
Neurology | 2008

Diffusion tensor imaging of acute mild traumatic brain injury in adolescents

Elisabeth A. Wilde; Stephen R. McCauley; Jill V. Hunter; Erin D. Bigler; Z. Chu; Zhiyue J. Wang; Gerri Hanten; Maya Troyanskaya; Ragini Yallampalli; Xiaoqi Li; Jonathan M. Chia; Harvey S. Levin

Background: Despite normal CT imaging and neurologic functioning, many individuals report postconcussion symptoms following mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI). This dissociation has been enigmatic for clinicians and investigators. Methods: Diffusion tensor imaging tractography of the corpus callosum was performed in 10 adolescents (14 to 19 years of age) with MTBI 1 to 6 days postinjury with Glasgow Coma Scale score of 15 and negative CT, and 10 age- and gender-equivalent uninjured controls. Subjects were administered the Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire and the Brief Symptom Inventory to assess self-reported cognitive, affective, and somatic symptoms. Results: The MTBI group demonstrated increased fractional anisotropy and decreased apparent diffusion coefficient and radial diffusivity, and more intense postconcussion symptoms and emotional distress compared to the control group. Increased fractional anisotropy and decreased radial diffusivity were correlated with severity of postconcussion symptoms in the MTBI group, but not in the control group. Conclusions: In adolescents with mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) with Glasgow Coma Scale score of 15 and negative CT, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) performed within 6 days postinjury showed increased fractional anisotropy and decreased diffusivity suggestive of cytotoxic edema. Advanced MRI-based DTI methods may enhance our understanding of the neuropathology of TBI, including MTBI. Additionally, DTI may prove more sensitive than conventional imaging methods in detecting subtle, but clinically meaningful, changes following MTBI and may be critical in refining MTBI diagnosis, prognosis, and management.

Journal of Neurotrauma | 2010

Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Mild to Moderate Blast-Related Traumatic Brain Injury and Its Sequelae

Harvey S. Levin; Elisabeth A. Wilde; Maya Troyanskaya; Nancy J. Petersen; Randall S. Scheibel; Mary R. Newsome; Majdi Radaideh; Trevor C. Wu; Ragini Yallampalli; Zili Chu; Xiaoqi Li

To evaluate the effects of mild to moderate blast-related traumatic brain injury (TBI) on the microstructure of brain white matter (WM) and neurobehavioral outcomes, we studied 37 veterans and service members (mean age 31.5 years, SD = 7.2; post-injury interval 871.5 days; SD = 343.1), whose report of acute neurological status was consistent with sustaining mild to moderate TBI due to blast while serving in Iraq or Afghanistan. Fifteen veterans without a history of TBI or exposure to blast (mean age 31.4 years, SD = 5.4) served as a comparison group, including seven subjects with extracranial injury (post-injury interval 919.5 days, SD = 455.1), and eight who were uninjured. Magnetic resonance imaging disclosed focal lesions in five TBI participants. Post-concussion symptoms (Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms (PTSD Checklist-Civilian), and global distress and depression (Brief Symptom Inventory) were worse in the TBI participants than the comparison group, but no group differences were found in perceived physical or mental functioning (SF-12). Verbal memory (Selective Reminding) was less efficient in the TBI group, but there were no group differences in nonverbal memory (Selective Reminding) or decision making (Iowa Gambling Task). Verbal memory in the TBI group was unrelated to PTSD severity. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) using tractography, standard single-slice region-of-interest measurement, and voxel-based analysis disclosed no group differences in fractional anisotropy (FA) and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC). However, FA of the left and right posterior internal capsule and left corticospinal tract was positively correlated with total words consistently recalled, whereas ADC for the left and right uncinate fasciculi and left posterior internal capsule was negatively correlated with this measure of verbal memory. Correlations of DTI variables with symptom measures were non-significant and inconsistent. Our data do not show WM injury in mild to moderate blast-related TBI in veterans despite their residual symptoms and difficulty in verbal memory. Limitations of the study and implications for future research are also discussed.

American Journal of Neuroradiology | 2010

Voxel-Based Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Adolescents

Z. Chu; Elisabeth A. Wilde; Jill V. Hunter; Stephen R. McCauley; Erin D. Bigler; Maya Troyanskaya; Ragini Yallampalli; Jonathan M. Chia; Harvey S. Levin

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: DTI of normal-appearing WM as evaluated by conventional MR imaging in mTBI has the potential to identify important regional abnormalities that relate to PCS. VBA was used to examine WM changes in acute mTBI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: WM was assessed between 1 and 6 days postinjury with voxel-based DTI analyses in 10 adolescent patients with mTBI and 10 age-matched control participants. In addition to the voxel-based group, analysis used to identify brain pathology across all patients with mTBI, 2 voxel-based linear regressions were performed. These analyses investigated the relation between 1) the ADC and PCS severity scores, and 2) ADC and scores on the BSI of emotional symptoms associated with mTBI. We hypothesized that frontotemporal WM changes would relate to symptoms associated with PCS and endorsed on the BSI. RESULTS: Patients with mTBI demonstrated significant reductions in ADC in several WM regions and in the left thalamus. As expected, no increases in ADC were found in any region of interest. All injury-affected regions showed decreased radial diffusivity, unchanged AD, and increased FA, which is consistent with axonal cytotoxic edema, reflective of acute injury. CONCLUSIONS: Whole-brain WM DTI measures can detect abnormalities in acute mTBI associated with PCS symptoms in adolescents.

Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation | 2008

Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Relation to Cognitive and Functional Outcome of Traumatic Brain Injury in Children

Harvey S. Levin; Elisabeth A. Wilde; Zili Chu; Ragini Yallampalli; Gerri Hanten; Xiaoqi Li; Jon Chia; Ana C. Vasquez; Jill V. Hunter

ObjectiveTo investigate the relation of white matter integrity using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to cognitive and functional outcome of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) in children. DesignProspective observational study of children who had sustained moderate to severe TBI and a comparison group of children who had sustained orthopedic injury (OI). ParticipantsThirty-two children who had sustained moderate to severe TBI and 36 children with OI were studied. MethodsFiber tracking analysis of DTI acquired at 3-month postinjury and assessment of global outcome and cognitive function within 2 weeks of brain imaging. Global outcome was assessed using the Glasgow Outcome Scale and the Flanker task was used to measure cognitive processing speed and resistance to interference. ResultsFractional anisotropy and apparent diffusion coefficient values differentiated the groups and both cognitive and functional outcome measures were related to the DTI findings. Dissociations were present wherein the relation of Fractional anisotropy to cognitive performance differed between the TBI and OI groups. A DTI composite measure of white matter integrity was related to global outcome in the children with TBI. ConclusionsDTI is sensitive to white matter injury at 3 months following moderate to severe TBI in children, including brain regions that appear normal on conventional magnetic resonance imaging. DTI measures reflecting diffusion of water parallel and perpendicular to white matter tracts as calculated by fiber tracking analysis are related to global outcome, cognitive processing speed, and speed of resolving interference in children with moderate to severe TBI. Longitudinal data are needed to determine whether these relations between DTI and neurobehavioral outcome of TBI in children persist at longer follow-up intervals.

Developmental Neuroscience | 2010

Longitudinal Changes in the Corpus Callosum following Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury

Trevor C. Wu; Elisabeth A. Wilde; Erin D. Bigler; Xiaoqi Li; Tricia L. Merkley; Ragini Yallampalli; Stephen R. McCauley; Kathleen P. Schnelle; Ana C. Vasquez; Zili Chu; Gerri Hanten; Jill V. Hunter; Harvey S. Levin

Background: Atrophy of the corpus callosum (CC) is a documented consequence of moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), which has been expressed as volume loss using quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Other advanced imaging modalities such as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) have also detected white matter microstructural alteration following TBI in the CC. The manner and degree to which macrostructural changes such as volume and microstructural changes develop over time following pediatric TBI, and their relation to a measure of processing speed is the focus of this longitudinal investigation. As such, DTI and volumetric changes in the CC in participants with TBI and a comparison group at approximately 3 and 18 months after injury as well as their relation to processing speed were determined. Methods: Forty-eight children and adolescents aged 7–17 years who sustained either complicated mild or moderate-to-severe TBI (n = 23) or orthopedic injury (OI; n = 25) were studied. The participants underwent brain MRI and were administered the Eriksen flanker task at both time points. Results: At 3 months after injury, there were significant group differences in DTI metrics in the total CC and its subregions (genu/anterior, body/central and splenium/posterior), with the TBI group demonstrating significantly lower fractional anisotropy (FA) and a higher apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in comparison to the OI group. These group differences were also present at 18 months after injury in all CC subregions, with lower FA and a higher ADC in the TBI group. In terms of longitudinal changes in DTI, despite the group difference in mean FA, both groups generally demonstrated a modest increase in FA over time though this increase was only significant in the splenium/posterior subregion. Interestingly, the TBI group also generally demonstrated ADC increases from 3 to 18 months though the OI group demonstrated ADC decreases over time. Volumetrically, the group differences at 3 months were marginal for the midanterior and body/central subregions and total CC. However, by 18 months, the TBI group demonstrated a significantly decreased volume in all subregions except the splenium/posterior area relative to the OI group. Unlike the OI group, which showed a significant volume increase in subregions of the CC over time, the TBI group demonstrated a significant and consistent volume decrease. Performance on a measure of processing speed did not differentiate the groups at either visit, and only the OI group showed significantly improved performance over time. Processing speed was related to FA in the splenium/posterior and total CC only in the TBI group on both occasions, with a stronger relation at 18 months. Conclusion: In response to TBI, macrostructural volume loss in the CC occurred over time; yet, at the microstructural level, DTI demonstrated both indicators of continued maturation and development even in the damaged CC, as well as evidence of potential degenerative change. Unlike volumetrics, which likely reflects the degree of overall neuronal loss and axonal damage, DTI may reflect some aspects of postinjury maturation and adaptation in white matter following TBI. Multimodality imaging studies may be important to further understand the long-term consequences of pediatric TBI.

Journal of Neurotrauma | 2010

Evaluating the Relationship between Memory Functioning and Cingulum Bundles in Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging

Trevor C. Wu; Elisabeth A. Wilde; Erin D. Bigler; Ragini Yallampalli; Stephen R. McCauley; Maya Troyanskaya; Zili Chu; Xiaoqi Li; Gerri Hanten; Jill V. Hunter; Harvey S. Levin

Compromised memory functioning is one of the commonly reported cognitive sequelae seen following mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has been shown to be sufficiently sensitive at detecting early microstructural pathological alterations after mTBI. Given its location and shape, the cingulate, which is comprised of the cingulate gyrus (gray matter) and cingulum bundles (white matter), is selectively vulnerable to mTBI. In this study we examined the integrity of cingulum bundles using DTI, and the relationship between cingulum bundles and memory functioning. Twelve adolescents with mTBI and 11 demographically-matched healthy controls were studied. All participants with mTBI had a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 15, and were without intracranial findings on CT scan. Brain scans were performed on average 2.92 days post-injury, and all participants were administered the Verbal Selective Reminding Test (VSRT), an episodic verbal learning and memory task. Participants with mTBI had a significantly lower apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) bilaterally than controls (p < 0.001). Despite the marginal significance of the group difference in fractional anisotropy (FA), the effect size between groups was moderate (d = 0.66). Cognitively, healthy controls performed better than the TBI group on immediate and delayed recall; however, the difference did not reach statistical significance. In the mTBI group, FA of the left cingulum bundle was significantly correlated with 30-min delayed recall (r = -0.56, p = 0.05). A marginally significant correlation was found between ADC of the left cingulum bundle and the total words of immediate recall (r = 0.59, p = 0.07). No significant correlation was found between DTI metrics and memory functioning for the control group. These preliminary findings indicate that cingulate injury likely contributes to the cognitive sequelae seen during the early phase post-mTBI.

Neuropsychology (journal) | 2008

Correlates of social problem solving during the first year after traumatic brain injury in children.

Gerri Hanten; Elisabeth A. Wilde; Deleene S. Menefee; Xiaoqi Li; Summer Lane; Carmen Vasquez; Zili Chu; Marco A. Ramos; Ragini Yallampalli; Paul R. Swank; Sandra B. Chapman; Jacque Gamino; Jill V. Hunter; Harvey S. Levin

Effects of pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) on social problem-solving were examined in a longitudinal study of 103 children with moderate-to-severe TBI (n = 52) or orthopedic injury (OI; n = 51) using the Interpersonal Negotiation Strategies task (INS). Children solved age-appropriate hypothetical social conflicts, with responses for four problem-solving steps scored by developmental level. The OI group performed better than the TBI group, but rate of change in performance over time did not differ between groups, suggesting improvement in children with TBI was not due to recovery from injury. Strong relations between INS performance and memory and language skills emerged, but emotional processing was only weakly related to INS performance. Frontal focal lesions influenced INS performance in younger (but not older) children with TBI. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), revealed strong relationships between the INS and increased apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measures indexing connectivity in the dorsolateral and cingulate regions in both TBI and OI groups, and in the temporal and parietal regions in the TBI group. These findings inform studies of social problem-solving skills during the first year post TBI. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2008 APA, all rights reserved).

Developmental Neuropsychology | 2010

Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Cingulum Bundle in Children After Traumatic Brain Injury

Elisabeth A. Wilde; Marco A. Ramos; Ragini Yallampalli; Erin D. Bigler; Stephen R. McCauley; Zili Chu; Trevor C. Wu; Gerri Hanten; Randall S. Scheibel; Xiaoqi Li; Ana C. Vasquez; Jill V. Hunter; Harvey S. Levin

Structural damage to the prefrontal-cingulate network has been implicated in cognitive and neurobehavioral deficits associated with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Forty-six children who had sustained moderate-to-severe TBI and 43 children with extracranial injury were imaged using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Decreased fractional anisotropy (FA) and increased apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values were found in the cingulum bundles bilaterally in the TBI group. Cingulum ADC was related to frontal lesion volume, injury severity, and injury mechanism. Finally, cingulum DTI parameters were related to cognitive control measures. DTI detects TBI-related injury to the cingulum, which may facilitate advances in assessment and treatment.

Journal of Child Neurology | 2010

Diffusion Tensor Imaging Analysis of Frontal Lobes in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury

Margaret Oni; Elisabeth A. Wilde; Erin D. Bigler; Stephen R. McCauley; Trevor C. Wu; Ragini Yallampalli; Zili Chu; Xiaoqi Li; Jill V. Hunter; Ana C. Vasquez; Harvey S. Levin

This study examined the use of diffusion tensor imaging in detecting white matter changes in the frontal lobes following pediatric traumatic brain injury. A total of 46 children (ages 8-16 years) with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury and 47 children with orthopedic injury underwent 1.5 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 3 months postinjury. Conventional MRI studies were obtained along with diffusion tensor imaging. Diffusion tensor imaging metrics, including fractional anisotropy, apparent diffusion coefficient, and radial diffusivity, were compared between the groups. Significant group differences were identified, implicating frontal white matter alterations in the injury group that were predictive of later Glasgow Outcome Scale ratings; however, focal lesions were not related to the Glasgow Outcome Scale ratings. Injury severity was also significantly associated with diffusion tensor imaging metrics. Diffusion tensor imaging holds great promise as an index of white matter integrity in traumatic brain injury and as a potential biomarker reflective of outcome.

International Journal of Psychophysiology | 2011

Brain Imaging Correlates of Verbal Working Memory in Children Following Traumatic Brain Injury

Elisabeth A. Wilde; Mary R. Newsome; Erin D. Bigler; Jon L. Pertab; Tricia L. Merkley; Gerri Hanten; Randall S. Scheibel; Xiaoqi Li; Zili Chu; Ragini Yallampalli; Jill V. Hunter; Harvey S. Levin

Neural correlates of working memory (WM) based on the Sternberg Item Recognition Task (SIRT) were assessed in 40 children with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) compared to 41 demographically-comparable children with orthopedic injury (OI). Multiple magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods assessed structural and functional brain correlates of WM, including volumetric and cortical thickness measures on all children; functional MRI (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) were performed on a subset of children. Confirming previous findings, children with TBI had decreased cortical thickness and volume as compared to the OI group. Although the findings did not confirm the predicted relation of decreased frontal lobe cortical thickness and volume to SIRT performance, left parietal volume was negatively related to reaction time (RT). In contrast, cortical thickness was positively related to SIRT accuracy and RT in the OI group, particularly in aspects of the frontal and parietal lobes, but these relationships were less robust in the TBI group. We attribute these findings to disrupted fronto-parietal functioning in attention and WM. fMRI results from a subsample demonstrated fronto-temporal activation in the OI group, and parietal activation in the TBI group, and DTI findings reflected multiple differences in white matter tracts that engage fronto-parietal networks. Diminished white matter integrity of the frontal lobes and cingulum bundle as measured by DTI was associated with longer RT on the SIRT. Across modalities, the cingulate emerged as a common structure related to performance after TBI. These results are discussed in terms of how different imaging modalities tap different types of pathologic correlates of brain injury and their relationship with WM.

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