Raphael Pinaud
Oregon Health & Science University
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Featured researches published by Raphael Pinaud.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences | 2004
Claudio V. Mello; Tarciso Velho; Raphael Pinaud
Abstract: We review here evidence that a large portion of the caudomedial telencephalon of songbirds, distinct from the song control circuit, is involved in the perceptual processing of birdsong. When songbirds hear song, a number of caudomedial pallial areas are activated, as revealed by expression of the activity‐dependent gene zenk. These areas, which include field L subfields L1 and L3, as well as the adjacent caudomedial nidopallium (NCM) and caudomedial mesopallium (CMM), are part of the central auditory pathway and constitute a lobule in the caudomedial aspect of the telencephalon. Several lines of evidence indicate that the neural circuits integrating this lobule are capable of performing the auditory processing of song based on fine acoustic features. Thus, this lobule is well positioned to mediate song perceptual processing and discrimination, which are required for vocal communication and vocal learning. Importantly, the zenk gene encodes a transcription factor linked to synaptic plasticity, and it regulates the expression of target genes associated with specific neuronal cell functions. The induction of zenk likely represents a key regulatory event in a gene cascade triggered by song and leading to neuronal plasticity. Thus, zenk may be linked to molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying experience‐dependent modification of song‐responsive circuits. In summary, songbirds possess an elaborate system for song perceptual processing and discrimination that potentially also subserves song‐induced neuronal plasticity and song memory formation. The continued use of a multidisciplinary approach that integrates molecular, anatomical, physiological and behavioral methodologies has the potential to provide further significant insights into the underlying neurobiology of the perceptual aspects of vocal communication and learning.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2009
Liisa A. Tremere; Jin Kwon Jeong; Raphael Pinaud
Estradiol impacts a wide variety of brain processes, including sex differentiation, mood, and learning. Here we show that estradiol regulates auditory processing of acoustic signals in the vertebrate brain, more specifically in the caudomedial nidopallium (NCM), the songbird analog of the mammalian auditory association cortex. Multielectrode recordings coupled with local pharmacological manipulations in awake animals reveal that both exogenous and locally generated estradiol increase auditory-evoked activity in NCM. This enhancement in neuronal responses is mediated by suppression of local inhibitory transmission. Surprisingly, we also found that estradiol is both necessary and sufficient for the induction of multiple mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-dependent genes thought to be required for synaptic plasticity and memorization of birdsong. Specifically, we show that local blockade of estrogen receptors or aromatase activity in awake birds decrease song-induced MAPK-dependent gene expression. Infusions of estradiol in acoustically isolated birds induce transcriptional activation of these genes to levels comparable with song-stimulated animals. Our results reveal acute and rapid nongenomic functions for estradiol in central auditory physiology and suggest that such roles may be ubiquitously expressed across sensory systems.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2005
Ricardo M. Leão; Christopher Kushmerick; Raphael Pinaud; Robert Renden; Geng Lin Li; Holger Taschenberger; George A. Spirou; S. Rock Levinson; Henrique von Gersdorff
Na+ channel recovery from inactivation limits the maximal rate of neuronal firing. However, the properties of presynaptic Na+ channels are not well established because of the small size of most CNS boutons. Here we study the Na+ currents of the rat calyx of Held terminal and compare them with those of postsynaptic cells. We find that presynaptic Na+ currents recover from inactivation with a fast, single-exponential time constant (24°C, τ of 1.4-1.8 ms; 35°C, τ of 0.5 ms), and their inactivation rate accelerates twofold during development, which may contribute to the shortening of the action potential as the terminal matures. In contrast, recordings from postsynaptic cells in brainstem slices, and acutely dissociated, reveal that their Na+ currents recover from inactivation with a double-exponential time course (τfast of 1.2-1.6 ms; τslow of 80-125 ms; 24°C). Surprisingly, confocal immunofluorescence revealed that Na+ channels are mostly absent from the calyx terminal but are instead highly concentrated in an unusually long (≈20-40 μm) unmyelinated axonal heminode. Outside-out patch recordings confirmed this segregation. Expression of Nav1.6 α-subunit increased during development, whereas the Nav1.2α-subunit was not present. Serial EM reconstructions also revealed a long pre-calyx heminode, and biophysical modeling showed that exclusion of Na+ channels from the calyx terminal produces an action potential waveform with a shorter half-width. We propose that the high density and polarized locus of Na+ channels on a long heminode are critical design features that allow the mature calyx of Held terminal to fire reliably at frequencies near 1 kHz.
Molecular Brain Research | 2001
Raphael Pinaud; Marsha R. Penner; Harold A. Robertson; R. William Currie
Exposure to an enriched environment, a procedure that induces plasticity in the cerebral cortex, is associated with pronounced morphological changes, including higher density of dendritic spines, enlargement of synaptic boutons, and other putative correlates of altered neurotransmission. Recently, it has been demonstrated that animals reared in an enriched environment setting for 3 weeks have less neuronal damage as a result of seizures and have decreased rates of spontaneous apoptosis. Even though clear morphological modifications are observed in the cerebral cortex of animals exposed to heightened environmental complexity, the molecular mechanisms that underlie such modifications are yet to be described. In the present work, we investigated the expression of the immediate early gene arc in the cortex of animals exposed to an enriched environment. Animals were exposed daily, for 1 h, to an enriched environment, for a total period of 3 weeks. Brains were processed for in-situ hybridization against arc mRNA. We found a marked upregulation of arc mRNA in the cerebral cortex of animals exposed to the enriched environment, when compared to undisturbed controls, an effect that was most pronounced in cortical layers III and V. Animals in an additional control group that were handled for 5 min daily, displayed intermediate levels of arc mRNA. Furthermore, arc expression was upregulated in the CA1, CA2 and CA3 hippocampal subfields and in the striatum, but to a lesser extent in the dentate gyrus of animals exposed to an enriched environment, as compared to the two control groups. Our results support the association between the upregulation of the immediate early gene arc and plasticity-associated anatomical changes in the cerebral cortex of the adult mammal.
European Journal of Neuroscience | 2005
Tarciso Velho; Raphael Pinaud; Paulo Vianney Rodrigues; Claudio V. Mello
Song behavior in songbirds induces the expression of activity‐dependent genes in brain areas involved in perceptual processing, production and learning of song. This genomic response is thought to represent a link between neuronal activation and long‐term changes in song‐processing circuits of the songbird brain. Here we demonstrate that Arc, an activity‐regulated gene whose product has dendritic localization and is associated with synaptic plasticity, is rapidly induced by song in the brain of zebra finches. We show that, in the context of song auditory stimulation, Arc expression is induced in several telencephalic auditory areas, most prominently the caudomedial nidopallium and mesopallium, whereas in the context of singing, Arc is also induced in song control areas, namely nucleus HVC, used as a proper name, the robust nucleus of the arcopallium and the interface nucleus of the nidopallium. We also show that song‐induced Arc expression co‐localizes at the cellular level with those of the transcriptional regulators zenk and c‐fos, and that the song induction of these three genes is dependent on activation of the mitogen‐activated protein kinase signaling pathway. These findings provide evidence for an involvement of Arc in the brains response to birdsong. They also demonstrate that genes representing distinct genomic and cellular regulatory programs, namely early effectors and transcription factors, are co‐activated in the same neuronal cells by a naturally learned stimulus.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2011
Liisa A. Tremere; Raphael Pinaud
Auditory processing and hearing-related pathologies are heavily influenced by steroid hormones in a variety of vertebrate species, including humans. The hormone estradiol has been recently shown to directly modulate the gain of central auditory neurons, in real time, by controlling the strength of inhibitory transmission via a nongenomic mechanism. The functional relevance of this modulation, however, remains unknown. Here we show that estradiol generated in the songbird homolog of the mammalian auditory association cortex, rapidly enhances the effectiveness of the neural coding of complex, learned acoustic signals in awake zebra finches. Specifically, estradiol increases mutual information rates, coding efficiency, and the neural discrimination of songs. These effects are mediated by estradiols modulation of both the rate and temporal coding of auditory signals. Interference with the local action or production of estradiol in the auditory forebrain of freely behaving animals disrupts behavioral responses to songs, but not to other behaviorally relevant communication signals. Our findings directly show that estradiol is a key regulator of auditory function in the adult vertebrate brain.
European Journal of Neuroscience | 2004
Raphael Pinaud; Tarciso Velho; Jin K. Jeong; Liisa A. Tremere; Ricardo M. Leão; Henrique von Gersdorff; Claudio V. Mello
Birdsong is a learned vocal behaviour that requires intact hearing for its development in juveniles and for its maintenance during adulthood. However, the functional organization of the brain circuits involved in the perceptual processing of song has remained obscure. Here we provide evidence that GABAergic mechanisms are an important component of these circuits and participate in the auditory processing of birdsong. We first cloned a zebra finch homologue of the gene encoding the 65‐kDa isoform of glutamic acid decarboxylase (zGAD‐65), a specific GABAergic marker, and conducted an expression analysis by in situ hybridization to identify GABAergic cells and to map their distribution throughout auditory telencephalic areas. The results showed that field L2, the caudomedial nidopallium (NCM) and the caudomedial mesopallium (CMM) contain a high number of GABAergic cells. Using patch‐clamp brain slice recordings, we found abundant GABAergic mIPSCs in NCM. Pharmacological antagonism of mIPSCs induced large EPSC bursts, suggesting that tonic inhibition helps to stabilize NCM against runaway excitation via activation of GABA‐A receptors. Next, using double fluorescence in situ hybridization and double immunocytochemical labelling, we demonstrated that large numbers of GABAergic cells in NCM and CMM show inducible expression of the transcriptional regulator ZENK in response to song auditory stimulation. These data provide direct evidence that GABAergic neurons in auditory brain regions are activated by song stimulation. Altogether, our results suggest that GABAergic mechanisms participate in auditory processing and perception, and might contribute to the memorization of birdsong.
International Journal of Neuroscience | 2004
Raphael Pinaud
Here I discuss evidence from our groups work that implicates the immediate early genes NGFI-A and arc as possible regulators of neuronal plasticity. The enriched environment (EE) paradigm has been demonstrated to induce neural plasticity in both developing and mature mammals. Others and we have recently demonstrated that adult rats placed within an enriched environment underwent central nervous system-wide increases in the expression levels for the IEGs NGFI-A and arc. The relationships between the altered expression profiles for both genes in response to an EE exposure, and their putative role in orchestrating network restructuring in response to enhanced environmental complexity are discussed
Neuroscience | 2002
Raphael Pinaud; Liisa A. Tremere; Marsha R. Penner; F.F Hess; Harold A. Robertson; R. W. Currie
Exposure of animals to an enriched environment triggers widespread modifications in brain circuitry and function. While this paradigm leads to marked plasticity in animals chronically or acutely exposed to the enriched environment, the molecular mechanisms that enable or regulate such modifications require further characterization. To this end, we have investigated the expression profiles of both mRNA and protein products of a candidate-plasticity gene, nerve growth factor induced-A (NGFI-A), in the brains of rats exposed to increased environmental complexity. We found that NGFI-A mRNA is markedly up-regulated throughout the brains of animals exposed to the enriched environment, but not in the brains of either handled-only or undisturbed control groups. The most pronounced effects were observed in the somatosensory and visual cortices, in layers III and V, while more modest increases were observed in all other cortical layers, with the exception of layer I. A striking NGFI-A mRNA up-regulation was also observed in the striatum and hippocampal formation, notably in the CA1 subfield, of animals exposed to the enriched environment paradigm. Immunocytochemistry was also used to investigate the distribution of NGFI-A protein in response to the environmental enrichment protocol. A marked increase in the number of NGFI-A positive nuclei was identified in the enriched environment condition, as compared to undisturbed and handled-only controls, throughout the rat brain. While the greatest number of NGFI-A immunolabeled neurons was found in cortical layers III and V, up-regulation of NGFI-A protein was also detectable in layers II, IV and VI, in both the somatosensory and visual cortices. NGFI-A immunopositive neurons were also more numerous in the CA1 subfield of the hippocampal formation of animals exposed to the enriched environment, but remained at basal levels in both control groups. Our results implicate NGFI-A as one of the possible early genetic signals that ultimately lead to plastic changes in the CNS.
Developmental Brain Research | 2002
Marsha R. Penner; Melanie P. McFadyen; Raphael Pinaud; Normand Carrey; Harold A. Robertson; Richard E. Brown
Ritalin (methylphenidate hydrochloride, MPH) is the drug of choice for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Previous research has shown that MPH administration affects the adult brain in a manner different from the young brain. In the current study, we set out to determine the target brain regions of acutely administered MPH at different stages of development. On postnatal days 3, 7, 11, 24, and 45, mice were treated with a single injection (s.c.) of saline, 5 or 20 mg/kg of MPH, and sacrificed 1 h later. Localization of c-fos expression was determined by immunocytochemistry. Compared to saline treated controls, mice treated with the high dose of MPH (20 mg/kg) showed dense Fos-immunoreactivity (Fos-IR) in the striatum. In most cases the low dose of MPH (5 mg/kg) produced only weak c-fos expression that was nearly indistinguishable from saline-treated controls. At PND 3 and 7, Fos-IR was localized in patches in the striatum. This patchy distribution of c-fos positive cells began to decline by PND 11 and was absent in PND 45 mice, with Fos-IR showing a scattered distribution throughout the striatum. The results of this study indicate that MPH induces the expression of c-fos in the same brain regions as cocaine and amphetamine, and that this expression is distributed differentially according to the age of the mouse.