Reginaldo Brito da Costa
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
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Featured researches published by Reginaldo Brito da Costa.
Revista Brasileira De Entomologia | 2010
Antonia Railda Roel; Doroty Mesquita Dourado; Rosemary Matias; Karla Rejane de Andrade Porto; Aline V. Bednaski; Reginaldo Brito da Costa
The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, is one of the major field pests for maize production. It is mainly controlled by means of synthetic, and more recently by resistant cultivar of maize expressing Bt toxins. The neem tree, Azadirachta indica, is a plant that can potentially control insects with the advantage of being food and environmental safe. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of neem oil on the development and survival of S. frugiperda caterpillars by assessing histological alterations caused on their midgut. Newly hatched caterpillars were submitted to three neem oil concentrations: 0.006; 0.05; 0.4%, which were added to their artificial diet. Ten 3rd instar caterpillars, taken from each treatment, were submitted to histological analysis. The alimentary canals from the specimens were fixed in Baker for 12 hours, desiccated and diaphanized in alcohol/xylol (1:1) and xylol. After placing the samples in paraffin, they were sliced in 8 µm sections and stained with hematoxylin-eosin stain. The neem oil added to the diet of S. frugiperda caused total mortality at dose of 0.4% whilst still in the first instars, prolonged the larval and pupal stages, and reduced the pupal weight. Histo-physiological alterations such as degeneration of the epithelial lining of the midgut and in the peritrophic matrix were found at all concentrations of neem oil.
Acta Amazonica | 2010
Flora Ferreira Camargo; Reginaldo Brito da Costa; Marcos Deon Vilela de Resende; Raul Alffonso Rodrigues Roa; Natasha Brianez Rodrigues; Leonardo Vivaldini dos Santos; Ana Carla Almeida de Freitas
O presente estudo objetivou estudar a variabilidade genetica de matrizes de Bertholletia excelsa atraves da estimacao de parâmetros e ganhos geneticos para os caracteres peso/ourico (g), peso de sementes/ourico (g) e numero de sementes/ourico no pre-melhoramento da especie. Foram utilizadas 90 matrizes de polinizacao aberta, sendo 30 matrizes de cada tipo, denominadas localmente de rajada, mirim e rosa, no municipio de Cotriguacu, noroeste de Mato Grosso, regiao amazonica. O experimento foi estabelecido sob delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com 90 tratamentos (matrizes) e seis ouricos por matriz, com suas respectivas sementes. As variaveis foram analisadas usando-se a metodologia de modelo linear misto do software SELEGEN-REML/BLUP. Os coeficientes de herdabilidades individuais no sentido amplo dos efeitos genotipicos totais (0,21, 0,14 e 0,34) para os caracteres peso/ourico (g), peso de sementes/ourico (g) e numero de sementes/ourico, respectivamente, sao considerados moderados para os dois primeiros caracteres e alto para o carater numero de sementes/ourico, sugerindo expressivo controle genetico. A selecao das 10 melhores matrizes revelou predominância da procedencia do tipo rosa, proporcionando ganhos geneticos expressivos de pelo menos 24,16% para peso/ourico (g), 27,44% para peso de sementes/ourico e 16,92% para o carater numero de sementes por ourico. Os valores expressivos das matrizes do tipo rosa estimulam a utilizacao desses germoplasmas em programas de melhoramento genetico da especie, na sequencia das avaliacoes, bem como apontando para a possibilidade de obtencao de hibridos intraespecificos para caracteres desejaveis.
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology | 2011
Eduardo Sanches Pereira do Nascimento; Clayton Rodrigues de Oliveira; Paulo de Souza Gonçalves; Reginaldo Brito da Costa; Rogério M. B. Moreno; Luiz H. C. Mattoso; Antonio G. Ferreira
In this study, the effect of rootstock on grafting through metabolomic analysis of latex (Hevea brasiliensis) samples was verified by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and multivariate data analysis. Sixteen metabolites present in the latex cytosol were characterized by NMR. PCA analysis showed that the latex samples of the RR and GR groups can be differentiated. The GR group samples present a metabolic profile similar to the RR group samples, while the RG group is in an intermediate position between RR and GG groups. Sucrose and formate contributed greatly to the separation obtained by PCA, presenting a good correlation between the results. 1H NMR was an efficient technique to differentiate latex samples from different types of rootstocks and grafting and in the future could be used to predict rubber production by latex analysis.
Bragantia | 2010
Reginaldo Brito da Costa; Marcos Deon Vilela de Resende; Paulo de Souza Gonçalves; Raul Alffonso Rodrigues Roa; Kênia Cristine de Oliveira Feitosa
ABSTRACT GENETIC PARAMETERS AND VALUES PREDICTION FOR GROWTH ANDLATEX PRODUCTION TRAITS IN RUBBER TREE PROGENIES This study aimed to estimate genetic values and parameters for plant height, diameter, rubberyield and productivity (g cm - ²) of rubber tree progenies. Half-sib progenies were established in a completerandomized block, with 28 treatments, five replicates and 10 plants per plot. At three years of life, theprogenies were evaluated regarding the following characters: diameter, rubber production andproductivity (g cm 2 ). The estimative coefficients of individual heritabilities (0.33; 0.24 and 0.51) for plantheight, diameter and area production, respectively, were considered expressive. For the character of rubberyield the estimative of the coefficient of individual heritability, towards restrictive (9%), although oflow magnitude, indicates an excellent chance once selection, it led to an estimate of heritability at familyaverage level, to an equivalent value of 68%. The accuracy among the genetics values predicted and thetrue ones were of 0.80 for height, 0.76 for diameter, 0.62 for rubber yield and 0.86 for productivity (gcm²). The estimative of individual heritability associated with the average of progenies can maximizethe genetic gains with selection in to the population. The inclusion of productivity character is promisingand should be considered in future evaluations, supporting the species genetic improvement programin Mato Grosso do Sul State.
Interações (Campo Grande) | 2014
Flora Ferreira Camargo; Thaianny Rodrigues de Souza; Reginaldo Brito da Costa
Goal of this study was to demonstrate the utilization of ethnoecology, ethnobotanic and ethno-knowledge at local communities in Mato Grosso State, focusing popular knowledge about plants of the Cerrado biome.El presente articulo tiene como objetivo mostrar el uso de etnoecologia, etnobotanica y el etnoconocimiento en cumunidades locales del Estado de Mato Grosso, con el foco (centrandose) en el saber popular sobre las plantas del bioma Cerrado.
Interações (Campo Grande) | 2009
Andréa Haruko Arakaki; Gessiel Newton Scheidt; Augustus Caeser Portella; Eduardo José de Arruda; Reginaldo Brito da Costa
O presente trabalho refere-se a experiencia do Assentamento Andalucia no sentido de valorizar a importância do manejo dos recursos naturais associado aos seus proprios anseios, com a utilizacao, especialmente do baru em um contexto de sustentabilidade, mantendo a biodiversidade local. Nesse contexto, aborda-se a coleta e utilizacao de frutos nativos em areas de ocorrencia natural constituindo alternativas economicas para as populacoes locais.
Interações (Campo Grande) | 2010
Flávio Luís Hilário Rego; Antonio Brand; Reginaldo Brito da Costa
Este articulo trata de la lenta, pero consistente recuperacion de la vegetacion remanente, en area Kaiowa y Guarani, gracias a la integracion de esfuerzos de los residentes locales y organos parceros. En la riqueza de las narraciones se confirma la existencia de un inmenso acervo de conocimientos tradicionales, comportando formas de utilizacion, modelos de manejo y gestion ambiental, que apuntan para una situacion mas adecuada y de posible sustentabilidad.This paper approaches the slow but consistent remaining vegetation recovery, as a result of the integration of local habitants and partner organs efforts, in the Kaiowá and Guarani area. It’s confirmed by the rich reports that there’s an immense acquis of traditional knowledge, containing forms of utilization and environmental management models, which point out a more adequate and likely sustainability situation. Key-words: Indigenous land. Forest fragmentation. Sustainable development. Résumé: Cet article propose une analyse de la récupération progressive et constante de la végétation restante en territoire autochtone Kaiowá et Guarani. Ce processus est réalisé avec l’effort des résidents locaux et des organismes partenaires. Les récits des habitants révèlent de nombreux savoirs traditionnels, y compris les moyens et les modèles de gestion durable de l’environnement. Mots-clés: Territoires autochtones. Fragmentation de forêts. Développement durable. Resumen: Este articulo trata de la lenta, pero consistente recuperación de la vegetación remanente, en area Kaiowá y Guarani, gracias a la integración de esfuerzos de los residentes locales y órganos parceros. En la riqueza de las narraciones se confirma la existéncia de un inmenso acervo de conocimientos tradicionales, comportando formas de utilización, modelos de manejo y gestión ambiental, que apuntan para una situación mas adecuada y de posible
Interações (Campo Grande) | 2009
Andréa Haruko Arakaki; Gessiel Newton Scheidt; Augustus Caeser Portella; Eduardo José de Arruda; Reginaldo Brito da Costa
O presente trabalho refere-se a experiencia do Assentamento Andalucia no sentido de valorizar a importância do manejo dos recursos naturais associado aos seus proprios anseios, com a utilizacao, especialmente do baru em um contexto de sustentabilidade, mantendo a biodiversidade local. Nesse contexto, aborda-se a coleta e utilizacao de frutos nativos em areas de ocorrencia natural constituindo alternativas economicas para as populacoes locais.
Bragantia | 2009
Reginaldo Brito da Costa; Marcos Deon Vilela de Resende; Raul Alffonso Rodrigues Roa; Davi José Bungenstab; Wagner José Martins; Antonia Railda Roel
This study aimed at the genetic evaluation of growth of the best erva-mate progenies derived from native individual selected at the Indian reserve in Caarapo, Mato Grosso do Sul State. Experimental design of the progeny test was randomized blocks with 30 treatments, 5 replicates and 10 plants per plot in single rows at 3 x 2 m spacing. Fourteen months old, progenies were evaluated for height and diameter of seedlings. Restrict individual heritability were of medium and high magnitudes (0.15 and 0.28) for height and diameter respectively. Estimated genetic gains with individual selection ranged from 5.23 to 8.51 cm for height and from 2.08 to 3.15 mm for diameter. Predicted genetic values with sexual and asexual propagation indicate better gain potentials for the latter. Evaluation overlapping generations indicate that individuals from current generation tend to be better than the ones from the preceding generation.
Interações (Campo Grande) | 2014
Flora Ferreira Camargo; Thaianny Rodrigues de Souza; Reginaldo Brito da Costa
Goal of this study was to demonstrate the utilization of ethnoecology, ethnobotanic and ethno-knowledge at local communities in Mato Grosso State, focusing popular knowledge about plants of the Cerrado biome.El presente articulo tiene como objetivo mostrar el uso de etnoecologia, etnobotanica y el etnoconocimiento en cumunidades locales del Estado de Mato Grosso, con el foco (centrandose) en el saber popular sobre las plantas del bioma Cerrado.