
Ciencia Rural | 2004

Laparoscopia nas hérnias diafragmáticas: estudo experimental em cães

Carlos Afonso de Castro Beck; Ney Luis Pippi; Maurício Veloso Brun; Emerson Antonio Contesini; Anderson Favaro da Cunha; Rafael Stedile; Adamas Tassinari Bonfada; Antônio de Pádua Ferreira da Silva Filho; Antônio Roberto Pinheiro Vieira Júnior; Thiago Félix da Silva; Angela Ilha Bordin

The most common type of diaphragmatic hernia in dogs and cats is the traumatic one. As an anatomic alteration, surgery is the elected treatment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate videolaparoscopic surgery in the diagnostic and treatment of diaphragmatic hernia in dogs. In the first phase of the study diaphragmatic hernias were performed in dogs. One week later the dogs were summited to a laparoscopic surgery to make diagnostic and surgical correction. Laparoscopic access showed to be efficient for identification of the defect and visceral displacement and for the surgical treatment.The most common type of diaphragmatic hernia in dogs and cats is the traumatic one.As an anatomic alteration surgery is the elected treatment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate videothoracoscopic surgery in the diagnostic and treatment of diaphragmatic hernia in eight dogs. In the first phase of the study diaphragmatic hernias were performed in the dogs through laparoscopic access. One week later the dogs were summited to a thoracoscopic surgery to make diagnostic and surgical correction. Thoracoscopic access showed to be efficient for identification of the defects and visceral displacements and for the surgical treatment.

Ciencia Rural | 2002


Maurício Veloso Brun; Ney Luis Pippi; David Dreimeier; Emerson Antonio Contesini; Carlos Afonso de Castro Beck; Olicies da Cunha; Saulo Tadeu Lemos Pinto Filho; Claudio Roehsig; Rafael Stedile

Com a finalidade de testar a solucao hipersaturada de sal (na proporcao de 1,5g de sal comercial para 1m de agua tridestilada) como conservante, foram realizados implantes de pericardio canino mantido neste meio, no minimo por 90 dias, em lesoes provocadas no musculo reto abdominal de 24 ratos Wistar. Previamente a implantacao da membrana, a solucao foi avaliada quanto a presenca de bacterias e fungos, demonstrando resultados negativos. Durante o procedimento cirurgico, foi removido um segmento da largura completa do musculo reto abdominal direito, de 1,5cm de comprimento. A lesao produzida foi preenchida com o implante, sendo este suturado as bordas musculares com fio de nailon monofilamentar 6-0 em padrao continuo simples. Os animais operados foram subdivididos em seis grupos (I, II, III, IV, V, VI) de igual numero, sendo posteriormente sacrificados aos tres, cinco, sete,10, 15 e 30 dias do pos-operatorio, afim de se realizar as avaliacoes macroscopica e histologica da regiao do implante. Nos exames macroscopico e histologico pode-se constatar neovascularizacao no local reparado, que gradualmente foi decrescendo. Ao exame histologico foi observado a substituicao gradativa do implante por tecido conjuntivo fibroso, sem a ocorrencia de eliminacao do implante ou contaminacao. Atraves destes achados e possivel afirmar que a solucao hipersaturada de sal estudada, e um meio adequado para a conservacao de pericardio canino.

Ciencia Rural | 2003

Criptorquidectomia em coelhos: modelo experimental para tratamento laparoscópico

Carlos Afonso de Castro Beck; Ney Luis Pippi; Maurício Veloso Brun; Marshal Costa Leme; Emerson Antonio Contesini; Rafael Stedile

Cryptorchidism is considered the congenital testicuiar disease most frequent in domestic animals, having the orchiectomy as therapeutical indication. In the present study, an unilateral cryptorchidism model in rabbit was developed, with the aim to test the viability for practicing laparoscopic diagnoses and surgery. The model preparation was easy to perform permiting the development of laparoscopic skills, simulating clinical situation in small animal practice.

Ciencia Rural | 2004

Solução hipersaturada de sal ou de glicerina a 98% como conservantes de centros frênicos caninos utilizados na reparação de defeitos musculares em ratos wistar

Maurício Veloso Brun; Ney Luis Pippi; David Driemeier; Emerson Antonio Contesini; Carlos Afonso de Castro Beck; Olicies da Cunha; Saulo Tadeu Lemos Pinto Filho; Claudio Roehsig; Rafael Stedile; Thiago Félix da Silva

Aiming to evaluate the over saturated salt solution (1.5g commercially available salt in 1.5ml of tridestilled water) as tissue conservator of the canine frenic center and to compare its conservator potential with the well-established glycerin 98% conservator solution, peaces of this tissue were implanted to repair produced muscle lesions in 28 Wistar rats. Previously both solutions had been tested for bacterial and fungal contaminations, both exams with negative results. In each experimental animal, lesions were made in both Rectus abdominis muscles and repaired with the tissue preserved in both solutions. The animals were divided in seven groups and sacrificed in three, five, seven, 10, 15, 30 and 60 days after reparation for histological evaluation of the implanted region. In macroscopic exam the complete substitution of the implants by live tissue was observed, without rejection of the implanted tissue. In the microscopic evaluation we observed that the substitutions were made by fibrous conjunctive tissue deposition. At the end of the evaluation period, the implanted membranes were not present in repaired regions. In both conserved tissues there were not differences in tissue reactions. The over saturated salt, and 98% glycerin solutions presented similar results in the canine frenic center preservation indicating that both solutions may be utilized to preserve this membrane.

Ciencia Rural | 2001


Alexandre Mazzanti; Ney Luis Pippi; Alceu Gaspar Raiser; Dominguita Lühers Graça; Aron Ferreira da Silveira; Renato Xavier Faria; Aline de Souza Alves; Gentil Ferreira Gonçalves; Rafael Stedile; Fabrício de Vargas Arigony Braga

The repair induced by an homologous muscular segment conserved in 300% supersaturated sugar solution on the diaphragmatic muscle of dogs was investigated. Nine adults mongrel dogs, three males, weights varying from 10.4 to 21.0kg, were used separated in three equally numbered denominated groups I, II and III. A defect was created, on the muscular portion of the right hemidiaphragm, with dimensions of 9.0 x 6.0cm, through thoracotomy in the 10th right intercostal space. The graft was sutured with thread poligalactin 910 3-0, by means of horizontal mattress suture, in an isolated pattern. The dogs were observed for a period of 30 days (subgroups I), 75 days (groups II) and 120 days (groups III) postoperatively. After this period, macroscopic observation and collection of samples for histologic evaluation were performed. It was verified in the animals of the subgroup I, partial substitution and in the subgroups II and III, total substitution of the muscular portion of the diaphragm. A fibrovascular tissue occluding the diaphragmatic defect was observed. With the postoperative evolution, a thin tissue, almost transparent, was identified. The segment of diaphragmatic muscle conserved in 300% supersaturated sugar solution, at room temperature, for repair of great defects in the diaphragmatic muscle of dogs was substituted by a fine layer of fibrous connective tissue.

Ciencia Rural | 2001

Emprego do antiinflamatório não esteróide ketoprofeno na analgesia preemptiva em cães

Aline de Souza Alves; Rui Afonso Vieira Campello; Alexandre Mazzanti; Marcelo Meller Alievi; Renato Xavier Faria; Rafael Stedile; Fabrício de Vargas Arigony Braga

The basic principle of the preemptive analgesia is the administration of analgesics before the occurrence of painful stimulus in order to prevent pain, reducing the analgesic dosage, and compare the dosage required after the painful stimulus. It acts preventing or reducing the memory in the pain pathway in central nervous system. Preemptive analgesia may attenuate or prevent development of central sensibilization induced by surgery. This research aimed at evaluating the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflamatory (NSAID) ketoprofen as preemptive analgesic. Sixteen dogs were used, of varied age, female and male, and surgery of thoracotomies, the dogs received ketoprofen in Group K or distiled water as placebo in Group P, before surgical stimulation, the end surgery the animals received placebo in the Group K and Group P received ketoprofen. Parameters as cardiac and respiratory frequency, tidal volum and minute flow, blood gases and pain score were measured during six hours which followed the postoperative period. The utilized protocol has showed significative variations as bicarbonate and blood carbon dioxide, any significative statistical variations related in the pain scores. The results reported do not justify the use of NSAID ketoprofen as preemptive analgesic.

Ciencia Rural | 2003

Reparação do ligamento cruzado cranial de cães por tendão homólogo conservado em glicerina e associado a fio de náilon

Simone Tostes de Oliveira; Alceu Gaspar Raiser; Alonso Gabriel Pereira Guedes; Simone Dias de Lima Alves; Gentil Ferreira Gonçalves; Alexandre Mazzanti; Marcelo Emílio Beletti; Rafael Stedile; Aline Marin; Tatiana Rezende da Silva

Rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) is one of the most prevalent stifle diseases in dogs and its therapy is a problem today. The purpose of this report was to evaluate the response to long digital extensor muscle tendon preserved in glycerol as a substitute of the cranial cruciate ligament in dogs. The technique was performed in 18 mongrel dogs, with mean body weight of 16.5kg, and evaluated until 45, 80 or 120 postoperative days. Clinic, radiographic, macroscopic and histologic studies were done. The technique was efficient to return to normal gait determining good articular stability, although the biologic implant was absent in most animals and the mononylon was not taut.

Acta Cirurgica Brasileira | 2003

Correção de defeito ósseo femural em cães utilizando implante cortical homólogo conservado em mel

Gustavo Frassetto Amendola; Marcia Regina da Silva Ilha; Raquel Berger; Rafael Stedile; João Eduardo Schossler

OBJETIVO: Avaliar a utilizacao de osso canino conservado em mel como implante em defeitos osseos criados em femures de caes. METODOS: Doze caninos adultos foram submetidos a remocao de um segmento osseo retangular compreendendo um terco do diâmetro do osso por 2cm de comprimento da diafise femural. Posteriormente foram inseridos dois pinos intramedulares e fixado um implante osseo conservado de tamanho compativel com o defeito atraves de cerclagem com fio de aco. Os animais foram avaliados radiograficamente no dia da intervencao cirurgica e aos 30 e 60 dias. RESULTADOS: Apos o final dos 60 dias foi possivel verificar incorporacao do implante em oito animais enquanto que em quatro houve reabsorcao do material implantado. CONCLUSAO: O mel pode ser adequado como conservante de ossos.

Ciencia Rural | 2002


Marshal Costa Leme; Cláudio Corrêa Natalini; Carlos Afonso de Castro Beck; Maurício Veloso Brun; Emerson Antonio Contesini; Simone Dias de Alves Lima; Rafael Stedile

The present study evaluated the changes in abdominal insufflation with carbon dioxide, with constant pressure of 15mmHg. In this experiment 12 dogs, adult mongrels were used. After having installed the pneumoperitonium, the animals were positioned in Trendelenburg, reversed Trendelenburg and horizontal position. In each one of the mentioned positions, the dogs stayed for a period of 30 minutes, for evaluation of alterations in the variables of saturation of oxygen in the hemoglobin, heart rate, breathing rate, arterial blood pressure, pH, partial pressure of CO2 and partial pressure of O2. There was no influences of the positioning on the studied variables. The heart rate, breathing rate, pH and the partial pressure of CO2 had significant difference when compared at the time controls.

Ciencia Rural | 2000

Reparação da traquéia de cã o com segmaneto muscular homólogo de diafragma conservado em glicerina a 98

Alexandre Mazzanti; Ney Luis Pippi; Alceu Gaspar Raiser; Dominguita Lühers Graça; Aron Ferreira da Silveira; Rafael Stedile; Alonso Gabriel Pereira Guedes; Fabrício de Vargas Arigony Braga; Mateus Rychesky

The viability of a homologous diaphragmatic muscle preserved in 98% glycerin for cervical tracheal repair in dogs was studied. Eighteen adult mongrel dogs, eight males, weighting 6 to 21kg were used. Five tracheal rings (2.0 x 4.5cm) were partially resected and a homologous muscle fragment was implanted. The animals were distributed in three numerally equal groups. They were observed for a post-operative period of 15 days (group I), 30 days (group II) and 60 days (group III). After these periods, the dogs were reoperated for macroscopic evaluation and collection of samples for histological evaluations. Tracheal repair with progressive substitution of the muscle flap by fibrous connective tissue, epithelial migration through the tracheal lumen and presence of cilia were detected. The homologous diaphragmatic muscle fragment preserved in 98% glycerin acts as a scaffold for the growth of fibrous connective tissue and allows epithelialization across the implant, without exuberant proliferation. Thus it can be used for the repair of tracheal defects in dogs.

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