Radwan Tahboub
Politehnica University of Bucharest
Social Network Analysis and Mining | 2011
Muhaimenul Adnan; Mohamad Nagi; Keivan Kianmehr; Radwan Tahboub; Mick J. Ridley; Jon G. Rokne
The rapid development of the internet introduced new trend of electronic transactions that is gradually dominating all aspects of our daily life. The amount of data maintained by websites to keep track of the visitors is growing exponentially. Benefitting from such data is the target of the study described in this paper. We investigate and explore the process of analyzing log data of website visitor traffic in order to assist the owner of a website in understanding the behavior of the website visitors. We developed an integrated approach that involves statistical analysis, association rules mining, and social network construction and analysis. First, we analyze the statistical data on the types of visitors that come to the website, as well as the steps they take to reach and satisfy the goal of their visit. Second, we derive association rules in order to identify the correlations between the web pages. Third, we study the links between the web pages by constructing a social network based on the frequency of access to the web pages such that two web pages get linked in the social network if they are identified as frequently accessed together. The value added from the overall analysis of the website and its related data should be considered valuable for ecommerce and commercial website owners; the owners will get the information needed to display targeted advertisements or messages to their customers. Such an automated approach gives advantage to its users in the current competitive cyberspace. In the long run, this is expected to allow for the increase in sales and overall customer loyalty.
international conference on information technology new generations | 2006
Radwan Tahboub; Vasile Lazarescu
Power or energy meter systems can be incorporated with embedded controllers such as micro Web-servers with Ethernet port to transmit the reader data over the Internet. Such data can be then fed and integrated into existing energy management systems located at power companies and organizations. The problem of efficiently collecting data from a large number of distributed embedded Web-servers in the energy meters is still a challenging problem. Mobile agents are executing programs that migrate during execution and present methods for maintaining and using distributed systems. In this paper, we develop a new abstract approach using mobile agents to solve the problem of efficiently collecting meters readings
international symposium on signals, circuits and systems | 2005
R. Vieru; Radwan Tahboub; C. Constantinescu; Vasile Lazarescu
The audio watermarking based on wavelet transform algorithm depends on embedding and extracting bits in the watermark. The original algorithm depends on the idea of determining the signal spectrum computed by detailed and approximated wavelet coefficients and by inserting the watermark in the spectrum (Vieru et al., 2003). The wavelet coefficients for the first level are determined at the beginning. Then the watermark is constructed in a binary form, having 8, 16 bytes. The watermark is added to the first detailed coefficient of high-pass filter. This paper shows new results with a modified version of the original algorithm which uses a larger set of watermark bits (8, 16, 32, 64 bytes) at higher sampling rate and a larger set of the sampled audio signals. Also the results of robustness tests for this algorithm is presented.
2015 2nd World Symposium on Web Applications and Networking (WSWAN) | 2015
Samer Isayed; Radwan Tahboub
The process to take a Braille document image and convert its content into its equivalent natural language characters, is called Optical Braille Recognition (OBR). It involves two main consecutive steps: Braille cell recognition and Braille cell transcription. Braille cell recognition contains few steps including: Image acquisition, Image De-skewing, Image pre-processing, dot recognition, cell recognition and segmentation. Image transcription aims to convert the segmented Braille cell, into its equivalent natural language characters. In this survey we aim to study the earlier works done by other researchers on both Braille cell recognition and transcription.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Electronics and Computers | 2015
Berat Kurar; Radwan Tahboub
Internet scale DoS attack is a new evolution of conventional flooding DoS attack with the inspiration of shutting down the Internet due to its vulnerable infrastructure. Past DoS attacks directly attacked the victim, usually a single host. Consequently, defences were designed to identify the excessive traffic or filter illegitimate traffic. From the early two thousand, Internet scale DoS attacks started to appear. They aimed to disable highly connected routers or large links with a legitimate action in the form of low-rate traffic or high-rate wanted traffic with protocol messages that are unfiltered by congestion control. The latter can be more devastating due to its global impact therefore attracts the attention of researchers and some applications are now available. The goal of this paper is to introduce Internet scale DoS attack and to survey its theoretical underpinnings and experimental applications. Several attacking techniques will be presented, as well as their effects on the connectivity of the Internet. A comparison will be carried out among them to expose their pros and cons in order to study the possibility of their integration via usage of several botnets for destroying the Internet connectivity. Our discussion aims to clarify new directions that DoS, DoS defence and Internet design research can follow.
International Journal of Computer Applications | 2014
Muna Hanini; Nidal A.M Jabari; Radwan Tahboub
This paper discussed a model for monitoring the text and expressions used by the student during the educational chat session with his colleagues about a particular topic assigned to be discussed during a particular session. Monitoring is done through text modeling process by evaluating the expressions used by the student within the session time. This method is used to improve the general idea of the educational Chat among students and make it formalized which will lead to make the students behave more seriously during the session chat. Experiments performed as well as previous studies have produced mathematical equations based on the parameters extracted by analyzing and mining the messages submitted by the peers. Text model will be added to the time and peer model to construct the final student model in the educational chat room.
International Journal of Computer Applications | 2011
Mousa Farajallah; Mohammed Abu Taha; Radwan Tahboub
It is well known that Hash algorithm works in one way, and it cannot be reversed. We can build a new algorithm by using Hill cipher technique .Since its invention in 1929, Hill cipher algorithm which is one of the most famous symmetric cryptosystems .Hill cipher requires the inverse of the key matrix for decryption. This inverse not always exists, so we can use non-invertible matrices to propose a model for our new hash algorithm, and we proof the four requirements that needed to design a practical one way hash algorithm.
Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare | 2000
Daoud I Zatari; Radwan Tahboub
We have developed a simple telemedicine network in Palestine, based on point-to-point communication between two local hospitals. Still images and realtime audio have been transmitted successfully1. Physicians and patients report that they are fairly satisfied with the system. Further investigation of the system performance and user acceptance is in progress. A radiographic image was transmitted between two local hospitals in Hebron City using a private leased line with 128 kbit/s capacity2. The transmission time for a 1 MByte image was about 60 s. The communication link will be replaced by a fibre optic link in order to reduce the transmission time and increase reliability. It is expected that this system will be in operation in the year 2000. More investigation and comparison results will be available after that time. Future development of the telemedicine network will be focused on connecting other sites.
Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare | 1999
Daoud I Zatari; Radwan Tahboub; M Nawahda; T Aljabari
The shortage of expert physicians and health-care providers in Palestine has created the need for a telemedicine system. The difficulty and the cost of transfer between Palestinian cities in the current political situation makes it important to use such systems. This paper describes the projects progress. The software and hardware required were developed in our laboratories. The software included modules for the preprocessing, enhancement, manipulation, compression and decompression of medical images. The hardware included the communication protocols, physical layer interface circuit and selection of a suitable medium for communication. In tests a radiograph was transmitted from one computer to a not her. The second and third phases will be to establish a communication link between Palestinian hospitals at different locations and to examine the realtime transfer of medical images.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications | 2017
Islam K. Sowan; Radwan Tahboub; Faisal Khamayseh
The Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) systems are one of the most frequently used systems by business organizations. Recently, the university sectors began using the ERP system in order to increase the quality of their academic and administrative services. However, the implementation of ERP is complicated, risky, and no factor can guarantee a successful system. Previous studies were primarily concerned with Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in business organizations and organizational success factors. This produced plenty of information about these topics. However, the university environment and structure is different, which encourages us to study its specific technical critical success factors. In this paper, Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU) will be our case study. Our attention is concentrated on technical success factors at PPU. Firstly, the paper focused on the technical problems which current systems in the PPU suffered from, in order to extract the particular CSFs which are needed to implement ERP systems. Secondly, the paper focused on the most technical critical factors that ensure successful implementation of the ERP project. Thirdly, a study of the degree to which PPU’s technical staff uses software engineering practices during the development process has been conducted by focusing on phases activities. Our main aim is to get a pool of parameters related to a successful preparation of universities’ ERP systems.