Rafael Felipe de Almeida
State University of Feira de Santana
Featured researches published by Rafael Felipe de Almeida.
Kew Bulletin | 2015
Rafael Felipe de Almeida; André M. Amorim
SummaryStigmaphyllon mikanifolium is described and illustrated and its distribution, conservation status, and taxonomy are presented. S. mikanifolium can be distinguished from S. auriculatum and S. macedoanum by its leaf laminas with lobate margins, and filiform glands on the apex of each lobule, sessile discoid glands between the lobules, a petiole apex with a pair of cupulate glands, yellow posterior petals with reddish veins, and the styles parallel and straight.ResumoStigmaphyllon mikanifolium é descrito e ilustrado, e sua distribuição, status de conservação e taxonomia da espécie são apresentados. S. mikanifolium é distinta de S. auriculatum e S. macedoanum pelas folhas com margens lobuladas e com uma glândula filiforme no ápice de cada lóbulo e glândulas discoides sésseis entre cada lóbulo, ápice do pecíolo com um par de glândulas cupuliformes, pétalas posteriores amarelas com veias avermelhadas e estiletes paralelos e retos.
Check List | 2013
Rafael Felipe de Almeida; Augusto Francener; Renata Sebastiani
New records on three endangered and endemic species of Stigmaphyllon are presented: S. angustilobum extend its distribution in the State of Espirito Santo, S. crenatum extend its distribution in the State of Minas Gerais and S. macedoanum occurs also in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul.
Archive | 2015
André M. Amorim; Rafael Felipe de Almeida
Abstract Mcvaughia sergipana is described and illustrated. It differs from the single other species in the genus by the metallic-sericeous, and soon deciduous indumentum on the leaves, small glands scattered throughout the lamina, lateral cincinni with 1–2 flowers, and larger posterior petal. This new species is only known from sandy coastal plains in Sergipe State, Brazil, and is critically endangered. Its distribution is estimated to be less than 100 km2 in a region of extremely disturbed environments.
Check List | 2015
Rafael Felipe de Almeida
New records of Stigmaphyllon puberulum from the Atlantic Forest, northeastern Brazil, are presented, extending its distribution in the states of Alagoas, Paraiba and Rio Grande do Norte.
Check List | 2014
Rafael Felipe de Almeida; Lucas Cardoso Marinho; André M. Amorim
New records of Tovomita stergiosii Cuello, a species previously recorded for Peruvian and Venezuelan Amazon, are presented for Brazil. We present a distribution map, besides comments and illustration on taxonomic related species.
PhytoKeys | 2016
Marco Octávio de Oliveira Pellegrini; Robert B. Faden; Rafael Felipe de Almeida
Abstract This study provides a taxonomic revision for the Neotropical species of the genus Murdannia. Six species are recognized as native, including a new species and a new combination, while two Asian species are recognized as invasive. We present an identification key, a table summarizing the morphologic differences among the species, a new synonym, six lectotypifications, a distribution map, and descriptions, comments and photographic plates for each species. We also provide comments on the morphology of the Neotropical species of Murdannia, comparing them with the Paleotropical species, and a discussion of inflorescence architecture in the genus as a whole.
Hoehnea | 2016
Rafael Felipe de Almeida; Maria Candida Henrique Mamede
Estudos de campo e analise de colecoes de herbarios permitiram a identificacao de 19 especies de Stigmaphyllon (Malpighiaceae) no Estado do Espirito Santo. Este trabalho contem uma chave de identificacao para especies, uma breve diagnose, materiais selecionados, listas de materiais examinados, notas taxonomicas, alem de mapas de distribuicao geografica e ilustracoes das especies estudadas.
Check List | 2015
Rafael Felipe de Almeida; Maria Alves; Fernanda Afonso Santana; Nádia Roque
The Serra Geral of Licinio de Almeida (SGLA) is a chain of mountains included within Caatinga biome in the municipality of Licinio de Almeida, state of Bahia, located in the central portion of Espinhaco Mountain Range. From a previous floristic treatment undertaken in the SGLA, 13 new records were found for the state of Bahia, with four genera and six species from Vernonieae, three genera and five species from Heliantheae and two genera and two species from Eupatorieae.
Check List | 2015
Renata Sebastiani; Augusto Francener; Cintia Vieira da Silva; Rafael Felipe de Almeida
An updated checklist of Malpighiaceae from the Chapada dos Veadeiros region, Goias, Brazil, is presented. We recorded 78 species of this family of plants, which represent a higher diversity than previously reported for the region. About one third of all the Malpighiaceae species recorded for the Cerrado are found within the area, which shows the important role of the Chapada dos Veadeiros region in the conservation of this family in Central Brazil.
Rodriguésia | 2017
Rafael Felipe de Almeida
I present new data on the Atlantic Forest endemic Stigmaphyllon carautae (Malpighiaceae), including an amended morphological description describing fruits and seeds for the first time. Additionally, I present the first analysis of its conservation status.