
Featured researches published by R. A. Millikan.

Nature | 1930

History of Research in Cosmic Rays

R. A. Millikan

IN general, discussions of priority, save perhaps in the hands of the historian of science, seem to me to serve no useful purpose, sincethey represent, in the main, the ex parte statements of persons who are not in position to form scientific, objective judgments. The task properly belongs to posterity. The real scientificworker, whose primary interest is in the progress of science, can scarcely take the time to enter into these discussions even when he himselfis badly misrepresented for the time being. In any case he may usually count on the facts ultimately coming to light.

Nature | 1931

Contributions to a British Association Discussion on the Evolution of the Universe

R. A. Millikan

ANYONE who knows me is quite aware of the fact that I have no qualifications for participating in a discussion of the evolution of the universe, unless perhaps it be because of my interest and activity in the development of our knowledge of the cosmic radiation. Since, however, results in this field now seem destined to exert a profound, if not a determinative, influence upon all theories of stellar evolution, it may not be out of place for me to outline the present status of our experimental findings in it, and to do what I can to show whither they point.

The School Review | 1915

The New Physics

R. A. Millikan

I am to have the honor of speaking to you this afternoon upon the new physics, and I foresee that sometime during the hour I shall inevitably make a disagreeable impression by letting out the fact of my extreme appreciation of the values of my own subject. In order, therefore, that I may have some time before the end of the hour in which to regain your good will, I shall begin with two bold assertions. The first is that a considerable proportion of the

Proceedings of the IRE | 1949

Atomic Energy Its Release, Utilization, and Control

R. A. Millikan

The PROCEEDINGS OF THE I.R.E. is publishing, in accordance with the policy of the Institute, a series of papers dealing with instrumentation and controls in the field of the production and utilization of fissionable materials. The members of the Institute present at the IRE West Coast Convention at Los Angeles in 1948 were fortunate in hearing a paper dealing with the broad aspects of atomic energy, delivered by a world-renowned physicist. The speaker was a Nobel prize winner, a pioneer in the field of studies of atomic structure and of cosmic rays, and a leader in physical research. The utilization to best advantage of fissionable materials available on earth is manifestly of major human importance. The following paper deals primarily with this subject, and is commended to the attention of the readers of the PROCEEDINGS OF THE I.R.E. -The Editor.

American Journal of Physics | 1941

The Opportunity of the Physics Teacher

R. A. Millikan

It will generally be agreed that physics is the most fundamental of the sciences, that some knowledge of it underlies them all and is therefore their indispensable prerequisite. For this reason alone the job of the teacher of physics takes on unusual significance. But from my point of view it is much more vital in the present stage of development of the United States than most physics teachers themselves realize. The main purpose of this paper is to point out why.

Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union | 1928

Report of Delegates of the American Geophysical Union to the Third General Assembly of the International Geodetic and Geophysical Union at Prague, September 3 to 10, 1927

Louis A. Bauer; William Bowie; J. H. Dellinger; N. H. Heck; Herbert H. Kimball; Walter D. Lambert; R. A. Millikan; Harry Fielding Reid; A. B. Cook

Of the thirty-two nations now members of the Union, twenty-seven were represented at the Prague Assembly by their own delegates; several other countries which were prevented by distance or some other reason from sending representatives had delegates from other nations to represent them. About two hundred delegates and guests attended the Assembly.

Science | 1924

The Practical Value of Pure Science

R. A. Millikan

When I reflect that preceding Edison medallists have been men of the type of Charles F. Brush, who first showed the world that electricity might be used for city lighting; Alexander Graham Bell, whose invention was at the base of the whole vast system of modern communications; Frank Sprague, who was responsible for the application of electric power to railway transportation; M. I. Pupin, who made long distance telephony possible; J. J. Carty, under whose inspiration and leadership the telephone repeater and amplifier, with all that they mean to the enrichment of modern life, have been brought forth, and others of like achievement in the application of electricity to large industrial uses, I feel that there may have been a misunderstanding or a mistake in connection with this years award. For when I look over my thirty years of scientific effort I can find no industry which has grown out of my researches, nor even any which have been very immediately benefited by them.

Science | 1923


R. A. Millikan

I propose to-day to compare very briefly the problems of the college graduate of my own time thirty-two years ago and those of the present, and then to point out what seems to me to be the most vital elements which must enter into the solution of the problems which to-days graduating class will be called upon to face.

Archive | 1922

Frühere Anschauungen über die Elektrizität

R. A. Millikan

Wenn wir die Geschichte der atomistischen Auffassung der Materie und die Geschichte der atomistischen Theorie der Elektrizitat miteinander vergleichen, so finden wir eine bemerkenswerte und lehrreiche Ahnlichkeit: in beiden Fallen gehen die Grundvorstellungen selbst weit zuruck — bis in jene Zeit, wo das Denken und Forschen uber diese Dinge uberhaupt anfangt. In beiden Fallen blieben aber diese Grundvorstellungen vollstandig unfruchtbar, bis die Entwicklung genauer Mmethoden ihnen Leben und Fruchtbarkeit verlieh.

Archive | 1922

Der Mechanismus der Ionisierung von Gasen durch Röntgenstrahlen und durch Radiumstrahlen

R. A. Millikan

Was geschieht, wenn ein Gas ionisiert wird ? Die einzigen Versuche bis zum Jahre 1908, welche auf diese Frage einiges Licht warfen, waren diejenigen von Townsend aus dem Jahre 19001).

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