
Nature | 2004

Cadherin 23 is a component of the tip link in hair-cell stereocilia

Jan Siemens; Concepción Lillo; Rachel A. Dumont; Anna Reynolds; David S. Williams; Peter G. Gillespie; Ulrich Müller

Mechanoelectrical transduction, the conversion of mechanical force into electrochemical signals, underlies a range of sensory phenomena, including touch, hearing and balance. Hair cells of the vertebrate inner ear are specialized mechanosensors that transduce mechanical forces arising from sound waves and head movement to provide our senses of hearing and balance; however, the mechanotransduction channel of hair cells and the molecules that regulate channel activity have remained elusive. One molecule that might participate in mechanoelectrical transduction is cadherin 23 (CDH23), as mutations in its gene cause deafness and age-related hearing loss. Furthermore, CDH23 is large enough to be the tip link, the extracellular filament proposed to gate the mechanotransduction channel. Here we show that antibodies against CDH23 label the tip link, and that CDH23 has biochemical properties similar to those of the tip link. Moreover, CDH23 forms a complex with myosin-1c, the only known component of the mechanotransduction apparatus, suggesting that CDH23 and myosin-1c cooperate to regulate the activity of mechanically gated ion channels in hair cells.

The Journal of Neuroscience | 2001

Plasma Membrane Ca2+-ATPase Isoform 2a Is the PMCA of Hair Bundles

Rachel A. Dumont; Ulysses Lins; Adelaida G. Filoteo; John T. Penniston; Bechara Kachar; Peter G. Gillespie

Mechanoelectrical transduction channels of hair cells allow for the entry of appreciable amounts of Ca2+, which regulates adaptation and triggers the mechanical activity of hair bundles. Most Ca2+ that enters transduction channels is extruded by the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA), a Ca2+ pump that is highly concentrated in hair bundles and may be essential for normal hair cell function. Because PMCA isozymes and splice forms are regulated differentially and have distinct biochemical properties, we determined the identity of hair bundle PMCA in frog and rat hair cells. By screening a bullfrog saccular cDNA library, we identified abundant PMCA1b and PMCA2a clones as well as rare PMCA2b and PMCA2c clones. Using immunocytochemistry and immunoprecipitation experiments, we showed in bullfrog sacculus that PMCA1b is the major isozyme of hair cell and supporting cell basolateral membranes and that PMCA2a is the only PMCA present in hair bundles. This complete segregation of PMCA1 and PMCA2 isozymes holds for rat auditory and vestibular hair cells; PMCA2a is the only PMCA isoform in hair bundles of outer hair cells and vestibular hair cells and is the predominant PMCA of hair bundles of inner hair cells. Our data suggest that hair cells control plasma membrane Ca2+-pumping activity by targeting specific PMCA isozymes to distinct subcellular locations. Because PMCA2a is the only Ca2+ pump present at appreciable levels in hair bundles, the biochemical properties of this pump must account fully for the physiological features of transmembrane Ca2+pumping in bundles.

Neuron | 2009

Harmonin Mutations Cause Mechanotransduction Defects in Cochlear Hair Cells

Nicolas Grillet; Wei Xiong; Anna Reynolds; Piotr Kazmierczak; Takashi R. Sato; Concepción Lillo; Rachel A. Dumont; Edith Hintermann; Anna Sczaniecka; Martin Schwander; David S. Williams; Bechara Kachar; Peter G. Gillespie; Ulrich Müller

In hair cells, mechanotransduction channels are gated by tip links, the extracellular filaments that consist of cadherin 23 (CDH23) and protocadherin 15 (PCDH15) and connect the stereocilia of each hair cell. However, which molecules mediate cadherin function at tip links is not known. Here we show that the PDZ-domain protein harmonin is a component of the upper tip-link density (UTLD), where CDH23 inserts into the stereociliary membrane. Harmonin domains that mediate interactions with CDH23 and F-actin control harmonin localization in stereocilia and are necessary for normal hearing. In mice expressing a mutant harmonin protein that prevents UTLD formation, the sensitivity of hair bundles to mechanical stimulation is reduced. We conclude that harmonin is a UTLD component and contributes to establishing the sensitivity of mechanotransduction channels to displacement.

The Journal of Neuroscience | 2010

The R109H variant of fascin-2, a developmentally regulated actin crosslinker in hair-cell stereocilia, underlies early-onset hearing loss of DBA/2J mice

Jung Bum Shin; Chantal M. Longo-Guess; Leona H. Gagnon; Katherine W. Saylor; Rachel A. Dumont; Kateri J. Spinelli; James M. Pagana; Phillip A. Wilmarth; Larry L. David; Peter G. Gillespie; Kenneth R. Johnson

The quantitative trait locus ahl8 is a key contributor to the early-onset, age-related hearing loss of DBA/2J mice. A nonsynonymous nucleotide substitution in the mouse fascin-2 gene (Fscn2) is responsible for this phenotype, confirmed by wild-type BAC transgene rescue of hearing loss in DBA/2J mice. In chickens and mice, FSCN2 protein is abundant in hair-cell stereocilia, the actin-rich structures comprising the mechanically sensitive hair bundle, and is concentrated toward stereocilia tips of the bundles longest stereocilia. FSCN2 expression increases when these stereocilia differentially elongate, suggesting that FSCN2 controls filament growth, stiffens exposed stereocilia, or both. Because ahl8 accelerates hearing loss only in the presence of mutant cadherin 23, a component of hair-cell tip links, mechanotransduction and actin crosslinking must be functionally interrelated.

Jaro-journal of The Association for Research in Otolaryngology | 2002

Myosin-I isozymes in neonatal rodent auditory and vestibular epithelia.

Rachel A. Dumont; Yi Dong Zhao; Jeffrey R. Holt; Martin Bähler; Peter G. Gillespie

Myosin isozymes are essential for hair cells, the sensory cells of the inner ear. Because a myosin-I subfamily member may mediate adaptation of mechanoelectrical transduction, we examined expression of all eight myosin-I isozymes in rodent auditory and vestibular epithelia. Using RT-PCR, we found prominent expression of three isozymes, Myo1b (also known as myosin-Ia or myr 1), Myo1c (myosin-Ib or myr 2), and Myo1e (myr 3). By contrast, Myo1a (brush-border myosin-I), Myo1d (myosin lg or myr 4), Myo1f, Myo1g, and Myo1h were less readily amplified. Because sequence analysis demonstrated that the RT-PCR products encoded the appropriate isozymes, this represents the first demonstration of expression of all eight mouse myosin-I genes. Using immunocytochemistry with isozyme-selective antibodies, we found that Myo1b was located at apical surfaces of supporting cells that surround hair cells in auditory epithelia of postnatal rats. In vestibular epithelia, Myo1b was present in a ring within the apical pole of the hair cell. In both cases, expression was prominent only immediately after birth. Myo1e was found in hair cells of the auditory and vestibular epithelia; this isozyme was enriched in the cuticular plate, the actin meshwork that anchors the stereocilia. Myo1c was found in hair-cell stereocilia, concentrated towards their tips; we confirmed this localization by using adenovirus vectors to direct expression of a GFP-Myo1c tail fusion protein; this fusion protein localized to plasma membranes, often concentrating at stereociliary tips. Myo1c therefore remains the myosin isozyme best localized to carry out transducer adaptation.

The Journal of Neuroscience | 2006

Splice-Site A Choice Targets Plasma-Membrane Ca2+-ATPase Isoform 2 to Hair Bundles

Jennifer K. Hill; Diane E. Williams; Meredith LeMasurier; Rachel A. Dumont; Emanuel E. Strehler; Peter G. Gillespie

Localization of mechanotransduction in sensory hair cells to hair bundles requires selective targeting of essential proteins to specific locations. Isoform 2 of the plasma-membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA2), required for hearing and balance, is found exclusively in hair bundles. We determined the contribution of splicing at the two major splicing sites (A and C) to hair-cell targeting of PMCA2. When PMCA2 isoforms were immunoprecipitated from purified hair bundles of rat utricle, 2w was the only site A variant detected; moreover, immunocytochemistry for 2w in rat vestibular and cochlear tissues indicated that this splice form was located solely in bundles. To demonstrate the necessity of the 2w sequence, we transfected hair cells with PMCA2 containing different variants at splice sites A and C. Although native hair bundles exclusively use the 2a form at splice-site C, epitope-tagged PMCA2w/a and PMCA2w/b were both concentrated in bundles, indicating that site C is not involved in bundle targeting. In contrast, PMCA2z/a was excluded from bundles and was instead targeted to the basolateral plasma membrane. Bundle-specific targeting of PMCA2w/a tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP) was diminished, suggesting that GFP interfered with splice-site A. Together, these data demonstrate that PMCA2w/a is the hair-bundle isoform of PMCA in rat hair cells and that 2w targets PMCA2 to bundles. The 2w sequence is thus the first targeting signal identified for a hair-bundle membrane protein; moreover, the striking distribution of inner-ear PMCA isoforms dictated by selective targeting suggests a critical functional role for segregated pathways of Ca2+ transport.

Current Opinion in Neurobiology | 2005

Have we found the tip link, transduction channel, and gating spring of the hair cell?

Peter G. Gillespie; Rachel A. Dumont; Bechara Kachar

Recent reports have offered candidates for key components of the apparatus used for mechanotransduction in hair cells. TRPA1 and cadherin 23 have been proposed to be the transduction channel and component of the tip link, respectively; moreover, ankyrin repeats in TRPA1 have been proposed to be the gating spring. Although these are excellent candidates for the three components, definitive experiments supporting each identification have yet to be performed.

Journal of Cell Biology | 2016

Plastin 1 widens stereocilia by transforming actin filament packing from hexagonal to liquid

Jocelyn F. Krey; Evan S. Krystofiak; Rachel A. Dumont; Sarath Vijayakumar; Dongseok Choi; Francisco Rivero; Bechara Kachar; Sherri M. Jones; Peter G. Barr-Gillespie

Stereocilia of the inner ear’s sensory hair cells are filled with a paracrystalline array of parallel actin filaments. Krey et al. show that the actin cross-linker plastin-1 is needed for random liquid packing of actin filaments and final stereocilia diameter.

Nature | 2003

Ion channels: Hearing aid

Rachel A. Dumont; Peter G. Gillespie

Mechanically controlled ion channels — transduction channels — are a key feature of the cells that detect sound, touch and movement. In fruitfly ears, the channels belong to a very familiar group of proteins.

Journal of Cell Biology | 2017

Heterodimeric capping protein is required for stereocilia length and width regulation

Matthew R. Avenarius; Jocelyn F. Krey; Rachel A. Dumont; Clive P. Morgan; Connor B. Benson; Sarath Vijayakumar; Christopher L. Cunningham; Déborah I. Scheffer; David P. Corey; Ulrich Müller; Sherri M. Jones; Peter G. Barr-Gillespie

Control of the dimensions of actin-rich processes like filopodia, lamellipodia, microvilli, and stereocilia requires the coordinated activity of many proteins. Each of these actin structures relies on heterodimeric capping protein (CAPZ), which blocks actin polymerization at barbed ends. Because dimension control of the inner ear’s stereocilia is particularly precise, we studied the CAPZB subunit in hair cells. CAPZB, present at ∼100 copies per stereocilium, concentrated at stereocilia tips as hair cell development progressed, similar to the CAPZB-interacting protein TWF2. We deleted Capzb specifically in hair cells using Atoh1-Cre, which eliminated auditory and vestibular function. Capzb-null stereocilia initially developed normally but later shortened and disappeared; surprisingly, stereocilia width decreased concomitantly with length. CAPZB2 expressed by in utero electroporation prevented normal elongation of vestibular stereocilia and irregularly widened them. Together, these results suggest that capping protein participates in stereocilia widening by preventing newly elongating actin filaments from depolymerizing.

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