
Cerne | 2012

Produção de serapilheira em diferentes fases sucessionais de uma floresta subtropical secundária, em Antonina, PR

Kauana Melissa Cunha Dickow; Renato Marques; Carolina Benghi Pinto; Hubert Höfer

.ano -1 e a contribuicao da fracao folhas foi de 77, 75 e 68%, nas fases sucessionais inicial, media a avancada, respectivamente. Na serapilheira foliar da fase inicial predominou a especie Tibouchina pulchra (jacatirao) (75%), sendo que nas fases media e avancada nao ocorreu o predominio de apenas uma especie. A producao de ramos e orgaos reprodutivos nao diferiu estatisticamente entre as diferentes fases sucessionais. A producao da fracao miscelânea foi maior na fase avancada e nao diferiu entre as fases inicial e media. Em geral, foram pequenas as diferencas na producao de serapilheira ao longo do processo sucessional na area do estudo. ABSTRACT: This study was conducted in the Cachoeira River Natural Reserve, in Antonina, Parana state, Brazil. The main goal was to assess the litter production of secondary tropical rain forests in different sucessional stages (initial, medium and advanced stages). The litter fall was collected every 3 weeks during four years (2004 to 2007), in circular litter traps of 0.25m 2 , distributed in 30 plots of 100m 2 of area. A total of 60 litter traps were installed in an area of 3000m 2 . The litter fall collected at each retrieval date was dried, separated into fractions (leaves, twigs, reproductive organs and miscellaneous) and weighed. Leaves of some tree species were selected from the total litter for a specifi c study of their contribution to the total litter. The average annual litter production for the three years was 5201, 5399 and 5323 kg.ha -1 .year -1 , and the percentage contribution of the leaf fraction was 77, 75 and 68%, in the initial, medium and advanced sucessional stages, respectively. The leaf litter fraction produced in the initial stage was dominated by the species Tibouchina pulchra (jacatirao) (75%), but in the medium and advanced stages the dominance of only one tree species in leaf litter fraction did not occur. The production of twigs and reproductive organs did not differ statistically among the sucessional stages. The production of miscellaneous fraction was higher in the advanced stage and did not differ between the initial and medium stages. In general, the differences in litter production were little along the sucessional stage in the area of the study.

Biota Neotropica | 2015

Non-volant mammals from Núcleo Santa Virgínia, Serra do Mar State Park, São Paulo, Brazil

Fabiana Rocha-Mendes; Carolina Lima Neves; Rodrigo de Almeida Nobre; Renato Marques; Gledson Vigiano Bianconi; Mauro Galetti

This study presents data on the composition and species richness of non-flying mammals in the northern part of the Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, called Nucleo Santa Virginia (NSV - around 17000 hectares of Atlantic Forest), Sao Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. The species list was based on ca. 660 km of line-transects, 25512 hours of cameras traps, 7740 trap.nights for small mammals, and 394 track-station.days, as well as occasional records and registers from local people (period 2002 to 2009). Based on these complementary methods, a total of 58 species were recorded from the 85-104 possible. Eighteen taxa are listed in the Brazilian endangered species list, 29 in the state list. The high species richness of non-volant mammals and the presence of threatened species show the importance of NSV for the conservation of Atlantic Forest mammals.

Biota Neotropica | 2014

Forest structure and species composition along a successional gradient of Lowland Atlantic Forest in Southern Brazil

Márcia C. M. Marques; Victor P. Zwiener; Fernando M. Ramos; Marília Borgo; Renato Marques

The Lowland Forest is one of the most disturbed and fragile ecosystems in the Atlantic Forest biome, yet little is known regarding its successional trajectory and resilience. We evaluated changes in species assemblages and forest structure of the canopy and understory along a successional gradient (young 21-yrs old forest, immature 34-yrs old forest and late successional 59-yrs old forest) aiming to assess changes in species composition and successional trajectory of different strata of secondary forests. A 0.1 ha plot (ten 10x10 m sub-plots) from each forest stand was surveyed for trees and shrubs with a diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 4.8 cm (canopy) and for individuals with heights ≥ 1 m and DBH < 4.8 cm (understory). A total of 3,619 individuals from 82 plant species were sampled. The successional gradient was marked by a unidirectional increase in species richness and a bidirectional pattern of density changes (increasing from young to immature forest and decreasing from immature to late successional forest). Community assemblages were distinct in the three forests and two strata; indicator species were only weakly shared among stands. Thus, each successional forest and stratum was observed to be a unique plant community. Our results suggest slight predictability of community assemblages in secondary forests, but a relatively fast recovery of forest structure.

Floresta e Ambiente | 2016

Deposição de Fitomassa em Formações Secundárias na Floresta Atlântica do Paraná

Jonas Eduardo Bianchin; Renato Marques; Ricardo Miranda de Britez; Robson Louiz Capretz

Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a deposicao de serapilheira em tres formacoes secundarias com diferentes idades na Floresta Ombrofila Densa Submontana no Parana. A serapilheira anual produzida foi avaliada mensalmente por 25 coletores (1 m2) distribuidos sistematicamente em cada formacao secundaria (1 ha) e separada em fracoes (ramos, orgaos reprodutivos, miscelânea e folhas). Nao houve diferenca significativa entre as formacoes quanto a deposicao anual de serapilheira, provavelmente devido as semelhancas entre elas com relacao a estrutura da vegetacao e as condicoes meteorologicas. A maior deposicao de serapilheira total e fracoes ocorreu nos meses com maiores temperatura e precipitacao. A fracao folhas foi a mais representativa na serapilheira total em todas as formacoes, sendo que na floresta secundaria menos desenvolvida (FS-1) houve contribuicao de um menor numero de especies, quando comparada com a floresta secundaria intermediaria (FS-2) e a floresta secundaria mais desenvolvida (FS-3).

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology | 2009

Nutrient composition of mature and litter leaves and nutrient mobilization in leaves of tree species from secondary rainforests in the South of Brazil

Kauana Melissa Cunha Dickow; Renato Marques; Carolina Benghi Pinto

The aim of this work was to analyze the concentration of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in mature and litter leaves and nutrient mobilization in leaves of different tree species from secondary forests of the Atlantic Forest. At the study site, located in Floresta do Palmito (Paranagua, PR), three different forest typologies namely Initial, Intermediary and Advanced were selected. The predominant sequence of nutrients in litter leaves was: N > Ca > Mg > K > P. This sequence was very similar to that found for mature leaves, the difference being only the change in order between Mg and K. Nutrients mobilized in leaves were higher in the typology Advanced compared to the typology Initial, mainly N, P and K. The majority of the species studied did not mobilize Ca to other parts of the plant, except Clusia criuva (typology Intermediary) and Ocotea pulchella (typology Advanced).

Revista Ecologia e Nutrição Florestal - ENFLO | 2017

Produção de serapilheira e restituição de nutrientes em florestas secundárias do litoral paranaense

Thiago Woiciechowski; Renato Marques

Monthly collections of litterfall were collected in secondary forest areas with different ages under the control of Dense Ombrophylous Submontane Forest in Parana state 25 collectors of 1 m² suspended systematically distributed in 1 ha each; with the objective of estimating the production of litter: Annual, seasonal, by fractions leaves, twigs, reproductive organs and remains, and the amount of nutrients restored. Secondary forests were called SF, with SF-1 and SF-2 being approximately 100 years old (more developed); SF-3 and FS-4 between 60 and 80 years (intermediate); SF-5 between 40 and 60 years and SF-6 between 20 and 30 years (less developed). After the quantifications of the phytomass, homogenization and milling were performed for chemical analyzes of C, N, P, K, Ca and Mg. The annual production was between 5 and 10 Mg ha -1 year -1 and a statistical difference was observed in annual and seasonal production, with summer and spring being the highest deposition rates. The annual deposition had no relation with the age and phytosociological structures of the forests.The leaves fraction was responsible for the higher rates and pattern of deposition in the areas, but the miscellaneous fraction contributed to the higher nutrient return in the soil in the more developed forests. The annual amount of nutrients returned had the sequence C>N>Ca>K>Mg>P in the areas, with the exception of FS-1, with a higher content of Mg in relation to K. The sequence in the annual nutrient supply was FS- 1 = FS-2>FS-5>FS-6>FS-4>FS-3 concluding that more developed forests returned more nutrients to the soil.

Floresta e Ambiente | 2017

Litterfall and Nutrient Dynamics in a Mature Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil

Bárbara Sloboda; Renato Marques; Jonas Eduardo Bianchin; Hilbert Blum; Cristine G. Donha; Fabiana Silveira; Robson Louiz Capretz

We assessed litterfall and nutrient cycling in an old-growth Atlantic rainforest in southern Brazil. Plant litter collected monthly was separated into: leaves, twigs, reproductive organs, and fragments, and dried, weighed, and ground. Determination of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium contents of different litter fractions was also performed. The total deposition was 8.44 Mg-1 ha-1 year-1, with a higher proportion of leaves fraction. Litterfall predominated in spring and summer, coinciding with the highest average temperature and rainfall in the study area. For leaves, twigs and fragments, the elements sequence of concentration was C>N>Ca>K>Mg>P>Na; whereas for reproductive organs it was C>N>K>Ca>Mg>P>Na. A higher concentration of nutrients was observed in spring and summer for the leaves fraction. The quantitative transfer of nutrients by litterfall fractions to the forest soil followed the same sequence observed for the concentration of nutrients.

Floresta e Ambiente | 2017

Crescimento e Nutrição de Angico e Canafístula sob Calagem e Gessagem

Giovanno de Vargas; Renato Marques

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of lime and gypsum application on the growth and nutrition of two leguminous trees. Treatments consisted of five rates of limestone, gypsum and a control treatment, with five replicates. Angico species (Anadanthera colubrina) and canafistula (Senna multijuga) were tested in a greenhouse experiment. Height and diameter were evaluated for a period of seven months. We evaluated the plants biomass, chemical composition, and number and dry weight of nodules on the roots. Lime increased pH, Ca2+ and Mg2+ content in soils, besides the neutralization of the Al3+. For Angico, basis saturation promoted the highest growth for canafistula it was 20%. Foliar nutritional content in the species, both, followed the order N> Ca> Mg> K> P. There were no correlations between plant growth and leaf content of nutrients.

Hoehnea | 2016

Teores foliares e esclerofilia de Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. (Clusiaceae) e suas relações edáficas no litoral do Estado do Paraná, Brasil

Fernanda Sereda; Carlos Bruno Reissmann; Maria Regina Torres Boeger; Renato Marques

Este estudo avaliou a relacao entre teores de nutrientes do solo e foliares de Calophyllum brasiliense (guanandi), em dois sitios do litoral paranaense, em distintas condicoes de fertilidade. Os atributos quimicos do solo e foliares, Al, Na e area especifica foliar, como indice de esclerofilia, foram analisados. As folhas diferiram para os teores de K, Ca e Cu e area especifica foliar. Os teores de K e Ca foram maiores nas folhas das plantas do Rio Velho, enquanto que os teores de Cu e a area especifica foliar foram maiores nas folhas das plantas da Floresta do Palmito. Os teores de Al e Na indicaram que a especie e tolerante a esses elementos. A area foliar especifica indicou que as folhas sao esclerofilas como resposta a condicao de estresse devido ao baixo teor de N em ambos os sitios, alem do alto teor de Al e a baixa fertilidade do solo na Floresta do Palmito e a alta salinidade do solo no Rio Velho.

Nematology | 2012

Nematode assemblages in banana (Musa acuminata) monocultures and banana plantations with Juçara palms (Euterpe edulis) in the southern Mata Atlântica, Brazil

Bernhard Förster; Silja Frankenbach; Hubert Höfer; Thomas Moser; Petra Schmidt; Jörg Römbke; Renato Marques

Summary – The composition of the nematode fauna at two different agrosystems (banana monocultures and mixed banana-palmito plantations) was investigated at six study sites on the coastal plain of southern Brazil. Nematode abundance was higher and the number of families was lower (25 compared to 33) in the soil of banana monocultures. The assemblages in the soil of the banana monocultures were dominated by bacterial feeders and plant parasites, whereas in the soil of the mixed plantations the proportion of the other trophic groups was higher. In the monocultures, the percentage of families categorised as colonisers (c-p 1 families) was higher and the persisters lower. The difference in the assemblage of c-p groups was significant between sites of the two different systems. Principal component analysis (PCA) ordination of the samples by nematode family composition showed site-specific assemblages, similarity between two sites of each system and significant dissimilarities between the two systems. The MI 1-5 and the MI 2-5 were lower in the banana monocultures. Additionally, the MI 2-5 of banana site B2 was significantly higher than that of the two other banana sites. The ratio F/B was higher and the ratio (F + B)/plant feeders was lower in the banana-palmito plantations. The differences between the systems in nearly all measured parameters indicate a higher degree of disturbance and nutrient enrichment of the soil under monocultures. However, a low number of plant parasites and dominance of c-p 3 taxa at both agroecosystems show that the soil of both agroecosystems seems to be of an advanced successional stage. This may be a result of a less intensive ‘organic’ cultivation without the use of plant protection products and fertilisers and with additional non-host plants. Despite many non-controlled variables in the smallholder systems, according to the results the nematodes can be regarded as suitable indicators of soil disturbance in banana and banana-palmito agro-ecosystems.

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