R. Shanker
Banaras Hindu University
Measurement Science and Technology | 2011
Raj Singh; Pragya Bhatt; Namita Yadav; R. Shanker
We describe a new experimental setup for studying the fragmentation dynamics of molecules induced by the impact of keV electrons using the well-known technique of recoil ion momentum spectroscopy. The apparatus consists of mainly a time- and position-sensitive multi-hit particle detector for ion analysis and a channel electron multiplier detector for detecting the ejected electrons. Different components of the setup and the relevant electronics for data acquisition are described in detail with their working principles. In order to verify the reliable performance of the setup, we have recorded the collision-induced ionic spectra of the CO2 molecule by the impact of keV electrons. Information about the ion pairs of CO+:O+, C+:O+ and O+:O+ resulting from dissociative ionizing collisions of 20 and 26 keV electrons with a dilute gaseous target of CO2 molecules has been obtained. Under conditions of the present experiment, the momentum resolutions of the spectrometer for the combined momenta of CO+ and O+ ions in the direction of the time-of-flight axis and perpendicular to the direction of an electron beam are found to be 10.0 ± 0.2 and 15.0 ± 0.3 au, respectively.
Journal of Physics B | 2013
Raj Singh; Pragya Bhatt; Namita Yadav; R. Shanker
The kinematics and dissociation dynamics of a H2O molecule induced by 10 keV electrons are studied using a time-of-flight mass spectrometer in conjunction with a position-sensitive detector in multi-hit coincidence mode. Five dissociative channels arising from the complete as well as the incomplete Coulomb explosions of H2Oq+ (q = 2, 3) ions are observed and identified. The dissociation mechanisms (concerted and/or sequential) for these channels are examined. Further, the angular correlation of different fragment ions and the geometrical structure of the precursor ion are studied. The kinetic energy release distributions for the observed channels are also determined. It is found that the pure Coulomb explosion model is insufficient to explain the observed kinetic release distributions. The mean kinetic energy release for these channels is compared with the available data reported by earlier workers who have employed different charged projectiles and sources of photons.
Applied Radiation and Isotopes | 2011
Namita Yadav; Pragya Bhatt; Raj Singh; X. Llovet; R. Shanker
The characteristic K-line yields Y(E₀) of a pure thick titanium (Z=22) element target are measured for 8-18 keV electron impact and compared with the simulation calculations using PENELOPE code. A fair agreement between experiment and simulation results is found within the existing experimental uncertainty of measurements. The ratio F of indirectly produced characteristic Ti K X-ray yield to its total (directly+indirectly) yield is determined by employing an approximate analytical formulation of Hanson and Cowan (Hanson, H.P., Cowan, D.J., 1961. Phys. Rev. 124, 22-26). It is found that F changes strongly with impact energy E₀ for normal angle of incidence in contrast to a mild change predicted by the simulation calculations. Furthermore, experimental and simulation results for peak to effective continuum ratio R of Ti K-line are compared and discussed for the energy range of impact of the present investigation.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2017
Sunil Kumar; Suman Prajapati; Bhupendra Singh; B. K. Singh; R. Shanker
Inner shell de-excitation of atoms and molecules give rise to rearrangement of internal electron distribution, for light atoms non-radiative and for heavier atoms radiative transition are dominant de-excitation mechanisms. Correlated many-particle dynamics in Columbic systems is one of today’s grand challenges in physics. Multi-ionization studies on atoms and molecules provide information on the correlation between the electrons and also on the dynamics of the ionization processes [1]. There are various applications of such study particularly in the field of atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) physics, atmospheric physics, plasma physics and many more fields.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2014
Raj Singh; Pragya Bhatt; Namita Yadav; R. Shanker
Dissociative ionization of COq+ (q=2-4) and H2Oq+ (q=2-3) molecular ions produced from the collisions of CO and H2O with 10 keV electrons is studied using time-of-flight mass spectrometer and position sensitive detector with multi-hit ability, respectively. The kinetic energy release distributions for these channels are obtained. We found that a pure Coulomb explosion model is insufficient to explain the observed kinetic release distributions for the Coulomb explosion channels. A detail of this study is given in references [3, 4].
Physical Review A | 2011
Pragya Bhatt; Raj Singh; Namita Yadav; R. Shanker
The dissociative ionization of a CO{sub 2} molecule is studied at an electron energy of 12 keV using the multiple ion coincidence imaging technique. The absolute partial ionization cross sections and the precursor-specific absolute partial ionization cross sections of resulting fragment ions are obtained and reported. It is found that {approx}75% of single ionization, 22% of double ionization, and {approx}2% of triple ionization of the parent molecule contribute to the total fragment ion yield; quadruple ionization of CO{sub 2} is found to make a negligibly small contribution. Furthermore, the absolute partial ionization cross sections for ion-pair and ion-triple formation are measured for nine dissociative ionization channels of up to a quadruply ionized CO{sub 2} molecule. In addition, the branching ratios for single-ion, ion-pair, and ion-triple formation are also determined.
Archive | 2011
S. Bhushan; Raj Pal Singh; R. Shanker
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena | 2012
Namita Yadav; Pragya Bhatt; Raj Singh; Xavier Llovet; R. Shanker
Physical Review A | 2013
Raj Singh; Pragya Bhatt; Namita Yadav; R. Shanker
Physical Review A | 2012
Pragya Bhatt; Raj Singh; Namita Yadav; R. Shanker