Q. Q. Shi
Shandong University
Featured researches published by Q. Q. Shi.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2006
Q. Q. Shi; Chao Shen; M. W. Dunlop; Z. Y. Pu; Q.-G. Zong; Z. X. Liu; E. Lucek; A. Balogh
A new method is described which calculates the velocity of observed, quasi-stationary structures at every moment in time from multi-point magnetic field measurements. Once the magnetic gradient tensor G=del (B) over right arrow and the time variation of the magnetic field have been estimated at every moment, the velocity can then be determined, in principle, as a function of time. One striking property of this method is that we can calculate the velocity of structures for any dimensionality: for three-dimensional structures, all three components of the velocity vector can be calculated directly; for two-dimensional (or one-dimensional) structures, we can calculate the velocity along two (or one) directions. The advantage of this method is that the velocity is determined instantaneously, point by point through any structure, and so we can see the time variation of the velocity as the spacecraft traverse the structure. In this paper, the feasibility of the method is tested by calculating the motion velocity of a three-dimensional, near cusp structure and a two-dimensional magnetotail current sheet. The results for one-dimensional structures in the magnetopause and cusp boundaries are compared to calculations for the standard techniques for analyzing discontinuities.
Nature Communications | 2013
Q. Q. Shi; Q.-G. Zong; S. Y. Fu; M. W. Dunlop; Z. Y. Pu; George K. Parks; Y. Wei; W.H. Li; H. Zhang; M. Nowada; Y.B. Wang; W. J. Sun; T. Xiao; H. Rème; C. M. Carr; Andrew N. Fazakerley; Elizabeth A. Lucek
An understanding of the transport of solar wind plasma into and throughout the terrestrial magnetosphere is crucial to space science and space weather. For non-active periods, there is little agreement on where and how plasma entry into the magnetosphere might occur. Moreover, behaviour in the high-latitude region behind the magnetospheric cusps, for example, the lobes, is poorly understood, partly because of lack of coverage by previous space missions. Here, using Cluster multi-spacecraft data, we report an unexpected discovery of regions of solar wind entry into the Earths high-latitude magnetosphere tailward of the cusps. From statistical observational facts and simulation analysis we suggest that these regions are most likely produced by magnetic reconnection at the high-latitude magnetopause, although other processes, such as impulsive penetration, may not be ruled out entirely. We find that the degree of entry can be significant for solar wind transport into the magnetosphere during such quiet times.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2009
Q. Q. Shi; Z. Y. Pu; J. Soucek; Q.-G. Zong; S. Y. Fu; Lun Xie; Yao Chen; H. Zhang; L. Li; Lidong Xia; Z. X. Liu; Elizabeth A. Lucek; Andrew N. Fazakerley; H. Rème
Magnetic depression structures (magnetic holes) of short time duration from seconds to minutes have been studied using Cluster data in the high-latitude cusp. Our multispacecraft analysis revealed that the magnetic depressions are spatial structures traveling across the spacecraft, and this result was further strengthened by the calculation of the boundary normal directions and velocities using various methods. In this article, we show that multiple properties of the magnetic depressions are consistent with those of mirror structures observed in the magnetosheath or solar wind. The plasma in the cusp is rarely unstable with respect to mirror instability. However, as has been shown by previous studies, once a large magnetic hole is created by mirror instability, it becomes relatively stable and can survive for extended periods of time even if surrounding plasma conditions drop well below the mirror threshold. Although local generation of these structures cannot be completely ruled out in some cases, we propose an interpretation of the magnetic depressions observed in the cusp as mirror structures generated upstream and convected to the cusp by plasma flow. Specifically, the magnetic holes could be generated in the magnetosheath and enter the cusp due to the open geometry of the cusp magnetic field.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2015
Wei Jie Sun; James A. Slavin; Suiyan Fu; Jim M. Raines; Qiu Gang Zong; Suzanne M. Imber; Q. Q. Shi; Zhonghua Yao; Gangkai Poh; Daniel J. Gershman; Zuyin Pu; Torbjörn Sundberg; Brian J. Anderson; Haje Korth; D. N. Baker
MErcury Surface, Space ENviroment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) magnetic field and plasma measurements taken during crossings of Mercurys magnetotail from 2011 to 2014 have been examined for evidence of substorms. A total of 26 events were found during which an Earth-like growth phase was followed by clear near-tail expansion phase signatures. During the growth phase, just as at Earth, the thinning of the plasma sheet and the increase of the magnetic field intensity in the lobe are observed, but the fractional increase in field intensity could be ∼3 to 5 times that at Earth. The average timescale of the growth phase is ∼1 min. The dipolarization that marks the initiation of the substorm expansion phase is only a few seconds in duration. During the expansion phase, lasting ∼1 min, the plasma sheet is observed to thicken and engulf the spacecraft. The duration of the substorm observed in this paper is consistent with previous observations of Mercurys Dungey cycle. The reconfiguration of the magnetotail during Mercurys substorm is very similar to that at Earth despite its very compressed timescale.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2009
Q. Q. Shi; Q.-G. Zong; H. Zhang; Z. Y. Pu; S. Y. Fu; Lun Xie; YongFu Wang; Yao Chen; L. Li; Lidong Xia; Z. X. Liu; Andrew N. Fazakerley; H. Rème; Elizabeth A. Lucek
[1] Various boundary crossings in the vicinity of the high-altitude cusp region were experienced by the Cluster spacecraft when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) was northward. In contrast to the southward IMF cases, in which a turbulent and diffusive entry layer is present equatorward of the cusp, a transition layer (without significant turbulence and diffusive properties) that shows clear differences in plasma parameters (sometimes step-like profile) compared to the adjacent regions was observed. We suggest that this transition layer, which contains both magnetosheath and magnetospheric populations, is the entry layer during northward IMF conditions. This transition layer is possibly formed by dual-lobe reconnection when the IMF is northward. The plasma property and the closed field line geometry of this layer indicate that it is possibly linked to the low-latitude boundary layer. The width of this layer varies from 480 to 2200 km. The results support the notion that high-latitude dual-lobe reconnection is a potential mechanism of the transport of solar wind into the magnetosphere during northward IMF through the formation of a high-altitude entry layer. The observations of different sublayers with evident density and temperature differences are consistent with the view that the reconnection process at the magnetopause is not steady.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014
Hui Zhang; Krishan K. Khurana; M. G. Kivelson; V. Angelopoulos; W. Wan; Libo Liu; Q.-G. Zong; Z. Y. Pu; Q. Q. Shi; Wenlong Liu
Data from the two-spacecraft Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence and Electrodynamics of the Moons Interaction with the Sun mission to the Moon have been exploited to characterize the lunar wake with unprecedented fidelity. The differences between measurements made by a spacecraft in the solar wind very near the Moon and concurrent measurements made by a second spacecraft in the near lunar wake are small but systematic. They enabled us to establish the perturbations of plasma density, temperature, thermal, magnetic and total pressure, field, and flow downstream of the Moon to distances of 12 lunar radii (R-M). The wake disturbances are initiated immediately behind the Moon by the diamagnetic currents at the lunar terminator. Rarefaction waves propagate outward at fast MHD wave velocities. Beyond similar to 6.5 R-M, all plasma and field parameters are poorly structured which suggests the presence of instabilities excited by counter-streaming particles. Inward flowing plasma accelerated through pressure gradient force and ambipolar electric field compresses the magnetic field and leads to continuous increase in magnitude of magnetic perturbations. Besides the downstream distance, the field perturbation magnitude is also a function of the solar wind ion beta and the angle between the solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Both ion and electron temperatures increase as a consequence of an energy dispersion effect, whose explanation requires fully kinetic models. Downstream of the Moon, the IMF field lines are observed to bulge toward the Moon, which is unexpected and may be caused by a plasma pressure gradient force or/and the pickup of heavy charged dust grains behind the Moon.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014
Q. Q. Shi; Hartinger; V. Angelopoulos; A. M. Tian; S. Y. Fu; Q.-G. Zong; James M. Weygand; Joachim Raeder; Z. Y. Pu; X.-Z. Zhou; M. W. Dunlop; Wenlong Liu; H. Zhang; Zhonghua Yao; X. C. Shen
We report the in situ observation of a plasma vortex induced by a solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement in the nightside plasma sheet using multipoint measurements from Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) satellites. The vortex has a scale of 5–10 Re and propagates several Re downtail, expanding while propagating. The features of the vortex are consistent with the prediction of the Sibeck (1990) model, and the vortex can penetrate deep (~8 Re) in the dawn-dusk direction and couple to field line oscillations. Global magnetohydrodynamics simulations are carried out, and it is found that the simulation and observations are consistent with each other. Data from THEMIS ground magnetometer stations indicate a poleward propagating vortex in the ionosphere, with a rotational sense consistent with the existence of the vortex observed in the magnetotail.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014
W. J. Sun; Suiyan Fu; George K. Parks; Zuyin Pu; Qiugang Zong; Jiang Liu; Zhonghua Yao; Huishan Fu; Q. Q. Shi
Electric fields associated with dipolarization fronts (DFs) have been investigated in the magnetotail plasma sheet using Cluster observations. We have studied each term in the generalized Ohms law using data obtained from the multispacecraft Cluster. Our results show that in the plasma flow frame, electric fields are directed normal to the DF in the magnetic dip region ahead of the DF as well as in the DF layer but in opposite directions. Case and statistical studies show that the Hall electric field is important while the electron pressure gradient term is much smaller. The ions decouple from the magnetic field in the DF layer and dip region (E + Vi×B ≠ 0), whereas electrons remain frozen-in (E + Ve×B=∇pe/nee).
The Astrophysical Journal | 2009
Yao Chen; Xiaoye Sherry Li; H. Q. Song; Q. Q. Shi; Shiwei Feng; Lidong Xia
Plasma blobs are observed to be weak density enhancements as radially stretched structures emerging from the cusps of quiescent coronal streamers. In this paper, it is suggested that the formation of blobs is a consequence of an intrinsic instability of coronal streamers occurring at a very localized region around the cusp. The evolutionary process of the instability, as revealed in our calculations, can be described as follows: (1) through the localized cusp region where the field is too weak to sustain the confinement, plasmas expand and stretch the closed field lines radially outward as a result of the freezing-in effect of plasma-magnetic field coupling; the expansion brings a strong velocity gradient into the slow wind regime providing the free energy necessary for the onset of a subsequent magnetohydrodynamic instability; (2) the instability manifests itself mainly as mixed streaming sausage-kink modes, the former results in pinches of elongated magnetic loops to provoke reconnections at one or many locations to form blobs. Then, the streamer system returns to the configuration with a lower cusp point, subject to another cycle of streamer instability. Although the instability is intrinsic, it does not lead to the loss of the closed magnetic flux, neither does it affect the overall feature of a streamer. The main properties of the modeled blobs, including their size, velocity profiles, density contrasts, and even their daily occurrence rate, are in line with available observations.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2015
Dong-Xiao Pan; Xu-Zhi Zhou; Q. Q. Shi; Jiang Liu; V. Angelopoulos; A. Runov; Qiugang Zong; Suiyan Fu
Dipolarizing flux bundles transport magnetic flux to the inner and dayside magnetosphere, heat the plasma sheet, and provide a seed population to the radiation belt. The magnetic perturbation ahead of them, often referred to as a dipolarization front (DF), is asymmetric with a small Bz dip followed by a sharp Bz enhancement. The Bz dip is thought to be generated from dawnward currents carried by DF-reflected ions; after reflection, these earthward moving ions gyrate clockwise and contribute to dawnward diamagnetic currents ahead of the front. Using observations of hundreds of DFs, we investigate this hypothesis. We find that the depth of the Bz dip as a function of the front azimuth depends on DF propagation speed and ambient plasma density. These statistical signatures support the hypothesis that the Bz dip is caused by ion reflection and suggest that secondary currents carried by these reflected ions can reshape the front significantly.