
Nature | 2012

Global convergence in the vulnerability of forests to drought.

Brendan Choat; Steven Jansen; Timothy J. Brodribb; Hervé Cochard; Sylvain Delzon; Radika Bhaskar; Sandra J. Bucci; Taylor S. Feild; Sean M. Gleason; Uwe G. Hacke; Anna L. Jacobsen; Frederic Lens; Hafiz Maherali; Jordi Martínez-Vilalta; Stefan Mayr; Maurizio Mencuccini; Patrick J. Mitchell; Andrea Nardini; Jarmila Pittermann; R. Brandon Pratt; John S. Sperry; Mark Westoby; Ian J. Wright; Amy E. Zanne

Shifts in rainfall patterns and increasing temperatures associated with climate change are likely to cause widespread forest decline in regions where droughts are predicted to increase in duration and severity. One primary cause of productivity loss and plant mortality during drought is hydraulic failure. Drought stress creates trapped gas emboli in the water transport system, which reduces the ability of plants to supply water to leaves for photosynthetic gas exchange and can ultimately result in desiccation and mortality. At present we lack a clear picture of how thresholds to hydraulic failure vary across a broad range of species and environments, despite many individual experiments. Here we draw together published and unpublished data on the vulnerability of the transport system to drought-induced embolism for a large number of woody species, with a view to examining the likely consequences of climate change for forest biomes. We show that 70% of 226 forest species from 81 sites worldwide operate with narrow (<1 megapascal) hydraulic safety margins against injurious levels of drought stress and therefore potentially face long-term reductions in productivity and survival if temperature and aridity increase as predicted for many regions across the globe. Safety margins are largely independent of mean annual precipitation, showing that there is global convergence in the vulnerability of forests to drought, with all forest biomes equally vulnerable to hydraulic failure regardless of their current rainfall environment. These findings provide insight into why drought-induced forest decline is occurring not only in arid regions but also in wet forests not normally considered at drought risk.

Plant Physiology | 2005

Do Xylem Fibers Affect Vessel Cavitation Resistance

Anna L. Jacobsen; Frank W. Ewers; R. Brandon Pratt; William A. S. Paddock Iii; Stephen D. Davis

Possible mechanical and hydraulic costs to increased cavitation resistance were examined among six co-occurring species of chaparral shrubs in southern California. We measured cavitation resistance (xylem pressure at 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity), seasonal low pressure potential (Pmin), xylem conductive efficiency (specific conductivity), mechanical strength of stems (modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture), and xylem density. At the cellular level, we measured vessel and fiber wall thickness and lumen diameter, transverse fiber wall and total lumen area, and estimated vessel implosion resistance using (t/b)h2, where t is the thickness of adjoining vessel walls and b is the vessel lumen diameter. Increased cavitation resistance was correlated with increased mechanical strength (r2 = 0.74 and 0.76 for modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture, respectively), xylem density (r2 = 0.88), and Pmin (r2 = 0.96). In contrast, cavitation resistance and Pmin were not correlated with decreased specific conductivity, suggesting no tradeoff between these traits. At the cellular level, increased cavitation resistance was correlated with increased (t/b)h2 (r2 = 0.95), increased transverse fiber wall area (r2 = 0.89), and decreased fiber lumen area (r2 = 0.76). To our knowledge, the correlation between cavitation resistance and fiber wall area has not been shown previously and suggests a mechanical role for fibers in cavitation resistance. Fiber efficacy in prevention of vessel implosion, defined as inward bending or collapse of vessels, is discussed.

Ecological Monographs | 2007


Anna L. Jacobsen; R. Brandon Pratt; Frank W. Ewers; Stephen D. Davis

Resistance to xylem cavitation depends on the size of xylem pit membrane pores and the strength of vessels to resist collapse or, in the case of freezing-induced cavitation, conduit diameter. Altering these traits may impact plant biomechanics or water transport efficiency. The evergreen sclerophyllous shrub species, collectively referred to as chaparral, which dominate much of the mediterranean-type climate region of southern California, have been shown to display high cavitation resistance (pressure potential at 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity; P50). We examined xylem functional and structural traits associated with more negative P50 in stems of 26 chaparral species. We correlated raw-trait values, without phylogenetic consideration, to examine current relationships between P50 and these xylem traits. Additionally, correlations were examined using phylogenetic independent contrasts (PICs) to determine whether evolutionary changes in these xylem traits correlate with changes in P50. Co-occurring chaparral species widely differ in their P50 (� 0.9 to � 11.0 MPa). Species experiencing the most negative seasonal pressure potential (Pmin) had the highest resistance to xylem cavitation (lowest P50). Decreased P50 was associated with increased xylem density, stem mechanical strength (modulus of rupture), and transverse fiber wall area when both raw values and PICs were analyzed. These results support a functional and evolutionary relationship among these xylem traits and cavitation resistance. Chaparral species that do not sprout following fire but instead recruit post-fire from seed had the greatest resistance to cavitation, presumably because they rely on post-fire survival of seedlings during the summer dry period to persist in the landscape. Raw values of hydraulic vessel diameter (dh), maximum vessel length, and xylem-specific hydraulic conductivity (Ks) were correlated to P50; however, dh, maximum vessel length, and Ks were not correlated to P50 when analyzed using PICs, suggesting that these traits have not undergone correlated evolutionary change. We found no difference in xylem traits between species occurring at freezing vs. nonfreezing sites, although freezing has been shown to affect the survival and distributions of some chaparral species. Stem mechanical strength, fiber properties, and post-fire regeneration type appear to be key factors in the evolution of cavitation resistance among chaparral shrubs.

New Phytologist | 2008

Comparative community physiology: nonconvergence in water relations among three semi‐arid shrub communities

Anna L. Jacobsen; R. Brandon Pratt; Stephen D. Davis; Frank W. Ewers

Plant adaptations to the environment are limited, and therefore plants in similar environments may display similar functional and physiological traits, a pattern termed functional convergence. Evidence was examined for functional convergence among 28 evergreen woody shrubs from three plant communities of the semi-arid winter rainfall region of southern California. Both leaf and water relations traits were examined, including seasonal stomatal conductance (gs), specific leaf area (SLA), leaf specific conductivity (Kl), seasonal water potential (Psi w), stem cavitation resistance (Psi 50), and xylem density. Species display community-specific suites of xylem and leaf traits consistent with different patterns of water use among communities, with coastal sage scrub species utilizing shallow pulses of water, Mojave Desert scrub species relying on deeper water reserves, and chaparral species utilizing both shallow and deep moisture reserves. Communities displayed similar degrees of water stress, with a community-level minimum Psi w (Psi wmin) of c. -4.6 Mpa, similar to other arid communities. Pooled across sites, there was a strong correlation between Psi wmin and xylem density, suggesting that these traits are broadly related and predictive of one another. This comparative community physiology approach may be useful in testing hypotheses of functional convergence across structurally similar semi-arid communities.

New Phytologist | 2012

No evidence for an open vessel effect in centrifuge‐based vulnerability curves of a long‐vesselled liana (Vitis vinifera)

Anna L. Jacobsen; R. Brandon Pratt

Vulnerability to cavitation curves are used to estimate xylem cavitation resistance and can be constructed using multiple techniques. It was recently suggested that a technique that relies on centrifugal force to generate negative xylem pressures may be susceptible to an open vessel artifact in long-vesselled species. Here, we used custom centrifuge rotors to measure different sample lengths of 1-yr-old stems of grapevine to examine the influence of open vessels on vulnerability curves, thus testing the hypothesized open vessel artifact. These curves were compared with a dehydration-based vulnerability curve. Although samples differed significantly in the number of open vessels, there was no difference in the vulnerability to cavitation measured on 0.14- and 0.271-m-long samples of Vitis vinifera. Dehydration and centrifuge-based curves showed a similar pattern of declining xylem-specific hydraulic conductivity (K(s)) with declining water potential. The percentage loss in hydraulic conductivity (PLC) differed between dehydration and centrifuge curves and it was determined that grapevine is susceptible to errors in estimating maximum K(s) during dehydration because of the development of vessel blockages. Our results from a long-vesselled liana do not support the open vessel artifact hypothesis.

American Journal of Botany | 2012

A global analysis of xylem vessel length in woody plants

Anna L. Jacobsen; R. Brandon Pratt; Michael F. Tobin; Uwe G. Hacke; Frank W. Ewers

UNLABELLED PREMISE OF THE STUDY Vessels are the chief conduit for long-distance water transport in the majority of flowering plants. Vessel length is a key trait that determines plant hydraulic efficiency and safety, yet relatively little is known about this xylem feature. • METHODS We used previously published studies to generate a new global data set of vessel length in woody plants. These data were used to examine how evolutionary history, plant habit, environment, and growth ring porosity influenced vessel length. We also examined the relationship between mean vessel length and mean vessel diameter and maximum vessel length. • KEY RESULTS Data on mean vessel length were available for stems of 130 species and on maximum vessel length for stems of 91 species. A phylogenetic analysis indicated that vessel length did not exhibit significant phylogenetic signal. Liana species had longer vessel lengths than in tree or shrub species. Vessel diameter was not predictive of mean vessel length, but maximum vessel length strongly predicted mean vessel length. Vessel length did not vary between species that differed in growth ring porosity. • CONCLUSIONS Many traits often assumed to be linked to vessel length, including growth ring porosity and vessel diameter, are not associated with vessel length when compared interspecifically. Sampling for vessel length has been nonrandom, e.g., there are virtually no data available for roots, and sampling for environment has been confounded with sampling for habit. Increased knowledge of vessel length is key to understanding the structure and function of the plant hydraulic pathway.

Global Change Biology | 2014

Mortality of resprouting chaparral shrubs after a fire and during a record drought: physiological mechanisms and demographic consequences.

R. Brandon Pratt; Anna L. Jacobsen; Aaron R. Ramirez; Anjel M. Helms; Courtney A. Traugh; Michael F. Tobin; Marcus S. Heffner; Stephen D. Davis

We examined postfire regeneration of chaparral shrubs during an intense drought. This study focused on the demography and physiology of shrub species that resprout from a basal lignotuber following fire. We found significant levels of resprout mortality when intense drought occurred in the year following fire during the period of shrub recovery. Three of the seven sampled resprouting species had the greatest or near greatest levels of mortality ever recorded when compared to previous studies. Most shrub mortality occurred during the drought after individuals had resprouted (i.e. individuals survived fire, resprouted and then subsequently died). Physiological measurements of species with high mortality suggested that resprout stems were highly embolized and xylem hydraulic conductivities were close to zero during the peak of the drought. In addition, lignotubers of two of the three species experiencing high mortality were depleted of starch. Population densities of most shrub species declined after the drought compared with their prefire levels, with the exception of one drought tolerant obligate seeding species. Resprouting shrub species may deplete their carbohydrate reserves during the resprouting process, making them particularly vulnerable to drought because of the need to transpire water to acquire the CO2 that is used to supply energy to a large respiring root system. Drought appears to interact with fire by altering postfire shrub recovery and altering species abundances and composition of chaparral communities.

New Phytologist | 2016

Towards understanding resprouting at the global scale.

Juli G. Pausas; R. Brandon Pratt; Jon E. Keeley; Anna L. Jacobsen; Aaron R. Ramirez; Alberto Vilagrosa; Susana Paula; Iolana N. Kaneakua-Pia; Stephen D. Davis

Understanding and predicting plant response to disturbance is of paramount importance in our changing world. Resprouting ability is often considered a simple qualitative trait and used in many ecological studies. Our aim is to show some of the complexities of resprouting while highlighting cautions that need be taken in using resprouting ability to predict vegetation responses across disturbance types and biomes. There are marked differences in resprouting depending on the disturbance type, and fire is often the most severe disturbance because it includes both defoliation and lethal temperatures. In the Mediterranean biome, there are differences in functional strategies to cope with water deficit between resprouters (dehydration avoiders) and nonresprouters (dehydration tolerators); however, there is little research to unambiguously extrapolate these results to other biomes. Furthermore, predictions of vegetation responses to changes in disturbance regimes require consideration not only of resprouting, but also other relevant traits (e.g. seeding, bark thickness) and the different correlations among traits observed in different biomes; models lacking these details would behave poorly at the global scale. Overall, the lessons learned from a given disturbance regime and biome (e.g. crown-fire Mediterranean ecosystems) can guide research in other ecosystems but should not be extrapolated at the global scale.

PLOS ONE | 2016

Chaparral Shrub Hydraulic Traits, Size, and Life History Types Relate to Species Mortality during California's Historic Drought of 2014.

Martin D. Venturas; Evan D. MacKinnon; Hannah L. Dario; Anna L. Jacobsen; R. Brandon Pratt; Stephen D. Davis

Chaparral is the most abundant vegetation type in California and current climate change models predict more frequent and severe droughts that could impact plant community structure. Understanding the factors related to species-specific drought mortality is essential to predict such changes. We predicted that life history type, hydraulic traits, and plant size would be related to the ability of species to survive drought. We evaluated the impact of these factors in a mature chaparral stand during the drought of 2014, which has been reported as the most severe in California in the last 1,200 years. We measured tissue water potential, native xylem specific conductivity, leaf specific conductivity, percentage loss in conductivity, and chlorophyll fluorescence for 11 species in February 2014, which was exceptionally dry following protracted drought. Mortality among the 11 dominant species ranged from 0 to 93%. Total stand density was reduced 63.4% and relative dominance of species shifted after the drought. Mortality was negatively correlated with water potential, native xylem specific conductivity, and chlorophyll fluorescence, but not with percent loss in hydraulic conductivity and leaf specific conductivity. The model that best explained mortality included species and plant size as main factors and indicated that larger plants had greater survival for 2 of the species. In general, species with greater resistance to water-stress induced cavitation showed greater mortality levels. Despite adult resprouters typically being more vulnerable to cavitation, results suggest that their more extensive root systems enable them to better access soil moisture and avoid harmful levels of dehydration. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that short-term high intensity droughts have the strongest effect on mature plants of shallow-rooted dehydration tolerant species, whereas deep-rooted dehydration avoiding species fare better in the short-term. Severe droughts can drive changes in chaparral structure as a result of the differential mortality among species.

New Phytologist | 2008

Plant hydraulics: new discoveries in the pipeline

R. Brandon Pratt; Anna L. Jacobsen; Gretchen B. North; Lawren Sack; H. Jochen Schenk

Increasing numbers of plant scientists are recognizing the importance of hydraulic design in determining plant function. Hydraulic design – which can be broadly defined as the functional properties of the plant vascular system – is a determinant not only of plant water balance but also of photosynthetic rates and ecological niche differentiation. Classic approaches (Tyree & Zimmermann, 2002) and newer concepts (Holbrook & Zwieniecki, 2005) are being applied to questions central to the evolution and ecology of plant species, ranging from organ to organism to ecosystem. A recent workshop held in southern California reflected diverse research programs but also highlighted a convergence of interest on key questions and promising approaches. Several breakout sessions focused on defining pressing questions of plant hydraulics and on addressing the critical need for standardization of practices for research on these topics.

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