Radan Džodić
University of Belgrade
Featured researches published by Radan Džodić.
Immunobiology | 2011
Aleksandra Erić-Nikolić; Ivana Z. Matić; Milica Ðorđević; Zorka Milovanovic; Ivan Markovic; Radan Džodić; Momcilo Inic; Tatjana Srdić-Rajić; Marko Jevric; D. Gavrilovic; Oscar J. Cordero; Zorica D. Juranić
The aim of this work was to determine serum DPPIV activity as well as the percentage of CD26+ white blood cells and of CD26+ lymphocytes and the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of CD26 expression on lymphocytes in groups of patients with benign or malignant breast tumors and in healthy control people. Serum DPPIV activity was determined by colorimetric test, while CD26+ cells were counted using flow cytometer. Results of this study show that there is no statistically significant difference in serum DPPIV activity between examined groups of patients and healthy controls. However, two times higher frequency of patients with breast cancers had the enhanced DPPIV enzymatic activity in comparison to controls. Significant decrease in the percentage of CD26+ total white blood cells was found in the group of breast cancer patients and in patients with benign breast tumors compared to that found for healthy people. Although there was decrease in the percentage of lymphocytes in patients with breast tumors it was not statistically significant. The MFI of CD26 expression on these cells was significantly lower for cancer patients in comparison to healthy controls. In conclusion, this work showed the enhanced frequency of breast cancer patients with higher serum DPPIV activity. Decreased percentage of CD26+ white blood cells and decreased CD26 expression on lymphocytes are also characteristics of this group of patients. Determination of the clinical outcome of analyzed patients, 1 and 2 years after the surgical resection of the tumor, would clarify potential prognostic values of examined parameters for breast cancer.
Oncology | 2012
Aleksandra Erić-Nikolić; Zorka Milovanovic; Daniel Sánchez; Aneta Pekáriková; Radan Džodić; Ivana Z. Matić; Ludmila Tučková; Marko Jevric; Marko Buta; Sanvila Raskovic; Zorica D. Juranić
Objective: Calreticulin is a multicompartmental protein which regulates many important cellular responses. The aim of this study was to elucidate whether the intensity and location of calreticulin overexpression in tumor cells are related to the elevated humoral immunity to calreticulin in patients with benign or malignant breast disease. Methods: This study involved 27 patients with benign and 58 patients with malignant breast tumors before surgical resection and 38 healthy volunteers. Cytoplasmatic or membranous calreticulin overexpression in malignant or benign cells in paraffin-embedded tissues was determined using immunohistochemistry. Levels of the serum anti-calreticulin autoantibodies were detected by ELISA. Results: Statistically significant differences between serum levels of IgA of anti-calreticulin antibodies in controls and patients with breast tumors, and between controls and patients with nonmalignant breast diseases were found, but no statistically significant differences were found between levels of serum IgG anti-calreticulin antibodies. Humoral immunity to calreticulin developed against cytoplasmatic and co-localized membranous calreticulin was not correlated to the intensity of its overexpression and was present even in the absence of its membranous localization. Conclusions: The degree of calreticulin overexpression in lobular breast carcinoma is lower than in ductal breast carcinoma. Elevated concentrations of anti-calreticulin IgA antibodies were present more frequently in patients with metastasis in locoregional lymph nodes in comparison to anti-calreticulin IgG antibodies.
BMC Immunology | 2012
Ivana Z. Matić; Marija Đorđić; Nađa Grozdanić; Ana Damjanović; Branka Kolundžija; Aleksandra Erić-Nikolić; Radan Džodić; Miomir Šašić; Srđan Nikolić; Danijela Dobrosavljević; Sanvila Raskovic; Slađana Andrejević; D. Gavrilovic; Oscar J. Cordero; Zorica D. Juranić
BackgroundDipeptidyl peptidase IV, a multifunctional serine protease, is implicated in regulation of malignant transformation, promotion and further progression of cancer, exerting tumor-suppressing or even completely opposite - tumor-promoting activities.The aim of present research was to determine the serum DPPIV activity, as well as the percentages of CD26+ lymphocytes, CD26+ overall white blood cells and the mean fluorescence intensity of CD26 expression on lymphocytes in patients with melanoma, people with vitiligo and in healthy controls.MethodsThe activity of DPPIV in serum was determined by colorimetric test. Expression of DPPIV (as CD26) on immunocompetent peripheral white blood cells was done using flow cytometry analysis.ResultsData from our study show for the first time statistically significant decrease: in the serum DPPIV activity, in the percentage of CD26+ overall white blood cells and in the percentage of lymphocytes in patients with melanoma in comparison to healthy control people. In addition, significantly lower serum DPPIV activity was found in the group of patients with melanoma in relation to people with vitiligo too.ConclusionThis study indicates the need for exploring the cause and the importance of the disturbances in the serum DPPIV activity and in the CD26 expression on immunocompetent cells in complex molecular mechanisms underlying the development and progression of melanoma.
International Journal of Medical Sciences | 2014
Milan Markicevic; Radan Džodić; Marko Buta; Ksenija Kanjer; Vesna Mandusic; Zora Neskovic-Konstantinovic; Dragica Nikolic-Vukosavljevic
Background. A role of an estrogen-regulated, autocrine motogenic factor was assumed to be a major biological role of trefoil factor 1 (TFF1) in breast cancer. TFF1 is regarded as a predictive factor for positive response to endocrine therapy in breast cancer patients. The aim of our study was to examine TFF1 level distribution in breast carcinomas in order to distinguish estrogen-independent from estrogen-dependent TFF1 expression and to evaluate clinical usefulness of TFF1 status in early breast cancer during the first 3 years of follow-up. Methods. The study included 226 patients with primary operable invasive early breast carcinomas for whom an equal, a 3-year follow-up was conducted. TFF1 levels as well as estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) levels were measured in cytosolic extracts of tumor samples by immunoradiometric assay or by use of classical biochemical method, respectively. Non-parametric statistical tests were applied for data analyses. Results. Statistical analysis revealed that TFF1 levels were significantly higher in premenopausal patients (p=0.02), or in tumors with: lower histological grade (p<0.001), positive ER or PR status (p<0.001, in both cases). On the basis of TFF1 level distribution between ER-negative and ER-positive postmenopausal patients with tumors of different histological grade, 14 ng/mg was set as the cut-off value to distinguish estrogen-independent from estrogen-dependent TFF1 expression in breast cancer. Depending on menopausal and PR status, positive TFF1 status identified patients at opposite risk for relapse among ER-positive patients with grade II tumors. Among ER- and PR-positive premenopausal patients with grade II tumors, TFF1 status alone identified patients at opposite risk for relapse. Conclusions. Determination of TFF1 status might identify patients at different risk for relapse and help in making decision on administering adjuvant therapy for early breast cancer patients during the first 3 years of follow-up.
Journal of Medical Biochemistry | 2013
Nasta Tanic; Vedrana Milinkovic; Tatjana Dramićanin; Milica Nedeljković; Tijana Stankovic; Zorka Milovanovic; Šnežana Šušnjar; Verica Milošević; Branka Šošić-Jurjević; Radan Džodić; Nikola Tanic
Summary Background: Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. It arises from multiple genetic changes in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Among so far studied oncogenes relatively few, including epdermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), cyclinD1 (CCND1)and cmyc, have been found to play an important role in progression of this type of human malignancy. The aim of this study was to examine the prognostic potential of CCND1, c-myc and EGFR amplification and their possible cooperation in breast carcinogenesis. Methods: Copy number analyses of CCND1 and c-myc genes were done by TaqMan based quantitative real time PCR. Am pli fication status of EGFR was determined by differential PCR. Results: Amplification of CCND1, c-myc and EGFR onco- gene has been found in 20.4%, 26.5% and 26.5% of breast cancer cases, respectively. Analysis showed that amplification of CCND1 oncogene was significantly associated with the stage II of disease while amplification of EGFR gene was sig- nificantly associated with overexpression of HER-2/neu. Tu- mour stage and expression of HER-2/neu appeared to be significant predictors of patients outcome. Stage I patients lived significantly longer then stage III patients (p=0.04) while patients with FiER-2/neu overexpression had worse prognoses and lived significantly shorter (p=0.001). Finally, survival of patients who underwent hormone therapy only was significantly longer (p=0.001) then survival of the rest of patients. Conclusions: Amplification of CCND1 or EGFR oncogene is associated with the progression of breast cancer and bad prognosis. No co-ordination in amplification of CCND1, c- myc and EGFR oncogenes were established in this cohort of breast cancer patients. Kratak sadržaj Uvod: Kancer dojke je najčešči tip maligniteta koji se javlja kod žena. Tumori dojke nastaju kao rezultat akumulacije genetičkih promena kako u onkogenima tako i u tumor supresorskim genima. Medu mnogim onkogenima čija je uloga u genezi tumora dojke ispitivana do danas, samo se neki smatraju značajnim za razviče ovih karcinoma. U tu se grupu svakako ubrajaju receptor za epidermalni factor rasta (EGFR), c-myc i ciklinDI (CCND7). Cilj rada je bio utvrditi prognostickí značaj amplifikacije CCND1, c-myc i EGFR onkogena u razvicu tumora dojke kao i eventualne medusob- ne koalteracije ovih gena. Metode: Amplifikacioni status CCND1 i c-myc gena odreden je kvantitativnim PCR-om u reálnom vremenu, a amplifikacioni status EGFR onkogena je definisan diferencijalnim PCR-om. Rezultati: Amplifikacija CCND1 gena detektovana je kod 20,4%, a c-myc i EGFR onkogena kod 26,5% ispitanih uzo- raka. Analize su pokazale da je amplifikacija CCND1 onko- gena statistički značajno povezana sa stadijumom II tumora dojke kao i da amplifikacija EGFR-a značajno korelira sa povečanom ekspresijom HER2/neu. Analize kliničkih i histo- patoloških parametara su jasno pokazale da stadijum tumo- ra i nivo ekspresije HER2/neu gena predstavljaju značajne pokazatelje daljeg toka bolesti, odnosno sudbine pacijenta. Utvrdeno je da pacijentkinje sa tumorima dojke stadijuma I žive značajno duže od onih sa tumorom stadijuma III (p= 0,04) kao i da pacijentkinje sa HER2/neu pozitivnim statu- som imaju goru prognózu i žive značajno krače (p=0,001). Na kraju, študija je pokazala da pacijentkinje podvrgnute samo hormonskoj terapiji imaju najbolju prognózu i žive značajno duže od ostalih (p=0,001). Zaključak: Amplifikacija CCND1 i EGFR onkogena je po- vezana sa losom prognozom i progresijom karcinoma dojke. U ispitivanom tumorskom uzorku nisu detektovane nikakve koalteracije CCND1, c-myc i EGFR onkogena.
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine | 2012
Marija Đorđić; Ivana Z. Matić; Ivana Filipović-Lješković; Radan Džodić; Miomir Šašić; Aleksandra Erić-Nikolić; Ana Vuletić; Branka Kolundžija; Ana Damjanović; Nađa Grozdanić; Srđan Nikolić; Janko Pralica; Danijela Dobrosavljević; Sanvila Raskovic; Slađana Andrejević; Zorica D. Juranić
BackgroundThe aim of this study was to determine the presence and the intensity of humoral immunity to melanoma-associated antigens: tyrosinase and melanin, in patients with melanoma, in persons with vitiligo and in control healthy people.MethodsThe study involved 63 patients with melanoma and 19 persons with vitiligo. Control group consisted up to 41 healthy volunteers. Mushroom tyrosinase and synthetic melanin were used as the antigens.ResultsELISA test showed significantly (p < 0.0000004 and p < 0.04) lower levels of IgM anti-tyrosinase autoantibodies, in melanoma and vitiligo patients respectively, compared to controls.Although there was no significant difference between the levels of IgA anti-melanin autoantibodies in melanoma or vitiligo patients in comparison with controls, the enhanced concentrations of anti-melanin IgA autoantibodies were preferentially found in melanoma patients with metastatic disease. Significantly high percentage in the Fc alphaRI (CD89) positive cells was determined in melanoma patients (p < 0.002 and p < 0.008) in comparison to that found in healthy people or in patients with vitiligo, in the already mentioned order, pointing that IgA dependent cellular cytotoxicity is not important for the immune action against melanoma, even more that it is included in some immune suppression.Levels of IgG autoantibodies to mentioned antigens in melanoma patients although low were not significantly lower from controls. These findings analyzed together with the statistically significant low percentage of FcgammaRIII, (CD16) positive immunocompetent cells (p < 0.0007 and p < 0.003), which was found in patients with melanoma compared with healthy or vitiligo people respectively, and statistically significant low percentage of (CD16 + CD56+) natural killer (NK) cells (p < 0.005) found in melanoma patients in comparison to healthy controls pointed to the low probability for anti-melanoma IgG mediated, antibody mediated cellular cytotoxicity, (ADCC) and NK cytotoxicity. Moreover the ratio of the percentages of granulocytes and percentage of lymphocytes was statistically higher in patients with melanoma in relation to healthy people as well as to people with vitiligo (p < 0.0007 and p < 0.05 respectively).ConclusionAutoantibodies to tyrosinase and to melanin which are found even in healthy people, point that consummation of edible mushrooms that carry the antigen tyrosinase and melanin, could influence the humoral anti-melanoma immune response.Levels of different immunoglobulin classes of anti-melanin and anti-tyrosinase antibodies varied depending on the presence and the stage of studied diseases. Besides, the statistically enhanced ratio of the percentages of granulocytes and percentage of lymphocytes, together with statistically decreased percentage of NK cells is found in analyzed melanoma patients.
Journal of Clinical Pathology | 2016
Katarina Mirjačić Martinović; Tatjana Srdic-Rajic; Nada Babović; Radan Džodić; Vladimir Jurisic; Gordana Konjevic
Aims As numerous signalling molecules regulate effector functions of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) that have an important anti-tumour activity, the aim of this study was to analyse their level in patients with metastatic melanoma (MM) compared with healthy controls (HCs). Methods Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of 36 MMs and 28 HCs were analysed for the level of perforin, interferon-regulating transcription factor-1 (IRF-1), DAP10 and Src homology 2 domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase-1 by reverse transcriptase PCR, level of phosphorylated signal transducers and activators of transcription (pSTAT)-1, pSTAT-4, pSTAT-5 by western blot and interferon (IFN)-γ production by ELISA. The expression of activating NKG2D and inhibitory killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR), CD158a and CD158b, on PBL, CD3−CD56+ natural killer (NK) cells and CD3+CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), as well as the percentage of CD14+HLA-DR- cells in PBMC were estimated by flow cytometry. Results Patients with MM, compared with HCs, had significantly lower level of cytotoxic molecule perforin and decreased IFN-γ production, as well as lower level of pSTAT-1, pSTAT-4, pSTAT-5 and IRF-1 signalling molecules in PBMC. Furthermore, MM had decreased expression of activating NKG2D receptor on PBL and NK cells and low level of its DAP10 signalling molecule contrary to no changes in KIR expression on all investigated cells. These results could be associated with increased percentage of immunosuppressive CD14+HLA-DR− myeloid-derived suppressor cells detected in patients with MM. Conclusions The altered signalling molecules of PBL could represent biomarkers of impaired cytotoxic and immunoregulatory function of these cells, indicating melanoma-associated immunosuppression that facilitates tumour progression.
Cytokine | 2017
Katarina Mirjačić Martinović; Ana Vuletić; Nada Babović; Radan Džodić; Gordana Konjevic; Vladimir Jurisic
HighlightsIn MM only IL‐2 enhances perforin level by inducing pSTAT‐5 signaling molecule.Contrary to HC, in MM IL‐2 does not increase NKG2D/DAP10 activating receptor complex.Immunosuppressive CD4+CD25bright+CD27+ cells negatively regulate NKG2D expression.In MM IL‐2 increases, while IL‐12 decreases CD4+CD25bright+CD27+ cell percentage.Besides activating cytokines inhibitors of suppressive cells are needed in MM therapy. Abstract Considering tumor‐induced suppression of lymphocytes the aim of this study was to investigate in vitro effects of IFN‐&agr;, IL‐2, IL‐12 and IL‐18 as immunomodulating agents on the functional and receptor characteristics of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) in metastatic melanoma (MM) patients compared to healthy controls (HC). In HC IFN‐&agr;, IL‐2 and IL‐12 enhanced mRNA level of perforin by inducing pSTAT‐1 and pSTAT‐5 signaling molecules. Additionally, the expression of NKG2D activating receptor and its DAP10 signaling molecule was upregulated by IL‐2. Contrary to this, in MM patients only IL‐2 by upregulating pSTAT‐5 increased perforin‐mediated cytotoxicity of lymphocytes. Furthermore, there was significantly negative correlation between the percentage of CD4+CD25bright+CD27+ regulatory T (Treg) cells and NK cell cytotoxicity, as well as the expression of NKG2D receptor on PBL in HC and MM patients. Therefore, the absence of IL‐2 effect on the increase of NKG2D/DAP10 level in MM patients could be the consequence of the increased percentage of immunosuppressive CD4+CD25bright+CD27+ cells after this cytokine treatment in patients. However, in MM IL‐12 significantly decreases the percentage of these inhibitory cells. Although IL‐2 as a single agent has numerous side effects, it remains the important cytokine for PBL activation in melanoma immunotherapy. Additionally, the removal of Treg cells from patient PBL by IL‐12 before in vitro stimulation with IL‐2, may lead to the generation of more potent cytotoxic lymphocytes against tumor cells. Therefore, lymphocyte based therapy for MM patients should integrate not only the choice of appropriate immunostimulatory cytokine, but also the removal of inhibitory cells from tumor microenvironment.
Journal of Translational Medicine | 2015
Katarina Mirjačić Martinović; Nada Babović; Radan Džodić; Vladimir Jurisic; Suzana Matković; Gordana Konjevic
Annals of Nuclear Medicine | 2014
Ana Koljevic Markovic; Milica M. Jankovic; Ivan Markovic; Gordana Pupic; Radan Džodić; Angelika Bischof Delaloye