Raúl Herranz
Spanish National Research Council
Astrobiology | 2013
Raúl Herranz; Ralf Anken; Johannes Boonstra; Markus Braun; Peter C. M. Christianen; Maarten de Geest; Jens Hauslage; Reinhard Hilbig; Richard Hill; Michael Lebert; F. Javier Medina; Nicole Vagt; Oliver Ullrich; Jack J. W. A. van Loon; Ruth Hemmersbach
Research in microgravity is indispensable to disclose the impact of gravity on biological processes and organisms. However, research in the near-Earth orbit is severely constrained by the limited number of flight opportunities. Ground-based simulators of microgravity are valuable tools for preparing spaceflight experiments, but they also facilitate stand-alone studies and thus provide additional and cost-efficient platforms for gravitational research. The various microgravity simulators that are frequently used by gravitational biologists are based on different physical principles. This comparative study gives an overview of the most frequently used microgravity simulators and demonstrates their individual capacities and limitations. The range of applicability of the various ground-based microgravity simulators for biological specimens was carefully evaluated by using organisms that have been studied extensively under the conditions of real microgravity in space. In addition, current heterogeneous terminology is discussed critically, and recommendations are given for appropriate selection of adequate simulators and consistent use of nomenclature.
Journal of Plant Physiology | 2010
Isabel Matía; Fernando González-Camacho; Raúl Herranz; John Z. Kiss; G. Gasset; Jack J. W. A. van Loon; Roberto Marco; Francisco J. Medina
Seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana were sent to space and germinated in orbit. Seedlings grew for 4d and were then fixed in-flight with paraformaldehyde. The experiment was replicated on the ground in a Random Positioning Machine, an effective simulator of microgravity. In addition, samples from a different space experiment, processed in a similar way but fixed in glutaraldehyde, including a control flight experiment in a 1g centrifuge, were also used. In all cases, comparisons were performed with ground controls at 1g. Seedlings grown in microgravity were significantly longer than the ground 1g controls. The cortical root meristematic cells were analyzed to investigate the alterations in cell proliferation and cell growth. Proliferation rate was quantified by counting the number of cells per millimeter in the specific cell files, and was found to be higher in microgravity-grown samples than in the control 1g. Cell growth was appraised through the rate of ribosome biogenesis, assessed by morphological and morphometrical parameters of the nucleolus and by the levels of the nucleolar protein nucleolin. All these parameters showed a depletion of the rate of ribosome production in microgravity-grown samples versus samples grown at 1g. The results show that growth in microgravity induces alterations in essential cellular functions. Cell growth and proliferation, which are strictly associated functions under normal ground conditions, appeared divergent after gravity modification; proliferation was enhanced, whereas growth was depleted. We suggest that the cause of these changes could be an alteration in the cell cycle regulation, at the levels of checkpoints regulating cell cycle progression, leading to a shortened G2 period.
BMC Genomics | 2012
Ana I. Manzano; Jack J. W. A. van Loon; Peter C. M. Christianen; Juana María González-Rubio; F. Javier Medina; Raúl Herranz
BackgroundBiological systems respond to changes in both the Earths magnetic and gravitational fields, but as experiments in space are expensive and infrequent, Earth-based simulation techniques are required. A high gradient magnetic field can be used to levitate biological material, thereby simulating microgravity and can also create environments with a reduced or an enhanced level of gravity (g), although special attention should be paid to the possible effects of the magnetic field (B) itself.ResultsUsing diamagnetic levitation, we exposed Arabidopsis thaliana in vitro callus cultures to five environments with different levels of effective gravity and magnetic field strengths. The environments included levitation, i.e. simulated μg* (close to 0 g* at B = 10.1 T), intermediate g* (0.1 g* at B = 14.7 T) and enhanced gravity levels (1.9 g* at B = 14.7 T and 2 g* at B = 10.1 T) plus an internal 1 g* control (B = 16.5 T). The asterisk denotes the presence of the background magnetic field, as opposed to the effective gravity environments in the absence of an applied magnetic field, created using a Random Position Machine (simulated μg) and a Large Diameter Centrifuge (2 g).Microarray analysis indicates that changes in the overall gene expression of cultured cells exposed to these unusual environments barely reach significance using an FDR algorithm. However, it was found that gravitational and magnetic fields produce synergistic variations in the steady state of the transcriptional profile of plants. Transcriptomic results confirm that high gradient magnetic fields (i.e. to create μg* and 2 g* conditions) have a significant effect, mainly on structural, abiotic stress genes and secondary metabolism genes, but these subtle gravitational effects are only observable using clustering methodologies.ConclusionsA detailed microarray dataset analysis, based on clustering of similarly expressed genes (GEDI software), can detect underlying global-scale responses, which cannot be detected by means of individual gene expression techniques using raw or corrected p values (FDR). A subtle, but consistent, genome-scale response to hypogravity environments was found, which was opposite to the response in a hypergravity environment.
BMC Genomics | 2012
Raúl Herranz; Oliver J. Larkin; Camelia E. Dijkstra; Richard Hill; Paul Anthony; M. R. Davey; L. Eaves; Jack J. W. A. van Loon; F. Javier Medina; Roberto Marco
BackgroundMany biological systems respond to the presence or absence of gravity. Since experiments performed in space are expensive and can only be undertaken infrequently, Earth-based simulation techniques are used to investigate the biological response to weightlessness. A high gradient magnetic field can be used to levitate a biological organism so that its net weight is zero.ResultsWe have used a superconducting magnet to assess the effect of diamagnetic levitation on the fruit fly D. melanogaster in levitation experiments that proceeded for up to 22 consecutive days. We have compared the results with those of similar experiments performed in another paradigm for microgravity simulation, the Random Positioning Machine (RPM). We observed a delay in the development of the fruit flies from embryo to adult. Microarray analysis indicated changes in overall gene expression of imagoes that developed from larvae under diamagnetic levitation, and also under simulated hypergravity conditions. Significant changes were observed in the expression of immune-, stress-, and temperature-response genes. For example, several heat shock proteins were affected. We also found that a strong magnetic field, of 16.5 Tesla, had a significant effect on the expression of these genes, independent of the effects associated with magnetically-induced levitation and hypergravity.ConclusionsDiamagnetic levitation can be used to simulate an altered effective gravity environment in which gene expression is tuned differentially in diverse Drosophila melanogaster populations including those of different age and gender. Exposure to the magnetic field per se induced similar, but weaker, changes in gene expression.
Frontiers in Plant Science | 2014
Joshua P. Vandenbrink; John Z. Kiss; Raúl Herranz; F. Javier Medina
Tropisms are growth-mediated plant movements that help plants to respond to changes in environmental stimuli. The availability of water and light, as well as the presence of a constant gravity vector, are all environmental stimuli that plants sense and respond to via directed growth movements (tropisms). The plant response to gravity (gravitropism) and the response to unidirectional light (phototropism) have long been shown to be interconnected growth phenomena. Here, we discuss the similarities in these two processes, as well as the known molecular mechanisms behind the tropistic responses. We also highlight research done in a microgravity environment in order to decouple two tropisms through experiments carried out in the absence of a significant unilateral gravity vector. In addition, alteration of gravity, especially the microgravity environment, and light irradiation produce important effects on meristematic cells, the undifferentiated, highly proliferating, totipotent cells which sustain plant development. Microgravity produces the disruption of meristematic competence, i.e., the decoupling of cell proliferation and cell growth, affecting the regulation of the cell cycle and ribosome biogenesis. Light irradiation, especially red light, mediated by phytochromes, has an activating effect on these processes. Phytohormones, particularly auxin, also are key mediators in these alterations. Upcoming experiments on the International Space Station will clarify some of the mechanisms and molecular players of the plant responses to these environmental signals involved in tropisms and the cell cycle.
Plant Signaling & Behavior | 2010
Francisco J. Medina; Raúl Herranz
Experiments performed in space have evidenced that, in root meristematic cells, the absence of gravity results in the uncoupling of cell growth and cell proliferation, two essential cellular functions that support plant growth and development, which are strictly coordinated under normal ground gravity conditions. In space, cell proliferation appears enhanced whereas cell growth is depleted. Since coordination of cell growth and proliferation is a major feature of meristematic cells, the observed uncoupling is a serious stress condition for these cells producing important alterations in the developmental pattern of the plant. Auxin plays a major role in these processes both by assuring the coupling of cell growth and proliferation under normal conditions and by exerting a decisive influence in the uncoupling under altered gravity conditions. Auxin is a mediator of the transduction of the gravitropic signal and its distribution in the root is altered subsequent to a change in the gravity conditions. This altered distribution may produce changes in the expression of specific growth coordinators leading to the alteration of cell cycle and protein synthesis. Therefore, available data indicate that the effects of altered gravity on cell growth and proliferation are the consequence of the transduction of the gravitropic signal perceived by columella cells, in the root tip.
Plant Biology | 2014
Ann-Iren Kittang; Tor-Henning Iversen; Knut R. Fossum; Christian Mazars; Eugénie Carnero-Diaz; Elodie Boucheron-Dubuisson; I. Le Disquet; Valérie Legué; Raúl Herranz; Veronica Pereda-Loth; Francisco J. Medina
Space experiments provide a unique opportunity to advance our knowledge of how plants respond to the space environment, and specifically to the absence of gravity. The European Modular Cultivation System (EMCS) has been designed as a dedicated facility to improve and standardise plant growth in the International Space Station (ISS). The EMCS is equipped with two centrifuges to perform experiments in microgravity and with variable gravity levels up to 2.0 g. Seven experiments have been performed since the EMCS was operational on the ISS. The objectives of these experiments aimed to elucidate phototropic responses (experiments TROPI-1 and -2), root gravitropic sensing (GRAVI-1), circumnutation (MULTIGEN-1), cell wall dynamics and gravity resistance (Cell wall/Resist wall), proteomic identification of signalling players (GENARA-A) and mechanism of InsP3 signalling (Plant signalling). The role of light in cell proliferation and plant development in the absence of gravity is being analysed in an on-going experiment (Seedling growth). Based on the lessons learned from the acquired experience, three preselected ISS experiments have been merged and implemented as a single project (Plant development) to study early phases of seedling development. A Topical Team initiated by European Space Agency (ESA), involving experienced scientists on Arabidopsis space research experiments, aims at establishing a coordinated, long-term scientific strategy to understand the role of gravity in Arabidopsis growth and development using already existing or planned new hardware.
Astrobiology | 2013
Raúl Herranz; Aránzazu Manzano; J.J.W.A. van Loon; Peter C. M. Christianen; Francisco J. Medina
Earth-based microgravity simulation techniques are required due to space research constraints. Using diamagnetic levitation, we exposed Arabidopsis thaliana in vitro callus cultures to environments with different levels of effective gravity and magnetic field strengths (B) simultaneously. The environments included simulated 0 g* at B=10.1 T, an internal 1 g* control (B=16.5 T), and hypergravity (2 g* at B=10.1 T). Furthermore, samples were also exposed to altered gravity environments that were created with mechanical devices, such as the Random Positioning Machine (simulated μg) and the Large Diameter Centrifuge (2 g). We have determined the proteomic signature of cell cultures exposed to these altered-gravity environments by means of the difference gel electrophoresis (DiGE) technique, and we have compared the results with microarray-based transcriptomes from the same samples. The magnetic field itself produced a low number of proteomic alterations, but the combination of gravitational alteration and magnetic field exposure produced synergistic effects on the proteome of plants (the number of significant changes is 3-7 times greater). Tandem mass spectrometry identification of 19 overlapping spots in the different conditions corroborates a major role of abiotic stress and secondary metabolism proteins in the molecular adaptation of plants to unusual environments, including microgravity.
BMC Plant Biology | 2013
Ana I. Manzano; Oliver J. Larkin; Camelia E. Dijkstra; Paul Anthony; M. R. Davey; L. Eaves; Richard Hill; Raúl Herranz; F. Javier Medina
BackgroundCell growth and cell proliferation are intimately linked in the presence of Earth’s gravity, but are decoupled under the microgravity conditions present in orbiting spacecraft. New technologies to simulate microgravity conditions for long-duration experiments, with stable environmental conditions, in Earth-based laboratories are required to further our understanding of the effect of extraterrestrial conditions on the growth, development and health of living matter.ResultsWe studied the response of transgenic seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana, containing either the CycB1-GUS proliferation marker or the DR5-GUS auxin-mediated growth marker, to diamagnetic levitation in the bore of a superconducting solenoid magnet. As a control, a second set of seedlings were exposed to a strong magnetic field, but not to levitation forces. A third set was exposed to a strong field and simulated hypergravity (2 g). Cell proliferation and cell growth cytological parameters were measured for each set of seedlings. Nucleolin immunodetection was used as a marker of cell growth. Collectively, the data indicate that these two fundamental cellular processes are decoupled in root meristems, as in microgravity: cell proliferation was enhanced whereas cell growth markers were depleted. These results also demonstrated delocalisation of auxin signalling in the root tip despite the fact that levitation of the seedling as a whole does not prevent the sedimentation of statoliths in the root cells.ConclusionsIn our model system, we found that diamagnetic levitation led to changes that are very similar to those caused by real- [e.g. on board the International Space Station (ISS)] or mechanically-simulated microgravity [e.g. using a Random Positioning Machine (RPM)]. These changes decoupled meristematic cell proliferation from ribosome biogenesis, and altered auxin polar transport.
Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility | 2006
Jesús Mateos; Raúl Herranz; Alberto Domingo; John C. Sparrow; Roberto Marco
In Drosophila melanogaster two high molecular weight tropomyosin isoforms, historically named heavy troponins (TnH-33 and TnH-34), are encoded by the Tm1 tropomyosin gene. They are specifically expressed in the indirect flight muscles (IFM). Their N-termini are conventional and complete tropomyosin sequences, but their C-termini consist of different IFM-specific domains that are rich in proline, alanine, glycine and glutamate. The evidence indicates that in Diptera these IFM-specific isoforms are conserved and are not troponins, but heavy tropomyosins (TmH). We report here that they are post-translationally modified by several phosphorylations in their C-termini in mature flies, but not in recently emerged flies that are incapable of flight. From stoichiometric measurements of thin filament proteins and interactions of the TmH isoforms with the standard Drosophila IFM tropomyosin isoform (protein 129), we propose that the TmH N-termini are integrated into the thin filament structural unit as tropomyosin dimers. The phosphorylated C-termini remain unlocated and may be important in IFM stretch-activation. Comparison of the Tm1 and Tm2 gene sequences shows a complete conservation of gene organisation in other Drosophilidae, such as Drosophila pseudoobscura, while in Anopheles gambiae only one exon encodes a single C-terminal domain, though overall gene organization is maintained. Interestingly, in Apismellifera (hymenopteran), while most of the Tm1 and Tm2 gene features are conserved, the gene lacks any C-terminal exons. Instead these sequences are found at the 3’ end of the troponin I gene. In this insect order, as in Lethocerus (hemipteran), the original designation of troponin H (TnH) should be retained. We discuss whether the insertion of the IFM-specific pro-ala-gly-glu-rich domain into the tropomyosin or troponin I genes in different insect orders may be related to proposals that the IFM stretch activation mechanism has evolved independently several times in higher insects.