
Theoretical and Applied Climatology | 2013

Comparison of a simple logarithmic and equivalent neutral wind approaches for converting buoy-measured wind speed to the standard height: special emphasis to North Indian Ocean

Prem Singh; Anant Parekh; Raju Attada

The difference between the transferred wind speed to 10-m height based on the equivalent neutral wind approach (Un) and the logarithmic approach (Ulog) is studied using in situ observations from the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans, with special emphasis given to the North Indian Ocean. The study included Un − Ulog variations with pressure, relative humidity, wind speed, air temperature, and sea surface temperature (SST). Un − Ulog variation with respect to air temperature (Ta) reveals that Un − Ulog is out of phase with air temperature. Further analysis found that Un − Ulog is in phase with SST (Ts) − Ta and varies between −1.0 and 1.0xa0m/s over the North Indian Ocean, while for the rest of the Oceans, it is between −0.3 and 0.8xa0m/s. This higher magnitude of Un − Ulog over the North Indian Ocean is due to the higher range of Ts − Ta (−4 to 6xa0°C) in the North Indian Ocean. Associated physical processes suggested that the roughness length and friction velocity dependence on the air–sea temperature difference contributes to the Un − Ulog difference. The study is further extended to evaluate the behavior of Un − Ulog under cyclonic conditions (winds between 15 and 30xa0m/s), and it was found that the magnitude of Un − Ulog varies 0.5–1.5xa0m/s under the cyclonic wind conditions. The increasing difference with the wind speed is due to the increase in the momentum transfer coefficient with wind speed, which modifies the friction velocity significantly, resulting in Un higher than Ulog. Thus, under higher wind conditions, Un − Ulog can contribute up to half the retrieval error (5xa0% of the wind speed magnitude) to the satellite validation exercise.

Climate Dynamics | 2018

The role of the Indian Summer Monsoon variability on Arabian Peninsula summer climate

Raju Attada; Hari Prasad Dasari; Anant Parekh; J. S. Chowdary; Sabique Langodan; Omar M. Knio; Ibrahim Hoteit

This study investigates the influence of the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) on the atmospheric circulation over the Arabian Peninsula (AP) using the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts’ twentieth century reanalysis (ERA-20C) for the period 1901–2010. After describing the summer climate of the AP using various dynamic and thermodynamic parameters, we investigate the link between extreme ISMs and atmospheric circulation over the AP on inter-annual time scale. Analysis of composites of different parameters during extreme monsoon (strong and weak) years reveals that the ISM plays an important role in the summer circulation over the AP and adjoining regions. The major noticeable changes in modulating circulation during extreme monsoons are: (1) a strengthening of lower tropospheric northerly winds, westerly winds passing through the Tokar Gap, Shamal winds, and the upper tropospheric easterly jet stream during strong ISM; (2) a northward (southward) shift of the subtropical westerly jet stream during strong (weak) monsoon years; (3) the development of strong upper level ridge above the surface thermal low during strong ISM years, which result in a baroclinic structure over the AP and adjoining regions; (4) an increase in adiabatic warming, and hence aridity, over the AP during strong monsoon years, caused by intense subsidence of the middle to upper troposphere due to zonal overturning circulation; and (5) convective instability during strong monsoon years caused by an intensification of the upward motion over the southern AP. Furthermore, during strong monsoons, the availability of excess moisture leads to atmospheric instability, which in turn triggers the formation of clouds that lead to more rainfall over the southwestern AP. Finally, the westward propagation of a Gill-type Rossby waves induced by the ISM play an important role in the variations of the AP summer climate by enhancing the warm core structure over the AP and through their interaction with the midlatitude westerlies during strong monsoons.

Climate Dynamics | 2018

Reanalysis of the Indian summer monsoon: four dimensional data assimilation of AIRS retrievals in a regional data assimilation and modeling framework

Raju Attada; Anant Parekh; J. S. Chowdary; C. Gnanaseelan

This work is the first attempt to produce a multi-year downscaled regional reanalysis of the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) using the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) operational analyses and Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) version 5 temperature and moisture retrievals in a regional model. Reanalysis of nine monsoon seasons (2003–2011) are produced in two parallel setups. The first set of experiments simply downscale the original NCEP operational analyses, whilst the second one assimilates the AIRS temperature and moisture profiles. The results show better representation of the key monsoon features such as low level jet, tropical easterly jet, subtropical westerly jet, monsoon trough and the spatial pattern of precipitation when AIRS profiles are assimilated (compared to those without AIRS data assimilation). The distribution of temperature, moisture and meridional gradients of dynamical and thermodynamical fields over the monsoon region are better representedxa0in the reanalysis that assimilates AIRS profiles. The change induced by AIRS data on the moist and thermodynamic conditions results in more realistic rendering of the vertical shear associated with the monsoon, which in turn leads to a proper moisture transport and the moist convective feedback. This feedback benefits the representation of the regional monsoon characteristics, the monsoon dynamics and the moist convective processes on the seasonal time scale. This study emphasizes the use of AIRS soundings for downscaling of ISM representation in a regional reanalysis.

Pure and Applied Geophysics | 2018

Assessment of Land Surface Models in a High-Resolution Atmospheric Model during Indian Summer Monsoon

Raju Attada; Prashant Kumar; Hari Prasad Dasari

Assessment of the land surface models (LSMs) on monsoon studies over the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) region is essential. In this study, we evaluate the skill of LSMs at 10xa0km spatial resolution in simulating the 2010 monsoon season. The thermal diffusion scheme (TDS), rapid update cycle (RUC), and Noah and Noah with multi-parameterization (Noah-MP) LSMs are chosen based on nature of complexity, that is, from simple slab model to multi-parameterization options coupled with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Model results are compared with the available in situ observations and reanalysis fields. The sensitivity of monsoon elements, surface characteristics, and vertical structures to different LSMs is discussed. Our results reveal that the monsoon features are reproduced by WRF model with all LSMs, but with some regional discrepancies. The model simulations with selected LSMs are able to reproduce the broad rainfall patterns, orography-induced rainfall over the Himalayan region, and dry zone over the southern tip of India. The unrealistic precipitation pattern over the equatorial western Indian Ocean is simulated by WRF–LSM-based experiments. The spatial and temporal distributions of top 2-m soil characteristics (soil temperature and soil moisture) are well represented in RUC and Noah-MP LSM-based experiments during the ISM. Results show that the WRF simulations with RUC, Noah, and Noah-MP LSM-based experiments significantly improved the skill of 2-m temperature and moisture compared to TDS (chosen as a base) LSM-based experiments. Furthermore, the simulations with Noah, RUC, and Noah-MP LSMs exhibit minimum error in thermodynamics fields. In case of surface wind speed, TDS LSM performed better compared to other LSM experiments. A significant improvement is noticeable in simulating rainfall by WRF model with Noah, RUC, and Noah-MP LSMs over TDS LSM. Thus, this study emphasis the importance of choosing/improving LSMs for simulating the ISM phenomena in a regional model.

Pure and Applied Geophysics | 2018

Indian Summer Monsoon Sub-seasonal Low-Level Circulation Predictability and its Association with Rainfall in a Coupled Model

Archana P. Sagalgile; J. S. Chowdary; G. Srinivas; C. Gnanaseelan; Anant Parekh; Raju Attada; Prem Singh

This study investigates predictability of the sub-seasonal Indian summer monsoon (ISM) circulation and its relation with rainfall variations in the coupled model National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2). Hindcasts based on CFSv2 for the period of 1982–2009 are used for detailed analysis. Though the model is capable of predicting the seasonal ISM rainfall at long lead months, the predication skill of the model for sub-seasonal rainfall in general is poor for short and long lead except for September. Rainfall over the ISM region/Indian Subcontinent is highly correlated with the low-level jet (LLJ) or Somali jet both in the observations and the model. The model displays improved skill in predicting LLJ as compared to precipitation in seasonal mean and September, whereas the model skill is poor for June and August. Detailed analysis reveals that the model LLJ variations throughout the season are overdependent on the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) unlike in the observations. This is mainly responsible for the model’s low skill in predicting LLJ especially in July and August, which is the primary cause for the poor rainfall skill. Though LLJ is weak in September, the model skill is reasonably good because of its ENSO dependency both in model and the observations and which is contributed to the seasonal mean skill. Thus, to improve the skill of seasonal mean monsoon forecast, it is essential to improve the skill of individual months/sub-seasonal circulation and rainfall skill.

Journal of Earth System Science | 2018

Tropospheric biennial oscillation and south Asian summer monsoon rainfall in a coupled model

Gopinadh Konda; J. S. Chowdary; G. Srinivas; C. Gnanaseelan; Anant Parekh; Raju Attada; S. S. V. S. Rama Krishna

In this study Tropospheric Biennial Oscillation (TBO) and south Asian summer monsoon rainfall are examined in the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Climate Forecast System (CFSv2) hindcast. High correlation between the observations and model TBO index suggests that the model is able to capture most of the TBO years. Spatial patterns of rainfall anomalies associated with positive TBO over the south Asian region are better represented in the model as in the observations. However, the model predicted rainfall anomaly patterns associated with negative TBO years are improper and magnitudes are underestimated compared to the observations. It is noted that positive (negative) TBO is associated with La Niña (El Niño) like Sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the model. This leads to the fact that model TBO is El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) driven, while in the observations Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) also plays a role in the negative TBO phase. Detailed analysis suggests that the negative TBO rainfall anomaly pattern in the model is highly influenced by improper teleconnections allied to IOD. Unlike in the observations, rainfall anomalies over the south Asian region are anti-correlated with IOD index in CFSv2. Further, summer monsoon rainfall over south Asian region is highly correlated with IOD western pole than eastern pole in CFSv2 in contrast to the observations. Altogether, the present study highlights the importance of improving Indian Ocean SST teleconnections to south Asian summer rainfall in the model by enhancing the predictability of TBO. This in turn would improve monsoon rainfall prediction skill of the model.

Journal of The Meteorological Society of Japan | 2014

Seasonal Prediction of Distinct Climate Anomalies in Summer 2010 over the Tropical Indian Ocean and South Asia

J. S. Chowdary; Raju Attada; June-Yi Lee; Yu Kosaka; Kyung-Ja Ha; Jing-Jia Luo; C. Gnanaseelan; Anant Parekh; Doo-Young Lee

International Journal of Climatology | 2018

Surface air temperature variability over the Arabian Peninsula and its links to circulation patterns

Raju Attada; Hari Prasad Dasari; J. S. Chowdary; Ramesh Kumar Yadav; Omar M. Knio; Ibrahim Hoteit

Atmospheric Environment | 2018

Aerosol Optical Depth variability over the Arabian Peninsula as inferred from satellite measurements

K. Ravi Kumar; Raju Attada; Hari Prasad Dasari; Ramesh Vellore; Sabique Langodan; Yasser Abualnaja; Ibrahim Hoteit

Atmospheric Science Letters | 2018

Prominent mode of summer surface air temperature variability and associated circulation anomalies over the Arabian Peninsula

Raju Attada; Ramesh Kumar Yadav; Ravi Kumar Kunchala; Hari Prasad Dasari; Omar M. Knio; Ibrahim Hoteit

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