Ricardo João Teixeira
University of Minho
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Featured researches published by Ricardo João Teixeira.
Journal of Psychosocial Oncology | 2013
Ricardo João Teixeira; M. Graça Pereira
This study examined relationships among demographic, clinical, and psychosocial variables in adult children of cancer patients. Two hundred and fourteen participants completed measures of posttraumatic growth (PTG), distress, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, social support, and family functioning. Significant gender differences in all PTG dimensions were found, as well as associations among PTG, gender, parental dependency, distress, PTSD, and family functioning. Social support was not a mediator in the relationship between gender and PTG. Gender, education, disease duration, dependency, distress, and family flexibility predicted PTG. Finally, PTG had a moderating effect in the relationship between distress and PTSD/social support. These results may guide psychosocial interventions in this population.
Families, Systems, & Health | 2013
Ricardo João Teixeira; M. Graça Pereira
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) and relate posttraumatic growth with psychological morbidity. This is a cross-sectional study with a sample of 214 adult children of cancer patients. Additionally, a comparison group was recruited with 78 participants without a chronically ill parent. Measures of distress, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, and posttraumatic growth were collected. The original five-factor structure of the PTGI was maintained, with satisfactory internal consistency. The reorganization of the items in five factors was similar to the solution found in the original PTGI study, except for four items. Positive correlations between posttraumatic growth and PTSD symptoms/distress were significant. Women showed significantly higher posttraumatic growth. Adult children with parental cancer, and with probable PTSD, showed higher scores on the PTGI. Regression analysis revealed that PTSD symptoms were associated with higher posttraumatic growth, after controlling for demographic and clinical variables. Analysis with the comparison group showed that differences in posttraumatic growth were observed as a function of a shattered experience. This study confirmed the multidimensionality of the posttraumatic growth construct, underscoring the importance of considering the subjective nature of the shattered event, and the experience of emotional distress with parental cancer.
Psycho-oncology | 2013
Ricardo João Teixeira; Maria da Graça Pereira
This study examines the association between psychological morbidity, social support, and demographic and clinical variables in adult children of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Special attention was given to the variable level of parental dependency. The main predictors of caregiving burden were tested, as well as the mediating role of social support in the relationship between psychological morbidity and burden.
European Journal of Cancer Care | 2014
Ricardo João Teixeira; Maria da Graça Pereira
Literature suggests that parental cancer can provoke aversive emotional arousal in adult children, who may perceive caregiving as a traumatic experience. Limited research has been conducted on emotional and physiological impact of family caregiving for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. The aim of the present study was to examine psychological and physiological responses in parental cancers caregivers. Two matched groups of adult children, with 78 participants each (parental cancer vs. control), completed psychological measures of distress, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, and burden. Additionally, each participant visualised standardised pictures with different emotional valences, while cardiovascular (heart rate) and electrodermal responses (skin conductance) were recorded. Between-group analysis showed significant differences on all psychological variables, and on skin conductance for all types of pictures. However, for the heart rate responses, differences were found only for pictures with unpleasant emotional arousal. In the parental cancer group, the heart rate peak response stood out as a predictor of PTSD symptoms, after controlling for distress and burden. This study highlights the important role of psychophysiological measures of family caregiving in oncology. Physiological responses may explain a higher prevalence of PTSD symptoms. Therefore, biofeedback combined with targeted psychosocial interventions for relaxation could be of great clinical value for this population.
Psicologia-reflexao E Critica | 2011
Ricardo João Teixeira; Maria da Graça Pereira
O presente artigo engloba uma extensa revisao da literatura sobre a tematica do câncer parental e as consequencias pessoais e familiares desta vivencia. Nesse sentido, sao abordadas as principais consequencias medicas e psicossociais do diagnostico e tratamento do câncer e, usando o modelo sistemico, e descrita a influencia (negativa e positiva) deste acontecimento no doente e noutros membros da familia. E dado especial enfoque ao desenvolvimento psicologico dos filhos, incluindo os resultados dos estudos referentes ao stress traumatico e crescimento pos-traumatico, em particular no câncer da mama. Sao tecidas algumas implicacoes para a investigacao nesta area, bem como sugestoes para futuras investigacoes.
Psychology Research and Behavior Management | 2018
Ricardo João Teixeira; Allison J Applebaum; Sangeeta Bhatia; Tânia Brandão
Purpose A growing number of studies have explored the psychosocial burden experienced by cancer caregivers, but less attention has been given to the psychophysiological impact of caregiving and the impact of caregivers’ coping strategies on this association. This paper reviews existing research on the processes underlying distress experienced by cancer caregivers, with a specific focus on the role of coping strategies on psychophysiological correlates of burden. Methods A broad literature search was conducted in health-related databases namely MEDLINE, Science Citations Index Expanded, Scopus, and PsycINFO, using relevant search terms. All types of studies published in English were considered for inclusion. Results We found that cancer caregiving was related to increased blood pressure, dysregulation of autonomic nervous system, hypothalamic–pituitary–axis dysregulation, immune changes, and poor health-related behaviors. We also found that problem-focused coping was associated with decreased caregiver burden, decreased depression, and better adjustment, while emotion-focused coping was related to higher levels of posttraumatic growth and psychological distress. The way coping impacts psychophysiological correlates of burden, however, remains unexplored. Conclusion A better understanding of the psychophysiological elements of caregiver burden is needed. We propose a model that attends specifically to factors that may impact psychophysiological correlates of burden among cancer caregivers. Based on the proposed model, psychosocial interventions that specifically target caregivers’ coping and emotion regulation skills, family functioning, and self-care are endemic to the preservation of the health and well-being of this vulnerable population.
Saúde & Tecnologia | 2018
Artemisa Rocha Dores; Débora Barros; Ana Brito; Suveer Singh; Ricardo João Teixeira
Since 2004, formaldehyde (FA) has been classified by the International Agency for Cancer Research as a carcinogen. The FA ranks 25th in the overall United States chemical production, with more than 5 million tons produced each year. Due to its economic importance and varied use, many individuals are exposed to FA at their occupational settings. This study aimed to assess the exposure to FA in two occupational settings – FA production factory and pathology anatomy (PA) laboratories – and relate it to possible health effects by comparing frequency of micronuclei (MN) in peripheral bloodIntroducao: As desigualdades em saude sao reconhecidamente um problema de saude publica. A relacao entre determinantes sociais e as desigualdades em saude sao um achado robusto. Enquanto nos adultos e claro que estas desigualdades socioeconomicas se manifestam no seu estado de saude, a situacao e menos clara nas criancas e adolescentes. Foi entao efetuada uma revisao da literatura sobre a influencia dos determinantes sociais na saude na idade pediatrica. De forma a contribuir para um melhor conhecimento sobre a materia. Metodologia: A pesquisa foi efetuada segundo as normas PRISMA, com base nos termos MeSH: Social Class, Pediatric, Hospital, Emergency Treatment, Socioeconomic factor e Healthcare Disparities, na PubMed, Scielo e nas bases de dados da Cochrane. Foram excluidos artigos de revisao, opiniao bem como artigos que tratavam de questoes de acesso aos cuidados. Foi efetuada uma descricao quantitativa e qualitativa dos resultados. Resultados: Foram selecionadas 17 publicacoes, exceto uma do tipo descritiva, todas referentes a estudos observacionais analiticos, a maioria usando dados retrospetivos. Encontrou-se forte evidencia na relacao entre desigualdades em saude e os fatores socio economicos na idade pediatrica. Conclusao: Apesar de nenhuma das publicacoes selecionadas apresentar dados colhidos em Portugal, e seguro afirmar que e possivel encontrar a mesma relacao na idade pediatrica. E importante estudar mais esta area, identificar os determinantes sociais mais importantes bem como as populacoes mais vulneraveis, para melhor poder planear os cuidados de saude e combater as desigualdades. Palavras-Chave: Desigualdades em Saude, Determinantes Sociais da Saude, Fatores Socio-economicos, Pediatria
Research and Theory for Nursing Practice | 2016
Ricardo João Teixeira; M. Graça Pereira
This study analyzed posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and family functioning in a sample of adult children caregivers of cancer patients and in a group of adult children of nonchronically ill parents. Participants completed measures of family functioning and PTSD symptoms. The parental cancer group was subdivided into PTSD subgroups, and significant differences, on family functioning, were found. In the parental cancer group, the predictors of PTSD symptoms were being a woman and having an enmeshed or chaotic family functioning. Chaotic functioning mediated the relationship between family communication/satisfaction and PTSD symptoms, in the parental cancer group. Finally, there was a higher prevalence of PTSD symptoms in the parental cancer group, and participants with a probable PTSD diagnosis showed higher levels of family imbalance. This study shows that adult children facing parental cancer, who have a poorer family balance, may benefit from interventions that target family functioning.
Psychologia | 2009
Ricardo João Teixeira; M. Graça Pereira
The main goal of this revision article is (1) to convey a general vision and discussion about mindfulness meditations and its clinical practical value in oncology and (2) to report, in detail – assessing critically the existing research data, as well as the emergent one about mindfulness meditation – an intervention to people with cancer disease. In addition, it wishes to bring up the hypothesis of a program of health promotion and stress reduction, based on mindfulness, exploring its effects in terms of biologic and psychosocial variables. Foreign studies refer significant levels of change on psychosocial items of assessment, in the different moments of assessment. In that way, the intervention has relative theoretical support, even though this theoretical basis needs empirical refinement. It’s hoped that the eventual application of the intervention here described will allow to work the factors taken as beneficial to promote a better adjustment to the oncologic disease, rising proactively the actions of the individual has an informed intervenient of its process of progressive adaptation to the disease.
Contemporary Family Therapy | 2013
M. Graça Pereira; Ricardo João Teixeira