
Journal of Mathematical Physics | 2002

Microlocal analysis of quantum fields on curved space–times: Analytic wave front sets and Reeh–Schlieder theorems

Alexander Strohmaier; Rainer Verch; Manfred Wollenberg

We show in this article that the Reeh–Schlieder property holds for states of quantum fields on real analytic curved space–times if they satisfy an analytic microlocal spectrum condition. This result holds in the setting of general quantum field theory, i.e., without assuming the quantum field to obey a specific equation of motion. Moreover, quasifree states of the Klein–Gordon field are further investigated in the present work and the (analytic) microlocal spectrum condition is shown to be equivalent to simpler conditions. We also prove that any quasifree ground or KMS state of the Klein–Gordon field on a stationary real analytic space–time fulfills the analytic microlocal spectrum condition.

Communications in Mathematical Physics | 2001

A Spin-Statistics Theorem for Quantum Fields¶on Curved Spacetime Manifolds¶in a Generally Covariant Framework

Rainer Verch

Abstract: A model-independent, locally generally covariant formulation of quantum field theory over four-dimensional, globally hyperbolic spacetimes will be given which generalizes similar, previous approaches. Here, a generally covariant quantum field theory is an assignment of quantum fields to globally hyperbolic spacetimes with spin-structure where each quantum field propagates on the spacetime to which it is assigned. Imposing very natural conditions such as local general covariance, existence of a causal dynamical law, fixed spinor- or tensor type for all quantum fields of the theory, and that the quantum field on Minkowski spacetime satisfies the usual conditions, it will be shown that a spin-statistics theorem holds: If for some of the spacetimes the corresponding quantum field obeys the “wrong” connection between spin and statistics, then all quantum fields of the theory, on each spacetime, are trivial.

Communications in Mathematical Physics | 2000

Passivity and Microlocal Spectrum Condition

Hanno Sahlmann; Rainer Verch

Abstract: In the setting of vector-valued quantum fields obeying a linear wave-equation in a globally hyperbolic, stationary spacetime, it is shown that the two-point functions of passive quantum states (mixtures of ground- or KMS-states) fulfill the microlocal spectrum condition (which in the case of the canonically quantized scalar field is equivalent to saying that the two-pnt function is of Hadamard form). The fields can be of bosonic or fermionic character. We also give an abstract version of this result by showing that passive states of a topological *-dynamical system have an asymptotic pair correlation spectrum of a specific type.

Annales Henri Poincaré | 2012

Dynamical Locality and Covariance: What Makes a Physical Theory the Same in all Spacetimes?

Christopher J. Fewster; Rainer Verch

The question of what it means for a theory to describe the same physics on all spacetimes (SPASs) is discussed. As there may be many answers to this question, we isolate a necessary condition, the SPASs property, that should be satisfied by any reasonable notion of SPASs. This requires that if two theories conform to a common notion of SPASs, with one a subtheory of the other, and are isomorphic in some particular spacetime, then they should be isomorphic in all globally hyperbolic spacetimes (of given dimension). The SPASs property is formulated in a functorial setting broad enough to describe general physical theories describing processes in spacetime, subject to very minimal assumptions. By explicit constructions, the full class of locally covariant theories is shown not to satisfy the SPASs property, establishing that there is no notion of SPASs encompassing all such theories. It is also shown that all locally covariant theories obeying the time-slice property possess two local substructures, one kinematical (obtained directly from the functorial structure) and the other dynamical (obtained from a natural form of dynamics, termed relative Cauchy evolution). The covariance properties of relative Cauchy evolution and the kinematic and dynamical substructures are analyzed in detail. Calling local covariant theories dynamically local if their kinematical and dynamical local substructures coincide, it is shown that the class of dynamically local theories fulfills the SPASs property. As an application in quantum field theory, we give a model independent proof of the impossibility of making a covariant choice of preferred state in all spacetimes, for theories obeying dynamical locality together with typical assumptions.

Communications in Mathematical Physics | 2002

A quantum weak energy inequality for Dirac fields in curved spacetime

Christopher J. Fewster; Rainer Verch

Abstract: Quantum fields are well known to violate the weak energy condition of general relativity: the renormalised energy density at any given point is unbounded from below as a function of the quantum state. By contrast, for the scalar and electromagnetic fields it has been shown that weighted averages of the energy density along timelike curves satisfy “quantum weak energy inequalities” (QWEIs) which constitute lower bounds on these quantities. Previously, Dirac QWEIs have been obtained only for massless fields in two-dimensional spacetimes. In this paper we establish QWEIs for the Dirac and Majorana fields of mass m≥ 0 on general four-dimensional globally hyperbolic spacetimes, averaging along arbitrary smooth timelike curves with respect to any of a large class of smooth compactly supported positive weights. Our proof makes essential use of the microlocal characterisation of the class of Hadamard states, for which the energy density may be defined by point-splitting.

Communications in Mathematical Physics | 2003

Stability of quantum systems at three scales: Passivity, quantum weak energy inequalities and the microlocal spectrum condition

Christopher J. Fewster; Rainer Verch

Quantum weak energy inequalities have recently been extensively discussed as a condition on the dynamical stability of quantum field states, particularly on curved spacetimes. We formulate the notion of a quantum weak energy inequality for general dynamical systems on static background spacetimes and establish a connection between quantum weak energy inequalities and thermodynamics. Namely, for such a dynamical system, we show that the existence of a class of states satisfying a quantum weak inequality implies that passive states (e.g., mixtures of ground- and thermal equilibrium states) exist for the time-evolution of the system and, therefore, that the second law of thermodynamics holds. As a model system, we consider the free scalar quantum field on a static spacetime. Although the Weyl algebra does not satisfy our general assumptions, our abstract results do apply to a related algebra which we construct, following a general method which we carefully describe, in Hilbert-space representations induced by quasifree Hadamard states. We discuss the problem of reconstructing states on the Weyl algebra from states on the new algebra and give conditions under which this may be accomplished. Previous results for linear quantum fields show that, on one hand, quantum weak energy inequalities follow from the Hadamard condition (or microlocal spectrum condition) imposed on the states, and on the other hand, that the existence of passive states implies that there is a class of states fulfilling the microlocal spectrum condition. Thus, the results of this paper indicate that these three conditions of dynamical stability are essentially equivalent. This observation is significant because the three conditions become effective at different length scales: The microlocal spectrum condition constrains the short-distance behaviour of quantum states (microscopic stability), quantum weak energy inequalities impose conditions at finite distance (mesoscopic stability), and the existence of passive states is a statement on the global thermodynamic stability of the system (macroscopic stability).

Classical and Quantum Gravity | 2013

The Necessity of the Hadamard Condition

Christopher J. Fewster; Rainer Verch

Hadamard states are generally considered as the physical states for linear quantized fields on curved spacetimes, for several good reasons. Here, we provide a new motivation for the Hadamard condition: for “ultrastatic slab spacetimes” with compact Cauchy surface, we show that the Wick squares of all time derivatives of the quantized Klein-Gordon field have finite fluctuations only if the Wick-ordering is defined with respect to a Hadamard state. This provides a converse to an important result of Brunetti and Fredenhagen. The recently proposed “S-J (Sorkin-Johnston) states” are shown, generically, to give infinite fluctuations for the Wick square of the time derivative of the field, further limiting their utility as reasonable states. Motivated by the S-J construction, we also study the general question of extending states that are pure (or given by density matrices relative to a pure state) on a double-cone region of Minkowski space. We prove a result for general quantum field theories showing that such states cannot be extended to any larger double-cone without encountering singular behaviour at the spacelike boundary of the inner region. In the context of the Klein-Gordon field this shows that even if an S-J state is Hadamard within the double cone, this must fail at the boundary.

Annales Henri Poincaré | 2008

Local Thermal Equilibrium States and Quantum Energy Inequalities

Jan Schlemmer; Rainer Verch

Abstract.In this paper we investigate the energy distribution of states of a linear scalar quantum field with arbitrary curvature coupling on a curved spacetime which fulfill some local thermality condition. We find that this condition implies a quantum energy inequality for these states, where the (lower) energy bounds depend only on the local temperature distribution and are local and covariant (the dependence of the bounds other than on temperature is on parameters defining the quantum field model, and on local quantities constructed from the spacetime metric). Moreover, we also establish the averaged null energy condition (ANEC) for such locally thermal states, under growth conditions on their local temperature and under conditions on the free parameters entering the definition of the renormalized stress-energy tensor. These results hold for a range of curvature couplings including the cases of conformally coupled and minimally coupled scalar field.

arXiv: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology | 2012

Local covariance, renormalization ambiguity, and local thermal equilibrium in cosmology

Rainer Verch

This article reviews some aspects of local covariance and of the ambiguities and anomalies involved in the definition of the stressenergy tensor of quantum field theory in curved spacetime. Then, a summary is given of the approach proposed by Buchholz et al. to define local thermal equilibrium states in quantum field theory, i.e., non-equilibrium states to which, locally, one can assign thermal parameters, such as temperature or thermal stress-energy. The extension of that concept to curved spacetime is discussed and some related results are presented. Finally, the recent approach to cosmology by Dappiaggi, Fredenhagen and Pinamonti, based on a distinguished fixing of the stress-energy renormalization ambiguity in the setting of the semiclassical Einstein equations, is briefly described. The concept of local thermal equilibrium states is then applied, to yield the result that the temperature behaviour of a quantized, massless, conformally coupled linear scalar field at early cosmological times is more singular than that of classical radiation.

Journal of Mathematical Physics | 2010

Cosmological particle creation in states of low energy

Andreas Degner; Rainer Verch

The recently proposed states of low energy provide a well-motivated class of reference states for the quantized linear scalar field on cosmological Friedmann–Robertson–Walker space-times. The low energy property of a state is localized close to some value of the cosmological time coordinate. We present calculations of the relative cosmological particle production between a state of low energy at early time and another such state at later time. In an exponentially expanding Universe, we find that the particle production shows oscillations in the spatial frequency modes. The basis of the method for calculating the relative particle production is completely rigorous. Approximations are only used at the level of numerical calculation.

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