R. Dąbrowski
AGH University of Science and Technology
Featured researches published by R. Dąbrowski.
Key Engineering Materials | 2015
R. Dąbrowski; J. Krawczyk; E. Rożniata
The results of investigations of the influence of the ageing temperature on the selected mechanical properties i.e. hardness, fracture toughness (examined by the linear elastic fracture mechanics - KIc test) and impact strength (KV) of two-phase Ti6Al7Nb alloy, are presented in the hereby paper. Investigations were performed in the ageing temperatures range: 450÷650°C of the alloy previously undercooled from the selected heating temperature (in two-phase range) - equal 970°C. The heating temperature was determined on the basis of the dilatometric curve of the alloy heating in the system ΔL = f ((T), where: ΔL – change of the sample length, T – temperature, which was then differentiated in the system: ΔL/ΔT = f (T). The dilatometer L78 R.I.T.A of the LINSEIS Company was used in the tests. Investigations of the alloy microstructure in the ageing temperatures range 450÷650°C were carried out by means of the light microscope Axiovert 200 MAT of the Carl Zeiss Company. It was found that nearly equiaxial grains of the primary α phase occur in the microstructure (of the volume fraction app. 30%) and that the volume fraction of the new lamellar α phase - formed from the supersaturated β phase - increases. With an increase of the alloy ageing temperature, in the mentioned above range, a small increase of its hardness from 305 to 324HV as well as a decrease of stress intensity factor KIc from 67.3 to 48.6 MPa x m1/2 and impact strength (KV) from 40.2 to 31.3 J. The impact tests results were supplemented by the fractographic documentation. It was found, that the characteristic features of the fractures of impact test samples do not exhibit essential differences in dependence of the ageing temperature and material hardness. The fractographic investigations were performed by means of the scanning electron microscope NovaNanoSEM 450.
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials | 2018
J. Krawczyk; E. Rożniata; S. Zimowski; M. Kot; R. Dąbrowski; R. Dziurka; Ł. Frocisz
The present paper describe the issue of tool materials wear in a high temperature conditions. The investigations were performed at the cast steel tool material at the tribological contact to the structural steel. The investigations aim was to determine the role of microstructure in a tribological properties between the structural steel and tool material. The results of such investigation could be referenced to the industry conditions and could answer about the problems of tool materials wear. The observations of the wear mechanisms were referred to the microstructure of the mill rolls. The laboratory tests ware aimed at evaluating the thermal treatment modification effect on the cast steels properties. A significant role of the morphology of ledeburitic cementite and secondary cementite on the tribological properties was exhibited. The investigations assumed the presence of an austenitic matrix with primary and secondary cementite. Influence of varying morphology carbides was described. in the cast steel microstructure. The investigation results make possible to point to a direction of carbide morphology change with the purpose of obtaining the assumed properties of hot operation tools.
Key Engineering Materials | 2016
Janusz Krawczyk; Łukasz Frocisz; R. Dąbrowski; E. Rożniata; T. Śleboda
Two near β titanium alloys (Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr and Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al) were investigated in his research. Both materials contained disperse precipitations of α phase in β phase matrix. In the case of Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr alloy clear segregation of alloy constituents, resulting from casting process, were observed. This segregation caused different susceptibility to α phase precipitation in dendritic and interdendritic areas in the microstructure of the investigated alloy. The influence of the temperature, strain and processing time on α phase dissolution was determined. Gleeble compression tests were performed on both of the investigated alloys. The research showed different character of the influence of strain rate and processing time on the temperature of α phase dissolution for each alloy. The effect of heat treatment on α phase dissolution during ageing of the investigated alloys was also determined. The possibility of obtaining homogenous microstructure in these alloys by properly designed heat treatment was also discussed.
Key Engineering Materials | 2016
E. Rożniata; Janusz Krawczyk; R. Dąbrowski; Marcin Madej; Łukasz Frocisz; J. Pacyna
Three prototype metallurgical rolls were produced on the basis of G200CrNiMo4-3-3 material. The method applied for the microstructure forming was different for each roll: the roll marked WOT – as cast state (without a modification and heat treatment); the metallurgical roll marked WMT – during its casting the FeCaSi deoxidizing was applied and then modification by a complex inoculant and argoning; the metallurgical roll marked WNT – subjected to a heat treatment (incomplete normalizing).The mentioned above differences in the technology of making rolls caused changes in their microstructure.The cementite eutectic and pearlitic matrix occurred in each roll. The main differences in the microstructure of cast steel rolls concerned a morphology of precipitates of hypereutectoid cementite. In the WOT roll cementite was mainly in the Widmannstӓtten system. Precipitates of hypereutectoid cementite in the WMT roll occurred along grain boundaries of primary austenite. A large fraction of spheroidal hypereutectoid cementite, precipitated in the whole volume of the primary austenite grain, appeared in the WNT roll. The microstructure influenced the rolls hardness and was equal 260 ÷ 350 HBW.Tribological investigations indicated decreasing the abrasive wear resistance with increasing the hypereutectoid cementite fraction within the primary austenite grains.
Key Engineering Materials | 2016
J. Krawczyk; Tomasz Tokarski; Aneta Łukaszek-Sołek; R. Dąbrowski; T. Śleboda; Oleksandr Lypchanskyi
The results of the investigations on five different titanium alloys were presented in this paper. Two two-phase α+β alloys (Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo) as well as two β alloys (Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al and Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr) were studied. Moreover, Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb intermetallic alloy (γ alloy) was also investigated. All investigated alloys were tested in compression on Gleeble thermomechanical simulator under various strain rate and temperature conditions. Metallographic observations of the microstructure of tested samples allowed determining thermomechanical conditions under which dynamic recrystallization or recovery processes occurred in the investigated alloys. The obtained results also showed the importance of the influence of strong exothermic effect resulting from deformation process on recovery and recrystallization processes in these alloys. The methodology of distinguishing subgrains formed during recovery process from the grains resulting from recrystallization was also presented in this study.
Key Engineering Materials | 2016
R. Dąbrowski; J. Krawczyk; E. Rożniata
Investigation results concerning changes occurring in the microstructure of the near β titanium alloy, grade: Ti13Nb13Zr, when the ageing temperature was changed within the range 350÷650°C, are presented in the paper. These changes were assessed on samples previously quenched in water from the selected soaking temperature in the single-phase β range (800°C). Microstructures were investigated by means of the optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Phases occurring in the alloy at various ageing temperatures were identified with using the XRD analysis. Microstructure investigations were supplemented by hardness measurements by means of the Vickers apparatus, type HP0 250. In addition, for the selected ageing temperatures, the Charpy impact tests were performed on the Ti13Nb13Zr alloy samples. These tests were carried out on the Charpy tester of a potential energy of 150 J. The results of Charpy impact tests were supported by the fractographic documentation of samples fractures. The fractographic investigations were performed by means of the scanning electron microscope NovaNanoSEM 450.The obtained results constitute the valuable supplementation of the data bases concerning microstructures and mechanical properties of near β titanium alloys.
Key Engineering Materials | 2015
Janusz Krawczyk; Aneta Łukaszek-Sołek; R. Dąbrowski
This work discusses the influence of the processing temperature, time and processing strain on the microstructure of the Ti6Al2Sn4Zr6Mo alloy. The Ti6Al2Sn4Zr6Mo alloy belongs to the two-phase (α+β) type of titanium alloys. The samples were compressed with the use of the Gleeble thermo-mechanical simulator at the temperatures of: 800, 900, 950, 1000 and 1100°C and at the strain rates of: 0.01; 0.1; 1; 10 and 100 s-1 to a total true strain of 1. The occurrence of the primary α phase in the Ti6Al2Sn4Zr6Mo alloy was investigated. The diagram showing the influence of the processing temperature and the strain rate on the dynamic recrystallization of the β phase was presented.The occurrence of the primary α phase precipitates blocks the grain growth. Therefore, the plastic deformation of this alloy should be carried out at a temperature at which the separation of the primary α phase occurs to finally obtain a material with a fine grain.
Key Engineering Materials | 2015
E. Rożniata; J. Krawczyk; R. Dąbrowski; J. Pacyna
The subject of investigations constituted the G200CrNiMo4-3-3 cast steel applied for metallurgical rolls. This is the material, which microstructure can be modified by the heat treatment. The presented hereby work concerns the initial state (as cast condition) of the investigated cast steel. This cast steel constitutes the initial material for the heat treatment. The morphology of carbide precipitates, including the cementite precipitated on grain boundaries of the primary austenite, hypereutectoid cementite precipitated in the Widmannstӓtten system and lederburitic cementite, were characterised in the study. The results of investigations of mechanical and fractographic properties of the G200CrNiMo4-3-3 cast steel, were also presented. Among others, the values of fracture work in the impact test, fracture toughness (KIc) and wear resistance were given. The crack pathway together with the hypereutectoid cementite fraction role in its development, was presented. The obtained investigation results, presented in the hereby paper, will constitute the comparison base for the assessment of the heat treatment influence on the microstructure and properties of the tested G200CrNiMo4-3-3 cast steel.
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials | 2008
J. Pacyna; R. Dąbrowski; G. Zając
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials | 2007
R. Dąbrowski; J. Pacyna; J. Krawczyk