Renaud Guillemin
University of Paris
Nature | 2014
F. Trinter; M. Schöffler; H.-K. Kim; F. Sturm; K. Cole; N. Neumann; A. Vredenborg; Joshua Williams; I. Bocharova; Renaud Guillemin; Marc Simon; A. Belkacem; Allen Lee Landers; Th. Weber; H. Schmidt-Böcking; R. Dörner; T. Jahnke
In 1997, it was predicted that an electronically excited atom or molecule placed in a loosely bound chemical system (such as a hydrogen-bonded or van-der-Waals-bonded cluster) could efficiently decay by transferring its excess energy to a neighbouring species that would then emit a low-energy electron. This intermolecular Coulombic decay (ICD) process has since been shown to be a common phenomenon, raising questions about its role in DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation, in which low-energy electrons are known to play an important part. It was recently suggested that ICD can be triggered efficiently and site-selectively by resonantly core-exciting a target atom, which then transforms through Auger decay into an ionic species with sufficiently high excitation energy to permit ICD to occur. Here we show experimentally that resonant Auger decay can indeed trigger ICD in dimers of both molecular nitrogen and carbon monoxide. By using ion and electron momentum spectroscopy to measure simultaneously the charged species created in the resonant-Auger-driven ICD cascade, we find that ICD occurs in less time than the 20 femtoseconds it would take for individual molecules to undergo dissociation. Our experimental confirmation of this process and its efficiency may trigger renewed efforts to develop resonant X-ray excitation schemes for more localized and targeted cancer radiation therapy.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2002
K. Le Guen; Denis Céolin; Renaud Guillemin; C. Miron; N. Leclercq; M. Bougeard; M. Simon; Pascal Morin; Alexandra Mocellin; Florian Burmeister; A. Naves de Brito; S. L. Sorensen
A four-element conical electron lens has been developed in view of its integration to a double toroidal electron energy analyzer (DTA) dedicated to Auger electron–ion coincidence measurements. The lens design, using electron trajectory numerical simulations, was entirely guided by the perspective of analyzing energetic electrons with high resolution in the multicoincidence regime. The design, construction, and experimental characterization stages of this electron optics system are described in this article. Emphasis is put on the importance of third generation synchrotron radiation sources when performing such multicoincidence experiments.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2013
R. K. Kushawaha; M. Patanen; Renaud Guillemin; Loïc Journel; Catalin Miron; Marc Simon; Maria Novella Piancastelli; C. Skates; Piero Decleva
Significance Electrons emitted from equivalent centers in isolated molecules via the photoelectric effect interfere, providing an atomic-scale equivalent of the celebrated Young’s double-slit experiment. We have developed a theoretical and experimental framework to characterize such interference phenomena accurately, and we have applied it to the simplest hydrocarbons with different bond lengths and bonding types. We demonstrate that such fundamental observations can be related to crucial structural information, such as chemical bond lengths, molecular orbital composition, and quantitative assessment of many-body effects, with a very high accuracy. The experimental and theoretical tools we use are relatively simple and easily accessible, and our method can readily be extended to larger systems, including molecules of biological interest. Interferences in coherent emission of photoelectrons from two equivalent atomic centers in a molecule are the microscopic analogies of the celebrated Young’s double-slit experiment. By considering inner-valence shell ionization in the series of simple hydrocarbons C2H2, C2H4, and C2H6, we show that double-slit interference is widespread and has built-in quantitative information on geometry, orbital composition, and many-body effects. A theoretical and experimental study is presented over the photon energy range of 70–700 eV. A strong dependence of the oscillation period on the C–C distance is observed, which can be used to determine bond lengths between selected pairs of equivalent atoms with an accuracy of at least 0.01 Å. Furthermore, we show that the observed oscillations are directly informative of the nature and atomic composition of the inner-valence molecular orbitals and that observed ratios are quantitative measures of elusive many-body effects. The technique and analysis can be immediately extended to a large class of compounds.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2007
A. C. Hudson; Wayne C. Stolte; Dennis W. Lindle; Renaud Guillemin
A curved-crystal x-ray emission spectrometer has been designed and built to measure 2-5 keV x-ray fluorescence resulting from a core-level excitation of gas phase species. The spectrometer can rotate 180 degrees, allowing detection of emitted x rays with variable polarization angles, and is capable of collecting spectra over a wide energy range (20 eV wide with 0.5 eV resolution at the Cl K edge) simultaneously. In addition, the entire experimental chamber can be rotated about the incident-radiation axis by nearly 360 degrees while maintaining vacuum, permitting measurements of angular distributions of emitted x rays.
Journal of Physics B | 2003
S.-W. Yu; Wayne C. Stolte; Gunnar Öhrwall; Renaud Guillemin; Maria Novella Piancastelli; Dennis W. Lindle
We have measured all detectable cationic and anionic fragments in singlechannel mode from N2O as a function of photon energy in the vicinity of the nitrogen 1s core-level threshold. Due to the high degree of localization of the core electrons, the two excitations Nt1s → 3π∗ and Nc1s → 3π∗ show high levels of site-selective behaviour. The observed partial ion yield for the sole anionic fragment,O−, in conjunctionwith the partial cation yields,confirms our previous demonstration of anion-yield spectroscopy as a unique tool to identify core-level shape resonances.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2011
T. Marchenko; Loïc Journel; T. Marin; Renaud Guillemin; S. Carniato; M. Žitnik; M. Kavčič; K. Bučar; A. Mihelič; J. Hoszowska; Wei Cao; Marc Simon
We present measurements of the resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) spectra of the CH(3)I molecule in the hard-x-ray region near the iodine L(2) and L(3) absorption edges. We show that dispersive RIXS spectral features that were recognized as a fingerprint of dissociative molecular states can be interpreted in terms of ultrashort natural lifetime of ∼200 attoseconds in the case of the iodine L-shell core-hole. Our results demonstrate the capacity of the RIXS technique to reveal subtle dynamical effects in molecules with sensitivity to nuclear rearrangement on a subfemtosecond time scale.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2012
S. Carniato; Loïc Journel; Renaud Guillemin; Maria Novella Piancastelli; Wayne C. Stolte; Dennis W. Lindle; Marc Simon
Electronegativity is a well-known property of atoms and substituent groups. Because there is no direct way to measure it, establishing a useful scale for electronegativity often entails correlating it to another chemical parameter; a wide variety of methods have been proposed over the past 80 years to do just that. This work reports a new approach that connects electronegativity to a spectroscopic parameter derived from resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. The new method is demonstrated using a series of chlorine-containing compounds, focusing on the Cl 2p(-1)LUMO(1) electronic states reached after Cl 1s → LUMO core excitation and subsequent KL radiative decay. Based on an electron-density analysis of the LUMOs, the relative weights of the Cl 2p(z) atomic orbital contributing to the Cl 2p(3/2) molecular spin-orbit components are shown to yield a linear electronegativity scale consistent with previous approaches.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2007
Denis Céolin; Maria Novella Piancastelli; Renaud Guillemin; Wayne C. Stolte; S.-W. Yu; Oliver Hemmers; Dennis W. Lindle
The authors present partial-ion-yield experiments on the methyl chloride molecule excited in the vicinity of the Cl2p and C1s inner shells. A large number of fragments, cations produced by dissociation or recombination processes, as well as anionic species, have been detected. Although the spectra exhibit different intensity distributions depending on the core-excited atom, general observations include strong site-selective fragmentation along the C-Cl bond axis and a strong intensity dependence of transitions involving Rydberg series on fragment size.
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena | 1998
Catalin Miron; Renaud Guillemin; N. Leclercq; P. Morin; Marc Simon
Abstract We describe in this paper very recent results obtained by mean of resonant Auger spectroscopy experiments on SiF 4 and SiCl 4 molecules excited around the silicon 2p edge. Both molecules exhibit participator resonant Auger decay paths never observed in previous measurements. The enhancement of photoelectron lines is interpreted by the silicon character versus the halogeno lone pairs parentage. In contrast with the SiF 4 molecule, the SiCl 4 molecule reveals a continuous electron background when exciting the two first core to anti-bonding discrete resonances. A possible explanation of the origin of this electron background in terms of an Auger emission perturbed by the nuclear motion is also given.
Nature Communications | 2015
Renaud Guillemin; P. Decleva; M. Stener; Cédric Bomme; T. Marin; L. Journel; T. Marchenko; R. K. Kushawaha; K. Jänkälä; N. Trcera; K. P. Bowen; Dennis W. Lindle; Maria Novella Piancastelli; M. Simon
Electronic core levels in molecules are highly localized around one atomic site. However, in single-photon ionization of symmetric molecules, the question of core-hole localization versus delocalization over two equivalent atoms has long been debated as the answer lies at the heart of quantum mechanics. Here, using a joint experimental and theoretical study of core-ionized carbon disulfide (CS2), we demonstrate that it is possible to experimentally select distinct molecular-fragmentation pathways in which the core hole can be considered as either localized on one sulfur atom or delocalized between two indistinguishable sulfur atoms. This feat is accomplished by measuring photoelectron angular distributions within the frame of the molecule, directly probing entanglement or disentanglement of quantum pathways as a function of how the molecule dissociates.