
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2002

Genes encoding plastid acetyl-CoA carboxylase and 3-phosphoglycerate kinase of the Triticum/Aegilops complex and the evolutionary history of polyploid wheat

Shaoxing Huang; Anchalee Sirikhachornkit; Xiujuan Su; Justin D. Faris; Bikram S. Gill; Robert Haselkorn; Piotr Gornicki

The classic wheat evolutionary history is one of adaptive radiation of the diploid Triticum/Aegilops species (A, S, D), genome convergence and divergence of the tetraploid (Triticum turgidum AABB, and Triticum timopheevii AAGG) and hexaploid (Triticum aestivum, AABBDD) species. We analyzed Acc-1 (plastid acetyl-CoA carboxylase) and Pgk-1 (plastid 3-phosphoglycerate kinase) genes to determine phylogenetic relationships among Triticum and Aegilops species of the wheat lineage and to establish the timeline of wheat evolution based on gene sequence comparisons. Triticum urartu was confirmed as the A genome donor of tetraploid and hexaploid wheat. The A genome of polyploid wheat diverged from T. urartu less than half a million years ago (MYA), indicating a relatively recent origin of polyploid wheat. The D genome sequences of T. aestivum and Aegilops tauschii are identical, confirming that T. aestivum arose from hybridization of T. turgidum and Ae. tauschii only 8,000 years ago. The diploid Triticum and Aegilops progenitors of the A, B, D, G, and S genomes all radiated 2.5–4.5 MYA. Our data suggest that the Acc-1 and Pgk-1 loci have different histories in different lineages, indicating genome mosaicity and significant intraspecific differentiation. Some loci of the S genome of Aegilops speltoides and the G genome of T. timophevii are closely related, suggesting the same origin of some parts of their genomes. None of the Aegilops genomes analyzed is a close relative of the B genome, so the diploid progenitor of the B genome remains unknown.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2001

An isoleucine/leucine residue in the carboxyltransferase domain of acetyl-CoA carboxylase is critical for interaction with aryloxyphenoxypropionate and cyclohexanedione inhibitors

O. Zagnitko; Joanna Jelenska; G. Tevzadze; Robert Haselkorn; Piotr Gornicki

cDNA fragments encoding the carboxyltransferase domain of the multidomain plastid acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) from herbicide-resistant maize and from herbicide-sensitive and herbicide-resistant Lolium rigidum were cloned and sequenced. A Leu residue was found in ACCases from herbicide-resistant plants at a position occupied by Ile in all ACCases from sensitive grasses studied so far. Leu is present at the equivalent position in herbicide-resistant ACCases from other eukaryotes. Chimeric ACCases containing a 1000-aa fragment of two ACCase isozymes found in a herbicide-resistant maize were expressed in a yeast ACC1 null mutant to test herbicide sensitivity of the enzyme in vivo and in vitro. One of the enzymes was resistant/tolerant, and one was sensitive to haloxyfop and sethoxydim, rendering the gene-replacement yeast strains resistant and sensitive to these compounds, respectively. The sensitive enzyme has an Ile residue, and the resistant one has a Leu residue at the putative herbicide-binding site. Additionally, a single Ile to Leu replacement at an equivalent position changes the wheat plastid ACCase from sensitive to resistant. The effect of the opposite substitution, Leu to Ile, makes Toxoplasma gondii apicoplast ACCase resistant to haloxyfop and clodinafop. In this case, inhibition of the carboxyltransferase activity of ACCase (second half-reaction) of a large fragment of the Toxoplasma enzyme expressed in Escherichia coli was tested. The critical amino acid residue is located close to a highly conserved motif of the carboxyltransferase domain, which is probably a part of the enzyme active site, providing the basis for the activity of fop and dim herbicides.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2008

Acc homoeoloci and the evolution of wheat genomes

Dominika Chalupska; H. Y. Lee; Justin D. Faris; A. Evrard; Boulos Chalhoub; Robert Haselkorn; Piotr Gornicki

The DNA sequences of wheat Acc-1 and Acc-2 loci, encoding the plastid and cytosolic forms of the enzyme acetyl-CoA carboxylase, were analyzed with a view to understanding the evolution of these genes and the origin of the three genomes in modern hexaploid wheat. Acc-1 and Acc-2 loci from each of the wheats Triticum urartu (A genome), Aegilops tauschii (D genome), Triticum turgidum (AB genome), and Triticum aestivum (ABD genome), as well as two Acc-2-related pseudogenes from T. urartu were sequenced. The 2.3–2.4 Mya divergence time calculated here for the three homoeologous chromosomes, on the basis of coding and intron sequences of the Acc-1 genes, is at the low end of other estimates. Our clock was calibrated by using 60 Mya for the divergence between wheat and maize. On the same time scale, wheat and barley diverged 11.6 Mya, based on sequences of Acc and other genes. The regions flanking the Acc genes are not conserved among the A, B, and D genomes. They are conserved when comparing homoeologous genomes of diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid wheats. Substitution rates in intergenic regions consisting primarily of repetitive sequences vary substantially along the loci and on average are 3.5-fold higher than the Acc intron substitution rates. The composition of the Acc homoeoloci suggests haplotype divergence exceeding in some cases 0.5 Mya. Such variation might result in a significant overestimate of the time since tetraploid wheat formation, which occurred no more than 0.5 Mya.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2007

Single-site mutations in the carboxyltransferase domain of plastid acetyl-CoA carboxylase confer resistance to grass-specific herbicides

Wenjie Liu; Dion K. Harrison; Dominika Chalupska; Piotr Gornicki; Chris O'Donnell; S. W. Adkins; Robert Haselkorn; Richard R. Williams

Grass weed populations resistant to aryloxyphenoxypropionate (APP) and cyclohexanedione herbicides that inhibit acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase; EC represent a major problem for sustainable agriculture. We investigated the molecular basis of resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides for nine wild oat (Avena sterilis ssp. ludoviciana Durieu) populations from the northern grain-growing region of Australia. Five amino acid substitutions in plastid ACCase were correlated with herbicide resistance: Ile-1,781-Leu, Trp-1,999-Cys, Trp-2,027-Cys, Ile-2,041-Asn, and Asp-2,078-Gly (numbered according to the Alopecurus myosuroides plastid ACCase). An allele-specific PCR test was designed to determine the prevalence of these five mutations in wild oat populations suspected of harboring ACCase-related resistance with the result that, in most but not all cases, plant resistance was correlated with one (and only one) of the five mutations. We then showed, using a yeast gene-replacement system, that these single-site mutations also confer herbicide resistance to wheat plastid ACCase: Ile-1,781-Leu and Asp-2,078-Gly confer resistance to APPs and cyclohexanediones, Trp-2,027-Cys and Ile-2,041-Asn confer resistance to APPs, and Trp-1,999-Cys confers resistance only to fenoxaprop. These mutations are very likely to confer resistance to any grass weed species under selection imposed by the extensive agricultural use of the herbicides.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2001

Subcellular localization of acetyl-CoA carboxylase in the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii

Joanna Jelenska; M. J. Crawford; O. S. Harb; Ellen Zuther; Robert Haselkorn; D. S. Roos; Piotr Gornicki

Apicomplexan parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii contain a primitive plastid, the apicoplast, whose genome consists of a 35-kb circular DNA related to the plastid DNA of plants. Plants synthesize fatty acids in their plastids. The first committed step in fatty acid synthesis is catalyzed by acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC). This enzyme is encoded in the nucleus, synthesized in the cytosol, and transported into the plastid. In the present work, two genes encoding ACC from T. gondii were cloned and the gene structure was determined. Both ORFs encode multidomain proteins, each with an N-terminal extension, compared with the cytosolic ACCs from plants. The N-terminal extension of one isozyme, ACC1, was shown to target green fluorescent protein to the apicoplast of T. gondii. In addition, the apicoplast contains a biotinylated protein, consistent with the assertion that ACC1 is localized there. The second ACC in T. gondii appears to be cytosolic. T. gondii mitochondria also contain a biotinylated protein, probably pyruvate carboxylase. These results confirm the essential nature of the apicoplast and explain the inhibition of parasite growth in cultured cells by herbicides targeting ACC.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2011

Duplication and partitioning in evolution and function of homoeologous Q loci governing domestication characters in polyploid wheat

Zengcui Zhang; Harry Belcram; Piotr Gornicki; Mathieu Charles; Jérémy Just; Cécile Huneau; Ghislaine Magdelenat; Arnaud Couloux; Sylvie Samain; Bikram S. Gill; Jack B. Rasmussen; Valérie Barbe; Justin D. Faris; Boulos Chalhoub

The Q gene encodes an AP2-like transcription factor that played an important role in domestication of polyploid wheat. The chromosome 5A Q alleles (5AQ and 5Aq) have been well studied, but much less is known about the q alleles on wheat homoeologous chromosomes 5B (5Bq) and 5D (5Dq). We investigated the organization, evolution, and function of the Q/q homoeoalleles in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Q/q gene sequences are highly conserved within and among the A, B, and D genomes of hexaploid wheat, the A and B genomes of tetraploid wheat, and the A, S, and D genomes of the diploid progenitors, but the intergenic regions of the Q/q locus are highly divergent among homoeologous genomes. Duplication of the q gene 5.8 Mya was likely followed by selective loss of one of the copies from the A genome progenitor and the other copy from the B, D, and S genomes. A recent V329-to-I mutation in the A lineage is correlated with the Q phenotype. The 5Bq homoeoalleles became a pseudogene after allotetraploidization. Expression analysis indicated that the homoeoalleles are coregulated in a complex manner. Combined phenotypic and expression analysis indicated that, whereas 5AQ plays a major role in conferring domestication-related traits, 5Dq contributes directly and 5Bq indirectly to suppression of the speltoid phenotype. The evolution of the Q/q loci in polyploid wheat resulted in the hyperfunctionalization of 5AQ, pseudogenization of 5Bq, and subfunctionalization of 5Dq, all contributing to the domestication traits.

International Journal for Parasitology | 2003

Apicoplast fatty acid biosynthesis as a target for medical intervention in apicomplexan parasites.

Piotr Gornicki

New chemotherapies for human and animal apicomplexan infections are needed as a component of future strategies to deal with these diseases. An extensive search for new treatments exploring the unique developmental physiology, metabolism and molecular structures of Apicomplexa is under way. The description of the full complement of about 5,300 Plasmodium falciparum genes and fast growing sequence databases for other Apicomplexa allow reconstruction of metabolic pathways of these parasites and thus accelerate identification and biochemical analysis of potential targets. The apicoplast de novo fatty acid biosynthetic pathway shows great potential as a target for small-molecule inhibitors in a stand-alone or combination chemotherapy. Three enzymatic activities, acetyl-CoA carboxylase, beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase and enoyl-ACP reductase, respond to inhibitors previously identified for bacteria and plants, and deserve to be explored in depth. In this connection, screening systems have been established to seek more potent and specific antiparasitic compounds that are harmless to the host. To this end the interconnections of fatty acid biosynthesis in Apicomplexa with other metabolic and cellular processes must be investigated.

Plant Science | 2003

Evolution of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) based on sequences of the nuclear gene encoding plastid acetyl-CoA carboxylase

Shaoxing Huang; Xiujuan Su; Robert Haselkorn; Piotr Gornicki

Switchgrass, Panicum virgatum, is a perennial grass native to the USA and Canada with an array of ploidy levels and ecotypes. In this study, genetic variation in the nuclear gene encoding plastid acetyl-CoA carboxylase from six switchgrass cultivars was investigated with the goal of defining relationships among these populations using DNA sequence comparisons. Four polymorphic sites were found in exons and 18 polymorphic sites plus four indels were found in introns within a 1828-nucleotide sequence alignment (696 nucleotides in exons and 1132 nucleotides in introns) of 27 genes. The homoeologous genomes of tetraploid and octaploid switchgrass are very closely related to each other, and among and between lowland and upland switchgrass ecotypes. Based on the molecular clock determined earlier for the Triticeae tribe, the genome divergence time and the time of the polyploidization events which established various contemporary switchgrass lineages was estimated to be less than 2 million years ago.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2002

The Carboxyltransferase Activity of the Apicoplast Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase of Toxoplasma gondii Is the Target of Aryloxyphenoxypropionate Inhibitors

Joanna Jelenska; Anchalee Sirikhachornkit; Robert Haselkorn; Piotr Gornicki

Inhibition of growth of the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii by aryloxyphenoxypropionate herbicides has been correlated with the inhibition of its acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) by these compounds. Here, full-length and C-terminal fragments of T. gondii apicoplast ACC as well as C-terminal fragments of the cytosolic ACC were expressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant proteins that were soluble showed the expected enzymatic activities. Yeast gene-replacement strains depending for growth on the expressed T. gondii ACC were derived by complementation of a yeast ACC1 null mutation. In vitro and in vivo tests with aryloxyphenoxypropionates showed that the carboxyltransferase domain of the apicoplast T. gondii ACC is the target for this class of inhibitors. The cytosolic T. gondii ACC is resistant to aryloxyphenoxypropionates. Both T. gondii isozymes are resistant to cyclohexanediones, another class of inhibitors targeting the ACC of grass plastids.

Plant Molecular Biology | 1993

Wheat acetyl-CoA carboxylase

Piotr Gornicki; Robert Haselkorn

The acetyl-CoA carboxylase present in both wheat germ and total wheat leaf protein contains ca. 220 kDa subunits. It is the major biotin-dependent carboxylase present in wheat chloroplasts. Active acetyl-CoA carboxylase purified from wheat germ is a homodimer with an apparent molecular mass of ca. 500 kDa. The enzyme from wheat germ or from wheat chloroplasts is sensitive to the herbicide haloxyfop at micromolar levels. The incorporation of 14C-acetate into fatty acids in freshly cut wheat seedling leaves provides a convenient in vivo assay for both acetyl-CoA carboxylase and haloxyfop.

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