
Tectonophysics | 1993

Geochemical and petrological evidence of the subduction of delaminated Adriatic continental lithosphere in the genesis of the Neogene-Quaternary magmatism of central Italy

G. Serri; Fabrizio Innocenti; Piero Manetti

Abstract Serri, G., Innocenti, F. and Manetti, P., 1993. Geochemical and petrological evidence of the subduction of delaminated Adriatic continental lithosphere in the genesis of the Neogene-Quaternary magmatism of central Italy. In: M.J.R. Wortel, U. Hansen and R. Sabadini (Editors), Relationships between Mantle Processes and Geological Processes at or near The Earths Surface. Tectonophysics, 223: 117–147. The Neogene-Quaternary magmatism of the northern Apenninic arc took place in four phases separated in space and time which become progressively younger from west to east: Phase I, ~ 14 Ma; Phase II, 7.3-6.0 Ma; Phase III, 5.1-2.2 Ma; Phase IV, 1.3-0.1 Ma. This magmatism is the result of the activation of three physically separate sources: (1) the Adriatic continental crust, extracted from the mantle in the late Proterozoic; (2) a strongly refractory, recently K-enriched harzburgitic mantle located in the mechanical boundary layer (MBL) of the lithosphere; and (3) a recently metasomatized, cpx-rich mantle, compositionally variable from Iherzolite to wehrlite-clinopyroxenite, interpreted as an ephemerally K-enriched asthenosphere. The Adriatic continental crust is the dominant source of the acid plutonic and volcanic rocks of the Tuscan region. The acid magmatism is mostly found inside an ellipsoidal area (about 150 × 300 km) centred on Giglio Island, here defined as the Tuscan Crustal Dome. Within this area, mantle-derived magmas unaffected by important crustal contamination processes and mixing with crustal anatectic melts have so far not been found. Pure crustal magmas are rare but are represented, for example by some of the San Vincenzo and Roccastrada rhyolites. Virtually all the Tuscan acid centres show evidence of mixing with potassic mantle-derived magmas. Major and trace elements, as well as 87 Sr 86 Sr and 143 Nd 144 Nd data, on primitive rocks (Mg# > 65) reveal two groups of mantle-derived magmas. These define two distinct mantle enrichment trends, both essentially due to the additions of K-rich components which metasomatized separate, compositionally diverse, upper mantle sectors. In both cases the most remarkable mineralogical effect of these enrichment processes is the production of variable amount of phlogopite through reaction between fluids and/or melts with the mantle. The rocks of group I (ol-hy and Q-normative, lamproites, ultrapotassic high-Mg latites, ultrapotassic shoshonites and shoshonites: saturated trend) are considered to be derived by partial melting at low pressure ( 87 Sr 86 Sr (> 0.717) , Ce/Sr (> 0.3) and K 2 O Na 2 O (> 6–7) , and low ratios of 143 Nd 144 Nd (~ 0.5121-0.5120) and Ba/La ( 87 Sr 86 Sr (> 0.712) and K 2 O Na 2 O (> 8–9) values, and low 143 Nd 144 Nd ( , Ba/La ( 0.10) ratios. These constraints do not allow to exclude a complete identity between the K-rich components which metasomatized the mantle sources of the saturated and undersaturated trend magmas. The geochemical and isotopic features of the components that metasomatized the mantle sources of the northern Apenninic arc magmatism can be explained by a geodynamic process which causes a large amount of crustal materials to be incorporated within the upper mantle. We propose that the delamination and subduction of the Adriatic continental lithosphere related to the still ongoing northern Apennine continental collision provide a viable mechanism to explain the genesis and eastward discontinuous migration of the magmatism in central Italy. The subduction of delaminated lithospheric mantle with lower crustal slivers would have exposed uppermost mantle (Adriatic MBL) and crustal units previously imbricated in the Apennine chain to the heating advected by the upwelling of a recently and ephemerally K-enriched asthenospheric mantle wedge and by the underplating of magmas derived from it. We consider that the diapiric uprising of a hot, crustally contaminated asthenosphere occurs in the wake left above the sinking of the Adriatic delaminated/subducting continental lithosphere. The delamination/subduction process of the Adriatic lithosphere has probably started in the Early-Middle Miocene, but earlier than 15-14 Ma ago, as indicated by the age and petrologic characteristics of the first magmatic episode (Sisco lamproite) of the northern Apennine orogenesis.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications | 1984

Tertiary to Quaternary evolution of volcanism in the Aegean region

M. Fytikas; Fabrizio Innocenti; Piero Manetti; Angelo Peccerillo; R. Mazzuoli; L. Villari

Summary Widespread orogenic volcanic activity has continued in the Aegean area from the Oligocene to present. Two main phases of activity are recognized. One developed in the North Aegean area from Oligocene to Middle Miocene times and a second started in the Pliocene, building the active South Aegean volcanic arc. Between these two phases, Upper Miocene to Quaternary volcanism of variable petrogenetic affinity occurred to a limited extent, essentially on the margins of the Aegean microplate. The products erupted during the Oligo-Miocene phase consist mainly of calc-alkaline and shoshonitic intermediate lavas and pyroclastics with minor acidic and basic rock types. The volcanic activity started in the northernmost part of the North Aegean area with mostly calc-alkaline intermediate and acidic volcanics. The volcanism shifted successively southwards becoming progressively enriched in potassium. This evolution is interpreted as being related to an increase in the dip of the Benioff zone under the Eurasian plate, resulting from a reduction in the plate convergence rate after continental collision. The volcanic products of the active south Aegean arc are mainly andesites with minor basalts and rhyolites which display the chemical character typical of calc-alkaline series erupted on thin continental margins. The South Aegean arc is believed to be the surface expression of active subduction of the African plate. Scattered Upper Miocene to Quaternary activity is interpreted as occurring in zones of tensional strain along the borders of the Aegean microplate.

Earth-Science Reviews | 2003

Analogue modelling of continental extension: a review focused on the relations between the patterns of deformation and the presence of magma

Giacomo Corti; Marco Bonini; Sandro Conticelli; Fabrizio Innocenti; Piero Manetti; Dimitrios Sokoutis

Abstract Continental extension may occur in two main different modes, narrow and wide rifting, which mainly differ in the width of the deformed region. A third mechanism, the core complex, has been considered either a distinct mode of extension or a local anomaly within wide rifts. In terms of causative processes, continental rifting may be explained by both active or passive mechanisms, which also differ in the volume of magmatic products and in the rheological properties and stratification of the extending lithosphere. Both numerical and analogue models have investigated the main parameters controlling the extension of a rheologically layered lithosphere. In particular, analogue models have highlighted that the style of deformation is mainly controlled by the competition between the total resistance of the lithosphere and the gravitational forces; this competition, in turn, is mainly controlled by boundary conditions, such as the applied strain rate and the rheological characteristics of the extending lithosphere. Magmatic bodies eventually present within the continental lithosphere may significantly affect the process of extension. Both the thermal and mechanical effects related to the presence of magma strongly weaken the lithosphere and localise strain; this effect may have important implications for the mode of continental extension. At a crustal scale, magmatic intrusions may affect significantly the local fault pattern also favouring the development of core complex structures. Results of analogue models, performed taking into account the presence of an initially underplated magma and reproducing various continental extensional settings, suggest a close interaction between deformation and magma emplacement during extension. Particularly, magmatic underplating influences deformation localising strain in correspondence to the low-viscosity body, while on the other hand, rift kinematics and associated deformation has a major control on the pattern of magma emplacement. In particular: (1) During orthogonal rifting, magma is passively squeezed from an axial position towards the footwall of the major boundary faults; emplacement occurs in a lateral position in correspondence to lower crust domes. This process accounts for the close association between magmatism and the development of core complex structures, as well as for the occurrence of off-axis volcanoes in continental rifts. (2) During oblique rifting, deformation causes magma to emplace within the main rift depression, giving rise to intrusions with oblique and en echelon patterns. In nature, these patterns are found in continental rifts and also in some oceanic ridges. (3) Polyphase first orthogonal–second oblique rifting models suggest lateral squeezing and off-axis emplacement in the first phase and oblique en echelon intrusions in the successive oblique rifting phase. This evolution matches the magmatic and tectonic history of the Main Ethiopian Rift. (4) Development of transfer zones between offset rift segments has a great influence on both magma migration and deformation. Particularly, magma accumulates in correspondence to the transfer zone, with a main flow pattern that is perpendicular to the extension direction. This pattern may explain the concentration of magmatism at transfer zones in continental rifts. Overall, analysis of centrifuge models and their comparison with nature suggest that deformation and magma emplacement in the continental crust are intimately related, and their interactions constitute a key factor in deciphering the evolution of both continental and oceanic rifts.

Bulletin of Volcanology | 1989

Volcanological and magmatological evolution of Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands): The roles of fractional crystallization, magma mixing, crustal contamination and source heterogeneity

Lorella Francalanci; Piero Manetti; A. Peccerillo

The present paper reports the results of a detailed stratigraphical, petrological and geochemical investigation on the island of Stromboli, Aeolian arc, Southern Tyrrhenian sea. Major and trace element data determined on a large quantity of samples from well-established stratigraphic positions indicate that the magmatological evolution of the island through time was more complex than previously known. The activity of the exposed part of Stromboli, which occurred over a time span of about 100 000 years, started with the emission of high-K calc-alkaline (HKCA) volcanics, which were covered by calc-alkaline (CA), shoshonitic (SHO), high-K calc-alkaline (HKCA) and potassic (KS) products. The most recent activity consists of HKCA lavas and the present-day SHO-basaltic volcanics emitted by mildly explosive “strombolian” activity. Most of the products are lavas, with minor amounts of pyroclastic rocks emplaced mainly during the early stages of activity. The transition from the SHO to the KS cycle was associated with the collapse of the upper part of the volcanic apparatus; the transition from KS to the present-day SHO activity has been found to have occurred at the time of the sliding of the western portion of the volcano that generated the “Sciara del Fuoco” depression. The rock series cropping out at Stromboli show variable enrichment in potassium, incompatible trace elements and radiogenic Sr which increase from CA through HKCA, and SHO up to KS rocks. Major, trace element and Sr-isotopic data agree in indicating that the HKCA and SHO series evolved by crystal/liquid fractionation starting from different parental liquids, whereas crustal assimilation appears to have been the leading process during the evolution of KS volcanics. Mixing processes also played a role although they can be well documented only when they occurred between magmas with different isotopic and geochemical characteristics. Geochemical modelling based on trace element and isotopic data indicates that the mafic magmas of the different volcanic series may be generated by melting of an upper mantle heterogeneously enriched in incompatible elements and radiogenic Sr by addition, via subduction, of different amounts of crustal material. Geochemical data, however, are also in agreement with the alternative hypothesis that the most mafic magmas of the different series have been generated by combined processes of fractional crystallization, assimilation and mixing of a CA magma in a deep-sited magma chamber; the mafic magmas formed by these complex processes were successively emplaced in a shallow reservoir where they evolved by simple fractional crystallization (HKCA and SHO series) and by assimilation of crustal material (KS). The occurrence of changes in the geochemical signatures of the magmas at the time of the structural modification of the volcano is believed to favour the hypothesis that the variable composition observed in the volcanic rocks of Stromboli is the result of processes occurring within the volcanic system.

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology | 1981

Geochemical characteristics of potassic volcanics from Mts. Ernici (Southern Latium, Italy)

Lucia Civetta; Fabrizio Innocenti; Piero Manetti; Angelo Peccerillo; Giampiero Poli

Major elements, trace elements and 87Sr/86Sr data are reported for the Quaternary potassic alkaline rocks from the Mts. Ernici volcanic area (Southern Latium — Italy). These rocks are represented by primitive types which display high Mgv, low D.I., variable degrees of silica undersaturation and different K2O contents which allowed the distinction of a potassium series (KS) and a high potassium series (HKS). All the analyzed samples have high LIL element contents and high 87Sr/86Sr which ranges between 0.707–0.711. They also have fractionated REE patterns. The KS rocks have lower LIL element concentrations and 87Sr/86Sr ratios than the HKS rocks with a large compositional gap between the two series. Minor but still significant isotopic and trace element variations are also observed within both KS and HKS. The genesis cannot be completly explained either by crystal liquid fractionation, mixing or assimilation processes or by different degrees of equilibrium partial melting from a homogeneous source, thus indicating that both the KS and HKS consist of several geochemically and isotopically distinct magma types. The data suggest that the KS and HKS magmas originated by low degrees of melting of a garnet peridotite mantle heterogeneously enriched in LIL elements and radiogenic strontium, possibly accompanied by disquilibrium melting of some accessory phases. The occurrence of a geochemical anomaly within the mantle is believed to be due to fluid metasomatism probably generated by dehydration of a lithospheric slab subducted during the Late Tertiary development of the Apennine Chain.

Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research | 1997

Petrology and geochemistry of the ultrapotassic rocks from the Sabatini Volcanic District, central Italy: the role of evolutionary processes in the genesis of variably enriched alkaline magmas

Sandro Conticelli; Lorella Francalanci; Piero Manetti; Raffaello Cioni; Alessandro Sbrana

Abstract The Sabatini Volcanic District (SVD) is a large volcanic field characterised by the lack of any major volcanic center. Its activity, spread over a wide area, started at 0.6 Ma and developed through five main phases, during which several calderas and the Bracciano lake volcano-tectonic depression were formed. All the volcanic rocks belong to the Roman-type ultrapotassic series (HKS), ranging from leucite tephrites to leucite and hauyne phonolites. Although the major- and compatible-element contents indicate a single series of evolution, there are differences in the incompatible trace-element abundances. A high-Ba series (HBaS) has been distinguished from a low-Ba series (LBaS), with the former also enriched in all other incompatible elements (e.g., REE, Nb, Zr, Th) except Rb. The HBaS rocks are plagioclase-free, leucite-bearing lavas and were abundantly outpoured from the Bracciano volcanoes during the third and fifth phase of activity. Plagioclase- and phlogopite-bearing rocks constitute the LBaS and were erupted during the other phases generally from smaller and eccentric volcanic centers. The initial 87 Sr/ 86 Sr values are higher in the HBaS rocks and do not vary significantly with magma evolution (0.71047–0.71080), but cover a wider range in the LBaS rocks (0.70944–0.71038), with the lowest Sr isotope ratios occurring in the least evolved lavas. The higher Ca content in the olivine and Ti and Al IV in the clinopyroxene, and the lower ulvospinel content of the Ti-magnetites of the HBaS rocks suggest an evolution at lower pressure and higher temperature for this magma. The observed petrologic characteristics suggest that the HBaS magma evolved at lower depths by processes of refilling, tapping, fractionation and probably assimilation (RTFA), where the crystallisation rate of clinopyroxene+leucite±olivine dominates over the input rate of the fresh magma. The LBaS magma evolved at slightly higher pressure, in separate and small magma bodies, by fractional crystallisation of clinopyroxene+plagioclase±phlogopite±olivine that was often associated with crustal assimilation (AFC). It has been suggested that RTFA processes with high input rate/crystallisation rate ratios could also be responsible for the differentiation between the HBaS and LBaS. The different processes of evolution undergone by the HBaS and LBaS could have been related to the different volumes of magma rising from the source.

Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research | 1986

Volcanology and petrology of volcanic products from the island of Milos and neighbouring islets

M. Fytikas; Fabrizio Innocenti; N. Kolios; Piero Manetti; R. Mazzuoli; Giampiero Poli; F. Rita; L. Villari

Abstract New geochronological and volcanological data from volcanics of the island group of Milos (South Aegean active volcanic arc), allow four main cycles of volcanic activity to be distinguished, ranging in age between 3.5 and 0.1 m.y. B.P. The oldest volcanic activity consists almost totally of pyroclastics and submarine products, followed by subaerial ones. The eruptive centers migrated in time and concentrated, during the most recent volcanic phase, in the central part of Milos and on the island of Antimilos. The oldest products are dominated by andesites and dacites, while the most recent ones mainly consist of rhyolites. The volcanic evolution and the geochemical characters of the erupted products suggest that the feeding system of the oldest volcanism was located in the deep continental crust, where contamination and fractional crystallization jointly occurred. The younger cycle of volcanic activity was fed from small and relatively shallow magma chambers, where contamination processes played a minor role. These magma bodies are considered to responsible for the shallow thermal anomaly giving rise to the high enthalpy field on Milos.

Journal of African Earth Sciences | 1998

The Yerer-Tullu Wellel volcanotectonic lineament: a transtensional structure in central Ethiopia and the associated magmatic activity

T. Abebe; Francesco Mazzarini; F. Innocenti; Piero Manetti

Abstract An east-west trending structure in central Ethiopia, the Yerer Tullu-Wellel volcanotectonic lineament, intersects the Main Ethiopian Rift and lies between latitudes 8°20′N and 9°05′N. Interpretation of Landsat images, calibrated by field study, indicates the relative chronology of the observed fracture systems (northeast-southwest, east-west, north-south and northwest-southeast). Along this structure there are several central volcanoes concentrated along the latitude of 8°45′N. Most of these volcanoes have basic lava flows at their base with acid dome, plug, and/or pyroclastic deposits as their evolved end members. The chemistry of these volcanic rocks shows a progressive decrease in alkalinity and silica undersaturation from western areas towards the rift margin. Radiometric ages of these volcanoes range from 12 Ma to Recent and indicate that the volcanic activity shifted eastward in time. The central volcanoes are usually located at the intersections of the above described fracture systems. The role of the transtensional Yerer Tullu-Wellel volcano-tectonic lineament since Late Miocene times is discussed within the geodynamic evolution of the Main Ethiopian Rift.

Lithos | 2001

Slab window-related magmatism from southernmost South America: the Late Miocene mafic volcanics from the Estancia Glencross Area (∼52°S, Argentina–Chile)

Massimo D'Orazio; Samuele Agostini; F. Innocenti; Miguel J. Haller; Piero Manetti; Francesco Mazzarini

Abstract The Estancia Glencross Area (EGA) volcanic rocks form a series of five isolated buttes located at the southern end (∼52°S) of the discontinuous belt of Cenozoic basaltic lava formations occurring in the extra-Andean Patagonia. EGA volcanics are subalkaline basalts and basaltic andesites erupted at 8.0–8.5 Ma in a region closely behind the Andean Cordillera. EGA volcanism predated by about 4–5 my the onset of the volcanism in the nearby Pali Aike Volcanic Field, which produced highly primitive, alkaline lavas. Incompatible trace-element distributions and Sr–Nd isotope compositions of EGA rocks are those typical of within-plate OIB-type basalts and are indicative of minimal interaction of sub-lithospheric magmas with enriched reservoirs. The geochemical characteristics of EGA volcanics, as well as their age and location are consistent with a model of slab window opening beneath this region. The high silica content and the garnet signature of the estimated EGA primary magma are explained by a two-stage process involving the initial production of melts from a garnet lherzolite source followed by the reaction of these melts with harzburgite country rocks during their ascent through the mantle lithosphere. The melt/harzburgite reaction, favoured by a slow melt ascent rate, as well as the low magma production at EGA, are likely related to the dominantly compressive stress regime operating in this area during Late Miocene.

Bulletin of Volcanology | 1984

Evolution and geodynamic significance of the tertiary orogenic volcanism in Northeastern Greece

Fabrizio Innocenti; N. Kolios; Piero Manetti; R. Mazzuoli; G. Peccerillo; F. Rita; L. Villari

The Tertiary volcanism of Eastern Macedonia and Western Thrace (Greece) developed in association with the sedimentary basin which formed, from Eocene to Oligocene, along the southern margin of the Rhodope Massif.The volcanic products, ranging in composition from basaltic andesites to rhyolites, show an overall calc-alkaline orogenic affinity, while chemical characteristics identify different groups of rocks, probably reflecting minor differences among parent magmas. The observed evolution within any group of rocks is compatible with fractional crystallization processes acting on relatively shallow magma bodies.The Sr isotopic composition of rhyolitic member shows an initial87Sr/86Sr ratio comparable with that of basaltic andesites, reinforcing the hypothesis of a crystal/liquid line of descent.Geochemical and petrographic evidence, on the whole, suggests that the investigated orogenic association developed on an active continental margin characterized by a relatively thick crust, acting as a density filter for the basic magmas and facilitating their storage and fractionation within the crust itself. Minor contamination by interaction with host materials may also have occurred.Stratigraphic and K/Ar geochronological data indicate that the volcanic activity started in Upper Eocene and reached its maximum development in Upper Oligocene. From Lower Miocene, the volcanism shifted southward in the Central Aegean area and in part of Western Anatolia, coming to an end by Middle Miocene.The southward migration of the volcanic front has been interpreted as a consequence of the increase in the dipping of the Benioff zone, due to the decrease of penetrative strength after the main phase of continental collision.

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