R. Brunetto
University of Paris-Sud
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Featured researches published by R. Brunetto.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2006
R. Brunetto; M. A. Barucci; E. Dotto; G. Strazzulla
We present visible and near-infrared (0.65-2.7 μm) diffuse reflectance spectra of frozen (16-80 K) methanol (CH3OH), methane (CH4), and benzene (C6H6), collected before and after irradiation with 200 keV H+ and Ar+ ions, and 400 keV Ar++ ions, up to a dose released to target molecule of about 350 eV per 16 amu. The results evidence a strong reddening and darkening of the spectra, due to the formation of an organic (C-rich) refractory residue. The spectral behavior is compared with some Centaurs and trans-Neptunian objects; we find that many icy objects in the outer solar system may have grown an irradiation mantle, produced by cosmic ion irradiation of simple hydrocarbons and/or alcohols.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2005
S. Marchi; R. Brunetto; S. Magrin; Monica Lazzarin; D. Gandolfi
In this paper we report the results of a comparison between ion irradiation experiments (N + ,A r + ,A r ++ ) on silicates, a large spectral data set of silicate-rich (S-type) asteroids, and ordinary chondrite meteorites (OCs). Ion irradiation experiments – conducted on Fe-poor olivine, Fe-poor orthopyroxene, bulk silicate-rich rocks and one OC – have been monitored by means of reflectance spectroscopy (0.3–2.5 µm). All these experiments produce reddening and darkening of reflectance spectra. The observational data consist of a set of visible and near-infrared (0.4–2.4 µm) spectra of S-type asteroids, that belong to main belt (MBAs) and near-Earth (NEOs) populations. By analyzing the spectra of OCs, MBAs, and NEOs, we find a similar mineralogy between most asteroids and meteorites, but different distributions of spectral slopes. We interpret these findings in the frame of space weathering induced by solar wind ion irradiation.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2006
P. Vernazza; R. Brunetto; G. Strazzulla; Marcello Fulchignoni; P. Rochette; N. Meyer-Vernet; I. Zouganelis
Aims. Vestas surface is surprisingly pristine. Although its basaltic surface is roughly similar to the lunar surface, which is intensely space weathered, its surface remains unaltered. It has been shown recently that solar-wind irradiation dominates asteroidal space weathering with a timescale on the order 10 4 -10 6 years. Recent ion irradiation experiments on pyroxenes have shown significant reddening and darkening of the collected spectra with progressive irradiation. Since pyroxene is a major surface component of Vesta as determined by spectroscopy, we aimed to test whether the solar wind irradiation alters significantly the optical properties of the surface of Vesta. Methods. Consequently, we performed an ion irradiation experiment on a eucrite meteorite, which characterizes the surface of Vesta well, in order to simulate the solar wind irradiation on this asteroid. Results. Our result implies that, if solar wind ions do reach the surface of Vesta, its reflectance spectrum should be much redder and its albedo lower. Indeed, this implies that solar wind particles can not have reached the asteroid surface. This strongly suggests the presence of a magnetic field shielding the surface from solar wind ions. This is the first remote detection of the magnetic field of an asteroid based on its color.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2011
Marguerite Godard; G. Féraud; M. Chabot; Y. Carpentier; T. Pino; R. Brunetto; J. Duprat; C. Engrand; Ph. Bréchignac; Louis D'Hendecourt; E. Dartois
Context. A 3.4 μm absorption band (around 2900 cm-1), assigned to aliphatic C-H stretching modes of hydrogenated amorphous carbons (a-C:H), is widely observed in the diffuse interstellar medium, but disappears or is modified in dense clouds. This spectral difference between different phases of the interstellar medium reflects the processing of dust in different environments. Cosmic ray bombardment is one of the interstellar processes that make carbonaceous dust evolve. Aims. We investigate the effects of cosmic rays on the interstellar 3.4 μm absorption band carriers. Methods. Samples of carbonaceous interstellar analogues (a-C:H and soot) were irradiated at room temperature by swift ions with energy in the MeV range (from 0.2 to 160 MeV). The dehydrogenation and chemical bonding modifications that occurred during irradiation were studied with IR spectroscopy. Results. For all samples and all ions/energies used, we observed a decrease of the aliphatic C-H absorption bands intensity with the ion fluence. This evolution agrees with a model that describes the hydrogen loss as caused by the molecular recombination of two free H atoms created by the breaking of C-H bonds by the impinging ions. The corresponding destruction cross section and asymptotic hydrogen content are obtained for each experiment and their behaviour over a large range of ion stopping powers are inferred. Using elemental abundances and energy distributions of galactic cosmic rays, we investigated the implications of these results in different astrophysical environments. The results are compared to the processing by UV photons and H atoms in different regions of the interstellar medium. Conclusions. The destruction of aliphatic C-H bonds by cosmic rays occurs in characteristic times of a few 108 years, and it appears that even at longer time scales, cosmic rays alone cannot explain the observed disappearance of this spectral signature in dense regions. In diffuse interstellar medium, the formation by atomic hydrogen prevails over the destruction by UV photons (destruction by cosmic rays is negligible in these regions). Only the cosmic rays can penetrate into dense clouds and process the corresponding dust. However, they are not efficient enough to completely dehydrogenate the 3.4 μm carriers during the cloud lifetime. This interstellar component should be destroyed in interfaces between diffuse and dense interstellar regions where photons still penetrate but hydrogen is in molecular form.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2008
R. Brunetto; G. Caniglia; G. A. Baratta; M. E. Palumbo
We studied icy CH4 and its mixtures with N2 (temperature 16-40 K), using near-IR transmittance spectroscopy (1.0-3.6 μm), and monitoring the film growth using interference patterns of two lasers. We measured peak position, full width at half-maximum, and strengths of the methane bands, and density and real refractive index of the icy films. Results confirm and extend but also partially contradict previous studies on similar mixtures. Experimental data can be applied to interpret observations of solar system (trans-Neptunian objects) and interstellar ices, where methane and nitrogen are believed to be present. We predict the optical depths of two methane NIR bands in the line of sight of some dense molecular clouds.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2009
N. Pinilla-Alonso; R. Brunetto; J. Licandro; R. Gil-Hutton; Ted L. Roush; G. Strazzulla
Context. Previously known as 2003 EL61, (136108) Haumea, is the largest member of a group of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) with similar orbits and “unique” spectral characteristics in the form of a neutral slope in the visible and the deepest water ice absorption bands observed in the trans-Neptunian belt (TNb). Studying the surface of 2003 EL61 provides useful constraints of the origin of this particular group of TNOs and about the outer Solar System’s history. Aims. We attempt to study the composition of the surface of 2003 EL61. Methods. We present visible and near-infrared spectra of 2003 EL61 obtained with the 4.2 m WHT and the 3.6 m TNG telescopes at the “Roque de los Muchachos” Observatory (Canary Islands, Spain). Near-infrared spectra were obtained at different rotational phases covering almost one complete rotational period. Spectra are fitted using scattering models based on Hapke theory and constraints on the surface composition are derived. Results. The observations confirm previous results that the 2003 EL61 spectrum is neutral in color and exhibits deep water-ice absorption bands. They also provide new facts about the surface of this object: the lack of significant variations in the spectral slope (in the near-infrared) and the depth of the water-ice absorption bands at different rotational phases clearly evident in the data, suggest that the surface of 2003 EL61 is homogeneous. The scattering models indicate that a 1:1 intimate mixture of crystalline and amorphous water ice is the most probable surface composition of this big TNO, and constrain the presence of other minor constituents to a maximum traction of 8%. Conclusions. The derived composition suggests that: a) cryovolcanism is unlikely to be the resurfacing process that retains the surface of this TNO, and the other members of this population, covered mainly by water ice; b) the surface is older than 10 8 yr which constrains the timescale of any catastrophic event. such as the collision suggested to be the origin of this population, to at least 10 8 yr; c) the surface of 2003 EL61 is depleted of carbon-bearing species. According to the orbital parameters of the population, this implies that is a possible source of carbon-depleted, Jupiter-Family comets.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2012
Y. Carpentier; G. Féraud; E. Dartois; R. Brunetto; E. Charon; A.-T. Cao; L. d’Hendecourt; Ph. Bréchignac; Jean Rouzaud; Thomas Pino
Context. Carbonaceous cosmic dust is observed through infrared spectroscopy either in absorption or in emission. The details of the spectral features are believed to shed some light on its structure and finally enable the study of its life cycle. Aims. The goal is to combine several analytical tools in order to decipher the intimate nanostructure of some soot samples. Such materials provide interesting laboratory analogues of cosmic dust. In particular, spectroscopic and structural characteristics that help to describe the polyaromatic units embedded into the soot, including their size, morphology, and organisation are explored. Methods. Laboratory analogues of the carbonaceous interstellar and circumstellar dust were produced in fuel-rich low-pressure, premixed and flat flames. The soot particles were investigated by infrared absorption spectroscopy in the 2−15 μm spectral region. Raman spectroscopic measurements and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy were performed, which offered complementary information to better delineate the intimate structure of the analogues. Results. These laboratory analogues appeared to be mainly composed of sp 2 carbon, with a low sp 3 carbon content. A cross relation between the positions of the aromatic C=C bands at about 6.2 micron and the band at about 8 micron is shown to trace differences in shapes and structures of the polyaromatic units in the soot. Such effects are due to the defects of the polyaromatic structures in the form of non-hexagonal rings and/or aliphatic bridges. The role of these defects is thus observed through the 6.2 and 7.7 μm aromatic infrared band positions, and a distinction between carriers composed of curved aromatic sheets and more planar ones can be inferred. Based on these nanostructural differences, a scenario of nanograin growth and evolution is proposed.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2013
E. Dartois; J. J. Ding; A. L. F. de Barros; P. Boduch; R. Brunetto; M. Chabot; A. Domaracka; M. Godard; X. Y. Lv; C. F. Mejía Guamán; T. Pino; H. Rothard; E.F. da Silveira; J.C. Thomas
Context. Cosmic ray ion irradiation affects the chemical composition of and triggers physical changes in interstellar ice mantles in space. One of the primary structural changes induced is the loss of porosity, and the mantles evolve toward a more compact amorphous state. Previously, ice compaction was monitored at low to moderate ion energies. The existence of a compaction threshold in stopping power has been suggested.Aims. In this article we experimentally study the effect of heavy ion irradiation at energies closer to true cosmic rays. This minimises extrapolation and allows a regime where electronic interaction always dominates to be explored, providing the ice compaction cross section over a wide range of electronic stopping power.Methods. High-energy ion irradiations provided by the GANIL accelerator, from the MeV up to the GeV range, are combined with in-situ infrared spectroscopy monitoring of ice mantles. We follow the IR spectral evolution of the ice as a function of increasing fluence (induced compaction of the initial microporous amorphous ice into a more compact amorphous phase). We use the number of OH dangling bonds of the water molecule, i.e. pending OH bonds not engaged in a hydrogen bond in the initially porous ice structure as a probe of the phase transition. These high-energy experiments are combined with lower energy experiments using light ions (H, He) from other facilities in Catania, Italy, and Washington, USA.Results. We evaluated the cross section for the disappearance of OH dangling bonds as a function of electronic stopping power. A cross-section law in a large energy range that includes data from different ice deposition setups is established. The relevant phase structuring time scale for the ice network is compared to interstellar chemical time scales using an astrophysical model.Conclusions. The presence of a threshold in compaction at low stopping power suggested in some previous works seems not to be confirmed for the high-energy cosmic rays encountered in interstellar space. Ice mantle porosity or pending bonds monitored by the OH dangling bonds is removed efficiently by cosmic rays. As a consequence, this considerably reduces the specific surface area available for surface chemical reactions.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2009
A. Guilbert; M. A. Barucci; R. Brunetto; A. Delsanti; Frederic Merlin; A. Alvarez-Candal; S. Fornasier; C. de Bergh; Gal Sarid
Context. An ESO Large Program was undertaken in October 2006 (P.I.: M. A. Barucci) to provide as complete observations as possible of about 40 Trans-Neptunian Objects and Centaurs, to investigate their surface properties. Hence, new visible and nearinfrared observations of Centaur 10199 Chariklo (1997 CU26)) were performed. Aims. We investigate Chariklo’s surface composition. It has already been suspected of being inhomogeneous. We try to confirm this assumption by comparing our results with previously published works, and find an explanation related the observed variations. Methods. A spectral modeling is applied to the spectra, using different types of mixtures, to place constraints on the amount of water ice present in our new spectrum. Several spectra, obtained at different moments by different groups, are compared by studying the variations in the depth of absorption bands attributable to water ice. The irradiation doses received by Chariklo’s surface are also considered to interpret the observed variations. Results. The presence of water ice is not confirmed by our featureless near-infrared spectra. The main component on the surface, identified by our spectral modeling, is amorphous carbon, which may have been produced by irradiation if Chariklo originated in the transneptunian region. The suspected surface heterogeneity is also confirmed. We show that the variations in Chariklo’s spectral behaviour could be explained by a variation in the number of craters across the surface. Comet-like activity is not detected in our data, though it cannot be excluded.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2008
R. Brunetto; Ted L. Roush
Context. Minor bodies in the outer solar system show a wide variety of spectral colors related to both composition and surface processing, e.g. cosmic ion irradiation. Aims. We investigate the effect of an irradiation mantle on the reflectance spectrum in the V-NIR (visible-near-infrared) range. In particular we investigate the condition needed for a weathering crust to mask the presence of water ice. Methods. We start from laboratory experiments of ion irradiated methane ice to study the optical properties of the hydrocarbon residue by-product of the space weathering process. We compare the real and imaginary index of refraction with those of Titan and ice tholins and with those of amorphous carbon. We use the estimated optical constants to model a layered configuration using the Hapke theory, varying the thickness and grain size of the modeled crust. Results. We find that a relatively thin (tens of microns) crust of irradiated methane by-products can mask the presence of water ice bands in the spectrum, while a much larger layer of tholins would be required to produce a similar effect. We also estimate the conditions for the detection of water ice on trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). We discuss the results in view of the astrophysical timescale.