
Neuron | 2010

MicroRNA-Mediated Control of Oligodendrocyte Differentiation

Xianghui Zhao; Xuelian He; Xiaolei Han; Yang Yu; Feng Ye; Ying Chen; ThaoNguyen Hoang; Xiaomei Xu; Qing Sheng Mi; Mei Xin; Fan Wang; Bruce Appel; Q. Richard Lu

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) regulate various biological processes, but evidence for miRNAs that control the differentiation program of specific neural cell types has been elusive. To determine the role of miRNAs in the formation of myelinating oligodendrocytes, we selectively deleted a miRNA-processing enzyme, Dicer1, in oligodendrocyte lineage cells. Mice lacking Dicer1 display severe myelinating deficits despite an expansion of the oligodendrocyte progenitor pool. To search for miRNAs responsible for the induction of oligodendrocyte maturation, we identified miR-219 and miR-338 as oligodendrocyte-specific miRNAs in spinal cord. Overexpression of these miRNAs is sufficient to promote oligodendrocyte differentiation. Additionally, blockage of these miRNA activities in oligodendrocyte precursor culture and knockdown of miR-219 in zebrafish inhibit oligodendrocyte maturation. miR-219 and miR-338 function in part by directly repressing negative regulators of oligodendrocyte differentiation, including transcription factors Sox6 and Hes5. These findings illustrate that miRNAs are important regulators of oligodendrocyte differentiation, providing new targets for myelin repair.

Nature Protocols | 2007

Isolation and culture of rat and mouse oligodendrocyte precursor cells

Ying Chen; Veerakumar Balasubramaniyan; Jie Peng; Edward C. Hurlock; Michelle D. Tallquist; Jianrong Li; Q. Richard Lu

The ability to isolate oligodendroglial precursor cells (OPCs) provides a powerful means to characterize their differentiation, properties and potential for myelin repair. Although much knowledge is available for isolation of OPCs from the rat central nervous system, preparation and maintenance of mouse OPCs has been until recently a challenge owing to difficulties in obtaining a sufficient quantity of purified OPCs. Here, we describe protocols to prepare highly enriched rat OPCs and nearly homogenous mouse OPCs. The mouse method generates predominantly OPCs from cortical neural progenitor cells as clonal aggregates called “oligospheres” by taking advantage of molecular genetic tools. Isolated OPCs can be further differentiated into oligodendrocytes. Collectively, we describe simple and efficient methods for the preparation and in vitro maintenance of enriched OPCs from rats and mice. Isolation and culture of a large, homogenous population of rodent OPCs should significantly facilitate studies on OPC lineage progression and their utility in myelin repair after injury.

The Journal of Neuroscience | 2005

Myelinogenesis and Axonal Recognition by Oligodendrocytes in Brain Are Uncoupled in Olig1-Null Mice

Mei Xin; Tao Yue; Zhenyi Ma; Fen Fen Wu; Alexander Gow; Q. Richard Lu

Myelin-forming oligodendrocytes facilitate saltatory nerve conduction and support neuronal functions in the mammalian CNS. Although the processes of oligodendrogliogenesis and differentiation from neural progenitor cells have come to light in recent years, the molecular mechanisms underlying oligodendrocyte myelinogenesis are poorly defined. Herein, we demonstrate the pivotal role of the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor, Olig1, in oligodendrocyte myelinogenesis in brain development. Mice lacking a functional Olig1 gene develop severe neurological deficits and die in the third postnatal week. In the brains of these mice, expression of myelin-specific genes is abolished, whereas the formation of oligodendrocyte progenitors is not affected. Furthermore, multilamellar wrapping of myelin membranes around axons does not occur, despite recognition and contact of axons by oligodendrocytes, and Olig1-null mice develop widespread progressive axonal degeneration and gliosis. In contrast, myelin sheaths are formed in the spinal cord, although the extent of myelination is severely reduced. At the molecular level, we find that Olig1 regulates transcription of the major myelin-specific genes, Mbp, Plp1, and Mag, and suppresses expression of a major astrocyte-specific gene, Gfap. Together, our data indicate that Olig1 is a central regulator of oligodendrocyte myelinogenesis in brain and that axonal recognition and myelination by oligodendrocytes are separable processes.

Nature Neuroscience | 2009

The oligodendrocyte-specific G-protein coupled receptor GPR17 is a cell-intrinsic timer of myelination

Ying Chen; Heng Wu; Shuzong Wang; Hisami Koito; Jianrong Li; Feng Ye; Jenny Hoang; Sabine S. Escobar; Alexander Gow; Heather A. Arnett; Bruce D. Trapp; Nitin J. Karandikar; Jenny Hsieh; Q. Richard Lu

The basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor Olig1 promotes oligodendrocyte maturation and is required for myelin repair. We characterized an Olig1-regulated G protein–coupled receptor, GPR17, whose function is to oppose the action of Olig1. Gpr17 was restricted to oligodendrocyte lineage cells, but was downregulated during the peak period of myelination and in adulthood. Transgenic mice with sustained Gpr17 expression in oligodendrocytes exhibited stereotypic features of myelinating disorders in the CNS. Gpr17 overexpression inhibited oligodendrocyte differentiation and maturation both in vivo and in vitro. Conversely, Gpr17 knockout mice showed early onset of oligodendrocyte myelination. The opposing action of Gpr17 on oligodendrocyte maturation reflects, at least partially, upregulation and nuclear translocation of the potent oligodendrocyte differentiation inhibitors ID2/4. Collectively, these findings suggest that GPR17 orchestrates the transition between immature and myelinating oligodendrocytes via an ID protein–mediated negative regulation and may serve as a potential therapeutic target for CNS myelin repair.

Cell | 2013

Olig2 Targets Chromatin Remodelers to Enhancers to Initiate Oligodendrocyte Differentiation

Yang Yu; Ying Chen; Bongwoo Kim; Haibo Wang; Chuntao Zhao; Xuelian He; Lei Liu; Wei Liu; Lai Man N. Wu; Meng Mao; Jonah R. Chan; Jiang I. Wu; Q. Richard Lu

Establishment of oligodendrocyte identity is crucial for subsequent events of myelination in the CNS. Here, we demonstrate that activation of ATP-dependent SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling enzyme Smarca4/Brg1 at the differentiation onset is necessary and sufficient to initiate and promote oligodendrocyte lineage progression and maturation. Genome-wide multistage studies by ChIP-seq reveal that oligodendrocyte-lineage determination factor Olig2 functions as a prepatterning factor to direct Smarca4/Brg1 to oligodendrocyte-specific enhancers. Recruitment of Smarca4/Brg1 to distinct subsets of myelination regulatory genes is developmentally regulated. Functional analyses of Smarca4/Brg1 and Olig2 co-occupancy relative to chromatin epigenetic marking uncover stage-specific cis-regulatory elements that predict sets of transcriptional regulators controlling oligodendrocyte differentiation. Together, our results demonstrate that regulation of the functional specificity and activity of a Smarca4/Brg1-dependent chromatin-remodeling complex by Olig2, coupled with transcriptionally linked chromatin modifications, is critical to precisely initiate and establish the transcriptional program that promotes oligodendrocyte differentiation and subsequent myelination of the CNS.

Development | 2007

A crucial role for Olig2 in white matter astrocyte development

Jeff Cai; Ying Chen; Wen Hui Cai; Edward C. Hurlock; Heng Wu; Steven G. Kernie; Luis F. Parada; Q. Richard Lu

The mechanisms underlying astrocyte heterogeneity in the developing mouse brain are poorly understood. The bHLH transcription factor Olig2 is essential for motoneuron and oligodendrocyte formation; however, its role in astrocyte development remains obscure. During cortical development, Olig2 is transiently expressed in immature developing astrocytes at neonatal stages and is progressively downregulated in astrocytes at late postnatal stages. To assess the function of Olig2 in astrocyte formation, we conditionally ablated Olig2 in a spatiotemporally controlled manner. In the Olig2-ablated cortex and spinal cord, the formation of astrocytes in the white matter is severely compromised. Temporally controlled mutagenesis revealed that postnatal Olig2 function is required for astrocyte differentiation in the cerebral white matter. By contrast, astrocytes in the cortical gray matter are formed, but with sustained GFAP upregulation in the superficial layers. Cell type-specific mutagenesis and fate-mapping analyses indicate that abnormal astrocyte formation is at least in part attributable to the loss of Olig2 in developing astrocytes and their precursors. Thus, our studies uncover a crucial role for Olig2 in white matter astrocyte development and reveal divergent transcriptional requirements for, and developmental sources of, morphologically and spatially distinct astrocyte subpopulations.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2012

Neurite outgrowth inhibitor Nogo-A establishes spatial segregation and extent of oligodendrocyte myelination

S.Y. Christin Chong; Sheila S. Rosenberg; Stephen P.J. Fancy; Chao Zhao; Yun An A Shen; Angela T. Hahn; Aaron W. McGee; Xiaomei Xu; Binhai Zheng; Li I. Zhang; David H. Rowitch; Robin J.M. Franklin; Q. Richard Lu; Jonah R. Chan

A requisite component of nervous system development is the achievement of cellular recognition and spatial segregation through competition-based refinement mechanisms. Competition for available axon space by myelinating oligodendrocytes ensures that all relevant CNS axons are myelinated properly. To ascertain the nature of this competition, we generated a transgenic mouse with sparsely labeled oligodendrocytes and establish that individual oligodendrocytes occupying similar axon tracts can greatly vary the number and lengths of their myelin internodes. Here we show that intercellular interactions between competing oligodendroglia influence the number and length of myelin internodes, referred to as myelinogenic potential, and identify the amino-terminal region of Nogo-A, expressed by oligodendroglia, as necessary and sufficient to inhibit this process. Exuberant and expansive myelination/remyelination is detected in the absence of Nogo during development and after demyelination, suggesting that spatial segregation and myelin extent is limited by microenvironmental inhibition. We demonstrate a unique physiological role for Nogo-A in the precise myelination of the developing CNS. Maximizing the myelinogenic potential of oligodendrocytes may offer an effective strategy for repair in future therapies for demyelination.

Nature Neuroscience | 2011

HDAC-mediated deacetylation of NF-κB is critical for Schwann cell myelination

Ying Chen; Haibo Wang; Sung Ok Yoon; Xiaomei Xu; Michael O. Hottiger; John Svaren; Klaus-Armin Nave; Haesun A. Kim; Eric N. Olson; Q. Richard Lu

Schwann cell myelination is tightly regulated by timely expression of key transcriptional regulators that respond to specific environmental cues, but the molecular mechanisms underlying such a process are poorly understood. We found that the acetylation state of NF-κB, which is regulated by histone deacetylases (HDACs) 1 and 2, is critical for orchestrating the myelination program. Mice lacking both HDACs 1 and 2 (HDAC1/2) exhibited severe myelin deficiency with Schwann cell development arrested at the immature stage. NF-κB p65 became heavily acetylated in HDAC1/2 mutants, inhibiting the expression of positive regulators of myelination and inducing the expression of differentiation inhibitors. We observed that the NF-κB protein complex switched from associating with p300 to associating with HDAC1/2 as Schwann cells differentiated. NF-κB and HDAC1/2 acted in a coordinated fashion to regulate the transcriptionally linked chromatin state for Schwann cell myelination. Thus, our results reveal an HDAC-mediated developmental switch for controlling myelination in the peripheral nervous system.

Neuron | 2012

Dual-Mode Modulation of Smad Signaling by Smad-Interacting Protein Sip1 Is Required for Myelination in the Central Nervous System

Qinjie Weng; Ying Chen; Haibo Wang; Xiaomei Xu; Bo Yang; Qiaojun He; Weinian Shou; Yan(陈雁) Chen; Yujiro Higashi; Veronique van den Berghe; Eve Seuntjens; Steven G. Kernie; Polina Bukshpun; Elliott H. Sherr; Danny Huylebroeck; Q. Richard Lu

Myelination by oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system (CNS) is essential for proper brain function, yet the molecular determinants that control this process remain poorly understood. The basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors Olig1 and Olig2 promote myelination, whereas bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and Wnt/β-catenin signaling inhibit myelination. Here we show that these opposing regulators of myelination are functionally linked by the Olig1/2 common target Smad-interacting protein-1 (Sip1). We demonstrate that Sip1 is an essential modulator of CNS myelination. Sip1 represses differentiation inhibitory signals by antagonizing BMP receptor-activated Smad activity while activating crucial oligodendrocyte-promoting factors. Importantly, a key Sip1-activated target, Smad7, is required for oligodendrocyte differentiation and partially rescues differentiation defects caused by Sip1 loss. Smad7 promotes myelination by blocking the BMP- and β-catenin-negative regulatory pathways. Thus, our findings reveal that Sip1-mediated antagonism of inhibitory signaling is critical for promoting CNS myelination and point to new mediators for myelin repair.

Development | 2006

An oligodendrocyte-specific zinc-finger transcription regulator cooperates with Olig2 to promote oligodendrocyte differentiation

Shu Zong Wang; Jennifer N. Dulin; Heng Wu; Edward C. Hurlock; Sang Eun Lee; Kyle Jansson; Q. Richard Lu

Molecular mechanisms that control oligodendrocyte myelination during mammalian central nervous system (CNS) development are poorly understood. In this study, we identified Zfp488, an oligodendrocyte-specific zinc-finger transcription regulator, by screening for genes downregulated in the optic nerves of Olig1-null mice. The predicted primary structure of Zfp488 is evolutionarily conserved in vertebrates and invertebrates. In the developing CNS, Zfp488 is specifically expressed in oligodendrocytes but not their precursors. Its expression increases in parallel with that of major myelin genes Mbp and Plp1. Zfp488 is a nuclear protein that possesses transcriptional repression activity. In the developing chick neural tube, Zfp488 can promote oligodendrocyte precursor formation upon Notch activation. In addition, Zfp488 can interact and cooperate with the bHLH transcription factor Olig2 to promote precocious and ectopic oligodendrocyte differentiation. Furthermore, knockdown of Zfp488 via RNAi in an oligodendroglial cell line leads to the downregulation of myelin gene expression. Taken together, these data suggest that Zfp488 functions as an oligodendrocyte-specific transcription co-regulator important for oligodendrocyte maturation and that zinc-finger/bHLH cooperation can serve as a mechanism for oligodendroglial differentiation.

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