Raymond G. Ohl
Johns Hopkins University
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Featured researches published by Raymond G. Ohl.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2000
H. W. Moos; Webster Cash; L. L. Cowie; Arthur F. Davidsen; Andrea K. Dupree; Paul D. Feldman; Scott D. Friedman; James C. Green; R. F. Green; C. Gry; J. B. Hutchings; Edward B. Jenkins; J. L. Linsky; Roger F. Malina; Andrew G. Michalitsianos; Blair D. Savage; J. M. Shull; O. H. W. Siegmund; Theodore P. Snow; George Sonneborn; A. Vidal-Madjar; Allan J. Willis; Bruce E. Woodgate; D. G. York; Thomas B. Ake; B-G Andersson; John Paul Andrews; Robert H. Barkhouser; Luciana Bianchi; William P. Blair
The Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer satellite observes light in the far-ultraviolet spectral region, 905-1187 Angstrom, with a high spectral resolution. The instrument consists of four co-aligned prime-focus telescopes and Rowland spectrographs with microchannel plate detectors. Two of the telescope channels use Al :LiF coatings for optimum reflectivity between approximately 1000 and 1187 Angstrom, and the other two channels use SiC coatings for optimized throughput between 905 and 1105 Angstrom. The gratings are holographically ruled to correct largely for astigmatism and to minimize scattered light. The microchannel plate detectors have KBr photocathodes and use photon counting to achieve good quantum efficiency with low background signal. The sensitivity is sufficient to examine reddened lines of sight within the Milky Way and also sufficient to use as active galactic nuclei and QSOs for absorption-line studies of both Milky Way and extragalactic gas clouds. This spectral region contains a number of key scientific diagnostics, including O VI, H I, D I, and the strong electronic transitions of H-2 and HD.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2000
David J. Sahnow; H. W. Moos; Thomas B. Ake; J. Andersen; B-G Andersson; M. Andre; D. Artis; A. F. Berman; William P. Blair; Kenneth R. Brownsberger; H. M. Calvani; Pierre Chayer; Steven J. Conard; Paul D. Feldman; Scott D. Friedman; A. W. Fullerton; G. A. Gaines; W. C. Gawne; James C. Green; M. A. Gummin; T. B. Jennings; J. B. Joyce; Mary Elizabeth Kaiser; Jeffrey W. Kruk; D. J. Lindler; Derck L. Massa; Edward M. Murphy; William R. Oegerle; Raymond G. Ohl; Bryce A. Roberts
The launch of the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) has been followed by an extensive period of calibration and characterization as part of the preparation for normal satellite operations. Major tasks carried out during this period include the initial coalignment, focusing, and characterization of the four instrument channels and a preliminary measurement of the resolution and throughput performance of the instrument. We describe the results from this test program and present preliminary estimates of the on-orbit performance of the FUSE satellite based on a combination of these data and prelaunch laboratory measurements.
Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation | 2000
David J. Sahnow; H. W. Moos; Thomas B. Ake; B-G Andersson; M. K. Andre; David Artis; A. F. Berman; William P. Blair; Kenneth R. Brownsberger; H. M. Calvani; Pierre Chayer; Steven J. Conard; Paul D. Feldman; Scott D. Friedman; A. W. Fullerton; Geoffrey A. Gaines; James C. Green; Mark A. Gummin; J. B. Joyce; Mary Elizabeth Kaiser; Jeffrey W. Kruk; Don J. Lindler; Derck L. Massa; Edward M. Murphy; William R. Oegerle; Raymond G. Ohl; Steven Neil Osterman; Bryce A. Roberts; Katherine C. Roth; Ravi Sankrit
The Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) satellite was launched into orbit on June 24, 1999. FUSE is now making high resolution ((lambda) /(Delta) (lambda) equals 20,000 - 25,000) observations of solar system, galactic, and extragalactic targets in the far ultraviolet wavelength region (905 - 1187 angstroms). Its high effective area, low background, and planned three year life allow observations of objects which have been too faint for previous high resolution instruments in this wavelength range. In this paper, we describe the on- orbit performance of the FUSE satellite during its first nine months of operation, including measurements of sensitivity and resolution.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2000
Pierre Chayer; Jeffrey W. Kruk; Thomas B. Ake; Andrea K. Dupree; Roger F. Malina; O. H. W. Siegmund; George Sonneborn; Raymond G. Ohl
We report the discovery of the photospheric P V 3s(2S)-3p(2Po) transitions and Fe III 3d6(5D)-3d5(6S)4p(5Po) transitions detected in the far-UV spectrum of the hot hydrogen-rich white dwarf GD 394. The spectrum was obtained with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer using the large aperture. The spectrum covers a wavelength range of 910-1180 A at a resolution of λ/Δλ ~ 15,000. The presence of photospheric phosphorus and iron is the first firm detection of heavy elements other than silicon in the photosphere of GD 394. This detection confirms Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer observations, which show evidence of heavy elements in the photosphere of GD 394 with relatively low individual abundances. The spectrum reveals also a host of photospheric Si III and Si IV features.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2000
Luciana Bianchi; J. B. Hutchings; A. W. Fullerton; Donald C. Morton; Raymond G. Ohl; George Sonneborn; Derck L. Massa; Kenneth R. Brownsberger; Allan J. Willis
We present an analysis of wind line profiles from Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) spectra of two O7 supergiants in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (Sk -67°111 and AV 232, respectively). Model fits yield the column densities of S IV, S VI, P IV, P V, N III, and N IV, providing the first direct measurement of the ionization balance in stellar winds. The ratios of S IV/S VI and P IV/P V are consistently lower in the LMC star. IUE and Hubble Space Telescope archival spectra are also used to measure N IV and N V, but the much higher optical depth makes the N V measurements inconclusive. The velocity and optical depth distributions in the wind are qualitatively similar between the two stars, when scaled to their terminal velocities. The terminal velocities are different, with AV 232 being lower (as found previously in SMC stars and linked to lower metallicity). These are the first results from a program to investigate wind ionization and velocity structure among hot stars in local galaxies, and they demonstrate the higher accuracy in measuring column densities of less abundant ions, such as phosphorus and sulfur, observable in the FUSE range.
SPIE's International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation | 1999
Robert H. Barkhouser; Raymond G. Ohl
The Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE), successfully launched in June 1999, is an astrophysics satellite designed to provide high resolution spectra ((lambda) /(Delta) (lambda) equals 24,000 - 30,000) with large effective area (20 - 70 cm2) over the interval 90.5 - 118.7 nm. The FUSE instrument consists of four co-aligned, off-axis parabolic primary mirrors which focus light into separate spectrograph channels. The mirrors are rectangular (407 X 372 mm) and fabricated from lightweighted Zerodur blanks. We describe a straightforward method for aligning these off-axis parabolas in an autocollimation setup via qualitative and quantitative analysis of static interferograms. Initial alignment is achieved rapidly by visual inspection of the interferogram as adjustments are made in vertical and horizontal alignment. Fine alignment to the limit of the optical system then proceeds with small alignment steps and fringe analysis software to find the position which minimizes wavefront error. This method was used for figure testing the FUSE primary mirrors throughout build-up and qualification of the flight mirror assemblies. The far- ultraviolet reflectivity of the FUSE mirrors is very sensitive to molecular contamination. All mirror testing thus took place in a strictly controlled class 1000 clean room environment. In addition to the challenging vibration and turbulence problems this environment presented, two of the fight mirrors were coated with lithium fluoride over aluminum. This necessitated purging the setup with dry nitrogen, as the lithium fluoride coating degrades with exposure to water vapor. We discuss the difficulties these environmental constraints presented and summarize the mitigating action.
Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation | 2003
John Chambers; Ronald G. Mink; Raymond G. Ohl; Joseph A. Connelly; John Eric Mentzell; Steven M. Arnold; Matthew A. Greenhouse; Robert S. Winsor; John W. MacKenty
The Infrared Multi-Object Spectrometer (IRMOS) is a facility-class instrument for the Kitt Peak National Observatory 4 and 2.l meter telescopes. IRMOS is a near-IR (0.8-2.5 μm) spectrometer and operates at ~80 K. The 6061-T651 aluminum bench and mirrors constitute an athermal design. The instrument produces simultaneous spectra at low- to mid-resolving power (R = λ/Δλ = 300-3000) of ~100 objects in its 2.8×2.0 arcmin field. We describe ambient and cryogenic optical testing of the IRMOS mirrors across a broad range in spatial frequency (figure error, mid-frequency error, and microroughness). The mirrors include three rotationally symmetric, off-axis conic sections, one off-axis biconic, and several flat fold mirrors. The symmetric mirrors include convex and concave prolate and oblate ellipsoids. They range in aperture from 94×86 mm to 286×269 mm and in f-number from 0.9 to 2.4. The biconic mirror is concave and has a 94×76 mm aperture, Rx=377 mm, kx=0.0778, Ry=407 mm, and ky=0.1265 and is decentered by -2 mm in X and 227 mm in Y. All of the mirrors have an aspect ratio of approximately 6:1. The surface error fabrication tolerances are < 10 nm RMS microroughness, best effort for mid-frequency error, and < 63.3 nm RMS figure error. Ambient temperature (~293 K) testing is performed for each of the three surface error regimes, and figure testing is also performed at ~80 K. Operation of the ADE PhaseShift MicroXAM white light interferometer (micro-roughness) and the Bauer Model 200 profilometer (mid-frequency error) is described. Both the sag and conic values of the aspheric mirrors make these tests challenging. Figure testing is performed using a Zygo GPI interferometer, custom computer generated holograms (CGH), and optomechanical alignment fiducials. Cryogenic CGH null testing is discussed in detail. We discuss complications such as the change in prescription with temperature and thermal gradients. Correction for the effect of the dewar window is also covered. We discuss the error budget for the optical test and alignment procedure. Data reduction is accomplished using commercial optical design and data analysis software packages. Results from CGH testing at cryogenic temperatures are encouraging thus far.
Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation | 1998
Raymond G. Ohl; Robert H. Barkhouser; Michael Joseph Kennedy; Scott D. Friedman
The Far UV Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE), currently undergoing integration and scheduled for a 1998 launch, is an astrophysics satellite designed to provide high spectral resolving power over the interval 905-1187 angstrom. It consists of four normal incidence primary mirrors which illuminate separate Rowland circle spectrograph channels equipped with holographic gratings and delay line microchannel plate detectors. The mirrors are fabricated from Zerodur blanks, which were 70 percent lightweight and then figured to off-axis parabolas with (lambda) /40 RMS surface figure errors. Each mirror is mounted to its own composite sandwich plate, which serves as a bed for heaters and also isolates the mirror from forces and moments induced by the tip/tilt/focus actuators. A flight-like qualification unit is built up in order to verify that the mirror maintains an acceptable optical figure after assembly and environmental testing. Unexpected optical distortions during assembly and environmental testing of the qualification unit resulted in substantial modifications to the assembly procedure, as well as alteration of component and satellite thermal test limits. Known or suspected sources of distortion which warranted investigation included: assembly- induced thermal test limits. Known or suspected sources of distortion which warranted investigation induced: assembly- induced strain, thermal relaxation of the mirror flexure adhesive, changes in the moisture content of the composite plate facesheets, and warpage of the composite plate with initial thermal cycling. This paper describes how these problems were diagnosed and addressed in order to provide mirrors meting the optical performance requirements of the FUSE program.
SPIE's International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation | 1999
Scott D. Friedman; Steven J. Conard; Robert H. Barkhouser; Kenneth R. Brownsberger; Alexandra N. Cha; A. W. Fullerton; Jeffrey W. Kruk; Warren Moos; Edward M. Murphy; Raymond G. Ohl; David J. Sahnow; Harold A. Weaver
The FUSE is an astrophysics satellite designed to make observations at high spectral resolving power in the 90.5- 118.7 nm bandpass. This NASA Origins mission will address many important astrophysical problems, including the variations in the deuterium/hydrogen ratio in the Milky Way and in extragalactic clouds, the kinematics and distribution of O5+ and other hot gas species in the Galactic disk and halo, the properties of molecular hydrogen in interstellar clouds having a wide variety of temperatures and densities, and the properties of stellar and planetary atmospheres. Between August 1997 and January 1999 an extensive series of vacuum optical test was conducted, first with the spectrograph alone and then with the full satellite in flight-like conditions. Numerous UV spectra were obtained and found to be consistent with performance requirements. We also obtained visible light images with the fine error sensor camera, whose performance will be critical for meeting the demanding pointing requirements of FUSE. In this paper we present estimates of the performance of the instrument, including spectral resolution, line shapes, and effective area. We also present data on the visible light performance of the FES.
Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation | 2003
Joseph A. Connelly; Raymond G. Ohl; Timo T. Saha; Theo Hadjimichael; John Eric Mentzell; Ronald G. Mink; Jason E. Hylan; Leroy M. Sparr; John Chambers; John J Hagopian; Matthew A. Greenhouse; Robert S. Winsor; John W. MacKenty
The Infrared Multi-Object Spectrometer (IRMOS) is a facility instrument for the Kitt Peak National Observatory 4 and 2.1 meter telescopes. IRMOS is a near-IR (0.8 - 2.5 μm) spectrometer with low- to mid-resolving power (R = 300 - 3000). The IRMOS spectrometer produces simultaneous spectra of ~100 objects in its 2.8 x 2.0 arcmin field of view using a commercial MEMS multi-mirror array device (MMA) from Texas Instruments. The IRMOS optical design consists of two imaging subsystems. The focal reducer images the focal plane of the telescope onto the MMA field stop, and the spectrograph images the MMA onto the detector. We describe the breadboard subsystem alignment method and imaging performance of the focal reducer. This testing provides verification of the optomechanical alignment method and a measurement of near-angle scattered light due to mirror small-scale surface error. Interferometric measurements of subsystem wavefront error serve to verify alignment and are accomplished using a commercial, modified Twyman-Green laser unequal path interferometer. Image testing is then performed for the central field point. A mercury-argon pencil lamp provides the spectral line at 546.1 nm, and a CCD camera is the detector. We use the Optical Surface Analysis Code to predict the point-spread function and its effect on instrument slit transmission, and our breadboard test results validate this prediction. Our results show that scattered light from the subsystem and encircled energy is slightly worse than expected. Finally, we perform component level image testing of the MMA, and our results show that scattered light from the MMA is of the same magnitude as that of the focal reducer.