R. J. Needs
University of Cambridge
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter | 2011
Chris J. Pickard; R. J. Needs
It is essential to know the arrangement of the atoms in a material in order to compute and understand its properties. Searching for stable structures of materials using first-principles electronic structure methods, such as density-functional-theory (DFT), is a rapidly growing field. Here we describe our simple, elegant and powerful approach to searching for structures with DFT, which we call ab initio random structure searching (AIRSS). Applications to discovering the structures of solids, point defects, surfaces, and clusters are reviewed. New results for iron clusters on graphene, silicon clusters, polymeric nitrogen, hydrogen-rich lithium hydrides, and boron are presented.
Acta Crystallographica Section B-structural Science | 2011
David A. Bardwell; Claire S. Adjiman; Yelena A. Arnautova; E. V. Bartashevich; Stephan X. M. Boerrigter; Doris E. Braun; Aurora J. Cruz-Cabeza; Graeme M. Day; Raffaele Guido Della Valle; Gautam R. Desiraju; Bouke P. van Eijck; Julio C. Facelli; Marta B. Ferraro; Damián A. Grillo; Matthew Habgood; D.W.M. Hofmann; Fridolin Hofmann; K. V. Jovan Jose; Panagiotis G. Karamertzanis; Andrei V. Kazantsev; John Kendrick; Liudmila N. Kuleshova; Frank J. J. Leusen; Andrey V. Maleev; Alston J. Misquitta; Sharmarke Mohamed; R. J. Needs; Marcus A. Neumann; Denis Nikylov; Anita M. Orendt
The results of the fifth blind test of crystal structure prediction, which show important success with more challenging large and flexible molecules, are presented and discussed.
Physical Review Letters | 2006
Chris J. Pickard; R. J. Needs
High-pressure phases of silane SiH4 are predicted using first-principles electronic structure methods. We search for low-enthalpy structures by relaxing from randomly chosen initial configurations, a strategy which is demonstrated to work well for unit cells containing up to at least ten atoms. We predict that silane will metallize at higher pressures than previously anticipated but might show high-temperature superconductivity at experimentally accessible pressures.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter | 2010
R. J. Needs; M. D. Towler; Neil Drummond; P. Lopez Rios
This topical review describes the methodology of continuum variational and diffusion quantum Monte Carlo calculations. These stochastic methods are based on many-body wavefunctions and are capable of achieving very high accuracy. The algorithms are intrinsically parallel and well suited to implementation on petascale computers, and the computational cost scales as a polynomial in the number of particles. A guide to the systems and topics which have been investigated using these methods is given. The bulk of the article is devoted to an overview of the basic quantum Monte Carlo methods, the forms and optimization of wavefunctions, performing calculations under periodic boundary conditions, using pseudopotentials, excited-state calculations, sources of calculational inaccuracy, and calculating energy differences and forces.
Surface Science | 1990
N. Roberts; R. J. Needs
Abstract Pseudopotential total energy calculations of dimer reconstructions on the silicon (001) surface are reported. We have calculated the energy of the ideal unreconstructed surface and the energies of the (2 × 1) symmetric dimer, the (2 × 1) buckled dimer, the p(2 × 2) alternating buckled dimer, the (2 × 4) single missing dimer, the (2 × 2) single missing dimer and the (2 × 4) double missing dimer surfaces. Our calculations give the p(2 × 2) alternating buckled dimer surface as the lowest energy reconstruction of those considered. The double missing dimer defect is found to be very high in energy. The energy cost of removing one dimer in every four from the symmetric dimer surface, forming a (2 × 4) missing dimer reconstruction, is only 0.28 eV per dimer removed. We suggest that single missing dimer defects might be a feature of the ground state of the silicon (001) surface.
Physical Review B | 2004
Neil Drummond; M. D. Towler; R. J. Needs
A form of Jastrow factor is introduced for use in quantum Monte Carlo simulations of finite and periodic systems. Test data are presented for atoms, molecules, and solids, including both all-electron and pseudopotential atoms. We demonstrate that our Jastrow factor is able to retrieve a large fraction of the correlation energy.
Physical Review Letters | 2015
Ion Errea; Matteo Calandra; Chris J. Pickard; Joseph Nelson; R. J. Needs; Yinwei Li; Hanyu Liu; Yunwei Zhang; Yanming Ma; Francesco Mauri
We use first-principles calculations to study structural, vibrational, and superconducting properties of H_{2}S at pressures P≥200 GPa. The inclusion of zero-point energy leads to two different possible dissociations of H2S, namely 3H2S→2H3S+S and 5H2S→3H3S+HS2, where both H3S and HS2 are metallic. For H3S, we perform nonperturbative calculations of anharmonic effects within the self-consistent harmonic approximation and show that the harmonic approximation strongly overestimates the electron-phonon interaction (λ≈2.64 at 200 GPa) and Tc. Anharmonicity hardens H─S bond-stretching modes and softens H─S bond-bending modes. As a result, the electron-phonon coupling is suppressed by 30% (λ≈1.84 at 200 GPa). Moreover, while at the harmonic level Tc decreases with increasing pressure, the inclusion of anharmonicity leads to a Tc that is almost independent of pressure. High-pressure hydrogen sulfide is a strongly anharmonic superconductor.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2005
J. R. Trail; R. J. Needs
We report smooth relativistic Hartree-Fock pseudopotentials (also known as averaged relativistic effective potentials) and spin-orbit operators for the atoms H to Ba and Lu to Hg. We remove the unphysical extremely nonlocal behavior resulting from the exchange interaction in a controlled manner, and represent the resulting pseudopotentials in an analytic form suitable for use within standard quantum chemistry codes. These pseudopotentials are suitable for use within Hartree-Fock and correlated wave function methods, including diffusion quantum Monte Carlo calculations.
Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry | 2016
Anthony M. Reilly; Richard I. Cooper; Claire S. Adjiman; Saswata Bhattacharya; A. Daniel Boese; Jan Gerit Brandenburg; Peter J. Bygrave; Rita Bylsma; Josh E. Campbell; Roberto Car; David H. Case; Renu Chadha; Jason C. Cole; Katherine Cosburn; H. M. Cuppen; Farren Curtis; Graeme M. Day; Robert A. DiStasio; Alexander Dzyabchenko; Bouke P. van Eijck; Dennis M. Elking; Joost van den Ende; Julio C. Facelli; Marta B. Ferraro; Laszlo Fusti-Molnar; Christina Anna Gatsiou; Thomas S. Gee; René de Gelder; Luca M. Ghiringhelli; Hitoshi Goto
The results of the sixth blind test of organic crystal structure prediction methods are presented and discussed, highlighting progress for salts, hydrates and bulky flexible molecules, as well as on-going challenges.
Physical Review Letters | 2005
Neil Drummond; Andrew Williamson; R. J. Needs; Giulia Galli
We present density-functional theory (DFT) and quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) calculations designed to resolve experimental and theoretical controversies over the optical properties of H-terminated C nanoparticles (diamondoids). The QMC results follow the trends of well-converged plane-wave DFT calculations for the size dependence of the optical gap, but they predict gaps that are 1-2 eV higher. They confirm that quantum confinement effects disappear in diamondoids larger than 1 nm, which have gaps below that of bulk diamond. Our QMC calculations predict a small exciton binding energy and a negative electron affinity (NEA) for diamondoids up to 1 nm, resulting from the delocalized nature of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital. The NEA suggests a range of possible applications of diamondoids as low-voltage electron emitters.