R. Maingi
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Nuclear Fusion | 2000
M. Ono; S.M. Kaye; Yueng Kay Martin Peng; G. Barnes; W. Blanchard; Mark Dwain Carter; J. Chrzanowski; L. Dudek; R. Ewig; D.A. Gates; Ron Hatcher; Thomas R. Jarboe; S.C. Jardin; D. Johnson; R. Kaita; M. Kalish; C. Kessel; H.W. Kugel; R. Maingi; R. Majeski; J. Manickam; B. McCormack; J. Menard; D. Mueller; B.A. Nelson; B. E. Nelson; C. Neumeyer; G. Oliaro; F. Paoletti; R. Parsells
The National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) is being built at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory to test the fusion physics principles for the Spherical Torus (ST) concept at the MA level. The NSTX nominal plasma parameters are R {sub 0} = 85 cm, a = 67 cm, R/a greater than or equal to 1.26, B {sub T} = 3 kG, I {sub p} = 1 MA, q {sub 95} = 14, elongation {kappa} less than or equal to 2.2, triangularity {delta} less than or equal to 0.5, and plasma pulse length of up to 5 sec. The plasma heating/current drive (CD) tools are High Harmonic Fast Wave (HHFW) (6 MW, 5 sec), Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) (5 MW, 80 keV, 5 sec), and Coaxial Helicity Injection (CHI). Theoretical calculations predict that NSTX should provide exciting possibilities for exploring a number of important new physics regimes including very high plasma beta, naturally high plasma elongation, high bootstrap current fraction, absolute magnetic well, and high pressure driven sheared flow. In addition, the NSTX program plans to explore fully noninductive plasma start-up, as well as a dispersive scrape-off layer for heat and particle flux handling.
Physics of Plasmas | 2008
H. Kugel; M.G. Bell; J.-W. Ahn; Jean Paul Allain; R. E. Bell; J.A. Boedo; C.E. Bush; David A. Gates; T. Gray; S. Kaye; R. Kaita; B. LeBlanc; R. Maingi; R. Majeski; D.K. Mansfield; J. Menard; D. Mueller; M. Ono; Stephen F. Paul; R. Raman; A. L. Roquemore; P. W. Ross; S.A. Sabbagh; H. Schneider; Christopher Skinner; V. Soukhanovskii; T. Stevenson; J. Timberlake; W.R. Wampler; L. Zakharov
National Spherical Torus Experiment [which M. Ono et al., Nucl. Fusion 40, 557 (2000)] high-power divertor plasma experiments have shown, for the first time, that benefits from lithium coatings applied to plasma facing components found previously in limited plasmas can occur also in high-power diverted configurations. Lithium coatings were applied with pellets injected into helium discharges, and also with an oven that directed a collimated stream of lithium vapor toward the graphite tiles of the lower center stack and divertor. Lithium oven depositions from a few milligrams to 1g have been applied between discharges. Benefits from the lithium coatings were sometimes, but not always, seen. These benefits sometimes included decreases in plasma density, inductive flux consumption, and edge-localized mode occurrence, and increases in electron temperature, ion temperature, energy confinement, and periods of edge and magnetohydrodynamic quiescence. In addition, reductions in lower divertor D, C, and O luminosi...
Nuclear Fusion | 2001
Steven Anthony Sabbagh; S.M. Kaye; J. Menard; F. Paoletti; M.G. Bell; R.E. Bell; J. Bialek; M. Bitter; E.D. Fredrickson; D.A. Gates; A.H. Glasser; H.W. Kugel; L. L. Lao; Benoit P. Leblanc; R. Maingi; Ricardo Jose Maqueda; E. Mazzucato; D. Mueller; M. Ono; S.F. Paul; M. J. Peng; C.H. Skinner; D. Stutman; G. A. Wurden; W. Zhu
Research in NSTX has been conducted to establish spherical torus plasmas to be used for high ?, auxiliary heated experiments. This device has a major radius R0 = 0.86?m and a midplane halfwidth of 0.7?m. It has been operated with toroidal magnetic field B0 ? 0.3?T and Ip ? 1.0?MA. The evolution of the plasma equilibrium is analysed between discharges with an automated version of the EFIT code. Limiter, double null and lower single null diverted configurations have been sustained for several energy confinement times. The plasma stored energy reached 92?kJ (?t = 17.8%) with neutral beam heating. A plasma elongation in the range 1.6 ? ? ? 2.0 and a triangularity in the range 0.25 ? ? ? 0.45 have been sustained, with values of ? = 2.6 and ? = 0.6 being reached transiently. The reconstructed magnetic signals are fitted to the corresponding measured values with low errors. Aspects of the plasma boundary, pressure and safety factor profiles are supported by measurements from non-magnetic diagnostics. Plasma densities have reached 0.8 and 1.2 times the Greenwald limit in deuterium and helium plasmas, respectively, with no clear limit encountered. Instabilities including sawteeth and reconnection events, characterized by Mirnov oscillations, and a perturbation of the Ip, ? and li evolutions, have been observed. A low q limit was observed and is imposed by a low toroidal mode number kink instability.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2009
M.G. Bell; H.W. Kugel; R. Kaita; Leonid E. Zakharov; H. Schneider; Benoit P. Leblanc; D.K. Mansfield; R.E. Bell; R. Maingi; S. Ding; S.M. Kaye; S. Paul; S.P. Gerhardt; John M. Canik; J. C. Hosea; G. Taylor
Experiments in the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) have shown beneficial effects on the performance of divertor plasmas as a result of applying lithium coatings on the graphite and carbon-fiber-composite plasma-facing components. These coatings have mostly been applied by a pair of lithium evaporators mounted at the top of the vacuum vessel which inject collimated streams of lithium vapor toward the lower divertor. In neutral beam injection (NBI)-heated deuterium H-mode plasmas run immediately after the application of lithium, performance modifications included decreases in the plasma density, particularly in the edge, and inductive flux consumption, and increases in the electron and ion temperatures and the energy confinement time. Reductions in the number and amplitude of edge-localized modes (ELMs) were observed, including complete ELM suppression for periods of up to 1.2 s, apparently as a result of altering the stability of the edge. However, in the plasmas where ELMs were suppressed, there was a significant secular increase in the effective ion charge Zeff and the radiated power as a result of increases in the carbon and medium-Z metallic impurities, although not of lithium itself which remained at a very low level in the plasma core, <0.1%. The impurity buildup could be inhibited by repetitively triggering ELMs with the application of brief pulses of an n = 3 radial field perturbation. The reduction in the edge density by lithium also inhibited parasitic losses through the scrape-off-layer of ICRF power coupled to the plasma, enabling the waves to heat electrons in the core of H-mode plasmas produced by NBI. Lithium has also been introduced by injecting a stream of chemically stabilized, fine lithium powder directly into the scrape-off-layer of NBI-heated plasmas. The lithium was ionized in the SOL and appeared to flow along the magnetic field to the divertor plates. This method of coating produced similar effects to the evaporated lithium but at lower amounts.
Nuclear Fusion | 2005
R. Majeski; Stephen C. Jardin; R. Kaita; T. Gray; P. Marfuta; J. Spaleta; J. Timberlake; Leonid E. Zakharov; G. Antar; R. Doerner; S. C. Luckhardt; Ray Seraydarian; V. Soukhanovskii; R. Maingi; M. Finkenthal; D. Stutman; D. Rodgers; S. Angelini
Recent experiments in the Current Drive Experiment-Upgrade (CDX-U) provide a first-ever test of large area liquid lithium surfaces as a tokamak first wall to gain engineering experience with a liquid metal first wall and to investigate whether very low recycling plasma regimes can be accessed with lithium walls. The CDX-U is a compact (R = 34 cm, a = 22 cm, Btoroidal = 2 kG, IP = 100 kA, Te(0) ∼ 100 eV, ne(0) ∼ 5 × 10 19 m −3 ) spherical torus at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. A toroidal liquid lithium pool limiter with an area of 2000 cm 2 (half the total plasma limiting surface) has been installed in CDX-U. Tokamak discharges which used the liquid lithium pool limiter required a fourfold lower loop voltage to sustain the plasma current, and a factor of 5–8 increase in gas fuelling to achieve a comparable density, indicating that recycling is strongly reduced. Modelling of the discharges demonstrated that the lithium limited discharges are consistent with Zeffective < 1.2 (compared with 2.4 for the pre-lithium discharges), a broadened current channel and a 25% increase in the core electron temperature. Spectroscopic measurements indicate that edge oxygen and carbon radiation are strongly reduced.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2001
Ricardo Jose Maqueda; G. A. Wurden; S. J. Zweben; L. Roquemore; H.W. Kugel; D. Johnson; S.M. Kaye; S.A. Sabbagh; R. Maingi
Turbulent filaments in visible light emission corresponding mainly to density fluctuations at the edge have been observed in large aspect ratio tokamaks: TFTR, ASDEX, Alcator C-Mod, and DIII-D. This article reports on similar turbulent structures observed in the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) using a fast-framing, intensified, digital visible camera. These filaments were previously detected mainly in high recycling regions, such as at limiters or antennas, where the line emission from neutral atoms was modulated by the fluctuations in local plasma density. However, by introducing controlled edge gas puffs, i.e., gas puff imaging, we have increased the brightness and contrast in the fluctuation images and allowed the turbulent structure to be measured independently of the recycling. A set discrete fiber-optically coupled sight-lines also measured the frequency spectra of these light fluctuations with a 200 kHz bandwidth. Initial results in NSTX show that the turbulent filaments are well aligned...
Fusion Technology | 1999
S.M. Kaye; M. Ono; Yueng-Kay Martin Peng; D. B. Batchelor; Mark Dwain Carter; Wonho Choe; Robert J. Goldston; Yong-Seok Hwang; E. Fred Jaeger; Thomas R. Jarboe; Stephen C. Jardin; D.W. Johnson; R. Kaita; Charles Kessel; H.W. Kugel; R. Maingi; R. Majeski; Janhardan Manickam; J. Menard; David Mikkelsen; David J. Orvis; Brian A. Nelson; F. Paoletti; N. Pomphrey; Gregory Rewoldt; Steven Anthony Sabbagh; Dennis J Strickler; E. J. Synakowski; J. R. Wilson
The mission of the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) is to prove the principles of spherical torus physics by producing high-beta toroidal plasmas that are non-inductively sustained, and whose current profiles are in steady-state. NSTX will be one of the first ultra low a[P(input) up to 11 MW] in order to produce high-beta toroidal (25 to 40%), low collisionality, high bootstrap fraction (less than or equal to 70%) discharges. Both radio-frequency (RF) and neutral-beam (NB) heating and current drive will be employed. Built into NSTX is sufficient configurational flexibility to study a range of operating space and the resulting dependences of the confinement, micro- and MHD stability, and particle and power handling properties. NSTX research will be carried out by a nationally based science team.
Nuclear Fusion | 2006
Steven Anthony Sabbagh; A. Sontag; J. Bialek; D.A. Gates; A.H. Glasser; J. Menard; W. Zhu; M.G. Bell; R.E. Bell; Anders Bondeson; C.E. Bush; James D. Callen; M. S. Chu; C. C. Hegna; S.M. Kaye; L. L. Lao; Benoit P. Leblanc; Yueqiang Liu; R. Maingi; D. Mueller; K. C. Shaing; D. Stutman; K. Tritz; Cheng Zhang
The National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) has demonstrated the advantages of low aspect ratio geometry in accessing high toroidal and normalized plasma beta, and βN ≡ 10 8〈βt〉 aB0/Ip. Experiments have reached βt = 39% and βN = 7.2 through boundary and profile optimization. High βN plasmas can exceed the ideal no-wall stability limit, βNno-wall, for periods much greater than the wall eddy current decay time. Resistive wall mode (RWM) physics is studied to understand mode stabilization in these plasmas. The toroidal mode spectrum of unstable RWMs has been measured with mode number n up to 3. The critical rotation frequency of Bondeson-Chu, Ωcrit = ωA/(4q2), describes well the RWM stability of NSTX plasmas when applied over the entire rotation profile and in conjunction with the ideal stability criterion. Rotation damping and global rotation collapse observed in plasmas exceeding βNno-wall differs from the damping observed during tearing mode activity and can be described qualitatively by drag due to neoclassical toroidal viscosity in the helically perturbed field of an ideal displacement. Resonant field amplification of an applied n = 1 field perturbation has been measured and increases with increasing βN. Equilibria are reconstructed including measured ion and electron pressure, toroidal rotation and flux isotherm constraint in plasmas with core rotation ω/ωA up to 0.48. Peak pressure shifts of 18% of the minor radius from the magnetic axis have been reconstructed.
Physics of Plasmas | 2006
Stewart J. Zweben; R. Maqueda; J. L. Terry; T. Munsat; J. Myra; D. A. D’Ippolito; D. A. Russell; J. A. Krommes; Benoit P. Leblanc; T. Stoltzfus-Dueck; D.P. Stotler; K. M. Williams; C.E. Bush; R. Maingi; O. Grulke; S.A. Sabbagh; A.E. White
In this paper we compare the structure and motion of edge turbulence observed in L-mode vs. H-mode plasmas in the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) [M. Ono, M. G. Bell, R. E. Bell et al., Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 45, A335 (2003)]. The radial and poloidal correlation lengths are not significantly different between the L-mode and the H-mode in the cases examined. The poloidal velocity fluctuations are lower and the radial profiles of the poloidal turbulence velocity are somewhat flatter in the H-mode compared with the L-mode plasmas. These results are compared with similar measurements Alcator C-Mod [E. Marmar, B. Bai, R. L. Boivin et al., Nucl. Fusion 43, 1610 (2003)], and with theoretical models.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2001
R. Raman; Thomas R. Jarboe; D. Mueller; M.J. Schaffer; Ricardo Jose Maqueda; B.A. Nelson; S.A. Sabbagh; M.G. Bell; R. Ewig; E.D. Fredrickson; D.A. Gates; J. Hosea; Hantao Ji; R. Kaita; S.M. Kaye; H.W. Kugel; R. Maingi; J. Menard; M. Ono; D. Orvis; F. Paoletti; S. Paul; M. J. Peng; C.H. Skinner; J. B. Wilgen; S. J. Zweben
Coaxial helicity injection has been investigated on the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX). Initial experiments produced 130 kA of toroidal current without the use of the central solenoid. The corresponding injector current was 20 kA. Discharges with pulse lengths up to 130 ms have been produced.