Ricardo de Mattos Russo Rafael
Rio de Janeiro State University
Jornal Brasileiro De Psiquiatria | 2014
Ricardo de Mattos Russo Rafael; Anna Tereza Miranda Soares de Moura
Objective To reflect upon possible differences between the terms “violence against women” and “women in a situation of violence” from the analysis of the occurrence of intimate partner violence. Methods It’s a cross-sectional study with a sample of 640 women, aged between 20 and 64, in four Health Family Units in the municipality of Nova Iguacu (RJ). The instrument used was the Portuguese version for the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales, that evaluated the forms – and their intersection – physical, psychological and sexual violence suffered and perpetrated by women at least once in life. Results It has been estimated the prevalence of intimate forms of violence practiced against women (9.8%; IC95%: 7.5/12.1), by women (4.5%; IC95%: 2.9/6.1), and in the cases that the women was the victim or perpetrator of the acts (13.1%; IC95%: 10.5/15.7), it was assumed in this study as violence in couples. Conclusion In an attempt to better understand the dynamics of intimate partner violence, it would be useful to consider role mobility within the couple beyond the demarcation of genre – historical and sometimes immobilizing – between victim and assailant.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2013
Ricardo de Mattos Russo Rafael; Anna Tereza Miranda Soares de Moura
Este ensaio tem por objetivo refletir sobre os principios etico-metodologicos envolvidos em pesquisas com mulheres em situacao de violencia. O texto discute a aplicacao dos principios da beneficencia e nao maleficencia durante as pesquisas que envolvem esta tematica, apontando para recomendacoes balizadas pela privacidade, autonomia e contribuicoes imediatas para os sujeitos voluntarios. A seguir, tomando como referencial teorico os principios da justica e equidade, os autores propoem um debate sobre os aspectos metodologicos envolvidos na garantia de protecao das entrevistadas, com vistas a melhoria da qualidade dos dados obtidos e possiveis contribuicoes sociais.This essay aims at reflecting on the ethical and methodological principles involved in research with women in situation of violence. The text raises the discussion of the application of the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence during researches involving this issue, pointing to recommendations towards privacy, autonomy and immediate contributions for volunteers. Then, taking as theoretical reference the principles of justice and equity, the authors propose a debate on methodological aspects involved in protection of respondents, with a view at improving the quality of the data obtained and possible social contributions.
Cadernos Saúde Coletiva | 2012
Ricardo de Mattos Russo Rafael; Anna Tereza Miranda Soares de Moura
Cervical cancer is a relevant public health problem in Brazil and in the world. Among the scenarios of health care, the Family Health Strategy seems to be a remarkable locus for its control. The aim of the study was to analyze the profile of clients and of cervical cancer screening usage on the Family Health Strategy of the municipality of Nova Iguacu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Its a cross-sectional study based on household survey with a sample of 281 women aged between 20 and 59 years. It was observed that 95.37% of the respondents (95%CI 92.90-97.84) reported having done the exam once in their lives. Only 33.80% (95%CI 28.24-39.37) of them were not given an examination last year. It was observed that 79.71% (95%CI 74.98-84.44) of the women perform as a routine search for the cancer. It was found that the Family Health Strategy has been surpassing expectations and following the recommendations on the quantitative screening of cervical cancer. However, the risk factors profile and the interval between examinations emphasize the need for reflection on possible gaps in the organization and quality of prevention methods and early detection of the disease.
Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem | 2018
Lucia Aparecida de Souza; Ricardo de Mattos Russo Rafael; Anna Tereza Miranda Soares de Moura; Mercedes Neto
OBJECTIVE To analyze the relations between the presence and orientation of the Primary Health Care and hospitalizations due to sensitive conditions to primary care in a university hospital. METHOD This is a sectional study with a sample of 197 subjects hospitalized from March to June 2016 in the medical clinic of a university hospital in Juiz de Fora. The assessment, conducted through interviews, used the Primary Health Care Assessment Tool, reduced version for adults, and the Brazilian list of sensitive conditions, edited by the Ministry of Health. RESULTS The regular frequency of the Primary Care was associated with hospitalizations (OR:2,06), especially related to the low performance of the access attributes (OR:5,3) and the comprehensives (OR:4,7). CONCLUSION The low orientation of the Primary Care attributes suggests that only the coverage at this level may not be sufficient to reduce these hospitalizations, but the way it is organized and effective at the community level.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2017
Ricardo de Mattos Russo Rafael; Anna Tereza Miranda Soares de Moura; Jeane Marques Cunha Tavares; Renata Evelin Moreno Ferreira; Glauce Gomes da Silva Camilo; Mercedes Neto
OBJECTIVE To estimate the profile of intimate partner violence involving women in a scenario of Family Health Strategy in the municipality of Nova Iguaçu (Rio de Janeiro). METHOD A transversal study was conducted in four units with a sample of 640 women between the ages of 25 to 64. The phenomena of violence was determined using the tool Revised Conflict Tactics Scales, validated for Brazil. Statistical analysis took into consideration an estimation of prevalence in the calculation of the p values. RESULTS The situations of violence and the sociodemographic profiles demonstrated a statistically significant relationship with the variables of educational level and housing conditions. Age, ethnicity and economic class demonstrated an association with certain types of violence, varying in type and severity. CONCLUSION The study investigated the profile of these situations of violence and enabled reflection regarding the approaches adopted by the Family Health Strategy teams.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2013
Ricardo de Mattos Russo Rafael; Anna Tereza Miranda Soares de Moura
Este ensaio tem por objetivo refletir sobre os principios etico-metodologicos envolvidos em pesquisas com mulheres em situacao de violencia. O texto discute a aplicacao dos principios da beneficencia e nao maleficencia durante as pesquisas que envolvem esta tematica, apontando para recomendacoes balizadas pela privacidade, autonomia e contribuicoes imediatas para os sujeitos voluntarios. A seguir, tomando como referencial teorico os principios da justica e equidade, os autores propoem um debate sobre os aspectos metodologicos envolvidos na garantia de protecao das entrevistadas, com vistas a melhoria da qualidade dos dados obtidos e possiveis contribuicoes sociais.This essay aims at reflecting on the ethical and methodological principles involved in research with women in situation of violence. The text raises the discussion of the application of the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence during researches involving this issue, pointing to recommendations towards privacy, autonomy and immediate contributions for volunteers. Then, taking as theoretical reference the principles of justice and equity, the authors propose a debate on methodological aspects involved in protection of respondents, with a view at improving the quality of the data obtained and possible social contributions.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2013
Ricardo de Mattos Russo Rafael; Anna Tereza Miranda Soares de Moura
Este ensaio tem por objetivo refletir sobre os principios etico-metodologicos envolvidos em pesquisas com mulheres em situacao de violencia. O texto discute a aplicacao dos principios da beneficencia e nao maleficencia durante as pesquisas que envolvem esta tematica, apontando para recomendacoes balizadas pela privacidade, autonomia e contribuicoes imediatas para os sujeitos voluntarios. A seguir, tomando como referencial teorico os principios da justica e equidade, os autores propoem um debate sobre os aspectos metodologicos envolvidos na garantia de protecao das entrevistadas, com vistas a melhoria da qualidade dos dados obtidos e possiveis contribuicoes sociais.This essay aims at reflecting on the ethical and methodological principles involved in research with women in situation of violence. The text raises the discussion of the application of the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence during researches involving this issue, pointing to recommendations towards privacy, autonomy and immediate contributions for volunteers. Then, taking as theoretical reference the principles of justice and equity, the authors propose a debate on methodological aspects involved in protection of respondents, with a view at improving the quality of the data obtained and possible social contributions.
Revista de Pesquisa : Cuidado é Fundamental Online | 2012
Anne Caroline Vallim de Oliveira; Ricardo de Mattos Russo Rafael; Susidely Melo; Thamillis de França Medeiros
Objetivo: discutir as contribuicoes do enfermeiro sobre os impactos do processo de morte/morrer para a familia. Metodo: pesquisa descritiva e exploratoria com abordagem qualitativa, um estudo de revisao sistematica de literatura, onde realizamos pre-leitura, leitura seletiva e leitura interpretativa, finalizando com uma analise tematica. Resultados : na analise de dados, emergiram duas categorias. Na primeira discutiu-se o luto da familia mediante a morte. Ja na segunda abordou-se sobre a percepcao dos enfermeiros frente ao processo de morte/morrer. Conclusoes: concluimos que se faz necessaria uma maior implementacao nos cursos de graduacao na area de tanatologia, havendo momentos de vivencia e reflexao da perda e do luto. Descritores : Morte; Relacoes familiares; Enfermagem.
Revista de Pesquisa : Cuidado é Fundamental Online | 2011
Leandro de Souza Cortez; Ricardo de Mattos Russo Rafael
Objetivos: Estimar a prevalencia dos agravos a saude da equipe de enfermagem em consequencia da exposicao aos riscos em uma unidade de atencao terciaria da baixada fluminense, realizada no periodo de julho a setembro de 2009. Metodos: estudo de prevalencia, exploratorio com desenho transversal. Para a realizacao desta pesquisa foi utilizado o Questionario Nordico de Sintomas Osteomusculares ja validado no Brasil. Das participantes, 94% referiram algum tipo de sintoma osteomuscular nos ultimos 12 meses. As mais elevadas prevalencias desses sintomas, segundo as areas anatomicas, foram: regiao lombar (78,8%), ombros (57%), joelhos (37,4%) e regiao cervical (32,3%). Constatou-se ainda que, das respondentes, 10% faltaram ao trabalho e 21% consultaram um medico nos ultimos 12 meses por causa dos mesmos sintomas. As maiores causas de sofrimento nos trabalhadores de enfermagem sao as queixas de saude relacionadas ao aparelho osteomuscular, sendo que estes valores assumem proporcoes maiores sobre as mulheres. Descritores: saude do trabalhador, saude ocupacional, ergonomia.
Revista de Pesquisa : Cuidado é Fundamental Online | 2011
Ricardo de Mattos Russo Rafael; Ariane Cristine de Oliveira Bezerra; Érica Barcelos Silva; Priscila Costa Boto; Alessandra Januário; Jéssica Oliveira Santos
Objetivo: analisar o perfil do estresse relacionado ao trabalho em professores atuantes na area de Ciencias da Saude. Metodos: estudo observacional, do tipo transversal, tendo como populacao alvo os professores da area de Ciencias da Saude. A amostra foi constituida por 80 professores que trabalhavam em duas Universidades da Regiao da Baixada Fluminense, RJ. O modelo foi analisado com base na criacao de um banco de dados informatizados. Resultados : os dados analisados revelam que as mulheres casadas obtiveram um elevado grau de comprometimento das dimensoes da Sindrome; que quanto maior a jornada semanal de trabalho, maior a frequencia das alteracoes decorrentes da Sindrome de Burnout, e que quanto maior a frequencia semanal de atividades fisicas, menor a probabilidade de apresentacao do fenomeno. Conclusao: o presente estudou possibilitou destacar as reacoes fisicas, psicologicas e sociais relacionadas com a exposicao cronica ao estresse laboral continuo. Descritores : Esgotamento profissional; Saude do trabalhador; Docentes.