
Cadernos De Saude Publica | 2002

Relações entre saneamento, saúde pública e meio ambiente: elementos para formulação de um modelo de planejamento em saneamento

Sérgio Rodrigues Ayrimoraes Soares; Ricardo Silveira Bernardes; Oscar Netto

The understanding of sanitation infrastructure, public health, and environmental relations is a fundamental assumption for planning sanitation infrastructure in urban areas. This article thus suggests elements for developing a planning model for sanitation infrastructure. The authors performed a historical survey of environmental and public health issues related to the sector, an analysis of the conceptual frameworks involving public health and sanitation systems, and a systematization of the various effects that water supply and sanitation have on public health and the environment. Evaluation of these effects should guarantee the correct analysis of possible alternatives, deal with environmental and public health objectives (the main purpose of sanitation infrastructure), and provide the most reasonable indication of actions. The suggested systematization of the sanitation systems effects in each step of their implementation is an advance considering the association between the fundamental elements for formulating a planning model for sanitation infrastructure.

Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2004

Método Walkley-Black na determinação da matéria orgânica em solos contaminados por chorume

Cibele M. B. Leite; Ricardo Silveira Bernardes; Sebastião A. de Oliveira

The present work is related to the study of potentialities of wet oxidation-redox titration (Walkley-Black) method for organic matter determination in soil samples contaminated by leachate from domestic solid wastes. The soil contamination by leachate was obtained experimentally, using leachate with high organic load (chemical oxygen demand ranging between 36.000 to 110.000 mg L-1) and two similar inorganic clay soils (organic carbon contents less than 1,4%), classified as Red Latosol. The results showed that Walkley-Black method has potential for organic matter determination in inorganic clay soil samples contaminated by leachate from domestic solid wastes. The correlation coefficients between expected and determined values ranged from 0.95 to 0.97 in soil samples studied.

Engenharia Sanitaria E Ambiental | 2015

Remoção de matéria orgânica do esgoto em solo de wetland construído

Selma Cristina da Silva; Ricardo Silveira Bernardes; Maria Lucrécia Gerosa Ramos

On constructed wetlands systems, the support media usually used are coarse sand, gravel, crushed stone and gravel. In this research, we used the natural soil (Oxisol) mixed with medium sand, planted with rice (Oryza sativa L .) and a control without plants. The objective was to evaluate the BOD removal through the immobilization of microbial biomass, basal respiration (microbial activity) and total organic carbon of the soil. We used three systems, operating with hydraulic application rates of 4, 8 e 15 cm.d-1. Each system had three units constructed wetlands and three controls, which were fed with sewage, with vertical flow unsaturated conditions, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, leaving the system with no feed on the rest of the days, for soil aeration. The results showed the soils were able to reduce significantly the BOD concentration, with removal efficiency ranging between 97 and 99%. The removal was due to the mineralization of organic matter and its accumulation in the soil. During the system start up operation, there was reduction in native soil organic matter, which started to increase gradually by the sewage application. The activity of microbial decomposers increased proportionally to the rate of sewage application, but high rates showed a trend to inhibition of this activity. In soils units controls showed minor loss of CO2 to the atmosphere, indicating a higher carbon immobilization in soils.

Geotextiles and Geomembranes | 2008

A study on biological clogging of nonwoven geotextiles under leachate flow

Ennio M. Palmeira; Aline F.N. Remigio; Maria Lucrécia Gerosa Ramos; Ricardo Silveira Bernardes

Cadernos De Saude Publica | 2002

Critérios adotados para seleção de indicadores de contaminação ambiental relacionados aos resíduos sólidos de serviços de saúde: uma proposta de avaliação

Aída Cristina do Nascimento Silva; Ricardo Silveira Bernardes; Luiz Roberto Santos Moraes; Joana D'Arc Parente dos Reis

Engenharia Sanitaria E Ambiental | 2003

Avaliação de aspectos político-institucionais e econômico-financeiros do setor de saneamento no Brasil com vistas à definição de elementos para um modelo conceitual

Sérgio Rodrigues Ayrimoraes Soares; Oscar Netto; Ricardo Silveira Bernardes

Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2000

Deposição de esgoto doméstico para controle de poluição e revegetação induzida em área degradada

Rodrigo Studart Corrêa; Benício de Melo Filho; Ricardo Silveira Bernardes

Congreso Interamericano de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental, 28 | 2002

Classificação ambiental e modelo causal de doençãs relacionadas à drenagem urbana

Cezarina Maria Nobre Souza; Luiz Roberto Santos Moraes; Ricardo Silveira Bernardes; Federación Méxicana de Ingenieria Sanitaria y Ciencias Ambientales; Aidis

Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, 21Feira Internacional de Tecnologias de Saneamento Ambiental, 4 | 2001

Revisão do critério da taxa de aplicação superficial no dimensionamento de lagoas facultativas

Sérgio Rodrigues Ayrimoraes Soares; Ricardo Silveira Bernardes; Aidis

Revista Eletrônica de Gestão e Tecnologias Ambientais | 2018


Selma Cristina da Silva; Maria Lucrécia Gerosa Ramos; Ricardo Silveira Bernardes

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