Pieter W. M. Koopman
Radboud University Nijmegen
international conference on functional programming | 2007
Rinus Plasmeijer; Peter Achten; Pieter W. M. Koopman
In this paper we introduce the iTask system: a set of combinators to specify work flows in a pure functional language at a very high level of abstraction. Work flow systems are automated systems in which tasks are coordinated that have to be executed by humans and computers. The combinators that we propose support work flow patterns commonly found in commercial work flow systems. Compared with most of these commercial systems, the iTask system offers several advantages: tasks are statically typed, tasks can be higher order, the combinators are fully compositional, dynamic and recursive work flows can be specified, and last but not least, the specification is used to generate an executable web-based multi-user work flow application. With the iTask system, useful work flows can be defined which cannot be expressed in other systems: work can be interrupted and subsequently directed to other workers for further processing. The implementation is special as well. It is based on the Clean iData toolkit which makes it possible to create fully dynamic, interactive, thin client web applications. Thanks to the generic programming techniques used in the iData toolkit, the programming effort is reduced significantly: state handling, form rendering, user interaction, and storage management is handled automatically. The iTask system allows a task to be regarded as a special kind of persistent redex being reduced by the application user via task completion. The combinators control the order in which these redexes are made available to the application user. The system rewrites the persistent task redexes in a similar way as functions are rewritten in lazy functional languages.
implementation and application of functional languages | 2002
Pieter W. M. Koopman; Artem Alimarine; Jan Tretmans; Rinus Plasmeijer
Software testing is a labor-intensive, and hence expensive, yet heavily used technique to control quality. In this paper we introduce GAST, a fully automatic test tool. Properties about functions and datatypes can be expressed in first order logic. GAST automatically and systematically generates appropriate test data, evaluates the property for these values, and analyzes the test results. This makes it easier and cheaper to test software components. The distinguishing property of our system is that the test data are generated in a systematic and generic way using generic programming techniques. This implies that there is no need for the user to indicate how data should be generated. Moreover, duplicated tests are avoided, and for finite domains GAST is able to prove a property by testing it for all possible values. As an important side-effect, it also encourages stating formal properties of the software.
principles and practice of declarative programming | 2012
Rinus Plasmeijer; Bas Lijnse; Steffen Michels; Peter Achten; Pieter W. M. Koopman
Task-Oriented Programming (TOP) is a novel programming paradigm for the construction of distributed systems where users work together on the internet. When multiple users collaborate, they need to interact with each other frequently. TOP supports the definition of tasks that react to the progress made by others. With TOP, complex multi-user interactions can be programmed in a declarative style just by defining the tasks that have to be accomplished, thus eliminating the need to worry about the implementation detail that commonly frustrates the development of applications for this domain. TOP builds on four core concepts: tasks that represent computations or work to do which have an observable value that may change over time, data sharing enabling tasks to observe each other while the work is in progress, generic type driven generation of user interaction, and special combinators for sequential and parallel task composition. The semantics of these core concepts is defined in this paper. As an example we present the iTask3 framework, which embeds TOP in the functional programming language Clean.
principles and practice of declarative programming | 2008
Rinus Plasmeijer; Jan B.M.J. Jansen; Pieter W. M. Koopman; Peter Achten
Workflow systems coordinate tasks of humans and computers. The iTask system is a recently developed toolkit with which workflows can be defined declaratively on a very high level of abstraction. It offers functionality which cannot be found in commercial workflow systems: workflows are constructed dynamically depending on the outcome of earlier work, workflows are strongly typed, and they can be of higher order. From the specification, a web-based multi-user workflow system is generated. Up until now we could only generate thin clients. All information produced by a worker triggers a round trip to the server. For real world workflows this is unsatisfactory. Modern Ajax web technology to update part of a web page is required, as well as the ability to execute tasks on clients. The architecture of any system that supports such features is complex: it manages distributed computing on clients and server which generally involves the collaboration of applications written in different programming languages. The contribution of this paper is that we integrate partial updates of web pages and client side task evaluation within the iTask system, while retaining its approach of a single language and declarative nature. The workflow designer uses light-weight annotations to control the run-time behavior of work. The iTask implementation takes care of all the hard work under the hood. Arbitrary tasks (functional programs) can be evaluated at web clients. When such a task cannot be evaluated on the client for some reason, the system switches to server side evaluation. All communication and synchronization issues are handled by the extended iTask system
implementation and application of functional languages | 1998
Pieter W. M. Koopman; M.J. Plasmeijer
Parser combinators enable the construction of recursive descent parsers in a very clear and simple way. Unfortunately, the resulting parsers have a polynomial complexity and are far too slow for realistic inputs. We show how the speed of these parsers can be improved by one order of magnitude using continuations. These continuations prevents the creation of intermediate data structures. Furthermore, by using an exclusive or-combinator instead of the ordinary or-combinator the complexity for deterministic parsers can be reduced from polynomial to linear. The combination of both improvements turn parser combinators from a beautiful toy to a practically applicable tool which can be used for real world applications. The improved parser combinators remain very easy to use and are still able to handle ambiguous grammars.
partial evaluation and semantic-based program manipulation | 2011
Rinus Plasmeijer; Peter Achten; Pieter W. M. Koopman; Bas Lijnse; Thomas van Noort; John H. G. van Groningen
Workflow management systems (WFMS) are software systems that coordinate the tasks human workers and computers have to perform to achieve a certain goal based on a given workflow description. Due to changing circumstances, it happens often that some tasks in a running workflow need to be performed differently than originally planned and specified. Most commercial WFMSs cannot deal with the required run-time changes properly. These changes have to be specified at the level of the underlying Petri-Net based semantics. Moreover, the implicit external state has to be adapted to the new task as well. Such low-level updates can easily lead to wrong behaviour and other errors. This problem is known as the dynamic change bug. In the iTask WFMS, workflows are specified using a radically different approach: workflows are constructed in a compositional style, using pure functions and combinators as self-contained building blocks. This paper introduces a change concept for the iTask system where self-contained tasks can be replaced by other self-contained tasks, thereby preventing dynamic change bugs. The static and dynamic typing system furthermore guarantees that these tasks have compatible types.
language descriptions tools and applications | 2010
Jan B.M.J. Jansen; Rinus Plasmeijer; Pieter W. M. Koopman; Peter Achten
Workflow management systems guide and monitor tasks performed by humans and computers. The workflow specifications are usually expressed in special purpose (graphical) formalisms. These formalisms impose severe restrictions on what can be expressed. Modern workflow management systems should handle intricate data dependencies, offer a web-based interface, and should adapt to dynamically changing situations, all based on a sound formalism. To address these challenges, we have developed the iTask system, which is a novel workflow management system. We entirely embed the iTask specification language in a modern general purpose functional language, and generate a complete workflow application. In this paper we report our experiences in developing the iTask system. It not only inherits state-of-the-art programming language concepts such as generic programming and a hybrid static/dynamic type system from the host language Clean, but also offers a number of novel concepts to generate complex, real-world, multi-user, web based workflow applications.
practical aspects of declarative languages | 2008
Pieter W. M. Koopman; Peter Achten; Rinus Plasmeijer
More and more software systems use a browser as the universal graphical user interface. As a consequence these applications inherit browser navigation as part of their interface. Typical browser actions are the use of the back- and forward-button and the cloning of windows. Browser navigation is difficult to deal with because it has effects that are noticed indirectly by the application logic. It is easy to forget or misunderstand the consequences of this aspect in the construction of a program. Hence, testing the correct behavior of the application is very desirable, preferably with an automatic model-based test tool. For this kind of model-based testing a specification including browser navigation is needed.We introduce a transformation to lift the specification of a program without browser navigation to one with browser navigation. This reduces the specification effort considerably. The distinguishing feature of our method is that it allows the test engineer to specify only the exceptions to the general rule. We show how this lifting of specifications is used for some examples and how errors are found in real web applications. The described system builds on the model-based test tool G∀ST.
runtime verification | 2006
Pieter W. M. Koopman; Rinus Plasmeijer; Peter Achten
In this paper we present a novel automated, on-line, modelbased testing system for on-the-fly testing of thin-client web applications. Web applications are specified by means of Extended State Machines. To handle dynamic web applications, arbitrarily large and complex state input and output types, and the transport of information from the webpage to the state of the specification, we define a new, ioco like, conformance relation. In this conformance relation a specification is a function from state and input to functions from output to the new states. The implementation builds on the G∀ST test tool and spots errors in real web applications.
asian symposium on programming languages and systems | 2006
Pieter W. M. Koopman; Rinus Plasmeijer
This paper tackles a problem often overlooked in functional programming community: that of testing. Fully automatic test tools like Quickcheck and G∀ST can test first order functions successfully. Higher order functions, HOFs, are an essential and distinguishing part of functional languages. Testing HOFs automatically is still troublesome since it requires the generation of functions as test argument for the HOF to be tested. Also the functions that are the result of the higher order function needs to be identified. If a counter example is found, the generated and resulting functions should be printed, but that is impossible in most functional programming languages. Yet, bugs in HOFs do occur and are usually more subtle due to the high abstraction level. In this paper we present an effective and efficient technique to test higher order functions by using intermediate data types. Such a data type mimics and controls the structure of the function to be generated. A simple additional function transforms this data structure to the function needed. We use a continuation based parser library as main example of the tests. Our automatic testing method for HOFs reveals errors in the library that was used for a couple of years without problems.