R. Redwine
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Physical Review Letters | 2007
C. Crawford; A. Sindile; T. Akdogan; R. Alarcon; W. Bertozzi; E. C. Booth; T. Botto; J. R. Calarco; B. Clasie; A. DeGrush; T. W. Donnelly; K. Dow; D. Dutta; M. Farkhondeh; R. Fatemi; O. Filoti; W. Franklin; H. Gao; E. Geis; S. Gilad; W. Haeberli; D. Hasell; W. Hersman; M. Holtrop; P. Karpius; M. Kohl; H. Kolster; T. Lee; A. Maschinot; J. L. Matthews
We report the first precision measurement of the proton electric to magnetic form factor ratio from spin-dependent elastic scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons from a polarized hydrogen internal gas target. The measurement was performed at the MIT-Bates South Hall Ring over a range of four-momentum transfer squared Q2 from 0.15 to 0.65 (GeV/c)(2). Significantly improved results on the proton electric and magnetic form factors are obtained in combination with existing cross-section data on elastic electron-proton scattering in the same Q2 region.
Physical Review Letters | 2007
C. Crawford; A. Sindile; T. Akdogan; R. Alarcon; W. Bertozzi; E. Booth; T. Botto; J. R. Calarco; B. Clasie; A. Degrush; T. W. Donnelly; K. Dow; D. Dutta; M. Farkhondeh; R. Fatemi; O. Filoti; W. Franklin; H. Gao; E. Geis; S. Gilad; W. Haeberli; D. Hasell; W. Hersman; M. Holtrop; P. Karpius; M. Kohl; H. Kolster; T. Lee; A. Maschinot; J. L. Matthews
We report the first precision measurement of the proton electric to magnetic form factor ratio from spin-dependent elastic scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons from a polarized hydrogen internal gas target. The measurement was performed at the MIT-Bates South Hall Ring over a range of four-momentum transfer squared Q2 from 0.15 to 0.65 (GeV/c)(2). Significantly improved results on the proton electric and magnetic form factors are obtained in combination with existing cross-section data on elastic electron-proton scattering in the same Q2 region.
Physical Review Letters | 2008
E. Geis; M. Kohl; V. Ziskin; T. Akdogan; H. Arenhövel; R. Alarcon; W. Bertozzi; E. C. Booth; T. Botto; J. R. Calarco; B. Clasie; C. Crawford; A. DeGrush; T. W. Donnelly; K. Dow; M. Farkhondeh; R. Fatemi; O. Filoti; W. Franklin; H. Gao; S. Gilad; D. Hasell; P. Karpius; H. Kolster; T. Lee; A. Maschinot; J. L. Matthews; K. McIlhany; N. Meitanis; R. Milner
We report new measurements of the neutron charge form factor at low momentum transfer using quasielastic electrodisintegration of the deuteron. Longitudinally polarized electrons at an energy of 850 MeV were scattered from an isotopically pure, highly polarized deuterium gas target. The scattered electrons and coincident neutrons were measured by the Bates Large Acceptance Spectrometer Toroid (BLAST) detector. The neutron form factor ratio GEn/GMn was extracted from the beam-target vector asymmetry AedV at four-momentum transfers Q2=0.14, 0.20, 0.29, and 0.42 (GeV/c)2.
Physical Review Letters | 2008
E. Geis; V. Ziskin; T. Akdogan; Hartmuth Arenhoevel; R. Alarcon; W. Bertozzi; E. C. Booth; T. Botto; J. R. Calarco; B. Clasie; Christopher Crawford; A. DeGrush; T. W. Donnelly; K. Dow; M. Farkhondeh; R. Fatemi; O. Filoti; W. Franklin; H. Gao; S. Gilad; D. Hasell; P. Karpius; M. Kohl; H. Kolster; T. Lee; A. Maschinot; J. L. Matthews; K. McIlhany; N. Meitanis; R. Milner
We report new measurements of the neutron charge form factor at low momentum transfer using quasielastic electrodisintegration of the deuteron. Longitudinally polarized electrons at an energy of 850 MeV were scattered from an isotopically pure, highly polarized deuterium gas target. The scattered electrons and coincident neutrons were measured by the Bates Large Acceptance Spectrometer Toroid (BLAST) detector. The neutron form factor ratio GEn/GMn was extracted from the beam-target vector asymmetry AedV at four-momentum transfers Q2=0.14, 0.20, 0.29, and 0.42 (GeV/c)2.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2012
R. Milner; D. Hasell; M. Kohl; U. Schneekloth; N. Akopov; R. Alarcon; V.A. Andreev; O. Ates; A. Avetisyan; D. Bayadilov; R. Beck; S. Belostotski; J.C. Bernauer; J. Bessuille; F. Brinker; B. Buck; J. R. Calarco; V. Carassiti; E. Cisbani; G. Ciullo; M. Contalbrigo; N. D'Ascenzo; R. De Leo; J. Diefenbach; T. W. Donnelly; K. Dow; G. Elbakian; D. Eversheim; S. Frullani; Ch. Funke
OLYMPUS is an experiment mounted by an international collaboration at DESY, Hamburg, Germany to provide a ±1% measurement of the cross section ratio of positron-proton to electron-proton elastic scattering in the range 0.6 < Q2 < 2.2 (GeV/c)2. The goal is to provide a definitive experimental verification of the generally accepted explanation of the discrepancy between cross-section and recoil polarization techniques in determination of the form factor ratio GEp(Q2)/GMp(Q2).
Physics Letters B | 1976
B. M. Preedom; C. W. Darden; R.D. Edge; T. Marks; M.J. Saltmarsh; K. Gabathuler; E. E. Gross; C.A. Ludemann; P.Y. Bertin; M. Blecher; K. Gotow; J. Alster; R. L. Burman; J.P. Perroud; R. Redwine; B. Goplen; W.R. Gibbs; E.L. Lomon
Abstract Angular distributions for the reaction π + + d → p + p at 40, 50, and 60 MeV are compared with calculations employing a π N t matrix both on and off-shell and two different models for the deuteron. Within this framework, the data require a 4% D-state admisture.
Physical Review Letters | 1994
T. Alteholz; A. Lehmann; K. Koch; H. Breuer; M.H. Wang; Z.N. Lin; G. Backenstoss; R. A. Schumacher; A. Hoffart; H.J. Weyer; U. Sennhauser; K.E. Wilson; N.K. Gregory; D. Androic; D. Bosnar; T. Dooling; J. Kohler; A. Brkovic; M. Furic; N. Simicevic; D. Tieger; W. Fong; H. Döbbeling; S. Mukhopadhyay; A. Klein; C.H.Quentin Ingram; G. Mahl; R. Redwine; K. Michaelian; M. Kroedel
Measurements have been made of [pi][sup +] absorption on [sup 3]He at [ital T][sub [pi]][sup +]=118, 162, and 239 MeV using the Large Acceptance Detector System. The nearly 4[pi] solid angle coverage of this detector minimizes uncertainties associated with extrapolations over unmeasured regions of phase space. The total absorption cross section is reported. In addition, the total cross section is divided into components in which only two or all three nucleons play a significant role in the process. These are the first direct measurements of the total and three nucleon absorption cross sections.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1996
T. Alteholz; D. Androic; G. Backenstoss; D. Bosnar; H. Breuer; A. Brkovic; H. Döbbeling; T. Dooling; W. Fong; M. Furic; P. A. M. Gram; N.K. Gregory; J.P. Haas; A. Hoffart; C. H. Q. Ingram; A. Klein; K. Koch; J. Kohler; B. Kotlinski; M. Kroedel; G. S. Kyle; A. Lehmann; Z.N. Lin; G. Mahl; A. Mateos; K. Michaelian; S. Mukhopadhyay; T. Petkovic; M. Planinic; R. Redwine
Abstract A Large Acceptance Detector System (LADS) has been designed and built at the Paul Scherrer Institute to study multiparticle final states following pion-nucleus absorption. It consists of a 28-sector cylinder of plastic scintillators of 1.6 m active length and 1.4 m diameter, two cylindrical wire chambers, and two 14-sector plastic scintillator end-caps which close each end. The nearly 4π solid angle coverage of this detector minimizes uncertainties associated with extrapolations over unmeasured regions of phase space. The design and the performance of the LADS detector are presented.
Physics Letters B | 1996
G. Backenstoss; D. Bosnar; H. Breuer; H. Döbbeling; T. Dooling; M. Furic; P. A. M. Gram; N.K. Gregory; A. Hoffart; C. H. Q. Ingram; A. Klein; K. Koch; J. Kohler; B. Kotlinski; M. Kroedel; G. S. Kyle; A. Lehmann; A. Mateos; K. Michaelian; T. Petkovic; R. Redwine; D. Rowntree; U. Sennhauser; N. Simicevic; R. Trezeciak; H. Ullrich; M. Wang; M.H. Wang; H.J. Weyer; M. Wildi
Abstract The distributions of protons after the absorption of positive pions by 3 He at 118, 162 and 239 MeV are presented. A decomposition of the three-nucleon cross section in terms of initial state interactions and other processes is given, based upon simple models. A clear signal of initial state interactions is visible in the data, diminishing at the lower energies.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1991
G. Backenstoss; H. Breuer; H. Döbbeling; M. Furic; P.A. Gram; A. Hoffart; C. H. Q. Ingram; A. Klein; B. Kotliński; G.S. Kyle; K. Michaelian; S. Mukhopadyay; T. Petkovic; R. Redwine; D. Rowntree; R. A. Schumacher; U. Sennhauser; N. Šimičević; F.S. Smit; G. van der Steenhoven; D. Tieger; H. Ullrich; M. Wang; H.J. Weyer; M. Wildi; K.E. Wilson
Abstract A large acceptance detector system (LADS) has been designed and built at the Paul Scherrer Institute to study multi-particle final states after pion-nucleus absorption. It consists of a 28-sector cylinder of plastic scintillator of 1.6 m active length and 1.5 m diameter, and two cylindrical wire chambers; two 14-sector endcaps of plastic scintillator close each end.