
eLife | 2014

Microtubules provide directional information for core PCP function

Maja Matis; David A Russler-Germain; Qie Hu; Claire J. Tomlin; Jeffrey D. Axelrod

Planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling controls the polarization of cells within the plane of an epithelium. Two molecular modules composed of Fat(Ft)/Dachsous(Ds)/Four-jointed(Fj) and a ‘PCP-core’ including Frizzled(Fz) and Dishevelled(Dsh) contribute to polarization of individual cells. How polarity is globally coordinated with tissue axes is unresolved. Consistent with previous results, we find that the Ft/Ds/Fj-module has an effect on a MT-cytoskeleton. Here, we provide evidence for the model that the Ft/Ds/Fj-module provides directional information to the core-module through this MT organizing function. We show Ft/Ds/Fj-dependent initial polarization of the apical MT-cytoskeleton prior to global alignment of the core-module, reveal that the anchoring of apical non-centrosomal MTs at apical junctions is polarized, observe that directional trafficking of vesicles containing Dsh depends on Ft, and demonstrate the feasibility of this model by mathematical simulation. Together, these results support the hypothesis that Ft/Ds/Fj provides a signal to orient core PCP function via MT polarization. DOI:

conference on decision and control | 2015

Safe platooning of unmanned aerial vehicles via reachability

Mo Chen; Qie Hu; Casey Mackin; Jaime F. Fisac; Claire J. Tomlin

Recently, there has been immense interest in using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for civilian operations such as package delivery, firefighting, and fast disaster response. As a result, UAV traffic management systems are needed to support potentially thousands of UAVs flying simultaneously in the airspace, in order to ensure their liveness and safety requirements are met. Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) reachability is a powerful framework for providing conditions under which these requirements can be met, and for synthesizing the optimal controller for meeting them. However, due to the curse of dimensionality, HJ reachability is only tractable for a small number of vehicles if their set of maneuvers is unrestricted. In this paper, we define a platoon to be a group of UAVs in a single-file formation. We model each vehicle as a hybrid system with modes corresponding to its role in the platoon, and specify the set of allowed maneuvers in each mode to make the analysis tractable. We propose several liveness controllers based on HJ reachability, and wrap a safety controller, also based on HJ reachability, around the liveness controllers. For a single altitude range, our approach guarantees safety for one safety breach; in the unlikely event of multiple safety breaches, safety can be guaranteed over multiple altitude ranges. We demonstrate the satisfaction of liveness and safety requirements through simulations of three common scenarios.

Automatica | 2018

Secure estimation based Kalman Filter for cyber–physical systems against sensor attacks

Young Hwan Chang; Qie Hu; Claire J. Tomlin

Cyber–physical systems are found in many applications such as power networks, manufacturing processes, and air and ground transportation systems. Maintaining security of these systems under cyber attacks is an important and challenging task, since these attacks can be erratic and thus difficult to model. Secure estimation problems study how to estimate the true system states when measurements are corrupted and/or control inputs are compromised by attackers. The authors in Fawzi et al. (2014) proposed a secure estimation method when the set of attacked nodes (sensors, controllers) is fixed. In this paper, we extend these results to scenarios in which the set of attacked nodes can change over time. We formulate this secure estimation problem into the classical error correction problem (Candes and Tao, 2005) and we show that accurate decoding can be guaranteed. Furthermore, we propose a combined secure estimation method with our proposed secure estimator and the Kalman Filter for improved practical performance. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of our method through simulations of two scenarios where an unmanned aerial vehicle is under attack.

advances in computing and communications | 2016

Building model identification during regular operation - empirical results and challenges

Qie Hu; Frauke Oldewurtel; Maximilian Balandat; Evangelos Vrettos; Datong P. Zhou; Claire J. Tomlin

The inter-temporal consumption flexibility of commercial buildings can be harnessed to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, or to provide ancillary service to the power grid. To do so, a predictive model of the buildings thermal dynamics is required. In this paper, we identify a physics-based model of a multi-purpose commercial building including its heating, ventilation and air conditioning system during regular operation. We present our empirical results and show that large uncertainties in internal heat gains, due to occupancy and equipment, present several challenges in utilizing the building model for long-term prediction. In addition, we show that by learning these uncertain loads online and dynamically updating the building model, prediction accuracy is improved significantly.

advances in computing and communications | 2017

Quantitative comparison of data-driven and physics-based models for commercial building HVAC systems

Datong P. Zhou; Qie Hu; Claire J. Tomlin

Commercial buildings are responsible for a large fraction of energy consumption in developed countries, and therefore are targets of energy efficiency programs. Motivated by the large inherent thermal inertia of buildings, the power consumption can be flexibly scheduled without compromising occupant comfort. This temporal flexibility offers opportunities for energy savings and the provision of frequency regulation to support grid stability. To realize these goals, it is of prime importance to identify a realistic model for the temperature dynamics of a building. In this paper, we identify a low-dimensional data-driven model and a high-dimensional physics-based model for the same system at different spatial granularities and temporal seasons using experimental data collected from an entire floor of an office building on the University of California, Berkeley campus. We perform a quantitative comparison in terms of estimates of the inherent thermal gains due to occupancy, open-loop prediction accuracies, and closed-loop control schemes. We conclude that data-driven models could serve as a substitution for highly complex physics-based models with an insignificant loss of prediction accuracy for many applications.

advances in computing and communications | 2017

Secure state estimation for nonlinear power systems under cyber attacks

Qie Hu; Dariush Fooladivanda; Young Hwan Chang; Claire J. Tomlin

This paper focuses on securely estimating the state of a nonlinear dynamical system from a set of corrupted measurements. In particular, we consider a wide class of nonlinear systems, and propose a technique which enables us to perform secure state estimation for such nonlinear systems. We then provide guarantees on the achievable state estimation error against arbitrary corruptions, and analytically characterize the number of errors that can be perfectly corrected by a decoder. To illustrate how the proposed nonlinear estimation approach can be applied to practical systems, we focus on secure estimation for the wide area control of an interconnected power system under cyber-physical attacks and communication failures, and propose a secure estimator for the power system. Finally, we numerically show that the proposed secure estimation algorithm enables us to reconstruct the attack signals accurately.

IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems | 2018

Secure State Estimation and Control for Cyber Security of the Nonlinear Power Systems

Qie Hu; Dariush Fooladivanda; Young Hwan Chang; Claire J. Tomlin

We focus on securely estimating the state of a nonlinear dynamical system from a set of corrupted measurements for two classes of nonlinear systems, and propose a technique that enables us to perform secure state estimation for those systems. We then illustrate how the proposed nonlinear secure state estimation technique can be used to perform estimation in the cyber layer of interconnected power systems under cyber-physical attacks and communication failures. In particular, we focus on an interconnected power system comprised of several synchronous generators, transmission lines, loads, and energy storage units, and propose a secure estimator that allows us to securely estimate the dynamic states of the power network. Finally, we numerically demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed secure estimation algorithm, and show that the algorithm enables the cyber layer to accurately reconstruct the attack signals.

advances in computing and communications | 2017

Secure state estimation for Cyber Physical Systems with sparse malicious packet drops

Gabriella Fiore; Young Hwan Chang; Qie Hu; Maria Domenica Di Benedetto; Claire J. Tomlin

In this paper we investigate how to correctly estimate the state of a linear system in a discrete time setting, when the communication between sensors and/or actuators with the controller is corrupted by sparse attacks. We give conditions for the system to be resilient against malicious packet drops without assuming that the attacker follows any specific probabilistic model. The performance of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated through numerical simulations, where a flexible payload is transported by a group of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).

Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics | 2017

Reachability-Based Safety and Goal Satisfaction of Unmanned Aerial Platoons on Air Highways

Mo Chen; Qie Hu; Jaime F. Fisac; Kene Akametalu; Casey Mackin; Claire J. Tomlin

arXiv: Systems and Control | 2016

Model Comparison of a Data-Driven and a Physical Model for Simulating HVAC Systems

Datong P. Zhou; Qie Hu; Claire J. Tomlin

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