
Biogeochemistry | 2000

Mercury budget of an upland-peatland watershed.

David F. Grigal; Randy Kolka; J. A. Fleck; Edward A. Nater

Inputs, outputs, and pool sizes oftotal mercury (Hg) were measured in a forested 10 hawatershed consisting of a 7 ha hardwood-dominatedupland surrounding a 3 ha conifer-dominatedpeatland. Hydrologic inputs via throughfall andstemflow, 13±0.4 μg m−2 yr−1over the entire watershed, were about doubleprecipitation inputs in the open and weresignificantly higher in the peatland than in theupland (19.6 vs. 9.8 μg m−2 yr−1). Inputs of Hg via litterfall were 12.3±0.7μg m−2 yr−1, not different in thepeatland and upland (11.7 vs. 12.5 μg m−2yr−1). Hydrologic outputs via streamflow were2.8±0.3 μg m−2 yr−1 and thecontribution from the peatland was higher despiteits smaller area. The sum of Hg inputs were lessthan that in the overstory trees, 33±3 μgm−2 above-ground, and much less than eitherthat in the upland soil, 5250±520 μgm−2, or in the peat, 3900±100 μgm−2 in the upper 50 cm. The annual flux of Hgmeasured in streamflow and the calculated annualaccumulation in the peatland are consistent withvalues reported by others. A sink for Hg of about20 μg m−2 yr−1 apparently exists inthe upland, and could be due to either or bothstorage in the soil or volatilization.

Geoderma | 1996

Forest soil mineral weathering rates: use of multiple approaches

Randy Kolka; David F. Grigal; Edward A. Nater

Knowledge of rates of release of base cations from mineral dissolution (weathering) is essential to understand ecosystem elemental cycling. Although much studied, rates remain enigmatic. We compared the results of four methods to determine cation (Ca + Mg + K) release rates at five forested soils/sites in the northcentral U.S.A. Our premise was that multiple approaches, each with their own specific strengths and weaknesses, would yield a “best” overall estimate. We used (1) a cation input-output budget on a pedon scale; (2) trends in elemental and mineral depletion in silt-size particles; (3) a laboratory batch dissolution technique, with the results adjusted for field conditions; and (4) a steady-state soil chemistry model, PROFILE. The soils included a loamy sand Typic Udipsamment, a sandy loam Spodic Udipsamment, a fine sandy loam Typic Dystrochrept, a very fine sandy loam Glossic Eutroboralf, and a clayey Glossic Eutroboralf. Weathering rates varied among both soils and methods, and neither methods nor soils could easily be grouped; the data spanned a continuum with overlapping ranges of least significant differences. Although the assumptions necessary for some methods were better suited to specific soils, we rejected only one method-soil combination as being inappropriate (input-output budget for the clay). Mean release rates for the sum of cations ranged from 470 eq ha−1 yr−1 for the clayey soil, to 460 for the fine sandy loam soil, to 430 for the very fine sandy loam soil, to 375 for the sandy loam soil, to 195 for the loamy sand soil. These rates are lower than those reported for similar soils in the literature because most reported rates are based on watershed studies. Our low rates of cation release within soil pedons, the ultimate source of nutrient ions for plant growth, has implications for estimated nutrient budgets and long-term soil sustainability.

Journal of Environmental Quality | 2012

Sediment removal by prairie filter strips in row-cropped ephemeral watersheds

Matthew J. Helmers; Xiaobo Zhou; Heidi Asbjornsen; Randy Kolka; Mark D. Tomer; Richard M. Cruse

Twelve small watersheds in central Iowa were used to evaluate the effectiveness of prairie filter strips (PFS) in trapping sediment from agricultural runoff. Four treatments with PFS of different size and location (100% rowcrop, 10% PFS of total watershed area at footslope, 10% PFS at footslope and in contour strips, 20% PFS at footslope and in contour strips) arranged in a balanced incomplete block design were seeded in July 2007. All watersheds were in bromegrass ( L.) for at least 10 yr before treatment establishment. Cropped areas were managed under a no-till, 2-yr corn ( L.)-soybean [ (L.) Merr.] rotation beginning in 2007. About 38 to 85% of the total sediment export from cropland occurred during the early growth stage of rowcrop due to wet field conditions and poor ground cover. The greatest sediment load was observed in 2008 due to the initial soil disturbance and gradually decreased thereafter. The mean annual sediment yield through 2010 was 0.36 and 8.30 Mg ha for the watersheds with and without PFS, respectively, a 96% sediment trapping efficiency for the 4-yr study period. The amount and distribution of PFS had no significant impact on runoff and sediment yield, probably due to the relatively large width (37-78 m) of footslope PFS. The findings suggest that incorporation of PFS at the footslope position of annual rowcrop systems provides an effective approach to reducing sediment loss in runoff from agricultural watersheds under a no-till system.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2015

The effects of hydrologic fluctuation and sulfate regeneration on mercury cycling in an experimental peatland

J. K. Coleman Wasik; Daniel R. Engstrom; Carl P. J. Mitchell; Edward B. Swain; Bruce A. Monson; Steven J. Balogh; Jeffrey D. Jeremiason; Brian A. Branfireun; Randy Kolka; James E. Almendinger

A series of severe droughts during the course of a long-term, atmospheric sulfate-deposition experiment in a boreal peatland in northern Minnesota created a unique opportunity to study how methylmercury (MeHg) production responds to drying and rewetting events in peatlands under variable levels of sulfate loading. Peat oxidation during extended dry periods mobilized sulfate, MeHg, and total mercury (HgT) to peatland pore-waters during rewetting events. Pore-water sulfate concentrations were inversely related to antecedent moisture conditions and proportional to past and current levels of atmospheric sulfate deposition. Severe drying events caused oxidative release of MeHg to pore-waters and also resulted in increased net MeHg production likely because available sulfate stimulated the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria, an important group of Hg-methylating bacteria in peatlands. Rewetting events led to increased MeHg concentrations across the peatland, but concentrations were highest in peat receiving elevated atmospheric sulfate deposition. Dissolved HgT concentrations also increased in peatland pore-waters following drought, but were not affected by sulfate loading and did not appear to be directly controlled by dissolved organic carbon mobilization to peatland pore-waters. Peatlands are often considered to be sinks for sulfate and HgT in the landscape and sources of MeHg. Hydrologic fluctuations not only serve to release previously sequestered sulfate and HgT from peatlands, but may also increase the strength of peatlands as sources of MeHg to downstream aquatic systems, particularly in regions that have experienced elevated levels of atmospheric sulfate deposition.A series of severe droughts during the course of a long-term, atmospheric sulfate-deposition experiment in a boreal peatland in northern Minnesota created a unique opportunity to study how methylmercury (MeHg) production responds to drying and rewetting events in peatlands under variable levels of sulfate loading. Peat oxidation during extended dry periods mobilized sulfate, MeHg, and total mercury (HgT) to peatland pore waters during rewetting events. Pore water sulfate concentrations were inversely related to antecedent moisture conditions and proportional to past and current levels of atmospheric sulfate deposition. Severe drying events caused oxidative release of MeHg to pore waters and resulted in increased net MeHg production likely because available sulfate stimulated the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria, an important group of Hg-methylating bacteria in peatlands. Rewetting events led to increased MeHg concentrations across the peatland, but concentrations were highest in peat receiving elevated atmospheric sulfate deposition. Dissolved HgT concentrations also increased in peatland pore waters following drought but were not affected by sulfate loading and did not appear to be directly controlled by dissolved organic carbon mobilization to peatland pore waters. Peatlands are often considered to be sinks for sulfate and HgT in the landscape and sources of MeHg. Hydrologic fluctuations not only serve to release previously sequestered sulfate and HgT from peatlands but may also increase the strength of peatlands as sources of MeHg to downstream aquatic systems, particularly in regions that have experienced elevated levels of atmospheric sulfate deposition.

Science of The Total Environment | 2014

Gaseous mercury fluxes from forest soils in response to forest harvesting intensity: A field manipulation experiment

Maxwell E. E. Mazur; Carl P. J. Mitchell; C.S. Eckley; Susan L. Eggert; Randy Kolka; Stephen D. Sebestyen; Edward B. Swain

Forest harvesting leads to changes in soil moisture, temperature and incident solar radiation, all strong environmental drivers of soil-air mercury (Hg) fluxes. Whether different forest harvesting practices significantly alter Hg fluxes from forest soils is unknown. We conducted a field-scale experiment in a northern Minnesota deciduous forest wherein gaseous Hg emissions from the forest floor were monitored after two forest harvesting prescriptions, a traditional clear-cut and a clearcut followed by biomass harvest, and compared to an un-harvested reference plot. Gaseous Hg emissions were measured in quadruplicate at four different times between March and November 2012 using Teflon dynamic flux chambers. We also applied enriched Hg isotope tracers and separately monitored their emission in triplicate at the same times as ambient measurements. Clearcut followed by biomass harvesting increased ambient Hg emissions the most. While significant intra-site spatial variability was observed, Hg emissions from the biomass harvested plot (180 ± 170 ng m(-2)d(-1)) were significantly greater than both the traditional clearcut plot (-40 ± 60 ng m(-2)d(-1)) and the un-harvested reference plot (-180 ± 115 ng m(-2)d(-1)) during July. This difference was likely a result of enhanced Hg(2+) photoreduction due to canopy removal and less shading from downed woody debris in the biomass harvested plot. Gaseous Hg emissions from more recently deposited Hg, as presumably representative of isotope tracer measurements, were not significantly influenced by harvesting. Most of the Hg tracer applied to the forest floor became sequestered within the ground vegetation and debris, leaf litter, and soil. We observed a dramatic lessening of tracer Hg emissions to near detection levels within 6 months. As post-clearcutting residues are increasingly used as a fuel or fiber resource, our observations suggest that gaseous Hg emissions from forest soils will increase, although it is not yet clear for how long such an effect will persist.

Science of The Total Environment | 2009

Evaluating the spatial variation of total mercury in young-of-year yellow perch (Perca flavescens), surface water and upland soil for watershed-lake systems within the southern Boreal Shield

Mark C. Gabriel; Randy Kolka; Trent Wickman; Edward A. Nater; Laurel G. Woodruff

The primary objective of this research is to investigate relationships between mercury in upland soil, lake water and fish tissue and explore the cause for the observed spatial variation of THg in age one yellow perch (Perca flavescens) for ten lakes within the Superior National Forest. Spatial relationships between yellow perch THg tissue concentration and a total of 45 watershed and water chemistry parameters were evaluated for two separate years: 2005 and 2006. Results show agreement with other studies where watershed area, lake water pH, nutrient levels (specifically dissolved NO(3)(-)-N) and dissolved iron are important factors controlling and/or predicting fish THg level. Exceeding all was the strong dependence of yellow perch THg level on soil A-horizon THg and, in particular, soil O-horizon THg concentrations (Spearman rho=0.81). Soil B-horizon THg concentration was significantly correlated (Pearson r=0.75) with lake water THg concentration. Lakes surrounded by a greater percentage of shrub wetlands (peatlands) had higher fish tissue THg levels, thus it is highly possible that these wetlands are main locations for mercury methylation. Stepwise regression was used to develop empirical models for the purpose of predicting the spatial variation in yellow perch THg over the studied region. The 2005 regression model demonstrates it is possible to obtain good prediction (up to 60% variance description) of resident yellow perch THg level using upland soil O-horizon THg as the only independent variable. The 2006 model shows even greater prediction (r(2)=0.73, with an overall 10 ng/g [tissue, wet weight] margin of error), using lake water dissolved iron and watershed area as the only model independent variables. The developed regression models in this study can help with interpreting THg concentrations in low trophic level fish species for untested lakes of the greater Superior National Forest and surrounding Boreal ecosystem.

Wetlands | 2013

Invertebrate Community Patterns in Seasonal Ponds in Minnesota, USA: Response to Hydrologic and Environmental Variability

Matthew M. Bischof; Mark A. Hanson; Mark R. Fulton; Randy Kolka; Stephen D. Sebestyen; Malcolm G. Butler

Seasonal ponds are common throughout forested regions of the north central United States. These wetlands typically flood due to snow-melt and spring precipitation, then dry by mid-summer. Periodic drying produces unique fishless habitats with robust populations of aquatic invertebrates. A basin’s physical/chemical features, the absence of vertebrate predation, and especially the duration of seasonal flooding, have long been viewed as the major structuring influences on these communities, but previous studies have shown only limited effects of environmental variables on pond invertebrates. Applying ordination methods to data from weekly collections of invertebrates during 2008–2009, we tested influences of site-level environmental gradients on the presence and relative abundance of aquatic invertebrate communities in 16 seasonal ponds in a forested region of north central Minnesota, USA. We assessed invertebrate community patterns in relation to pond size and depth, soil nutrients, canopy closure, hydroperiod, and predominant groundwater function (recharge, discharge, or flow-through). Patterns in pond invertebrate community composition were consistently related to pond depth, overhead canopy closure, and hydroperiod. Site-level hydrologic function showed weak relationships to seasonal patterns of invertebrate abundance. Although physical features of ponds had only modest influence on presence and abundance of invertebrates, weekly sampling improved models relating environmental variables to pond invertebrates.

Canadian Journal of Soil Science | 2008

The long-term effects of silvicultural thinning and partial cutting on soil compaction in red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) and northern hardwood stands in the northern Great Lakes Region of the United States

Rachel Tarpey; Martin F. Jurgensen; Brian J. Palik; Randy Kolka

Periodic silvicultural thinnings (23.0, 27.6, 32.1 m2 ha-1 residual basal area) in a red pine stand growing on a sandy soil in north-central Minnesota over a 57-yr period increased soil compaction as the intensity of the thinning treatment increased. Of the three different methods used to measure soil compaction (bulk density, penetration resistance, and saturated hydraulic conductivity), saturated hydraulic conductivity was the most sensitive, decreasing by 60% in the 23.0 m2 ha-1 basal area thinning treatment, as compared with the uncut control. Soil bulk density measurements were more variable, but generally increased with increased thinning intensity. Few differences in soil penetration resistance were found among the three thinning treatments. In contrast, no evidence of soil compaction was detected in a northern hardwoods stand growing on a rocky loam soil in north-central Wisconsin that had three thinning treatments (13.8, 17.2, 20.6 m2 ha-1 residual basal area), a two- stage shelterwood harvest, a...

Wetlands Ecology and Management | 2016

Tropical wetlands, climate, and land-use change: adaptation and mitigation opportunities

Randy Kolka; Daniel Murdiyarso; J. B. Kauffman; Richard A. Birdsey

Tropical wetland ecosystems, especially mangroves and peatlands, are carbon (C) rich ecosystems. Globally, tropical mangroves store about 20 PgC, however, deforestation has contributed 10 % of the total global emissions from tropical deforestation, even though mangroves account for only about 0.7 % of the world’s tropical forest area (Donato et al. 2011). Meanwhile, tropical peatlands store 191 PgC or approximately 33 % of global peatland C (Post et al. 1982; Page and Rieley 1999). This disproportionate capacity of tropical wetlands to sequester and store C make them a critical component in understanding local, regional and global C stocks that influence the balance of greenhouse gases to and from the atmosphere.

Journal of Environmental Quality | 2012

Latent Effect of Soil Organic Matter Oxidation on Mercury Cycling within a Southern Boreal Ecosystem

Mark C. Gabriel; Randy Kolka; Trent Wickman; Laurel G. Woodruff; Edward A. Nater

The focus of this study is to investigate processes causing the observed spatial variation of total mercury (THg) in the soil O horizon of watersheds within the Superior National Forest (Minnesota) and to determine if results have implications toward understanding long-term changes in THg concentrations for resident fish. Principal component analysis was used to evaluate the spatial relationships of 42 chemical elements in three soil horizons over 10 watersheds. Results indicate that soil organic carbon is the primary factor controlling the spatial variation of certain metals (Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Cd, Sn, Sb, Cu, and As) in the O and A soil horizons. In the B/E horizon, organic carbon appeared to play a minor role in metal spatial variation. These characteristics are consistent with the concentration of soil organic matter and carbon decreasing from the O to the B/E horizons. We also investigated the relationship between percent change in upland soil organic content and fish THg concentrations across all watersheds. Statistical regression analysis indicates that a 50% reduction in age-one and age-two fish THg concentration could result from an average 10% decrease in upland soil organic content. Disturbances that decrease the content of THg and organic matter in the O and A horizons (e.g., fire) may cause a short-term increase in atmospherically deposited mercury but, over the long term, may lead to decreased fish THg concentrations in affected watersheds.

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