending on Estrogen Receptor Status

Gianpiero Di Leva; Claudia Piovan; Pierluigi Gasparini; Apollinaire Ngankeu; Cristian Taccioli; Daniel Briskin; Douglas G. Cheung; Brad Bolon; Laura Anderlucci; Hansjuerg Alder; Gerard J. Nuovo; Meng Li; Marilena V. Iorio; Marco Galasso; Santhanam Ramasamy; Guido Marcucci; Danilo Perrotti; Kimerly A. Powell; Anna Bratasz; Michela Garofalo; Kenneth P. Nephew; Carlo M. Croce

MicroRNAs (miRNAs), single-stranded non-coding RNAs, influence myriad biological processes that can contribute to cancer. Although tumor-suppressive and oncogenic functions have been characterized for some miRNAs, the majority of microRNAs have not been investigated for their ability to promote and modulate tumorigenesis. Here, we established that the miR-191/425 cluster is transcriptionally dependent on the host gene, DALRD3, and that the hormone 17β-estradiol (estrogen or E2) controls expression of both miR-191/425 and DALRD3. MiR-191/425 locus characterization revealed that the recruitment of estrogen receptor α (ERα) to the regulatory region of the miR-191/425-DALRD3 unit resulted in the accumulation of miR-191 and miR-425 and subsequent decrease in DALRD3 expression levels. We demonstrated that miR-191 protects ERα positive breast cancer cells from hormone starvation-induced apoptosis through the suppression of tumor-suppressor EGR1. Furthermore, enforced expression of the miR-191/425 cluster in aggressive breast cancer cells altered global gene expression profiles and enabled us to identify important tumor promoting genes, including SATB1, CCND2, and FSCN1, as targets of miR-191 and miR-425. Finally, in vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrated that miR-191 and miR-425 reduced proliferation, impaired tumorigenesis and metastasis, and increased expression of epithelial markers in aggressive breast cancer cells. Our data provide compelling evidence for the transcriptional regulation of the miR-191/425 cluster and for its context-specific biological determinants in breast cancers. Importantly, we demonstrated that the miR-191/425 cluster, by reducing the expression of an extensive network of genes, has a fundamental impact on cancer initiation and progression of breast cancer cells.

PLOS ONE | 2013

Integrated microRNA and mRNA signatures associated with survival in triple negative breast cancer.

Luciano Cascione; Pierluigi Gasparini; Francesca Lovat; Stefania Carasi; Alfredo Pulvirenti; Alfredo Ferro; Hansjuerg Alder; Gang He; Andrea Vecchione; Carlo M. Croce; Charles L. Shapiro; Kay Huebner

Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a heterogeneous disease at the molecular, pathologic and clinical levels. To stratify TNBCs, we determined microRNA (miRNA) expression profiles, as well as expression profiles of a cancer-focused mRNA panel, in tumor, adjacent non-tumor (normal) and lymph node metastatic lesion (mets) tissues, from 173 women with TNBCs; we linked specific miRNA signatures to patient survival and used miRNA/mRNA anti-correlations to identify clinically and genetically different TNBC subclasses. We also assessed miRNA signatures as potential regulators of TNBC subclass-specific gene expression networks defined by expression of canonical signal pathways. Tissue specific miRNAs and mRNAs were identified for normal vs tumor vs mets comparisons. miRNA signatures correlated with prognosis were identified and predicted anti-correlated targets within the mRNA profile were defined. Two miRNA signatures (miR-16, 155, 125b, 374a and miR-16, 125b, 374a, 374b, 421, 655, 497) predictive of overall survival (P = 0.05) and distant-disease free survival (P = 0.009), respectively, were identified for patients 50 yrs of age or younger. By multivariate analysis the risk signatures were independent predictors for overall survival and distant-disease free survival. mRNA expression profiling, using the cancer-focused mRNA panel, resulted in clustering of TNBCs into 4 molecular subclasses with different expression signatures anti-correlated with the prognostic miRNAs. Our findings suggest that miRNAs play a key role in triple negative breast cancer through their ability to regulate fundamental pathways such as: cellular growth and proliferation, cellular movement and migration, Extra Cellular Matrix degradation. The results define miRNA expression signatures that characterize and contribute to the phenotypic diversity of TNBC and its metastasis.

Clinical Cancer Research | 2010

Hepatitis C Virus Proteins Modulate MicroRNA Expression and Chemosensitivity in Malignant Hepatocytes

Chiara Braconi; Nicola Valeri; Pierluigi Gasparini; Nianyuan Huang; Cristian Taccioli; Gerard J. Nuovo; Tetsuro Suzuki; Carlo M. Croce; Tushar Patel

Purpose: Hepatocellular cancer (HCC) is highly resistant to chemotherapy and is associated with poor prognosis. Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major cause of HCC. However, the effect of viral proteins in mediating chemosensitivity in tumor cells is unknown. We postulated that HCV viral proteins could modulate therapeutic responses by altering host cell microRNA (miRNA) expression. Experimental Design: HepG2 malignant hepatocytes were stably transfected with full-length HCV genome (Hep-394) or an empty vector (Hep-SWX). MiRNA profiling was done by using a custom microarray, and the expression of selected miRNAs was validated by real-time PCR. Protein expression was assessed by Western blotting, whereas caspase activation was assessed by a luminometric assay. Results: The IC50 to sorafenib was lower in Hep-394 compared with Hep-SWX control cells. Alterations in miRNA expression occurred with 10 miRNAs downregulated >2-fold and 23 miRNAs upregulated >2-fold in Hep-394 cells compared with controls. Of these, miR-193b was overexpressed by 5-fold in Hep-394 cells. miR-193b was predicted to target Mcl-1, an antiapoptotic protein that can modulate the response to sorafenib. The expression of Mcl-1 was decreased, and basal caspase-3/7 activity and poly ADP ribose polymerase cleavage were increased in Hep-394 cells compared with controls. Moreover, transfection with precursors to miR-193b decreased both Mcl-1 expression and the IC50 to sorafenib. Conclusions: Cellular expression of full-length HCV increases sensitivity to sorafenib by the miRNA-dependent modulation of Mcl-1 and apoptosis. Modulation of miRNA responses may be a useful strategy to enhance response to chemotherapy in HCC. Clin Cancer Res; 16(3); 957–66

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